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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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I talk from a PvE perspective as this is the only thing which my pc has allowed me to try...Story and exploration are brilliant. There are so many little details which make it those things so immersive. Things like how the choice for Amnoon affects the NPC dialogs in the city make you feel like your choice matters. Throwbacks to GW1 are just the cherry on top. As a GW1 player, it feels awesome to remember all these areas and npc's, that keep some relevance but not so much as to keep out new players. And mounts... they are so well done that they quickly became a part of your gameplay you cannot live without. Only thing I fear is that new mounts will invalidate HoT masteries - For example, there needs to be a reason to use gliding, which cannot be accomplished by using a griffin. It'd also be nice that LS4 would introduce jumping puzzles which not only require mounts but also some of the hot masteries. or that HoT masteries would provide shortcuts - imagine a bouncing mushroom that would avoid 5 min of trying to jump with a springer. This would reward players for having both expansions, instead of leaving HoT as outdated content.It is still missing instanced endgame content. I mention this even though I am expecting a new raid wing soon, as the latter it will drop will take players away from PoF. Other downside is balance. While some elite specs have their niches (like spellbreaker or deadeye), most new specs are simply overpowered comparing to the HoT specs (or even other PoF specs - staring at firebrand). This leads the meta to a place where only 1 or 2 specs are allowed instead of allowing for versatility. While I do agree that PoF specs should have some power creep at start to create some hype over them, I fear this has been pushed too far and the drawback will be worse. This could have been easily avoided by allowing players to test new specs in previous content as it happened with HoT betas, as it would give a chance for players to provide meaningfull feedback.Overall, the expansion is beautifully done and I'm really looking forward for the LS4. - 9/10

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love the exploration, but there is little replayability

Meta event rewards need reworking, too much effort for too little reward.

Vabbi is especially bad, the difficulty is on par with TT or octovine for only two blues and a green?

reward interaction needs work especially Serpent's Ire and Mouth of Torment. bouncy chests are not engaging, perhaps make the djinn open a portal to a treasure room? ( the Amnoon blitz event is an example of good reward engagement, visiting the cashier is an additional interaction to get your reward, so you actually feel rewarded even if you fail the pinata.)

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The maps look amazing, and mounts are very well designed for moving around in there. I really loved the story in POF, there could have been a bit more racial dialogue, but i only played it with charr (all of my characters are charr...), so don't know if there are differences when playing human.

Also the HP's are much better than in HOT, because these can be completed solo. As for Firebrand, i still find tome of courage a bit ineffective in pve, but justice really hammers down enemies. And thanks for that spin animation in tome of resolve, now my sparkle cat looks even more amusing :3

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I love everything about PoF! Good job Anet! My money was well spent.story 10/10 - dialogues this time around were more interesting so it kept me interested on the storymaps 10/10 - amazing views, great architectures, i never thought i would love desert maps (cuz of silverwastes and drytop) but pof desert maps are awesome, it reminds me living in ancient arabian cities.

1 thing i dont like is the constant lightning strike in some areas of domain of vabbi, but i'm not the type of gamer who likes to tell game designers how to design the game. it's just my dislike, but i wouldn't want designers to change a thing! I prefer to play a game with the designer's original visions.

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The story of expansion was pretty well written, there were some unexpected plot twists, but some of the story felt literally like developers wanted to close it and never hear of it again (Human Gods).Exploration feels great and I love it except the fact that mounts could be reworked a little, since we cannot mount them in combat, why do they need to die in 3 hits... just give them good health pool and let us rush the maps if we choose to. Other than that, mounts are great and original approach to the subject, which I love.

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I love it, maps are awesome, story is awesome, mount are awesome, all is awesome!!!!I love the scourge but the elite spec aren't balanced right (mirage where are you? ah at the bottom of the bottom of the dps? sad)! Also the map seem a little bit like empty event wise (there is a lot of event but the issu for me is that they don't apear on the map until you are close up so most of the time i run just past an event without even seeing it)I love it none the less and i have difficulty waiting for the follow up of the story

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  • Absolutely love the mounts
  • Story's good
  • Unidentified Gear is a good addition
  • Overall new Elite Specs are good, just need some tweaks.


