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I miss Guild Wars


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i miss gw1 so much . totally best gw1 version ever was factions imo. very rich and the music was 10x better imo. i think there was just some uniqueness to the game that cant ever be touched . i remember the old jq days people waiting around and talking in chat about item reqs and seeing baby p NUT dancing for endless days . im so happy i lived those years ago...

the point is that people miss gw1 because of the old player interactions and art work that came along with it. yes of course we can still play it but its not the same as it once was . people move on , games fade and people end up adapting to new things which are not always good. change at most can be toxic.

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@zealex.9410 said:

I dunno ... why wouldn't you? I can't answer that for you. The fact I stated remains though ... IF your underlying motivation is to play a game that gets updated vs. one that you like, that's all on you. I can't tell you why you should play GW1 or GW2. I can tell you that you have choices and obviously you have chosen to play GW2 despite the butchering. Clearly even with your feelings about how Anet has butchered it, you still play it, so that means something.

Yeah that means im invested into other areas of the game, such as the combat (or rather this take on combat), the story and the story updates, connections and friendships i formed etc. Plus, i've sunk prob 4k hours and i have a pretty severe case of sunk cost falacy with it.

Bottomline is, most games that identify as live service products live and die by the developers ability or inability to update them. Gw1 simply doesnt have enough replayability and/or content to to give me a reason to play it more plus most of the ppl i talk to dont play it/never played it.

Similarly if gw2 was to stop getting updates i would play it abit maybe, log in and run around for some feels then logout for a year. Its all about how the devs can keep me invested.

Do i find things in gw2 that are better than in gw1? Yes ofc. Vice verca? Deff. But the games arent on an equal footing because one hasnt seen new developments in terms of content for years.

That's correct ... we play because the game has more good things than bad. Frankly, I don't get your points here ... GW2 isn't GW1, so any expectation they were supposed to be the same in any player-defined way is just unreasonable, especially based on the extremely vague comments that I see Anet made at the time ... that was what the discussion here was focused on. Sure, there are things that you feel aren't as good in each of them. That's not a problem. It's not something to complain about after 6+ years of GW2 being established.

You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

I dunno ... why wouldn't you? I can't answer that for you. The fact I stated remains though ... IF your underlying motivation is to play a game that gets updated vs. one that you like, that's all on you. I can't tell you why you should play GW1 or GW2. I can tell you that you have choices and obviously you have chosen to play GW2 despite the butchering. Clearly even with your feelings about how Anet has butchered it, you still play it, so that means something.

Yeah that means im invested into other areas of the game, such as the combat (or rather this take on combat), the story and the story updates, connections and friendships i formed etc. Plus, i've sunk prob 4k hours and i have a pretty severe case of sunk cost falacy with it.

Bottomline is, most games that identify as live service products live and die by the developers ability or inability to update them. Gw1 simply doesnt have enough replayability and/or content to to give me a reason to play it more plus most of the ppl i talk to dont play it/never played it.

Similarly if gw2 was to stop getting updates i would play it abit maybe, log in and run around for some feels then logout for a year. Its all about how the devs can keep me invested.

Do i find things in gw2 that are better than in gw1? Yes ofc. Vice verca? Deff. But the games arent on an equal footing because one hasnt seen new developments in terms of content for years.

That's correct ... we play because the game has more good things than bad. Frankly, I don't get your points here ... GW2 isn't GW1, so any expectation they were supposed to be the same in any player-defined way is just unreasonable, especially based on the extremely vague comments that I see Anet made at the time ... that was what the discussion here was focused on. Sure, there are things that you feel aren't as good in each of them. That's not a problem. It's not something to complain about after 6+ years of GW2 being established.

You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

There was the expectation that since gw2 went full mmo that the social aspecs and incentives would be greater.

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@"Obtena.7952" said:You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

Thanks man - In a few words you managed to provide a perfect definition of "condescending"Also: (What seems to be) your personality is why some of us tells friends/family: Don't bother - Game is mostly ok, community though, is: Love it or stay the hell away!

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@zealex.9410 said:

I dunno ... why wouldn't you? I can't answer that for you. The fact I stated remains though ... IF your underlying motivation is to play a game that gets updated vs. one that you like, that's all on you. I can't tell you why you should play GW1 or GW2. I can tell you that you have choices and obviously you have chosen to play GW2 despite the butchering. Clearly even with your feelings about how Anet has butchered it, you still play it, so that means something.

