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Hearts and Minds Updraft BUG [Merged]

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This has happened to multiple players, it keeps returning and it doesn't get FIXED. With PoF coming out it is going to get harder by default to find parties to do the painstakingly long final mission of HoT (Hearts and Minds). However when you find a full party - thank the Six - and you get blown OUT of the mission because you use the Updraft you have to...

Is this that much trouble to fix? I'm not a Dev so I don't understand but some feedback would be pleasant.

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That happens when you lag. Gliding is handled client side, so when you touch an updraft, the server tells you to propel upwards. The problem is, when you leave an updraft from your perspective, the server still needs to tell you to stop and thus you continue until that happens, which is how you can fly into space. In this case, the boundary is so close that even a slight delay will cause you to hit it. Actually fixing it would require some work, but the much simpler option is to put in an invisible ceiling to block you.

If you're not doing migraine or the gliding achievement, you can skip the gliding phase by following the NPCs into their bubble.

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This just happened to me. What a flippin' embarrassing mess of story instance. Why are there no checkpoints in story instances still? For a game that puts so much emphasis on its story things like this are unacceptable. Maybe if the game gave me more than half a second to react to this bug, I could've done something about this. Now I get to do the other 2 boss fights again. Hooray, those are so enjoyable.

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This happened to me yesterday, I had a nice team and all went fine until the first updraft phase and I was shot to the air faster than the rocket that went to the moon without any chance to react. I suddenly found myself in the lobby instance without any chance to join the team inside the story and all the things I wanted to accomplish were not done. Is it possible to fix this bug or could you at least make some other way to get the order back items? As for the flying achievement in the story I am not sure if it even can be completed with the updrafts being as they are now.

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You really need to put in an invisible ceiling for this mission. The fact that there are achievements regarding the gliding part is bad enough, but getting booted out of the instance completely is just irritating and time consuming. Either shove a ceiling in, or take out the achievements.I had left this because of this reason, and then today realised it still having this issue. Pain in the rear end.

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If this is similar to what I experienced the last time I did Hearts and Minds then it is not to do with lag perse. It may be linked, however, to desynchronization from the server which is similar, though not the same as, lagging in that it is typically caused by packet loss somewhere during the data transmission from the server to the client. Suffice it to say, there is something funky that occasionally happens with updrafts, though I have only actually had it happen when in a group with other players. Any time I have done the mission solo I have not experienced this.


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  • 2 weeks later...

After several weeks, I was finally able to find another group willing to give this a try. We made it to the final boss and once again, a player was ejected from the instance because of the updraft bug. It wasn't me this time but as luck would have it, it was the player that started the instance so the rest of us received a message saying that the instance owner had left and we were all booted out.

This bug has been confirmed by ANET in a support ticket. It has been around for years. Some players have suggested adding an invisible ceiling as a possible fix. Can we get an official comment on this suggestion? Is there some reason why an invisible ceiling would not work?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yea... guess what happend to me? After all the "enjoyable" bossfights, the updraft bug got me too. How long is this expansion out A-Net? How long do you need to fix such an gamebraking bug? Ohhhh, i understand. It is MUCH more important to create the same grindquest ala "living story" over and over again, and the new stuff for the shop. You already got my money for HoT, so it is not important anymore. I´m so fucking mad right now, how hard can it be to playtest your stuff BEFORE releasing it? This is just poor!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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