  • Constantly dismounting for everything is annoying, I'd like to stay mounted while I open a dialog window or a vendor window, etc.
  • Weaver sword is abit lacking atm.
  • Scourges Sand Swell needs it's Line of Sight changing to be like a teleport (Blink, Lightning Flash) as it's more like that than the Mesmer's portal.
  • I'd like to see more things like Barrier generation added to the core classes, e.g. Some Barrier generation on Elementalist Earth skills, or on Revenant Ventari skills.
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Overall positive experience.Really loved the exploration of the beautiful maps and the mounts.Felt like the final fight was the best final fight yet in GW2. Big kudos there.Loved the longer, detailed instances and the story they could tell, but HATED having to re-do an hour of story multiple times due to DC’es. Would love a checkpoint system (when re-entering, choose between last checkpoint and starting over).Story was good except the explanation given by the gods. That section felt very weak and could have used a lot more lines to make the gods reasonable/understandable at all.

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I love the story in PoF and I was/am so invested in the lives of everyone in this expansion, including all of the interesting random NPCs. It is so fun exploring.Treasure hunting, bounties, mounts, the choya pinata tonic!! (best ever) are all so awesome. The challenging enemies are great. Loving Holosmith and Weaver.

I don't like Marjory lol.

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One thing I note is the DE-emphasis on the storyline in favor of "acquiring" and "training" mounts (which should be a very much SECONDARY concern (IMO)). To date, GW2 has concentrated on 1) exploration of the world and 2) the storyline the character is there to follow. In this latest update, even exploration is discounted until all of the mounts have been "found", "acquired" and "trained". Even the storyline is subservient to this activity---------rather than the other way round.

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++ History line incredible and very good. Characters are still somehow one-dimensional but better than in HoT. No absurd situations or rush ones. Everything is tied nicely.

++ Some decisions seemed to affect some dialogues and events. Good.

++ The enviroment is the most beautifull yet in this game. And Core and Hot already put the bar very high already.

++ Mounts are great and fun to use.

++ Maps very deep with a lot of different layers for when you increase your masteries (mounts). High replayability.

++ Bounty system is a great idea for on-demand content.

++ The minion control in Enemy of my Enemy is very fun and intuitive to use. Would be perfect to improve the minions for Necromancer.

++ unidentified gear is fantastic idea which works perfectly.

-- Mounts make some JP and skill based content in Openworld irrelevant. In JPs mounts should be disabled in HoT where gliding is allowed.

-- Terrible launch day with a lot of server issues. It should be improved for next launches.

-- Class balance is still horrible in WvW and in lesser extent PvP. This needs some urgent attention as disables 2 of the 3 game modes.

-- the new crafting is not very clear. I still don't know where to get the new recipes.

-- The amount of new consumables and new containers is very confusing. I can't know intuitively if the object is a container or a consumable.

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The best expac I've ever seen in my life! Not because it's bigger than anything, it's not. It does make me enjoy everything I do in PoF, it made me enjoy all the old maps more, too! And the Griffon?! I was so happy with a mini in Bitterfrost, was hoping for a ranger pet, but a mount?! How awesome is it?!Also, the music in PoF is simply stunning and gorgeous. It suits the maps in the best way it could and makes me shiver sometimes.What I would like to see: more rewards for meta events we currently have. Make people want to run them!And thank you, Arena, for all you've done. PoF is great! Can't wait for a Living story to know what happened to.... oh well, you know who :)

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Good:Story and characters were amazing.Maps are amazingly big and full of details, even small corners with seemingly no way to get to have something there.Mounts were tastefully done.Lots of NPC and small cities/outposts with them talking to us and giving us lore.

Bad:Story felt super rushed at latter half, didn't send us to explore desolation and vabbiiThe maps are in a serious need of replayability, be in form of more collections, legendaries or metas. The hearts aren't enough and they are the worst part of gw2 as game.There has to be more reasons to explore most of the maps, i find all these cool places but never anyone there or any reason to be there unless it is a bounty spawning.Events and specially bounties needs to be fine tuned to be scaled with small groups, i'm playing with two other friends and we had to abandon some events because they scale insanely badly. Some bounties were impossible to do anything because of a instability that kept healing not matter how much we tried to focus them and cc them.*No build templates

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Good story, great locations, beautiful architecture and landscapes. Suitably challenging maps and instances. I feel there are certain parts of the story that could have done with being dealt with in more depth, even if as a result of optional dialogue after mission completions, such as why Vlast saves the Commander, Aurene coming to the Commander's rescue at the end of Act 2, Sohothin's particular usefulness in the finale, Kasmeer's emotional journey regarding her gods. Some of these things feel like they're barely brushed on, hinted at but not developed. I like that there's plenty else to do after finishing the story and in-instance goals for extra achievement points. I liked that we didn't get to know Vlast until after he was gone, through his memory crystals - I felt that was a brave and innovative storytelling approach.

