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PVP power herald: Invocation vs Devastation vs Corruption


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Hello there.I am a mid-low gold power herald player and hoped for some build input for the "new meta". I am currently seeing rather good results with the metabattle power shiro herald but noticed that these bloody scrappers are very annoying to handle with all their boons, barriers, reflects and cc abundance. The corruption traitline seems to give me some boon hate so I wondered if it was a good idea to exchange either invo or deva for corruption. As I also still lack experience to objectively look at the situations I lose in, I was hoping to find some helpful advice from you guys either towards my build suggestion or in general.


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I am a revenant main myself, currently plat 1 and usually hovering between plat 1 and 2. After playing a lot of revenant, specifically Power Shiro Herald in PvP (it has always been the most if not the only viable option) I believe its main strenght is its high power damage. It is what most players cry about revenant when they lose against it, and it is what lets you fulfill your role -that is waiting for an opening to quickly burst down an enemy, either at a teamfight or +1. The problem that arises when trying to tweak the "meta" build, changing traitlines and/or legends, is that usually you trade some of that damage for some utility/defense. In your own example, you would be trading power damage (both Dev and Inv are sources of damage) for some utility in the form or boon removal or condi resistance. And yes, that might improve your chances against some situations such as fighting a Scrapper, but it will also decrease your capacity to do your true job -or better said, the job your build is trying to do.

That said, there are other builds that change the way revenant is played (always talking about PvP here): there was Condi Mallyx, Ventari Bunker, there is even a Condition Shiro right now at mettabattle. But the thing is, aside from being less efective, those builds just try to do a different thing from the very beginning. Long story short: the Power Shiro "meta" build in Metabattle is the optimized one for its playstyle/job. Oh, and that does not mean you can not change some traits, up to personal preference and situation. Sometimes you should try to adapt to your build's playstyle rather than the other way around. Hope it was useful, and good luck!

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From my experience, you are generally locked into invo, dev, and herald if you want to perform at high levels. Not taking devastation sacrifices so many damage increases and offensive pressure that you won't be reliably able to burst people down the way you need to. Not taking invocation (outside of like the one or two builds out there that use ret over invo) makes you much more vulnerable to condi and cc which are already rough to deal with. That being said, you can swap some of the traits within the individual lines to change up your performance and give you some different ways to approach fights. Not saying you can't experiment though, best of luck if you choose to, hope it all goes well. This is just what I've experienced on rev.

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In my opinion, giving up one of those lines for Corruption would only make it harder to kill the Scrapper. You don't have much control over when the boonstripping will take place and which boons you'd be taking, and they are able to reapply boons via Purity of Purpose much more frequently than you will be able to strip them. I used to think Opportune Extraction had priority on certain boons like stability, but I usually come out of fights with high swiftness uptime so my guess is that it does not, which makes it even harder to impactfully land a strip.To me, the only reason you'd ever want to give up Devastation or Invocation for Corruption as a full power Glint/Shiro Herald is for Pulsating Pestilence if you are fighting a condi-heavy comp, at which point you would be sacrificing quite a bit of damage and utility for better (but less reliable) condition management, which in itself is arguably not worth it because you are crippling your primary role performance. The other traits only shine well when playing Condi/Mallyx.

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@"Deadvillager.1956" said:Hello there.I am a mid-low gold power herald player and hoped for some build input for the "new meta". I am currently seeing rather good results with the metabattle power shiro herald but noticed that these bloody scrappers are very annoying to handle with all their boons, barriers, reflects and cc abundance. The corruption traitline seems to give me some boon hate so I wondered if it was a good idea to exchange either invo or deva for corruption. As I also still lack experience to objectively look at the situations I lose in, I was hoping to find some helpful advice from you guys either towards my build suggestion or in general.


Shiro has boon rip, and if the opposing team has a lot of boonbased support, it's usually worth taking Core Value to get a 3rd one off of everyone.

Definitely, definitely not worth running Corruption or Mallyx specifically for this unless tho you're cherry picking it for some sort of a dueling situation... But within the scope of a sPvP match you need to maintain your burst.

But remember too, if you're having trouble killing Scrappers quickly, don't fight them. You're not really supposed to be the one out there 1v1'ing people in a match anyways, and the Scrapper's entire job is to stall you and make you waste your time while the rest of his team runs up the score elsewhere. He won't have the tools to actually kill you if you decide to just disengage and go rejoin the team fight, so do that. Just keep rotating and quickly blowing-up the classes/people on the other team that you know you can and you'll definitely start winning more games than you lose.

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You all made very good points. I might try different builds at some point but for now will try to improve my rotational awareness. My ranked games were already quite successful (not too successful obviously as I was deservedly stuck in gold), but I will try harder next season to find good +1s and help my team out.

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I made this build on metabattle and it was often optimized/changed with other people that play similar styles.

Yeah it's rated Basic because it lacks Shiro. (Basically the only arguement ever used.)

Otherwise really strong in the right hands, it got me into rank 82 this season and really the first time I managed to keep it. So if you really want to be trying anything else than the (boring and lame) Glint Shiro, there's a lot of nice ways to play Revenant which might be considered unoptimal or plain wrong to, but IMO that's the true fun behind the skill of the profession.

It's always gonna have glaring weaknesses for the simple fact you are limited to legends. (Which while limiting, way more balanced.)


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  • 3 weeks later...

@narcx.3570 said:

@"Deadvillager.1956" said:Hello there.I am a mid-low gold power herald player and hoped for some build input for the "new meta". I am currently seeing rather good results with the metabattle power shiro herald but noticed that these bloody scrappers are very annoying to handle with all their boons, barriers, reflects and cc abundance. The corruption traitline seems to give me some boon hate so I wondered if it was a good idea to exchange either invo or deva for corruption. As I also still lack experience to objectively look at the situations I lose in, I was hoping to find some helpful advice from you guys either towards my build suggestion or in general.


Shiro has boon rip, and if the opposing team has a lot of boonbased support, it's usually worth taking Core Value to get a 3rd one off of everyone.

Definitely, definitely not worth running Corruption or Mallyx specifically for this unless tho you're cherry picking it for some sort of a dueling situation... But within the scope of a sPvP match you need to maintain your burst.

But remember too, if you're having trouble killing Scrappers quickly, don't fight them. You're not really supposed to be the one out there 1v1'ing people in a match anyways, and the Scrapper's entire job is to stall you and make you waste your time while the rest of his team runs up the score elsewhere. He won't have the tools to actually kill you if you decide to just disengage and go rejoin the team fight, so do that. Just keep rotating and quickly blowing-up the classes/people on the other team that you know you can and you'll definitely start winning more games than you lose.

This the same play style I use for Renegade in SPvP

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