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Does anet listen to the pvp community?


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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

Does anet listen to the pvp community?Listen? Sure.

Lack of response and lack of the response desired by any particular poster (or even 60 such posters) has nothing to do with whether we've been heard. And, having been heard, there's no guarantee that ANet agrees and even when they do agree with the issue, there's no guarantee that they don't have a different solution in mind.

As a reminder,
  • Speak for yourself
  • Speak honestly. Avoid hyperbole.
  • Speak about problems. Don’t propose solutions.
  • Speak to a comrade, not an enemy
  • Speak with brevity
  • Speak without expectations

You think? check out ele forum, ele has had clear and obvious issues for over a year in pvp, many many good simple to implement suggestions have been provided. In a year and over 20 patches the issues have not been addressed, and furthermore the changes that have been made are in some cases nonsensical and reek of poor impact analysis. One of the fundamentals of good software planning is to seek out high impact lost cost changes and go after them early and often and fast. I do wonder if the people responsible for balance are in fact developers - maybe that is the core issue?

as a reminder, there has not been a single competitive ele build in spvp in over a year, and changes this year have in fact made builds worse! only weaver/dagger is playable - was there any demand AT ALL for a 130 yard ele spec??

Well....I was asking for a sword Ele since I heard about HoT coming, I actually asked for a battle mage that could weild Bolt as its themed to Elementalists...I was stoked at Weaver release when it happened but disappointed at 130 range, hard to play 130 range skills with Australian internet

Theres also quite a few playable elementalists builds too but none of them have the ease of access that other classes have, its a class for experienced players or those with gaming mice, sort of like the OG kit engie or old school corruption terrormancer from like 5 years ago.

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@Fortus.6175 said:As much as I like to vent out, we need to keep in mind one thing; devs are people and whether they are passionate about a certain mode or not, it means they have biases, as well as goals and hopes.

Their goals are spitting out gem store fluff in order to make some cash. At this stage it feels as if there are no dedicated Devs working on PvP or interacting with the community, instead PvP is a side project given out when other work is scarce.

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Why would they? Just take a look at the posts on this forum. It's nothing but players who hyper-focus on class balance and matchmaking because they all think that they are really super pro players that just can't get a break because their class is underpowered and they keep getting stuck with scrubs on their team that hold them back.

There's almost enough people here living in denial to run the US government.

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@Apolo.5942 said:No, many of the worst pvp and wvw issues could be solved by implementing runes/sigils tailored specifically for those modes.

Like superior rune of the world v worlder...(1): +25 toughness(2): +25 vitality(3): +50 toughness(4): +50 vitality(5): +100 toughness(6): Reduce damage taken from players by X%.

Make the X relevant enough and you can normalize player bonuses and damage by tailoring the environment through runes, it would literally have no impact on pve because other bonuses would be better.

It takes very little effort to implement something like this, they simply dont want or care enough to do it.

Thats what most successful mmos and older did. A special armor set for pvp that reduces damage or runes that do so. Is absolutely necessary to make fights loner and fun.Being insta killed by a deadeye or a mesmer being a guardian is a total nosense

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@"Ziggityzog.7389" said:Short answer No.

Long answer is pvp failed when there was lack of diversity with game modes then forcing players into a wintrade wars with duos and lack of competitive pvp without doing a major overhaul. So instead of improving pvp all resources are put into making every update have shiny new buyable skins, some pve stuff and once every year or so a major pvp update. besides that resources are spent on a "Racing game" that is a flop like all the ideas with a pvp side in gw2.

Besides some TDM maps that would have helped but are made and left to die in a random area and never be used from the start. Nothing much new in 4 years.

I have to say no. But I certainly don't expect them to revamp the entire system. Idea is absolutely ridiculous and impossible.How big do you think Anet is? This isn't blizzard we're talking about.

Preface this by saying I really enjoy all aspects of this game.

But, the reason why I don't think Anet listens to the community and especially the pvp community is the way they balance.EVERY SINGLE CLASS has had buffs that were not needed orbuffs to traits and weapons that no one even uses and won't use after the buff

OR classes receive nerfs to builds and weapon sets that aren't overpowered that no one is even complaining aboutor nerf based on a small amount of complaints (about the only time they listen)

Anet recently nerfed power build for Mesmers. Even mesmers are like double u tee eff?

