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few days ranked pvp now


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what a trash, (opinion) i only get teamed up against premade groups. won 4 games and now i lose 20 in a row or something.but most annoying is when i am downed and i press mesmer skill 2 to port away a bit ppl still finishing me off when i am 2 or 3 meters away. today i got finished off then i lay behind the one that finish me. ggwhen i did unranked i had some fun and won somtimes, now in ranked only toxic ppl i met in first few games. they threaten for afk even if i was not, only typed something in guild. few seconds.ppl in ranked are too serious. and instead of fight better they insult the team. this is no fun at all this ranked. ppl down me in 2 seconds as if they use macros or something not normal.i go stealth and ppl still shoot at me. i am out of sight ppl still hit me. i see someone in sight and i miss all attacks wtf man (obstructered). my internet is good 50/50 fiber glass.but i want legendary backpack so i keep doing this hell till i get it.

and now ppl just go afk in base wtf is this, ppl cant even take their lose and let us do the work. last round 2 ppl afk half match. pvp community is the opposite of the pve community. pve is awesome all friendly helpful players..

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Ahh this is a common case of GitGud. You're bew/bad at PvP and it shows through your first sentence.

You cannot form premade groups in ranked. Only duo queues are allowed.

As for people taking ranked seriously.. Duh? That's the whole point of playing COMPETITIVELY, ya dig? People want to win and you're dragging your team down because you're bad then you should probably learn to play in unranked before complaining about a competitive experience. Sorry we don't really care that you just want to get your Legendary backpiece.

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It sounds like you’re playing a squishy class predictably and more experienced players are reading your moves.

Stealth is not invulnerability, people can still throw AoEs or swing where they think you are.

The backpack achieves being tied to ranked is very poorly implemented. ‘win games with two classes other than your main in a competitive game mode’ achievements to farm a skin is just going to create toxicity as evidenced by the original post.

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@Red Raven.7824 said:Ahh this is a common case of GitGud. You're bew/bad at PvP and it shows through your first sentence.

You cannot form premade groups in ranked. Only duo queues are allowed.

As for people taking ranked seriously.. Duh? That's the whole point of playing COMPETITIVELY, ya dig? People want to win and you're dragging your team down because you're bad then you should probably learn to play in unranked before complaining about a competitive experience. Sorry we don't really care that you just want to get your Legendary backpiece.

yes i am not good in pvp. i just play it for fun. there are better things to focus on or spend time at. premade will say you invite someone and then join. 2 ppl of a guild is still premade. but i think 60% of ppl use key binds or macros or mmo mouse. they feel good but it’s not how the game is made. it’s sad if you have to win like that. and then saying to other ppl git gud lol. even if i drag their rank down. i am not a sad person who go afk in base. btw yesterday i had 3 ppl of 1 guild in team.

but things must just work properly.

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@Sinful.2165 said:

Stealth is not invulnerability, people can still throw AoEs or swing where they think you are.

i got in stealth and when i was in i got shot by a ranger from distance. and the arrow hit me when i should not be visible. his pet was not a smokescale. maybe lag. don’t know why he saw me. but it’s bad

yes i play mesmer but no meta build. i want play weapons i like.it’s not a bad build.

and sorry for double post but on phone it’s not easy to quote 2 ppl. thnx that you understand me. i appreciate it.

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@titje.2745 said:

@"Sinful.2165" said:

Stealth is not invulnerability, people can still throw AoEs or swing where they think you are.

i got in stealth and when i was in i got shot by a ranger from distance. and the arrow hit me when i should not be visible. his pet was not a smokescale. maybe lag. don’t know why he saw me. but it’s bad

yes i play mesmer but no meta build. i want play weapons i like.it’s not a bad build.

and sorry for double post but on phone it’s not easy to quote 2 ppl. thnx that you understand me. i appreciate it.

He probably used Sic 'Em! that reveals you.