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PoF might be a nice addition in gamearea, and bounties are an interesting addition for the casual player, but I find mounts and tyo a lesser extent bounties problematic .

I've mapped all 5 maps on my main, I am at 257 mastery, and I have no wish to continue, cause it feels empty.Old maps feel empty, and PoF feels empty even though the maps are crowded with groups zerging bonties.

  • The mounts, however beautiful, have destroyed all distance and hindrances in verticality in open world....

  • Mounts are upsetting vanilla a lot. Maps have become small and trivial and seem to have lost both the movement needs and mechanics and the feel of openess

  • The Griffin bugs often in flight in vanilla maps freezing both me and my mount and dropping to the floor (happens often if not allways with speedboost) making it an unreliable tool. for 250 gold and so much more effort you cold have expected a mount which doesn't freeze in Vanilla (swoop, travel and freeze)

  • Reaching hard places for masteries, vista's and chests EVERYWHERE are now just a swap to the springer and this has removed the need to think.

  • Crossing large area's can be done with the raptor or the jackal making distances trivial. They also make ENEMIES trivial as the skip is more time-efficient then a dismount for a kill. Even with enemies having full xp stacked cause everyone just runs past them there is no reason to step off and engage 'm.....

  • I personally like the skimmer best, it doesn't seem so broken, but water expanses , lava, quicksand, sulfurpools all lost their value. They do no longer ask for me to be aware of my surroundings, or observe the map for dangers.....

  • The Griffon however beautiful is a nice addition, but completely destroys any replayability of any content except the area's in jumping puzzles. (where it or other mounts aren't allowed)

  • The brilliance of the Heart of Thorns gliding system has been overwhelmed by the complete and utter destruction wreaked by mounted movement.

  • I find most of my older character with map completion in Vanilla and partial or complete HoT have no need to go to POF now the masteries have been unlcoked and the elite specialisations have been unlocked, none at all.

  • No replayability means no need to bring alts. No need for alts means no wish to add more game time after the basic collections have been met. I find myself at an impasse where I no longer have any need to continue. Whereas HoT brought meta's and the wish to continue to explore PoF feels empty. Even with the lartgest maps it feels small.

  • I feel saddened by the introduction of mounts in the end, and I feel my feeling about mounts have come true. They have indeed destroyed the explorability.

  • The story is nice and feels more complete and structured then HoT ever did. It is however difficult to get your progress broken down, except for DC's...

  • I had hoped for a Gate of Torment option to venture into other area's to have places i couldn't go with mounts and to fight either instanced or non instanced battles versus fierce enemies. The forgotten and the resting place of Abbadon.... I want to look beyond but have not found beyond,.... The gate of torment wold have been a nice addition to the expansion.

The expansion is beautiful, but after 1 week of playing it feels complete. PoF ,however beautiful, left the game dumbed down and merly a collection effort.

Suggested changes?

  • Mount acces from vanilla and HoT should be removed. The content will be valuable again. Even in PoF mounts feel broken.
  • Remove mounts from cities, make nice stables for mounts around the area's. They have no use in cities and clutter a lot.
  • Mount Speed needs to be reduced. Give 'm 50% speed boost max, and make sure the slow down in combat (when hit, or affected by conditions), let them lose 33% and fall to 100%...
  • Mounts are not affected by cripples, chills or other movement impairing things. Fix this.
  • Mounts can be invulnerable passing any and all groups of mobs with the present trait system...which is broken as well. Fix this as well.
  • Griffon is broken with the mount stalling everywhere. This is bad. Even though I like the feel of flying the fact the mechanics of traits do not function... well is bad.
  • The lack of any meta, Instanced content or large boss events other then the bounty zerg fests prove to be boring and tiresome very fast.


Mounts have not proven themselves to be an improvement on Guild Wars 2 in my opinion. Even if my opinion is impopular I'll stand by it.Mount are however, very beautiful, very well animated and have distinct personalities.

A veteran since 2012.

