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Which Salvage Kit Should I Use? [Recommendations] [Now With Data]

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Most exotics are worth far more than their salvage value.

But still much less than they were worth only 1.5 years ago.

I don't see how that can have any effect on wether it's best to sell or salvage - that decision is based on the value
of each option, and to a lesser degree where you expect the price to go
in the future
, isn't it?

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@Skielsthear.6913 said:I've used CF, Mystic, and BL kits to salvage any and all my upgrades armors and weaponry from drops. It's been just over 1000 salvages with CF Kit, 250 with BL kit and about 500 with Mystic.

The number of salvages isn't the only factor. Fine & below don't come with upgrades, which might make up the bulk of your Copper-Fed inputs. BL kit doesn't salvage the runes & sigils at all. And even rares don't necessarily come with upgrades.

However, given that, if you did 500 mystic salvages on rares most of which have upgrades, on average you'd get a 10-12 symbols|charms. Is it possible you deposited all without realizing it?

and am forced to buy them if I want to craft.This is how it's supposed to work. (And it's how it worked before, only less efficiently, for us.) We get a ton of stuff we don't need, which we can sell to buy the stuff we do. The old method worked the same, except we'd have to individually sell each rune, each sigil (and there are dozens and dozens of each time). Most upgrades weren't available through crafting, including the most popular: scholar runes, force sigils, etc.

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Honestly...I am super satisfied with my Runecrafter's Salvage Kit.

  1. I get rarer materials, I get more ectos than with Copper Fed.
  2. I salvage upgrades with it, meaning I also earn mats that are used in runecrafting and some can sell for a lot.
  3. Price spent salvaging these items is meaningless, as you will earn a ton of money by selling the salvaged materials.
  4. 20% chance for rarer mats with Runecrafter's is a big deal, so spending extra copper on salvaging is not an issue at all.

I did not buy Silver-Fed, particularly as I find that 1s per salvage is a lot, Runecrafter's is golden middle for me. I prefer it over other salvage kits in any case ^^

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@Gehenna.3625 said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.

Yes because ectos are more important for the profit, so the Mystic Kit and the Silver-Fed are better. Who said that the Runecrafter's was built for that, and not for masterwork?

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@"TitaN.4280" said:So basically RC is slighty better than CF because it salvages rune and cost 200 gems less ?None of the kits are "better" than the others for all situations.

@"Gehenna.3625" said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.Not entirely accurate with that phrasing. The RC is most useful on masterwork, with upgrades, which is a high fraction of the loot most people get.

In the current market (and this will change), the "most efficient" option varies with each niche as follows:

  • Fines & below: Copper-Fed, entirely because of the lower cost per salvage
  • Masterwork without upgrades: ditto
  • Masterwork with upgrades: Runecrafter's, because of the higher rate on upgrades and lower cost. Mystic is close (~92%), Silver-Fed is far (46%), & CF is worst (23%)
  • Rares L67 & lower, without upgrades: CF, lower cost
  • Rares L67 & lower, with upgrades: RC by far. Mystic (85%), SF (66%), CF (21%)
  • Rares L68 & up, without upgrades: Mystic best, others close: RC (90%), SF (96%)
  • Rares L68 & up, with upgrades: Mystic best, others very close: RC (95%), SF (97%)
  • Elonians should be sold, not salvaged
  • Exotics should be sold, not salvaged

This isn't anything that isn't posted above; it's just phrased differently.

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There is no single kit that is superior for all situations, in today's market. If you want to simplify to make inventory management easier, then first consider what your loot looks like, whether you'd rather spend extra per salvage so you miss nothing or spend less so you're more efficient.

For e.g. Istani farming, your loot is mostly unidentified gear (best to sell, for most people) and champ bags, that drop L80 loot regardless of who is opening. In that situation, your salvage is primarily rares, so mystic if you have the stones to make them, Silver-Fed if not.

For e.g. Silverwastes farming, your loot is mostly gear, mostly masterwork, and champ bags, which you'd keep a "bag opener" to manage (L53 for example). In that case, Runecrafter's is the most efficient. Mystic is a fine alternative (again, presuming you have enough mystic stones). And Silver-Fed is not a bad option.

Copper-Fed is best when most of your gear is fine or below (as it would be for newer accounts, especially in core Tyria). But it's not a horrible option for other people; it just fails to extra the most value from gear with upgrades.

Unfortunately, there's no simple rule of thumb that is going to apply to all of us.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.

Yes because ectos are more important for the profit, so the Mystic Kit and the Silver-Fed are better. Who said that the Runecrafter's was built for that, and not for masterwork?