Yeah that means im invested into other areas of the game, such as the combat (or rather this take on combat), the story and the story updates, connections and friendships i formed etc. Plus, i've sunk prob 4k hours and i have a pretty severe case of sunk cost falacy with it.

Bottomline is, most games that identify as live service products live and die by the developers ability or inability to update them. Gw1 simply doesnt have enough replayability and/or content to to give me a reason to play it more plus most of the ppl i talk to dont play it/never played it.

Similarly if gw2 was to stop getting updates i would play it abit maybe, log in and run around for some feels then logout for a year. Its all about how the devs can keep me invested.

Do i find things in gw2 that are better than in gw1? Yes ofc. Vice verca? Deff. But the games arent on an equal footing because one hasnt seen new developments in terms of content for years.

That's correct ... we play because the game has more good things than bad. Frankly, I don't get your points here ... GW2 isn't GW1, so any expectation they were supposed to be the same in any player-defined way is just unreasonable, especially based on the extremely vague comments that I see Anet made at the time ... that was what the discussion here was focused on. Sure, there are things that you feel aren't as good in each of them. That's not a problem. It's not something to complain about after 6+ years of GW2 being established.

You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

There was the expectation that since gw2 went full mmo that the social aspecs and incentives would be greater.

That's a matter of opinion ... the idea that the social aspects and incentives aren't 'greater' isn't a globally accepted one. Anet didn't develop a game to ensure that a specific group of players feelings are catered to. It's just not reasonably possible for them to develop a game appealing to everyone, including people that love whatever specific social interactions they experienced in GW1.

@scrumsome.7198 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

Thanks man - In a few words you managed to provide a perfect definition of "condescending"

There isn't anything condescending about that post. Player A doesn't like the (in his opinion) diminished social aspect of GW2 compared to GW1. That's not an objective evaluation, nor did Anet explicitly define what the social aspect of GW2 compared to GW1 would be when GW2 was released. In otherwords, that's Player A's own imposed requirements based on his own subjective opinion; no reasonable person would ever expect Anet to be able to achieve that for all players in the first place. Even by his and others own admission, that social aspect in GW1 no longer exists either, so it's a moot point to begin with.

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Aww, I like how Obtena enjoys my thread, still being pretty active in it :) You are becoming my Nemesis! Much love, keep my thread active. <3

On topic: I do not like that the name of my topic is changed. People think that I miss Guild Wars 1 and then use arguments based on that. I never said that. Not in my topic name, not in my post. I just shared my story and feelings with Guild Wars 1 community.And yes, I can do that here, Anet allows it. Anet even promotes Guild Wars 1 on this very forum.

I do not miss Guild Wars 1. It is still there and I still play it here and there. Not like there is any content left after 15k hours. I pretty much beat that game multiple times on multiple accounts. I do miss that game getting new content, getting love, getting that stream of fresh blood of newcomers that actively play that game. I wish for the active PvP scene. The golden days of PvP.

But it will not change. I am aware of that. Still, lingering hope is present, a hope that Anet surprises us. Who knows.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@"Warlord.9082" said:I do think the OP has a legit point here. The incentive to go do something with friends as a group is extremely low. I think the problem is the way the world is made. Except for a few exceptions, the content is either solo-able OR the content requires a massive group. There are no fun, repeatable 4-5 man group dungeons. Sure, one could argue fractals but personally I don't think fractals are fun to do nor can you really do them without bit of planning. Guild Wars 2 is devoid of the "hey guys lets go do X" thing. There is no spontaneity to GW2 which is what to GW was all about. There are more things that I miss about GW like the mixing of classes for example which was AWESOME to tinker with.Fun fact: what you describe is exactly the way I play GW2. Log on, see who's online, gather a couple of friends and go off to play together. Map exploration, story, smallscale wvw, fractals, dungeons, resource gathering, achievement hunting, there's always something to do and always people to do it with. Sure we could do all that solo, too, but why spend your time alone when it's a lot more fun with others?

Could your problem possibly be less a problem of incentive and more a problem of just not having enough friends that enjoy the game (or maybe you yourself not enjoying it as much as you think)?

The incentive to do stuff with a group is to do it faster. We run stories together, do achievements together, do bounties, guild missions, fractals, dungeons, even run metas together. I mean when I go to the movies it's a solo activity...but I usually go with a friend.

What people seem to be asking for is for the game to MAKE YOU group. I don't see why that's better than the freedom of grouping for those who want to.