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@titje.2745 said:what a trash, (opinion) i only get teamed up against premade groups. won 4 games and now i lose 20 in a row or something.but most annoying is when i am downed and i press mesmer skill 2 to port away a bit ppl still finishing me off when i am 2 or 3 meters away. today i got finished off then i lay behind the one that finish me. ggwhen i did unranked i had some fun and won somtimes, now in ranked only toxic ppl i met in first few games. they threaten for afk even if i was not, only typed something in guild. few seconds.ppl in ranked are too serious. and instead of fight better they insult the team. this is no fun at all this ranked. ppl down me in 2 seconds as if they use macros or something not normal.i go stealth and ppl still shoot at me. i am out of sight ppl still hit me. i see someone in sight and i miss all attacks kitten man (obstructered). my internet is good 50/50 fiber glass.but i want legendary backpack so i keep doing this hell till i get it.

and now ppl just go afk in base kitten is this, ppl cant even take their lose and let us do the work. last round 2 ppl afk half match. pvp community is the opposite of the pve community. pve is awesome all friendly helpful players..

i mean im pretty bad at sPvP (cus dunno how to rotate) but you, you dont know certain skills just keep following you in stealth? you prolly have this shitty minature or w/e its called out also so people just follow that thing.etc etc

yes problem in sPvP is toxic people like today (last match was in 2k16) i came back tried sPvP and guy just goes afk cus we lost other team was with 20 point ahead with 300 points to go.jup he got mad cus team is bad, now later i figured out while im in the part of no rank at all yet i got teamed up with plat people so obviously i can understand some get salty cus they do expect their team how to play.but the people like i mention above are in my eyes the ones making people not want to play this mode.your not allowed to be badyoure not allowed to run to far or close or mid cus your class x or y. i mean instead of explaining some people why they shouldnt do it. nope insta massive salty tears flying around :D

but in your case, id start learning about certain skills and classes what they can do and how they do it so u know how to go against it.

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@Red Raven.7824 said:Ahh this is a common case of GitGud. You're bew/bad at PvP and it shows through your first sentence.

You cannot form premade groups in ranked. Only duo queues are allowed.

As for people taking ranked seriously.. Duh? That's the whole point of playing COMPETITIVELY, ya dig? People want to win and you're dragging your team down because you're bad then you should probably learn to play in unranked before complaining about a competitive experience. Sorry we don't really care that you just want to get your Legendary backpiece.

Exactly! Couldn't say something better!If there was no actual farm in PvP, then Heart of the mists would be filled with people who enjoy their competitive and aggressive playing.Right now we have SJWs from PvE, trying to make PvP a farming zone.

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@Red Raven.7824 said:Ahh this is a common case of GitGud. You're bew/bad at PvP and it shows through your first sentence.

You cannot form premade groups in ranked. Only duo queues are allowed.

As for people taking ranked seriously.. Duh? That's the whole point of playing COMPETITIVELY, ya dig? People want to win and you're dragging your team down because you're bad then you should probably learn to play in unranked before complaining about a competitive experience. Sorry we don't really care that you just want to get your Legendary backpiece.

don't assume that only one person drags the whole team down. it can be four people dragging the whole team down.

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when i did unranked i had some fun and won somtimes, now in ranked only toxic ppl i met in first few games. they threaten for afk even if i was not, only typed something in guild. few seconds.

unranked is hellhole. you get stacked deadeyes farming new players. i don't even know why 5 man (garbage) guild players are playing unranked coz they will face most likely new players and non-voiced coordinated players.

its more fun to play against people with the same (or above) your skill level. so get out of unranked, get rated and play with people with the same as your own rating against people with the same as your own rating.

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@titje.2745 said:

@Red Raven.7824 said:Ahh this is a common case of GitGud. You're bew/bad at PvP and it shows through your first sentence.

You cannot form premade groups in ranked. Only duo queues are allowed.