Well the name runecrafter suggests that it's targeted for people who create runes (and sigils as well I guess). The items like symbols go for 2-3 gold easy a piece. So I would think that by that it could have a significance on profit as well since the runecrafter item has a higher chance on upgrade salvage than the silver-o-matic. So I figured that it makes sense that it's called runecrafter because it has a better chance on salvage from upgraders like runes and sigils which supports the crafting of runes and sigils.

It obviously still does other things but the main draw for this item seems to be the higher chance of salvage from upgrades.

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@Gehenna.3625 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.

Yes because ectos are more important for the profit, so the Mystic Kit and the Silver-Fed are better. Who said that the Runecrafter's was built for that, and not for masterwork?

Well the name runecrafter suggests that it's targeted for people who create runes (and sigils as well I guess). The items like symbols go for 2-3 gold easy a piece. So I would think that by that it could have a significance on profit as well since the runecrafter item has a higher chance on upgrade salvage than the silver-o-matic. So I figured that it makes sense that it's called runecrafter because it has a better chance on salvage from upgraders like runes and sigils which supports the crafting of runes and sigils.

It obviously still does other things but the main draw for this item seems to be the higher chance of salvage from upgrades.

And it does what it's name says, it's also not bad for rares, it's just not the best choice because of the current marketprices. I think it's better like this, than to have one of the Salvage-o-Matics become obsolete.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.

Yes because ectos are more important for the profit, so the Mystic Kit and the Silver-Fed are better. Who said that the Runecrafter's was built for that, and not for masterwork?

Well the name runecrafter suggests that it's targeted for people who create runes (and sigils as well I guess). The items like symbols go for 2-3 gold easy a piece. So I would think that by that it could have a significance on profit as well since the runecrafter item has a higher chance on upgrade salvage than the silver-o-matic. So I figured that it makes sense that it's called runecrafter because it has a better chance on salvage from upgraders like runes and sigils which supports the crafting of runes and sigils.

It obviously still does other things but the main draw for this item seems to be the higher chance of salvage from upgrades.

And it does what it's name says, it's also not bad for rares, it's just not the best choice because of the current marketprices. I think it's better like this, than to have one of the Salvage-o-Matics become obsolete.

Sure because the item would be useless without all that, but the focus of this item is on salvaging upgrades. That's why there's a trade off with a lower chance on rare materials balanced with a lower cost per use.

What I was wondering is if the increased chance of symbols and such doesn't make the runecrafter one more interesting also for higher level items because you may get fewer ecto's but symbols are a lot more valuable so they might tip the profit balance towards the runecrafter even for items over level 68 that have upgrades.

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@Gehenna.3625 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.

Yes because ectos are more important for the profit, so the Mystic Kit and the Silver-Fed are better. Who said that the Runecrafter's was built for that, and not for masterwork?

Well the name runecrafter suggests that it's targeted for people who create runes (and sigils as well I guess). The items like symbols go for 2-3 gold easy a piece. So I would think that by that it could have a significance on profit as well since the runecrafter item has a higher chance on upgrade salvage than the silver-o-matic. So I figured that it makes sense that it's called runecrafter because it has a better chance on salvage from upgraders like runes and sigils which supports the crafting of runes and sigils.

It obviously still does other things but the main draw for this item seems to be the higher chance of salvage from upgrades.

And it does what it's name says, it's also not bad for rares, it's just not the best choice because of the current marketprices. I think it's better like this, than to have one of the Salvage-o-Matics become obsolete.

Sure because the item would be useless without all that, but the focus of this item is on salvaging upgrades. That's why there's a trade off with a lower chance on rare materials balanced with a lower cost per use.

What I was wondering is if the increased chance of symbols and such doesn't make the runecrafter one more interesting also for higher level items because you may get fewer ecto's but symbols are a lot more valuable so they might tip the profit balance towards the runecrafter even for items over level 68 that have upgrades.

You can see the calculation in the spreadsheet that was already posted in this thread, the average price of symbols and charms is too low to make the Runecrafter's better for rares >lvl 67.

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The amount of work posters like Illconceived have done on this subject is impressive. A big thank you for your efforts, as the community as a whole benefits from your labors.

For myself though, I remain unconvinced. To me, as someone who already has a Copper Fed, this kit represents a waste of 600 Gems and a shared inventory slot.

The only thing I need is more symbols, and the projected yield doesn't justify the cost to me. That's just my opinion.

Thankfully ANET was willing to refund the gems to my account, which is great of them, and I'm happy to spend them on another offering.

And if down the road I see an error in my judgement, I always retain the option of purchasing the kit again.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.

Yes because ectos are more important for the profit, so the Mystic Kit and the Silver-Fed are better. Who said that the Runecrafter's was built for that, and not for masterwork?