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What people seem to be asking for is for the game to MAKE YOU group. I don't see why that's better than the freedom of grouping for those who want to.Because some people actually want a challenge and the real synergy needed to be able to finish it. Not everyone wants to win all the time with no effort put. To overcome the challenges together is the primary reason for some to play online games. Or we would just stick with single player games.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

Thanks man - In a few words you managed to provide a perfect definition of "condescending"

There isn't anything condescending about that post. Player A doesn't like the (in his opinion) diminished social aspect of GW2 compared to GW1. That's not an objective evaluation, nor did Anet explicitly define what the social aspect of GW2 compared to GW1 would be when GW2 was released. In otherwords, that's Player A's own imposed requirements based on his own subjective opinion; no reasonable person would ever expect Anet to be able to achieve that for all players in the first place. Even by his and others own admission, that social aspect in GW1 no longer exists either, so it's a moot point to begin with.

True: Anet did not define social apects between Guild Wars and GW2 prior to GW2 release. However, they DID tell us they would bring the things we liked in Guild wars into GW2... Some of us are still waiting for that to happen.

It's fine if you feel you don't post in a condescending manner - That does not mean your posts doesn't come off as condescending!(Take a look at some of Vayne's post: I may have very different feelings about a topic but he always post in a respectful/never condescending manner)

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@scrumsome.7198 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

Thanks man - In a few words you managed to provide a perfect definition of "condescending"

There isn't anything condescending about that post. Player A doesn't like the (in his opinion) diminished social aspect of GW2 compared to GW1. That's not an objective evaluation, nor did Anet explicitly define what the social aspect of GW2 compared to GW1 would be when GW2 was released. In otherwords, that's Player A's own imposed requirements based on his own subjective opinion; no reasonable person would ever expect Anet to be able to achieve that for all players in the first place. Even by his and others own admission, that social aspect in GW1 no longer exists either, so it's a moot point to begin with.

True: Anet did not define social apects between Guild Wars and GW2 prior to GW2 release. However, they DID tell us they would bring the things we liked in Guild wars into GW2... Some of us are still waiting for that to happen.

Like I said ... that's such a vague statement that any reasonable person wouldn't expect that to mean ANet are going to deliver on any particular thing any single player was expecting. I mean, this is not even unique to GW2 or games; this concept applies to almost every single product or service that you can get that's available to the open market. They simply aren't designed to cater to whatever any particular person wants.

Honestly, if you are just waiting around for Anet to deliver something specific you wanted from GW1 that is subjectively determined by you that isn't in GW2, you're just being unreasonable.

Let me ask you a question to illustrate:

What are all those things people liked in GW1 exactly? I don't just mean you either , I mean everyone from GW1. Can that question even be reasonably answered? It's just ridiculous to think it's possible. There just isn't a way to deliver that.

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@"sorudo.9054" said:Compared to GW2, GW is a nightmare game.Nothing is handed on a silver platter, story is group based and some of the elite dungeons are really not made for the average player.Now look at GW2, everything challenging has nothing to do with challenge, it's just a matter of dedication and time.

Anyone can do raids if they got the dedication and time, however, anyone with no more then 2 hours of play time isn't gonna waste their time raiding.it will already take way to long to even build a group, let alone discussing strategy, DPS testing and doing the frikin raid.

in GW, you can get trough a dungeon within 30 minutes, however, you gotta be at the top of your game and since the game is based on building the perfect balanced build it's gonna take i bit more then just equipping the right weapon.i have had ppl going to PvX and say they are ready, only to die at the first sight of a more powerful enemy.

GW2 needs time and dedication, GW takes skill and knowledge, that's the difference that set's the two games apart.

Classic mischaracterization from people who don't understand how combat systems work.The only reason you need to be "on top of your game" in GW1 is because it's combat system has bad movement that shackled players to play it in limited capacity. Can you strafe out of enemy attacks? no. Can you teleport out of an incoming attack? no. Can you dodge and evade incoming attacks? no.GW2 has a much more fluid combat system with a much more fluid and precise movement, positioning and action. This allows players to control their characters much better and to play at a much higher skill tier than its predecessor.Just take a look at the Fractals sub forum. Why do you think there are so many complaints about slippery slope mistlock? It is because content that was previously seen as "easy" but required precise movement is no longer possible. Same thing applies to GW1. It was only hard because it kneecapped players with its clumsy combat.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

I dunno ... why wouldn't you? I can't answer that for you. The fact I stated remains though ... IF your underlying motivation is to play a game that gets updated vs. one that you like, that's all on you. I can't tell you why you should play GW1 or GW2. I can tell you that you have choices and obviously you have chosen to play GW2 despite the butchering. Clearly even with your feelings about how Anet has butchered it, you still play it, so that means something.