As for people taking ranked seriously.. Duh? That's the whole point of playing COMPETITIVELY, ya dig? People want to win and you're dragging your team down because you're bad then you should probably learn to play in unranked before complaining about a competitive experience. Sorry we don't really care that you just want to get your Legendary backpiece.

yes i am not good in pvp. i just play it for fun. there are better things to focus on or spend time at. premade will say you invite someone and then join. 2 ppl of a guild is still premade. but i think 60% of ppl use key binds or macros or mmo mouse. they feel good but it’s not how the game is made. it’s sad if you have to win like that. and then saying to other ppl git gud lol. even if i drag their rank down. i am not a sad person who go afk in base. btw yesterday i had 3 ppl of 1 guild in team.

but things must just work properly.

believe me, people are not using macros. you're just facing opponents wayy above your skill level. macros are very uncommon and I usually only see them once a month or less when I get insta downed by a GS mesmer in WvW.

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@alcopaul.2156 said:

@Red Raven.7824 said:Ahh this is a common case of GitGud. You're bew/bad at PvP and it shows through your first sentence.

You cannot form premade groups in ranked. Only duo queues are allowed.

As for people taking ranked seriously.. Duh? That's the whole point of playing COMPETITIVELY, ya dig? People want to win and you're dragging your team down because you're bad then you should probably learn to play in unranked before complaining about a competitive experience. Sorry we don't really care that you just want to get your Legendary backpiece.

don't assume that only one person drags the whole team down. it can be four people dragging the whole team down.

Disagree. When it's 4 players, i'm going to try and adapt to the playstyle. It's actually much more complicated when it's 1 or 2 players because everyone gets surprised and it totally ruins the tactic expected.

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@Abazigal.3679 said:

@Red Raven.7824 said:Ahh this is a common case of GitGud. You're bew/bad at PvP and it shows through your first sentence.

You cannot form premade groups in ranked. Only duo queues are allowed.

As for people taking ranked seriously.. Duh? That's the whole point of playing COMPETITIVELY, ya dig? People want to win and you're dragging your team down because you're bad then you should probably learn to play in unranked before complaining about a competitive experience. Sorry we don't really care that you just want to get your Legendary backpiece.

don't assume that only one person drags the whole team down. it can be four people dragging the whole team down.

Disagree. When it's 4 players, i'm going to try and adapt to the playstyle. It's actually much more complicated when it's 1 or 2 players because everyone gets surprised and it totally ruins the tactic expected.

well, when you have a good start, like leading by 100 or some points, notice how the game becomes draggy when you see 3 people fighting off points and home gets capped and the 4th after capping mid leaves and gets decapped after 2 seconds and you are fighting 2 people at far.

and the most funny thing is that when 4 people is not using their heal skill. lel.

or fucking them 4 vs 2-ing mid.

obvious thing is obvious.

and game's been out for 6 years.

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Hi, buddy :)

Channeled skills track players if the skill was activated before you entered stealth. You also got to keep in mind that there are skills that force reveal you.

Care to let us know what profession and which build do you use? There's some sites that can help you out in the build department, Metabattle and God's of Pvp. So be sure to look at them, and read the description on how to play the build.

Break a leg :)

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@titje.2745 said:pvp community is the opposite of the pve community. pve is awesome all friendly helpful players..

GW2 pretty much turned to be a single player game since the WvW guild in which I was since beginning of 2013 faded a year and half ago. And raids and fractals are pretty much full of the same elitist players you find in PvP, the only difference is that at least in PvP when you wipe you lose against a person which outmached you, and no against a bot.

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@titje.2745 said:what a trash, (opinion) i only get teamed up against premade groups. won 4 games and now i lose 20 in a row or something.but most annoying is when i am downed and i press mesmer skill 2 to port away a bit ppl still finishing me off when i am 2 or 3 meters away. today i got finished off then i lay behind the one that finish me. ggwhen i did unranked i had some fun and won somtimes, now in ranked only toxic ppl i met in first few games. they threaten for afk even if i was not, only typed something in guild. few seconds.ppl in ranked are too serious. and instead of fight better they insult the team. this is no fun at all this ranked. ppl down me in 2 seconds as if they use macros or something not normal.i go stealth and ppl still shoot at me. i am out of sight ppl still hit me. i see someone in sight and i miss all attacks kitten man (obstructered). my internet is good 50/50 fiber glass.but i want legendary backpack so i keep doing this hell till i get it.

