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[SUGGESTION] The griffon needs to be a full fly mount


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there should be full flying mounts but that should come with flying mobs/bosses with flying combat systems.

air is just another environment like water and earth.

for instance in Perfect World is exactly like that.

I think this would be a good way to recycle old maps by creating an expansion where mobs and bosses are added in the air.

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@Scipion.7548 said:I'm always sad or even angry when people don't think more than 2s about what they ask.Consequences of flying mounts :

  • every one will have to do the griffon "quest"
  • terrestrial mounts will never be used (on WoW they are only used in PvP, and in Gw2 mounts arent allowed in PvP)
  • the game will become too easy ... very easy
  • region "walls" will have to be remake. I suspect that if you try to cross the frontier between 2 regions you will trapped in the void, like on WoW before Cata when you tried to do "wall jumping" between 2 regions.

One advise : use your brain before your tongue/fingers.

You may wish to take your own advice too. Zones all had perimeter invisible walls added to them before gliding was added.

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@Menadena.7482 said:Thumbs down. By adding the griffon they are already bordering on making it 2 games in PVE .... someone with it or without it. Or making it SOP if you want to look at it that way. I think anet will come to regret this decision later. It also brings them close to what masteries can they add in the future (not counting zone-specific ones) and real flying would completely shatter the last opening for that. If they were to add a flying mount it should be REASONABLY attainable by everyone, not behind so many walls (all of the story, jumping puzzles, 250 gold, 12 more MPs, etc) ... any one of which prevents the entire thing from succeeding.

And how does you having/not having a mount affects other players? They cannot be used in combat so you get zero advantage in events, just because you can get to world boss faster and have to wait 5 minutes for a boss to spawn vs someone that gets there just on time (With WPs all over the place making that point moot regardless.) There is not flying in this game (and I agree it's implementation would be bad due to how maps are split into zones, as well making all other mounts obsolete). You wanna glide (I will wait for you while you look for elevated spot to even be eligible to do it in first place...not)/ride and get somewhere that way? Good for you? I will just WP over and wait for you? All the mounts did, currently, is make sure that people who like them and have fun with them, will be more likely use traditional travel methods rather than relying on WPs every moment they get.

I agree that flying in this particular game title would be bad, but we have no flying. Gliding isn't flying unless you are abusing updrafts and leylines with your glider, and that is limited to only few maps, and at that point you aren't even using new mounts, so yeah...

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As a "pro mount" person for years, I can tell you OP the complaints are all too familiar. It's the same, "OMG Nuuuu... Sky's gonna Fall" every time a mount thread was created. Now, just look at how much mounts added to the game! So naysayers' just sit in your wrongness and be wrong!

For the Griffon, yes it needs more flying capacity. After purchasing it and maxing out the masteries, it does feel kinda flat. No matter how much you pump the wings you lose altitude. It just doesn't feel right and seems broken and flawed. I don't know if they need to go to full flight but, we should be able to attain lift and gain altitude by pumping the wings. It's all kinds of naggy to do so but, seems like a better fit than it is right now. So Dev's, please add a bit more elevation gain when we're hitting the space bar. Also, the wings non dyeable portion of the wings should be feathers too. It appear a bit too leathery and dragon/bat like.

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@Menadena.7482 said:Thumbs down. By adding the griffon they are already bordering on making it 2 games in PVE .... someone with it or without it. Or making it SOP if you want to look at it that way. I think anet will come to regret this decision later. It also brings them close to what masteries can they add in the future (not counting zone-specific ones) and real flying would completely shatter the last opening for that. If they were to add a flying mount it should be REASONABLY attainable by everyone, not behind so many walls (all of the story, jumping puzzles, 250 gold, 12 more MPs, etc) ... any one of which prevents the entire thing from succeeding.

The expansions not even a week old and I see a lot of Griffons already. It's not a problem to get at all. Also, you don't have to max out all the other masteries. You can just take each mount to level 3 and save the rest of the points for the Griffon. Afterwards, Jackal level 4 is good to get as it synergizes with Skimmer really well. Springer 4 works great with the Raptor. The last two, Raptor 4 and Skimmer 4 aren't needed so you can finish whenever.