Well the name runecrafter suggests that it's targeted for people who create runes (and sigils as well I guess). The items like symbols go for 2-3 gold easy a piece. So I would think that by that it could have a significance on profit as well since the runecrafter item has a higher chance on upgrade salvage than the silver-o-matic. So I figured that it makes sense that it's called runecrafter because it has a better chance on salvage from upgraders like runes and sigils which supports the crafting of runes and sigils.

It obviously still does other things but the main draw for this item seems to be the higher chance of salvage from upgrades.

And it does what it's name says, it's also not bad for rares, it's just not the best choice because of the current marketprices. I think it's better like this, than to have one of the Salvage-o-Matics become obsolete.

Sure because the item would be useless without all that, but the focus of this item is on salvaging upgrades. That's why there's a trade off with a lower chance on rare materials balanced with a lower cost per use.

What I was wondering is if the increased chance of symbols and such doesn't make the runecrafter one more interesting also for higher level items because you may get fewer ecto's but symbols are a lot more valuable so they might tip the profit balance towards the runecrafter even for items over level 68 that have upgrades.

You can see the calculation in the spreadsheet that was already posted in this thread, the average price of symbols and charms is too low to make the Runecrafter's better for rares >lvl 67.

Thanks. I didn't quite get how his spreadsheet was set up but if that is the case then that answers my question :)

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@Gehenna.3625 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.

Yes because ectos are more important for the profit, so the Mystic Kit and the Silver-Fed are better. Who said that the Runecrafter's was built for that, and not for masterwork?

Well the name runecrafter suggests that it's targeted for people who create runes (and sigils as well I guess). The items like symbols go for 2-3 gold easy a piece. So I would think that by that it could have a significance on profit as well since the runecrafter item has a higher chance on upgrade salvage than the silver-o-matic. So I figured that it makes sense that it's called runecrafter because it has a better chance on salvage from upgraders like runes and sigils which supports the crafting of runes and sigils.

It obviously still does other things but the main draw for this item seems to be the higher chance of salvage from upgrades.

And it does what it's name says, it's also not bad for rares, it's just not the best choice because of the current marketprices. I think it's better like this, than to have one of the Salvage-o-Matics become obsolete.

Sure because the item would be useless without all that, but the focus of this item is on salvaging upgrades. That's why there's a trade off with a lower chance on rare materials balanced with a lower cost per use.

What I was wondering is if the increased chance of symbols and such doesn't make the runecrafter one more interesting also for higher level items because you may get fewer ecto's but symbols are a lot more valuable so they might tip the profit balance towards the runecrafter even for items over level 68 that have upgrades.

You can see the calculation in the spreadsheet that was already posted in this thread, the average price of symbols and charms is too low to make the Runecrafter's better for rares >lvl 67.

Thanks. I didn't quite get how his spreadsheet was set up but if that is the case then that answers my question :)The spreadsheet has two sheets, the "base" sheet shows the used tp-prices and the calculation, the "overview" only sorts the kits depending on the average sell price of the salvage results you may get.
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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:So the higher chance of getting symbols and such does not make that much of a different for higher level rares and exotics then? Because presumably that's what the runecrafter's version should be useful for.

Yes because ectos are more important for the profit, so the Mystic Kit and the Silver-Fed are better. Who said that the Runecrafter's was built for that, and not for masterwork?

Well the name runecrafter suggests that it's targeted for people who create runes (and sigils as well I guess). The items like symbols go for 2-3 gold easy a piece. So I would think that by that it could have a significance on profit as well since the runecrafter item has a higher chance on upgrade salvage than the silver-o-matic. So I figured that it makes sense that it's called runecrafter because it has a better chance on salvage from upgraders like runes and sigils which supports the crafting of runes and sigils.

It obviously still does other things but the main draw for this item seems to be the higher chance of salvage from upgrades.

And it does what it's name says, it's also not bad for rares, it's just not the best choice because of the current marketprices. I think it's better like this, than to have one of the Salvage-o-Matics become obsolete.

Sure because the item would be useless without all that, but the focus of this item is on salvaging upgrades. That's why there's a trade off with a lower chance on rare materials balanced with a lower cost per use.

What I was wondering is if the increased chance of symbols and such doesn't make the runecrafter one more interesting also for higher level items because you may get fewer ecto's but symbols are a lot more valuable so they might tip the profit balance towards the runecrafter even for items over level 68 that have upgrades.

You can see the calculation in the spreadsheet that was already posted in this thread, the average price of symbols and charms is too low to make the Runecrafter's better for rares >lvl 67.

Thanks. I didn't quite get how his spreadsheet was set up but if that is the case then that answers my question :)The spreadsheet has two sheets, the "base" sheet shows the used tp-prices and the calculation, the "overview" only sorts the kits depending on the average sell price of the salvage results you may get.

Yeah I hadn't checked that second sheet. Now that I've checked the formula's it all makes sense. Thanks again for helping out.

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