and now ppl just go afk in base kitten is this, ppl cant even take their lose and let us do the work. last round 2 ppl afk half match. pvp community is the opposite of the pve community. pve is awesome all friendly helpful players..Personally I'd just stop. Don't continue if you don't enjoy it. The Legendary Backpack is for PvPers that enjoy sPvP. It's not a trivial thing to get, and is in no way shape or form needed (just like any legendary item). It is designed as follows: You get the backpack because you enjoy and partake ranked sPvP seasons a lot, you don't sPvP a lot because you want the backpack.

Now, if you are committed to trying to get the best out of the ranked system and enjoying yourself, my advice is to play ranked matches - a lot of them - only over time will your ranking begin to reflect your skill (after around +50 matches or so) and you will be teamed up with, and against, other players with skill that more closely matches yours. This will make for more enjoyable - and close - matches from time to time. However it's also worth noting (in my experience anyways) the lower your rank is the more likely you are going to come across other players that are abusive, afk, leave matches, don't try etc etc.

As I've told some of my friends: at the end of the day, there is only one question to ask yourself: Do you enjoy PvP? If you do, stick around with it, if you don't don't waste your precious time on something you don't like; this is a game. Forget the silly little rewards - they all are absolutely meaningless. It's all about enjoying ourselves in our spare time.

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i mean im pretty bad at sPvP (cus dunno how to rotate) but you, you dont know certain skills just keep following you in stealth? you prolly have this kitten minature or w/e its called out also so people just follow.

i am not stupid. ofc i disabled my miniature or mini.

but i choose another class. created a build. and omg that was awesome. no not a ranger. ppl got downed fast. but me2. but i didn’t get revived while downed. (unranked) so after it i tried ranked. dps was fine. but also there ppl didn’t revive me when i was downeddunno what kind of ppl play pvp but not helpful. team was with way more ppl then the enemy so revive was easy. but they let me die even if i ask for a revive. it looks like i am teamed up with boys who can’t read.

when i did unranked i didn’t got revived. after that a teammate was downed. i thought should i let him bleed out or revive. i thought if i let him die then he have to wait for respawn and take time to get back. and i thought if i revive him he can insta fight further and chance to win is better so i revived him. but they let me die..

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@Peutrifectus.4830 said:Macros? Nah. This is muscle memory formed over that last 5 1/2 years.

You want to feel pain? Play CSGO and see how you feel after your first day. There's another game I've been accused of using a hackers mouse on. Nah, it's knowing recoil patterns.

csgo is trash. all ak noobs and one same pistol. and bad graphics. waste 14 euro.

but in guildwars 2 it was a ele who downed me in 2 seconds. dunno the dps of the class in pvp. maybe it’s possible.

o btw. i was always more of an fps gamer. i got more into mmo because battlefield 1 is so bad. now in play more mmo but just a casual player. :) yes i have to learn much in pvp but just not much interest and don’t want to focus few years in it.sorry.

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@Bossun.2046 said:Hi, buddy :)

Channeled skills track players if the skill was activated before you entered stealth. You also got to keep in mind that there are skills that force reveal you.

Care to let us know what profession and which build do you use? There's some sites that can help you out in the build department, Metabattle and God's of Pvp. So be sure to look at them, and read the description on how to play the build.

Break a leg :) no thnx. or if it’s enemy it’s oke.

ty for site. i used mesmer but no meta build. when it was unranked it was nice. but i readed at forum that guardian and revenant are good for pvp so i made a build for revenant with 96% crit chance (without boons) and i like it. i can have 101% but then i don’t have 25% run speed. those crits in my first fight were awesome. xD only selfheal is bad for revenant.

if a mod read this. pls edit my posts and stick them together in 1 post. i can’t do this on my phone. it bugged screen. so i have to quote all posts apart. ty for understanding and ty in advance.

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