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@DeWolfe.2174 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:Thumbs down. By adding the griffon they are already bordering on making it 2 games in PVE .... someone with it or without it. Or making it SOP if you want to look at it that way. I think anet will come to regret this decision later. It also brings them close to what masteries can they add in the future (not counting zone-specific ones) and real flying would completely shatter the last opening for that. If they were to add a flying mount it should be REASONABLY attainable by everyone, not behind so many walls (all of the story, jumping puzzles, 250 gold, 12 more MPs, etc) ... any one of which prevents the entire thing from succeeding.

The expansions not even a week old and I see a lot of Griffons already. It's not a problem to get at all. Also, you don't have to max out all the other masteries. You can just take each mount to level 3 and save the rest of the points for the Griffon. Afterwards, Jackal level 4 is good to get as it synergizes with Skimmer really well. Springer 4 works great with the Raptor. The last two, Raptor 4 and Skimmer 4 aren't needed so you can finish whenever.

I mean, you might as well max all of them. I haven't put in any great effort on getting any of my PoF mastery points, and I have enough to max griffon with half a dozen or so left over after having maxed everything else..

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@Diak Atoli.2085 said:

@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:Well it is logical to want flying mounts now. Anet created a problem and sold a solution. Solution is not that good so people demand a better one.

What problem did they create?

Apparently, some people don't understand that Griffons don't fly. They glide! And this is A THING since HOTs. Really now, people should think about things. There's no FLYING mount in GW2. The Griffon isn't a flyer. It's a glider.

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@Hitman.5829 said:The griffon needs to be a full fly mount, not just a glider. You have created maps which are works of art and yet there is no way to see the landscape from the air.Or if you feel like adding more mounts, please add dragons that can remain in mid air flying with their wings. OR a hummingbird type of mount.

EDIT: Those who don't want full fly mounts are most likely new players to the game, but a veteran like me who has played this game for 5 years...

A baseless assertion, I've been playing since the first Beta weekend and I know that a true fly mounts will ruin the older maps. You just don't realize how those maps are meant to be viewed from the ground level, there are going to be numerous blank spots, empty edges, voids etc throughout the all of the maps, spots Anet didn't fill in since they weren't ever meant to be visible and to save on development time. Anet would ether have to take the significant time and effort that could go into something more important filling these areas in so you could have your cheesy flying mount, or they could leave it as is and you'd get to see a swiss-cheesed map in all its glory, or Anet could just not go any further than gliding which is already in game.

Which do you think they'd do?.

Hate Is Fuel

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@Hitman.5829 said:The griffon needs to be a full fly mount, not just a glider. You have created maps which are works of art and yet there is no way to see the landscape from the air.Or if you feel like adding more mounts, please add dragons that can remain in mid air flying with their wings. OR a hummingbird type of mount.

EDIT: Those who don't want full fly mounts are most likely new players to the game, but a veteran like me who has played this game for 5 years, I just feel that adding a full fly mount will make me go back to the old maps. Currently there is no reason for me to go back and explore the old maps! Zero reason!Maybe a full fly mount should be unlocked at 20000+ achievement points.

no, flying mounts ruin all mmo, u just skip everything and unlock maps in minutes, plus jumping puzzles become absolete so no, its gliding, and should stay that way

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No. Just no to flying! No no no and NO! Dont ever add flying to this game, ever!

The griffon is perfect as it is and you can almost fly with it already, just need some skills to manage to stay in the air. I love it as it is now.Flying would just ruin everything that is fun with exploring.

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If there are those who would like to see the map from an aerial view maybe there should be some hot air balloons on tethers that go up to certain heights based on cost or whatever. You might find one wherever makes sense instead of the telescope guys. Like a group of aeronauts could be trying to map out the land and earn funds by giving tour rides straight up. Just some random thoughts. It might appease some aerial desires.

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I never really understood why people rallied so hard against flying. If you do not want to fly, stay grounded. If you do not want to take shortcuts, don´t take them.

I hate raiding and raged hard against it, but I had to finally swallow that toad. It would be only fair if true blooded explorers had to swallow a likewise toad.

