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Help picking necro or ranger


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@DHung.5263 said:

@"Eros.6801" said:Ah i see, so that's probably your problem. It's a bit troublesome but you might need do a little research and figure out each pet's Family they belong to. Because clearly that Jacaranda can somewhat takes on the tanker role but it won't be as effective as a Bear because Bear belongs to Ursine Family, and every bear is a natural tanker by default due to their high Vitality and Toughness which will last longer and hold aggro better than the Jacaranda (also act as a tanker but more like semi-tanker). Armor fish and Drakes will be your underwater tankers.

Being a Ranger required you to have knowledge about pets, enemies you will fight, flexible depend on the circumstances. Always have your bear to engage in combat first if you're not confidence enough. As long as your toughness is lower than your pet, a bear pretty much can hold aggro for the entire fight without any problems.

Wiki link :

Or just do as @"TamX.1870" said, switch to druid, this way you will lose 1 of 2 ways to reset your pet which is Beastmode but gain alot of extra healing in return.

I know it takes a lot more efforts to play well as a ranger while as necro you can just stand right on the spot passively fighting but the choice is your, we're here to give out advice.

Thanks for sharing, I have played on both and so far I’m more inclined towards the necro as it’s more friendly to me at this moment, but I’ve heard that necro MM reaper doesn’t do well aside from open world, and they’re often being despised or excluded from parties...this is a turn off to me as I do not wanna get into that situation, neither do I wanna go scourge either, just personally prefer the mm reaper..

I rolled reaper like 2 mounts ago specifically for fractals ( i have a scourge tho) as I got bit bored with DH and SB, wanted something new. Took me bit training the rotation and gearing, have no problem in t4s. My reaper carries own weight. Done several bosses in raids it's fine not he optimal class tho, my DH preforms better in most cases.But yeah, Anet loves messing with necro. Other reason I stick on necro was Mighty Teapots message to support the class so it won't go lost in PVE void, like scrapper.Maybe Anet will do something again call it a buff and reaper will get it as nerf, I dunno. But so far it's good, good enough. :/



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@"DHung.5263" said:Hello, I'm a new player here, lvled my main warrior to 50 ish and decided to use the boost on another char.... but i cant decide which char to boost, either a Necro (MM Reaper) or Ranger (Soulbeast).. I'm very much into PVE content.. storyies.. dungeon.. fracs and etc.....i have played both ranger and necro to 20ish and have read alot about the elite specs... i'm looking at something that can PVE very well and comfortable without much issues...

I have a a good idea what to do at lv80 (thanks to forums).. but now pretty much can't decide which class to main.. appreciate any suggestions...thanks

MM is bad for dungeons, you can't properly pull enemies into your group stack AoE as the minions just go wherever they please. There are much better builds for Necromancers than MM that do a lot more damage, too. Never seen an MM Necro in fractals, either, for the same reasons. It's just not as efficient and power DPS or condition DPS.

Ranger also offers different styles of play (healing/support, or power DPS/condition dmg).

They are both equally good choices. I'd go with Necromancer, if you are looking for "comfort", because many Ranger players tend to forget that Rangers also have melee weapons equipped in their build ("Pew pew, my longbow is the best! Pew!"). ;)

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I use a minion reaper build with viper stats. I play all T4 fractals on this guy, and he's really hard to kill. For lower fractals for basic PvE, there's nothing easier. But, at high-level fractals, you really have to learn to play him well, because it's easy to screw up (by depending too much on the tanking capability -- viable tanks don't really exist at 90+ fractals, but it's easy to slip into lazy-brain mode with a minion necro.)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"DHung.5263" said:Hello, I'm a new player here, lvled my main warrior to 50 ish and decided to use the boost on another char.... but i cant decide which char to boost, either a Necro (MM Reaper) or Ranger (Soulbeast).. I'm very much into PVE content.. storyies.. dungeon.. fracs and etc.....i have played both ranger and necro to 20ish and have read alot about the elite specs... i'm looking at something that can PVE very well and comfortable without much issues...

I have a a good idea what to do at lv80 (thanks to forums).. but now pretty much can't decide which class to main.. appreciate any suggestions...thanks

MM is bad for dungeons, you can't properly pull enemies into your group stack AoE as the minions just go wherever they please. There are much better builds for Necromancers than MM that do a lot more damage, too. Never seen an MM Necro in fractals, either, for the same reasons. It's just not as efficient and power DPS or condition DPS.

Ranger also offers different styles of play (healing/support, or power DPS/condition dmg).

They are both equally good choices. I'd go with Necromancer, if you are looking for "comfort", because many Ranger players tend to forget that Rangers also have melee weapons equipped in their build ("Pew pew, my longbow is the best! Pew!"). ;)

Hey thanks for sharing...any recommended build for necro besides MM? Preferably reaper....I don't mind trying scourge as well..

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i do have to say that i enjoy necro for now... mainly MM reaper build as it suits my playstyle.... i like ranger too but necro tops it... however i am also worried about necro not being able to perform well at higher contents on a MM reaper build, as i do not really like other builds...