Yeah that means im invested into other areas of the game, such as the combat (or rather this take on combat), the story and the story updates, connections and friendships i formed etc. Plus, i've sunk prob 4k hours and i have a pretty severe case of sunk cost falacy with it.

Bottomline is, most games that identify as live service products live and die by the developers ability or inability to update them. Gw1 simply doesnt have enough replayability and/or content to to give me a reason to play it more plus most of the ppl i talk to dont play it/never played it.

Similarly if gw2 was to stop getting updates i would play it abit maybe, log in and run around for some feels then logout for a year. Its all about how the devs can keep me invested.

Do i find things in gw2 that are better than in gw1? Yes ofc. Vice verca? Deff. But the games arent on an equal footing because one hasnt seen new developments in terms of content for years.

That's correct ... we play because the game has more good things than bad. Frankly, I don't get your points here ... GW2 isn't GW1, so any expectation they were supposed to be the same in any player-defined way is just unreasonable, especially based on the extremely vague comments that I see Anet made at the time ... that was what the discussion here was focused on. Sure, there are things that you feel aren't as good in each of them. That's not a problem. It's not something to complain about after 6+ years of GW2 being established.

You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

There was the expectation that since gw2 went full mmo that the social aspecs and incentives would be greater.

That's a matter of opinion ... the idea that the social aspects and incentives aren't 'greater' isn't a globally accepted one. Anet didn't develop a game to ensure that a specific group of players feelings are catered to. It's just not reasonably possible for them to develop a game appealing to everyone, including people that love whatever specific social interactions they experienced in GW1.

Most things in life arent globally accepted, that doesnt mean whats been said about said things aint true. Gw2 is considered by many a rather lonelt mmo where u have to go out of your way to socialise.

Gw2 after all is known for ots play alone together mentality.

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There's a part of nostalgia and " it was better in the past too ". GW1 was a great game for sure, but in addition :

  • probably many players were " younger " , between 15 and 25, at that time. You're not considering things same when you're at school than when you're " adult "
  • there weren't many MMO's at that time, nor simply online games. It was PS2/Xbox/Gamecube era, you hardly did find many games that would offer an online part. No phones. You had a few MMO's out ( Everquest, WoW, Eve,..) and that was it. Even regarding FPS games, you had very few ones. Basically, most " online " players would play an MMO.

It was a time where there were very few alternatives and games, and thus experiences felt unique. Today, it's hard to say one game is great or not, because you have a ton of games in comparison.

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@zealex.9410 said:

I dunno ... why wouldn't you? I can't answer that for you. The fact I stated remains though ... IF your underlying motivation is to play a game that gets updated vs. one that you like, that's all on you. I can't tell you why you should play GW1 or GW2. I can tell you that you have choices and obviously you have chosen to play GW2 despite the butchering. Clearly even with your feelings about how Anet has butchered it, you still play it, so that means something.

Yeah that means im invested into other areas of the game, such as the combat (or rather this take on combat), the story and the story updates, connections and friendships i formed etc. Plus, i've sunk prob 4k hours and i have a pretty severe case of sunk cost falacy with it.

Bottomline is, most games that identify as live service products live and die by the developers ability or inability to update them. Gw1 simply doesnt have enough replayability and/or content to to give me a reason to play it more plus most of the ppl i talk to dont play it/never played it.

Similarly if gw2 was to stop getting updates i would play it abit maybe, log in and run around for some feels then logout for a year. Its all about how the devs can keep me invested.

Do i find things in gw2 that are better than in gw1? Yes ofc. Vice verca? Deff. But the games arent on an equal footing because one hasnt seen new developments in terms of content for years.

That's correct ... we play because the game has more good things than bad. Frankly, I don't get your points here ... GW2 isn't GW1, so any expectation they were supposed to be the same in any player-defined way is just unreasonable, especially based on the extremely vague comments that I see Anet made at the time ... that was what the discussion here was focused on. Sure, there are things that you feel aren't as good in each of them. That's not a problem. It's not something to complain about after 6+ years of GW2 being established.

You feel Anet butchered some part of the game ... that doesn't mean much since there wasn't any expectation Anet set that they were delivering GW1 part 2.

There was the expectation that since gw2 went full mmo that the social aspecs and incentives would be greater.