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The issue for PoF is it didn't add a whole lot of new things at present. The new specializations also seem to have too much of a focus on pvp, would be nice if they could have their balance done independently. The 'new' thing in PoF, bounties, have their issues too. The in/out circle mechanic has a rather... obnoxious sound during it, why not just have it play a sound when it changes/disables/enables instead? The blue color for the circle/arrow is also a poor choice in my opinion, the color and brightness are difficult on the eyes. Then there's the shield/bubble they get that stops attacks outside of it is also too bright in my opinion, it not only feels bad for my eyes but it makes seeing the target and allies difficult due to brightness of the shield/bubble. As others have said, swapping mounts could be made quicker, not only is there dismounting, then remounting but there's even a forced wait period between the two actions for some reason. Having some actions not dismount you would be a pleasant change too, if possible.

Would like to see more added down the road, hopefully. I do like how mounts are other than the delay between swapping them, and I do like the PoF maps too, just feel they need additional content in them.

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I liked:Mounts, new skins, new maps, some events on POF maps, weaver, scourge and firebrand profs.I disliked:Balance (as it always at start),holosmith - as engi is my main I must say it's disappointing to use after scrapper, it has no survavibility and mediocre damage with high complexity,warrior bubble - just ruining WvW atm. Extremely OP skill.Story. I'm not a fan of pve and lore at all, but I liked playing HOT story and I quit POF story pretty early.

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  • Art, music, landscape is great.
  • Voices are well done. Ambient town chatter is also immersive.
  • Mounts are great and feel great.


  • It is too easy to waste exp on a mastery line either because you don't have points or because you forget it's finished. Needs to overflow somewhere or give you a big prompt that it's finished.
  • Bounties need to be friendlier for smaller parties.
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Huge maps feel empty, but it makes it look like a real world that lives on its own and not for players — a refreshing experience.

Mounts are overall beyond expectations, though UI/UX still needs QoL.

Environment and music are as gorgeous as always, but now on a grand scale; amount of VA is astounding.

Story is a significant improvement, but still has flaws; and I still dislike how low its replayability is (dungeons out of story instances, please?..), while at the same time the pure existence of achievements in it distracts from naturally experiencing it without worrying about future regrinding.

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Map design is great, Bigger areas leave a better impression than the scaled down core maps.Core maps suffer from haphazard edits PoF.The griffon sanctuary changing is great and I wish the same system would be applied to the home instance.

Story still felt a bit filler in the beginning, stuff happened that wasnt fun or intrestring game play wise.The cutscenes are still a bit stiff.The voice acting still feel disjointed from the character interactions. Balthazar is the only exception iirc.Stop introducing characters just to die within the same instance pls.Kormir's stance is without logic unless she knew we would win.Even then we fought a god, the impact on the world should be the same.

Griffon and its adventures are amazing, these felt great to unlock. This is what post game should be IMO.Unlocking acc wide content post first game is always great.

Economy is still borked in spite of the "measures" taken. (merch value items with no real sinks)Spearmarshal's plea gives a mini each gift. Why?

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The maps are stunning! You could open a museum with them an offer a virtual reality experiance with them, i would pay loads of money for that.

The mounts are on Point and the "enjoyment of movement" brings the whole game on another level. Even on the older maps i have tons of fun getting from Point A to Point B.


I for my self are missing some more"Endgame" goals, which it totaly subjectiv i understand. And i am a bit scared that the first "whooooa, this is beautiful" won´t keep me in this maps for a long time. Before someone tries to argue, im not the achievemnt points kind of guy, which of course is my own fault.

It saddens my that the whole expansion feels like a singleplayer campain. You can do the majority of the content completly solo, and there is no "constant fear" of running into a horde of mobs witch will kick you back to the nearest waypont (like hot was at the beginning, damn mushrooms!)

My personel short conclusion:

The overall ambient is amazing, yet i am missing some "harder" stuff to do. If i wanted solo content i would play dedicated solo rpgs, because they simply do this stuff better. But we are only 1 week in the expansion and i might be surprised whats else to come, and of course am looking forward to new raids/fractals.

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  • Mounts are amazing

  • Maps are amazing

  • Switching mounts is a pain. We should be able to directly switch between them, I mean now if Im on Mount X, I have to dismount first, wait for mount cooldown, then hope on Mount Y.

  • Meta events?

  • Consumable karma items? Why not addding me the karma without clicking?

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