The changes to Revenant have often been counter intuitive. They've buffed things thatwere already good and made negative changes to traits that Rev needed buffed.

I've played Ranger for quite a long time.Druid takes a hit every patch while other classes have gotten stronger.Spirits are something Anet now wants Rangers to use, but in a patch a long time ago, they stopped spirits from moving.Again it leaves the Ranger community scratching their collective heads.

In WoW there were very good players who represented the classes to Blizzard.And while it wasn't perfect, at least the players had representatives for their class.ANet does not do this. And you can tell.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:Everything is ducked up when they listen to the community...

Just take the almighty solo queue for example, while a LOT of us were happy playing the game with friends there were unhappy players here demanding a change, Anet listened and since then the playerbase has shrunk so low that not even the match maker works anymore and to make it even worse, it drew in a bunch of toxic solo players who put way too much emotion into an arbitrary number.

Yeah, I kind of feel bad for players like you who just want to pvp with some friends. I think the solution that would serve both solo and team players a like would take more resources to do than Anet is willing to invest into spvp. Ideally, I always felt that team pvp should be conquest and solo should of got something else that is more casual.

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@Aza.2105 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:Everything is ducked up when they listen to the community...

Just take the almighty solo queue for example, while a LOT of us were happy playing the game with friends there were unhappy players here demanding a change, Anet listened and since then the playerbase has shrunk so low that not even the match maker works anymore and to make it even worse, it drew in a bunch of toxic solo players who put way too much emotion into an arbitrary number.

Yeah, I kind of feel bad for players like you who just want to pvp with some friends. I think the solution that would serve both solo and team players a like would take more resources to do than Anet is willing to invest into spvp. Ideally, I always felt that team pvp should be conquest and solo should of got something else that is more casual.

Ive been salty over it, not the removal itself but the way we have been strung along with "more frequent ats soon" and "swiss style soon" or "alliances soon"...

Pretty much all of my guilds have bled out from waiting, a few of us are linked on steam and ps4 network so we havent missed out on our fun entirely, thankfully other games welcome players like us.

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I'm just tired of seeing the same people over and over again due to lack of interest in this game mode. And dropping from plat 2 to gold 2 because of it. Then climbing back up. Then knocked back down. It's just needlessly endless. Obviously I should stop queuing rather than drop 2 tiers in one day. But I'm trying to grind out the last shards I need as fast as possible and if you're able to drop that many tiers in one day is matchmaking really working?

So many throws and win trades too. Even in this low of a tier.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:Everything is ducked up when they listen to the community...

Just take the almighty solo queue for example, while a LOT of us were happy playing the game with friends there were unhappy players here demanding a change, Anet listened and since then the playerbase has shrunk so low that not even the match maker works anymore and to make it even worse, it drew in a bunch of toxic solo players who put way too much emotion into an arbitrary number.

Yeah, I kind of feel bad for players like you who just want to pvp with some friends. I think the solution that would serve both solo and team players a like would take more resources to do than Anet is willing to invest into spvp. Ideally, I always felt that team pvp should be conquest and solo should of got something else that is more casual.

Ive been salty over it, not the removal itself but the way we have been strung along with "more frequent ats soon" and "swiss style soon" or "alliances soon"...

Pretty much all of my guilds have bled out from waiting, a few of us are linked on steam and ps4 network so we havent missed out on our fun entirely, thankfully other games welcome players like us.

What have you been playing then?

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@Aza.2105 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:Everything is ducked up when they listen to the community...

Just take the almighty solo queue for example, while a LOT of us were happy playing the game with friends there were unhappy players here demanding a change, Anet listened and since then the playerbase has shrunk so low that not even the match maker works anymore and to make it even worse, it drew in a bunch of toxic solo players who put way too much emotion into an arbitrary number.

Yeah, I kind of feel bad for players like you who just want to pvp with some friends. I think the solution that would serve both solo and team players a like would take more resources to do than Anet is willing to invest into spvp. Ideally, I always felt that team pvp should be conquest and solo should of got something else that is more casual.

