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Leaked Upcoming Balance Notes for Rev Weapons (Joke)


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  • The 2, 3, and 4 skills no longer have any damage splits when multiple targets are nearby
  • Sword 4 has been reworked to its original form and will now have a 1.5sec block before cycling over to shackling wave. Shackling wave damage has been reduced by 15%
  • Deathstrike has been problematic recently due to not only it's high damage but it's tendency to desync the player, as such, we have reduced the damage output of the second strike, removed the slow from the first strike, and fixed the desync problem
  • Fixed a bug in which terrain differences could cause sword 3 to fail
  • Fixed a bug in which sword 3 could fail randomly
  • Fixed a bug in which sword 3 would fail while still providing the evasion frames for the player
  • Fixed a bug in which having slow on could cause sword 3 to fail


  • The 4th skill on this set has been reworked to function like a tether (similar to spear of justice) that will now pulse torment and life siphon. When an opponent is hit with the skill, it will cycle over to a pull


  • Shield 5 no longer roots the player during cast
  • Shield 5 energy cost has been reduced to 15 from 20
  • Fixed a bug in which the projectile for shield 4 could be destroyed in the ground and not provide any effect to the player or their allies


  • Increased the reliability of staff 2 cycling


  • Increased the damage of the auto-attack by 10%
  • The second skill has been reworked and now fires a crippling shot at your foe while evading backwards
  • Skill 3 has had the targeting system reworked and will now have all of the arrows converge on wherever the ground target was placed
  • Skill 4 has had it's area of cast vailidity increased and will no longer fail when targeted behind or to the side of you
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One can dream.

If only Devs wanted to do this kind of changes, but it seems they don't.

As for SB #2 and #3, I'd give #3 evade to fit with overall weapon design in game - where #3 mostly the movement skill. Give it treatment like Warrior Rifle #4.SB #2 - just delete this skill and give us whatever.

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