That's a matter of opinion ... the idea that the social aspects and incentives aren't 'greater' isn't a globally accepted one. Anet didn't develop a game to ensure that a specific group of players feelings are catered to. It's just not reasonably possible for them to develop a game appealing to everyone, including people that love whatever specific social interactions they experienced in GW1.

Most things in life arent globally accepted, that doesnt mean whats been said about said things aint true. Gw2 is considered by many a rather lonelt mmo where u have to go out of your way to socialise.

Gw2 after all is known for ots play alone together mentality.

Right ... everyone feels different about GW2; some people feel denied/cheated/etc ... That's not something Anet can fix for everyone. Anet simply can't make the game everything that everyone wants. Anyone that believes they can is being completely unreasonable.

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@Mikali.9651 said:Because some people actually want a challenge and the real synergy needed to be able to finish it. Not everyone wants to win all the time with no effort put. To overcome the challenges together is the primary reason for some to play online games. Or we would just stick with single player games.

Then, perhaps, GW2 isn't for you? I'm not trying to be kitten here, but if the game doesn't provide the level of entertainment that you seek, and historically has shown won't radically change, then maybe you are not the target audience?

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@"Mikali.9651" said:Because some people actually want a challenge and the real synergy needed to be able to finish it. Not everyone wants to win all the time with no effort put. To overcome the challenges together is the primary reason for some to play online games. Or we would just stick with single player games.

There was much less content in GW1 that "required" actual humans to play together, GW2 has raids and fractals which are impossible to solo. Meanwhile nearly all of GW1 content was a solo experience, with some very tiny exceptions that required a group for their hard mode.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Mikali.9651" said:Because some people actually want a challenge and the real synergy needed to be able to finish it. Not everyone wants to win all the time with no effort put. To overcome the challenges together is the primary reason for some to play online games. Or we would just stick with single player games.

There was much less content in GW1 that "required" actual humans to play together, GW2 has raids and fractals which are impossible to solo. Meanwhile nearly all of GW1 content was a solo experience, with some very tiny exceptions that required a group for their hard mode.

A lot of the T4s and even some CM bosses are soloable with just DPS gear but it requires a lot of concentration and fast hands. If they really wanted to they could try and solo those just like soloing in gw1 and feel challenged. But that's not what they want see, they just want to complain and reminisce about gw1 because they're not good at gw2.

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@squallaus.8321 said:

@"Mikali.9651" said:Because some people actually want a challenge and the real synergy needed to be able to finish it. Not everyone wants to win all the time with no effort put. To overcome the challenges together is the primary reason for some to play online games. Or we would just stick with single player games.

There was much less content in GW1 that "required" actual humans to play together, GW2 has raids and fractals which are impossible to solo. Meanwhile nearly all of GW1 content was a solo experience, with some very tiny exceptions that required a group for their hard mode.

A lot of the T4s and even some CM bosses are soloable with just DPS gear but it requires a lot of concentration and fast hands. If they really wanted to they could try and solo those just like soloing in gw1 and feel challenged. But that's not what they want see, they just want to complain and reminisce about gw1 because they're not good at gw2.

These posts entirely missed the point of what was being said in the topic. I don't mean to sound rude, but could you guys just read through everything that was said instead of becoming negative and salty over nothing?The OP was saying that they miss the cooperation and interaction with players that GW1 offered. You could solo most of the stuff there with henchmen and heroes, but people made bonds of friendships and long lasting interactions regardless of 'soloable' content.Times change, I feel this is more to do with actual mentality of people nowadays. You group up, finish the content and never get into contact with these people again.Heck I had a full guild group for T4 Fractals yet they just left without saying goodbye once we were done; smooth and enjoyable runs, yet 0 communication.GW community is still the nicest community out there, it's just that times are different.

Many of us miss what GW1 had but those times won't repeat.I still hope for actual atmosphere/music/story tweak in GW2 so I can fully enjoy the game as those are the only things that bug me.

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@Blur.3465 said:The OP was saying that they miss the cooperation and interaction with players that GW1 offered. You could solo most of the stuff there with henchmen and heroes, but people made bonds of friendships and long lasting interactions regardless of 'soloable' content.

The same can be done in GW2, which has content like Raids and Fractals that require a lot more cooperation and interaction than anything GW1 had to offer.

Times change, I feel this is more to do with actual mentality of people nowadays. You group up, finish the content and never get into contact with these people again.

Which is exactly what many did in GW1 as well (and all other mmorpgs), just because some players had more of desire to play with others in GW1 doesn't mean the fault is in the game, but the player.

Heck I had a full guild group for T4 Fractals yet they just left without saying goodbye once we were done; smooth and enjoyable runs, yet 0 communication.