Of course this is a scorced earth policy, true blooded lobbying and reaks of "Let´s destroy Carthage", but content wars 2 is a hard fought battlefield.^^

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God yes I wish it was a full flying mount (Aka not needing the massive set up you need to be able to maneuver now, I'd rather they slow the max flight speed down in exchange for being able to gain height reliably). Especially with the movement mechanics it already has. Instead of having the mount be "swimming in air" we would actually have to be good at piloting it and I'd love to actually play an mmo that has put care into the movement of their flying mounts.

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I'd prefer it if the Griffin were nerfed to always lose altitude instead, and average out to maybe falling half or a third as fast as a glider. Flying is absolutely terrible; the Griffin is already too close to flight to be a positive addition to the game.

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@Lokki.1092 said:

@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:I disagree and hope they never add flying mounts to this game. Flying changes a game, in many ways for the worse. Even WoW, a game where flying was added years ago, is trying to scale flight back.

"Having looked at how flying has played out in the old world in the last couple of expansions, we realized that while we were doing it out of this ingrained habit after we introduced flying in The Burning Crusade, it actually detracted from gameplay in a whole lot of ways,” Hazzikostas said. “While there was certainly convenience in being able to completely explore the world in three dimensions, that also came at the expense of gameplay like targeted exploration, like trying to figure out what’s in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there."

Originally, Blizzard took out flying in Warlords of Draenor as an experiment, and Hazzikostas says he would have bet “slightly better than even money at the time” that they were going to bring it back eventually. But as they played the expansion and watched others play it, they discovered that they liked the game better without flying.

“The world feels larger, feels more dangerous,” he says. “There’s more room for exploration, for secrets, for discovery and overall immersion in the world. At this point, we feel that outdoor gameplay in World of Warcraft is ultimately better without flying. We’re not going to be reintroducing the ability to fly in Draenor, and that’s kind of where we’re at going forward.”

To be fair that was a problem with world design, not flying.

When flying was introduced in WoW Very few quests required a player to do more than get a single objective "Kill General Orcman." On top of this there were only 2 zones where NPCs interacted with flying players this trend continued into the next 2 expansions. As expansions grew and so did the development team, attention to flying fell sharply, and it became the end of expansion reward to skip everything with flying. This was WoW's problem, flying doesn't inherently make the player immune or make the map less interesting. In fact there are plenty of games where flying does not pose these same problems because the developers designed it with these problems in mind.

Flying only negatively impacts discovery and exploration when there is nothing to discover or explore by flying! Flying only feels safer when there is no enemies or obstacles to deal with while flying.

If the Guild Wars 2 team can keep this in mind moving forward then there would be no problem with flying, and it can be an enriching portion of the game. If there are hidden caverns or caves reachable only by flying, If there are more (long range) guns and net launchers that bring down flying players. If there are dragons and other flying enemies in the air that a player has to dodge, flying can be just as interactable and meaningful as walking on the ground it just takes some effort from the devs to make it so.

In the current game however, flying would be exactly like it was in WoW.

Wow: Storm peaks, Flying implemented rightWow: Core zones, Flying implemented wrong

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@Scipion.7548 said:I'm always sad or even angry when people don't think more than 2s about what they ask.Consequences of flying mounts :

  • every one will have to do the griffon "quest"
  • terrestrial mounts will never be used (on WoW they are only used in PvP, and in Gw2 mounts arent allowed in PvP)
  • the game will become too easy ... very easy
  • region "walls" will have to be remake. I suspect that if you try to cross the frontier between 2 regions you will trapped in the void, like on WoW before Cata when you tried to do "wall jumping" between 2 regions.

One advise : use your brain before your tongue/fingers.


  • "every one will have to do the griffon "quest" ".... no, only for those who want a flying mount:
    • "terrestrial mounts will never be used (on WoW they are only used in PvP, and in Gw2 mounts arent allowed in PvP)"... Not so. When I had several flying mounts in WoW I often reverted back to my land mounts;
  • "the game will become too easy ... very easy"... no more easier than, say, paying 2000 gems to get all waypoints in a zone unlocked;
  • "region "walls" will have to be remake. I suspect that if you try to cross the frontier between 2 regions you will trapped in the void, like on WoW before Cata when you tried to do "wall jumping" between 2 regions."... GW2 zones are separated by portals (which I'm sure you know), so your comment is moot. Region walls do NOT have to be remade.
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