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Well actually Reaper with minions can be accepted in raid or high level contents but you know "elitist" will always lurking there so just avoid them and you'll be fine. There are many cases Reaper can run minions but do not take Death Magic specs and there is no point to do so, Replace it with higher dps build and fight along with your minions in group contents, for open world nobody cares as long as you survive. You being dislike other builds is your biggest problem, work over it, in case you can't the suffering won't end and it might get worse with every balance patches released.

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@"Eros.6801" said:Well actually Reaper with minions can be accepted in raid or high level contents but you know "elitist" will always lurking there so just avoid them and you'll be fine. There are many cases Reaper can run minions but do not take Death Magic specs and there is no point to do so, Replace it with higher dps build and fight along with your minions in group contents, for open world nobody cares as long as you survive. You being dislike other builds is your biggest problem, work over it, in case you can't the suffering won't end and it might get worse with every balance patches released.

yeap i agree i need to start getting used to other builds...

what spec do you recommend to replace the death magic?

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@"DHung.5263" said:yeap i agree i need to start getting used to other builds...

what spec do you recommend to replace the death magic?

Well this great guild here always has every single meta-build up to date, half or 1 month after each balance patches so check them out often, if one day you no longer see necro there then....blame Anet B)



My bad wrong links :)

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Go necro.

Of all the professions, ranger and warrior are the closest ones in terms of similarity. Sure there is pet and druid/spellbreaker specs that have no counterpart in the other profession, but be ye warned - if you want wastly different experiece from a warrior, the ranger is not it.

Necro on the other hand offers a whole new ballgame, very different to warrior. While warrior is an action based character (cc, kill it fast, no brainer defenses), necromancer is more strategic one, where deep knowledge of your defenses (a huge phletora of those), condition manipulation and offense will let you become a reaping machine of death capable of taking on huge packs of monsters that no other profession could without hit and run tactics. Not to mention very deep and unique condition manipulation abilities and a shitton of builds that will work, because necromancer has extremely well balanced traitlines, where with one exception (death magic) no line is underperforming or absolutely mandatory.

Also to note - necro is probably the only profession to offer huge AoE capability along with very strong sustain in bigger fights. As for warrior and ranger none of them comes close to necro's AoE, and in terms of sustain both pay bigger price in damage to have proper defenses, while necro can navigate easily into "huge damage + huge sustain" turf.

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@Eros.6801 said:

@"DHung.5263" said:

My bad wrong links :)

thanks for the link, indeed is helpful.. :)

@"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:
Go necro

Of all the professions, ranger and warrior are the closest ones in terms of similarity. Sure there is pet and druid/spellbreaker specs that have no counterpart in the other profession, but be ye warned - if you want wastly different experiece from a warrior, the ranger is not it.

Necro on the other hand offers a whole new ballgame, very different to warrior. While warrior is an action based character (cc, kill it fast, no brainer defenses), necromancer is more strategic one, where deep knowledge of your defenses (a huge phletora of those), condition manipulation and offense will let you become a reaping machine of death capable of taking on huge packs of monsters that no other profession could without hit and run tactics. Not to mention very deep and unique condition manipulation abilities and a kitten of builds that will work, because necromancer has extremely well balanced traitlines, where with one exception (death magic) no line is underperforming or absolutely mandatory.

Also to note - necro is probably the only profession to offer huge AoE capability along with very strong sustain in bigger fights. As for warrior and ranger none of them comes close to necro's AoE, and in terms of sustain both pay bigger price in damage to have proper defenses, while necro can navigate easily into "huge damage + huge sustain" turf.

i actually like ranger's playstyle too but what's keeping me away mainly is because i tried both chars on same map and mob (veteran)... and the result is obvious.... i die on ranger too easily no matter how hard i tried.... necro the opposite...

but after trying both chars in fracs/dungeon... i do prefer playing as a soulbeast... hmm

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@Eros.6801 said:

@"DHung.5263" said:yeap i agree i need to start getting used to other builds...

what spec do you recommend to replace the death magic?

Well this great guild here always has every single meta-build up to date, half or 1 month after each balance patches so check them out often, if one day you no longer see necro there then....blame Anet B)

My bad wrong links :)

been trying this build and it works great... the only thing is... i think it is crucial to have Blood Magic for heals.... although Spite and soul reaping is really good... any suggestion?

more like im going to pick blood magic..... so Spite or Soul Reaping?

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Depends on what heals you need. If it's self heals - spite + reaper have sick potential for that. Blighter's boon + signets of suffering + signet of vampirism and you got a very strong healing, especially in shroud.

Blood magic is fine and dandy too, if you're out to ress your allies. If you gotta have it, ditch soul reaping - spite's damage boosts are stronger.

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Necro fan here. I’d say Spite + soul reaping for higher damage or spite + blood magic for more sustain (faster rez, faster well cool down). The good thing about soul reaping is that it increases life force generation faster from all sources that let you use shroud skills more often to dish damages or just use that life force to sustain damage if you want. Pair it with spectral grasp when you are surrounded by many enemies, you gain massive life force and able to use shroud to quickly cleave enemies. Or spectral Armor for stun break and more life force. Heck, you can even trait foot in the grave for stun break when you enter shroud but sacrificing damage from death perception.

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