Again, that's not a fault of the game, but the players.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Blur.3465 said:The OP was saying that they miss the cooperation and interaction with players that GW1 offered. You could solo most of the stuff there with henchmen and heroes, but people made bonds of friendships and long lasting interactions regardless of 'soloable' content.

The same can be done in GW2, which has content like Raids and Fractals that require a lot more cooperation and interaction than anything GW1 had to offer.

Times change, I feel this is more to do with actual mentality of people nowadays. You group up, finish the content and never get into contact with these people again.

Which is exactly what many did in GW1 as well (and all other mmorpgs), just because some players had more of desire to play with others in GW1 doesn't mean the fault is in the game, but the player.

Heck I had a full guild group for T4 Fractals yet they just left without saying goodbye once we were done; smooth and enjoyable runs, yet 0 communication.

Again, that's not a fault of the game, but the players.

It's what I am saying.Times change, people are different and there's little that can be done about that.Times/era of feel when MMOs felt 'warmer' and close when it comes to player interaction is over.All we can do is just remember those times.That does not mean that we can't try to spark it again and do our best to get that feeling back however; in terms of communicating with each other in game.

Though the 'interaction' is not my problem with GW2, it's the atmosphere, story and misplaced music which I keep saying in the post.

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Moderator, could you please lock this thread? Everything has been said, now people are just arguing about differences between games and that is not the point of the thread, I guess some people just can't let us be so they gotta rub salt into the wound. Plenty of threads to post in, yet they pick this one to try to prove GW2 is better, for no reasons at all.

Different games made by the same company. I guess I can't speak with the fellow Guild Wars 1 players and nice Guild Wars 2 people without these other people interrupting our conversation. We all know GW1 and GW2 both have great parts to enjoy, yet some people just want to completely dismiss other game.

Lock this thread, thanks.

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@Mikali.9651 said:Moderator, could you please lock this thread? Everything has been said, now people are just arguing about differences between games and that is not the point of the thread, I guess some people just can't let us be so they gotta rub salt into the wound. Plenty of threads to post in, yet they pick this one to try to prove GW2 is better, for no reasons at all.

Different games made by the same company. I guess I can't speak with the fellow Guild Wars 1 players and nice Guild Wars 2 people without these other people interrupting our conversation. We all know GW1 and GW2 both have great parts to enjoy, yet some people just want to completely dismiss other game.

Lock this thread, thanks.

Agreed.It's unfortunate how we can't have a decent conversation and comparison without people popping in with salt and negativity over nothing.A shame, as I truly enjoy looking at good and bad aspects of both games and coming up with a solution that could help enhance GW2 experience overall.

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@Blur.3465 said:A shame, as I truly enjoy looking at good and bad aspects of both games and coming up with a solution that could help enhance GW2 experience overall.Well, it might have gone over better had the thread been more about suggestions to enhance GW2 rather than whine and complain that GW2 is not GW1, which is probably what triggered the responses herein.

I still think that it is bad form to come to the official GW2 forums and make a post about how much one misses GW1. The two games were never meant to be similar.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Blur.3465 said:A shame, as I truly enjoy looking at good and bad aspects of both games and coming up with a solution that could help enhance GW2 experience overall.Well, it might have gone over better had the thread been more about suggestions to enhance GW2 rather than whine and complain that GW2 is not GW1, which is probably what triggered the responses herein.

I still think that it is bad form to come to the official GW2 forums and make a post about how much one misses GW1. The two games were never meant to be similar.

The title is misleading, and as OP said that's not how the title was; as it got renamed by moderators.In all my posts here I kept suggesting changes and naming specific things I loved from GW1 that I'd love to see in GW2, yet people came over with negativity and statements which were out of place.

Another thing is that people did expect specific aspects to transfer over from GW1 to GW2 along with lore and names.It's natural to expect GW2 would be a modern version of GW1, everyone was ready for that, but unfortunately some of the things that we did love really got cut off/never transferred over to GW2.

I also feel that with all the decent suggestions made to make GW2 better were totally in place, there was room for a decent discussion but people jumped in with negativity right away, acting as if we are anti-GW2 and want to destroy it; which is not true.We come here expressing our thoughts and 'concerns' because we love GW2 and we just want to make our gaming experience better.

As always, in my case: Better/serious story, better atmosphere, music that is not misplaced (tweaked music playlist per zone) and more skills to toy with, less AoE, less flashy effects, options to tweak lighting so we don't go blind, etc.

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