Ive been salty over it, not the removal itself but the way we have been strung along with "more frequent ats soon" and "swiss style soon" or "alliances soon"...

Pretty much all of my guilds have bled out from waiting, a few of us are linked on steam and ps4 network so we havent missed out on our fun entirely, thankfully other games welcome players like us.

What have you been playing then?

Mixture of games depending on whos online and who owns what game, the free games like Warframe and League do ok..

Sadly nothing really compares to the fun we had on this game plus theres also the vanity competition we have here on who has the flashiest skin, man it cost me a lot of money to buy nightfury and leggies to keep up with them lmao

We did unranked but its not competitive enough and we could never seem to line up our schedules for the limited ATs so we were really relying on Anet to deliver more ATs, Swiss and Alliances

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@Solori.6025 said:

@Simonoly.4352 said:In terms of balance concern posts, the majority are from players making terrible nerf suggestions based purely on the last thing that beat them in a competitive PvP mode. So no, I don't think Anet is particularly bothered by what is being discussed.

I would say Anet has a really bad habit of listening to the people that cry the loudest.Post from another thread puts it best

@"Spartacus.3192" said:So when people say mesmer is ANET's favorite class, they're not kidding.

I would say ANet's favorite
profession is non of the 9, it's the forums' baddies."Elusive Mind is op" (which all mesmers warned before PoF released)ANet deleted EM from game

"Look at how much evade uptime mirage has!"ANet - Vigor nerfed to oblivion, rune of adventurer/sigil of energy nerfed

"Portal needs to go, it's so op"ANet - Portal deleted

"Gosh BF needs to be tonedown!"ANet - BF nerfed

"Are you blind ANet? Power mesmer is so op, 100-0 in one sec!"Power block, Mental Anguish and Confunding Suggestions nerfed.

This are all true and you can look for the complains just before the nerf arrived on forums.

And there are many more examples, feel free to ask for them.

This is also a trend withWarrior complaints.( full counter repeatedly nerfed, nerfs to warrior sustain and damage)Holosmith complaints (nerfs to damage and most recently elixer s)andThief complaints ( nerfs to deaths judgement, malice bonuses and lead attacks)Anet has a bad habit of looking at people that cry the loudest for feedback. Look at the archives, before every nerf. Someone drowns themselves in tears.

I noticed you didn't list mirage.

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@SteepledHat.1345 said:

@Simonoly.4352 said:In terms of balance concern posts, the majority are from players making terrible nerf suggestions based purely on the last thing that beat them in a competitive PvP mode. So no, I don't think Anet is particularly bothered by what is being discussed.

I would say Anet has a really bad habit of listening to the people that cry the loudest.Post from another thread puts it best

@"Spartacus.3192" said:So when people say mesmer is ANET's favorite class, they're not kidding.

I would say ANet's favorite
profession is non of the 9, it's the forums' baddies."Elusive Mind is op" (which all mesmers warned before PoF released)ANet deleted EM from game

"Look at how much evade uptime mirage has!"ANet - Vigor nerfed to oblivion, rune of adventurer/sigil of energy nerfed

"Portal needs to go, it's so op"ANet - Portal deleted

"Gosh BF needs to be tonedown!"ANet - BF nerfed

"Are you blind ANet? Power mesmer is so op, 100-0 in one sec!"Power block, Mental Anguish and Confunding Suggestions nerfed.

This are all true and you can look for the complains just before the nerf arrived on forums.

And there are many more examples, feel free to ask for them.

This is also a trend withWarrior complaints.( full counter repeatedly nerfed, nerfs to warrior sustain and damage)Holosmith complaints (nerfs to damage and most recently elixer s)andThief complaints ( nerfs to deaths judgement, malice bonuses and lead attacks)Anet has a bad habit of looking at people that cry the loudest for feedback. Look at the archives, before every nerf. Someone drowns themselves in tears.

I noticed you didn't list mirage.


Edit: If you read the entire post..The thing I quoted was all mirage complaints.The ending list was to include other classes as they have also had threads with whine ( and cheese huehue) and misguided "nerf this ability" post

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