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FSPG (not-a-)Leader instructs community to lose matchup to drop tier. Nice.


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@Hellbound.5610 said:

@steki.1478 said:You missed the part where I mentioned that reset isnt the best way to evaluate the matchup. You'll see during the week what I was talking about, especially vs AR and Gandara.You did say that reset is the time when servers bring their best fighter squads...

Yep, it was also the most boring reset I have ever had

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@BadMed.3846 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:That's fine, players can play how they like.

Unhealthy behaviour. Not good for the game overall.

Why is it unhealthy to have community goals exactly?

A game is meant to be played. Not to be manipulated with political drama surrounding WvW. Just keep it simple. The drama is unhealthy.

you're causing drama too

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@"Burn.5021" said:b7f8f262-da3d-4517-9631-146f9aef9156.png

This follows constant calls in map and team chats to not recap objectives and PPT.

Certain guilds want to drop tier for easier GvG fights due to not being good enough for steamrolls in Tier 1.

first of all,

FSP doesnt belong in T1second why would u wanna be T1? fight gandara? their roaming squads are bigger then our zone blobs but for gandara its called roaming..third theres nothing to fight in T1, if i fight 1 gandara 2 more pop up if not 3 or 4 or whole zone blob i mean roaming squad. :DT1 is beyond boring gandara has some good(or maybe alot) players but all of em play save either by not fighting if not out numbering or playing some cheese ass build near a tower so they can jump to safety if their 1 click kill didnt work out.

so ye better be t2/t3 or even t4 if u ask me nothing to do with guilds wanna fight, most GvG's are done in eotm i havent seen a GvG in borders for long time.while saying GvG does gandara even have guilds? or ar? w/e hell the other server is :D so ye maybe its a good reason to drop if u think its that?i rather transfer away from T1 if fsp was planning to stay but whats the point it all boils down to linked server nowadays not to main server.

anyway T1 is boring for roamers for guilds for any1 beside people who think its awesome to be among top servers then ur like 6? years to late cus no1 ever really did care for being nr1 server cus u gained absolutely nada nothing.

@Hellbound.5610 said:

@"steki.1478" said:T2 is far from 20v60, but what would you know when you've probably never gotten off the AC's or dollyak escorts.

People don't drop from t1 to find easier fights. They drop to find fights to begin with. T1 has no coordinated fights because majority of players are running random builds and do ppt all the time, which is a well known fact. Not particularly fun for any raid guild and gvg has nothing to do with that.Are you saying that players with random builds who do ppt all the time are better than raid guilds since these guilds are unable to wipe them?

There has certainly been no issues with having fights for the past week. Just last night on reset we had great fun capping and defending AR's Garrison, WITHOUT siege.

You should not make assumptions when you do not know facts, It only ruins your credibility and kills your argument.

just because FSP is so bad (yes im on fsp) where roamers just drop dead moment some1 hits them doesnt mean all other servers are like that.give me a handful of decent roamers dont have to be any good.tell them to not be greedy and hammer on the greed part and u can eat so many people from any kind of zerg/blob/raid guild/whatever squad.and eventually they will die cus u been tearing apart all their dps or w/e was dumb enough to think he could handle some "roamers"

and since fsp people tend to run in a snake formation yes its heaven for roaming people who arent greedy and can do a coordinated attack u just eat one after another like its nothing.but like i said fsp has nothing its like a server full of bots with here and there a decent player. but in general picture fsp quality players have left last year already and there is few goodies left but majority is beyond reta rded.

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This is very amusing to read. FSPG asking for people to stop PPTing while being the biggest leech in the entire game. FSPG provides absolutely nothing but a headache to everyone on a server, especially with Kale "a well established raid guild" basically being the useless baggage everyone is dragging with them like a prisoner's ball and chain.

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A "matchup goal" is just yelling to the sky and hoping it will stop raining.

Will I be extra lazy this week? Perhaps. Perhaps not. While I primarily roam, the way I get fights is attacking or defending objectives and anything in between. PPT is a sideeffect of being good at it, or just plain doing it. I cant control the will of our enemies - its up to them to fight back. Sometimes they do a kitten job at it. The tier system is there for this reason. A server ends up naturally where its "supposed" to be by either winning or loosing. That its not particularly fun to fight in a certain bracket or that people dont think the server belong there is irrelevant.

At the end of the day, its a wish internal to a pug community guild and relayed by optimistic people via chat. Dont like seeing it? Leave the guild or block the chat. Aint harder than that. This thread is creating drama over nothing. Its not like its something new either - guilds have been doing this since 2012 in the name of "fights".

Disclaimer: I am a member of FSPG.

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@LINKAZZATORE.8135 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:That's fine, players can play how they like.

Unhealthy behaviour. Not good for the game overall.

Why is it unhealthy to have community goals exactly?

A game is meant to be played. Not to be manipulated with political drama surrounding WvW. Just keep it simple. The drama is unhealthy.

you're causing drama too

That was rather lame. But what else to expect from dramatic organised tankers. Keeping things simple sounds like drama to you. Yep. Thanks for proving my point.

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I transferred to FSP and just end up logging in to farm my tickets by camping T3 SM and repairing the walls. I'm sort of the pacifist and don't like killing players. This is why i don't like imcompetent commanders that go for 'fights. I'm glad to support the server in this way.

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