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Give me F1 burst skill back, thanks


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I dont care about this rework. I only know that other class doesnt lost thier core mechanics just because they choose to play hot or pof spec

Soulbeast still can control their pet when outside of beast mode

Holosmith still can use their toolbelt skill when outside of holo mode

Why sould I be punished by choosing berserker?

Sometimes I need to play condi and use Longbow burst skill to keep up passive effects from trait like Adrenal Health, it's really useful when solo boss or lots of mobs in OW , and I still need sword burst skill to immobilize mobs. I dont use power build all the time and never cap on GS like brain-dead player.

For now I still use my Spb as dps in raid/cms (yeah spb), because im afraid one day you guys will nerf berserker again, especially GS Primal burst. Im not your QA.

And I want to answer a question from other post : yes I only feel like a true warrior when I enter berk mode and have F1 to use, because anet build warrior's trait on top of burst skills. Without that, what am I ?

If you think im wrong and insist that this trade off is right direction, then yeah, tweak soulbeast and Holosmith, and we'll see if this is "right direction". (Make Holosmith unable to use toolbelt skill all the time and soulbeat cant control their pet or switch when not in beast mode)

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Well they are 'reworking' the elite specs, and the specs you've mentioned will have their time in the barrel in the coming months and will lose part of their core F1s, or have them altered more.

Take Throw Bolas for your immobilize if you need it, or trait Leg Specialist so that your cripples immobilize. You still have a fair bit of condi outside of F1 spam.

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I understand why you are upset but I like trade-offs. If they actually implement this rule across more E-Specs, then I'll be happy.This makes perfect sense as E-Specs tend to be enhancements of Core Professions rather than alternative gameplay option. Berserker's utilities are literally upgraded versions of core skills.Now, imagine if Soulbeast lost the ability to cotrol their pet while they have this E-Spec equipped.Mirage loses Distortion F4 for stun-breaking, reflecting evades, etc.Berserker loses defenses and 1-2 adrenaline bar for insane zerk damage output - frenzy.Holosmith loses something from the toolbelt because Photon forge is basically a new set of skills.Scourge loses shroud.

There are cases which this rule won't work for, so it's very arguable. Maybe some E-Specs don't need this kind of trade-offs but if they continue to do this, I am sure the game will be much more balanced in terms of power-creep.

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Well Anet may take one of the ranger pets away... would make sense on forming such a close bond that they can merge with a pet that they only get one.

Scapper and Holo should lose the tool belt entirely. Admittedly scrapper would need more, maybe all its toolkits keys are gyro toolbelt skills and don't change depending on the slotted skills?

Not sure what Weaver or Tempest can even give up... Maybe Weaver takes a stat penalty for the elements it is not attuned to? Tempest I have no clue...

They gave (lol) Rev something to give up.

Not sure what Mesmers can give up. Maybe Mirage gives up all or most of its shatters? Ditto for Chronomancer?

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@Rodrick.1942 said:This is not right, sigh...i only hope they dont touch spb

I dont think they will,they already nerfed the damage part from counter so its more used as a defensive skill instead and adjusted Wod several times aswell. I dont see what else they need to change about spb that would completely change how spb would play out.

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Maybe not giving back the old ones but adding a single bar burst skill for when you are not in zerker mode, which works like the old Bloody roar trait but with fear for 1 second instead of taunt, does some damage and applies a stack of burn so it doesn't feel that bad when you overcap adrenaline.

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@Hitman.5829 said:Interesting fact:1.- It takes 30 hits to fill the 3 bars of adrenaline to activate berserker more.

berserker is lame AF.

If you run opportunist trait with arms tree and focus your build to maintain 100% crit then you need 1 throw bola and 12 hits with crit. Or you could headbutt and get 30 adrenaline for free

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:I understand why you are upset but I like trade-offs. If they actually implement this rule across more E-Specs, then I'll be happy.This makes perfect sense as E-Specs tend to be enhancements of Core Professions rather than alternative gameplay option. Berserker's utilities are literally upgraded versions of core skills.Now, imagine if Soulbeast lost the ability to cotrol their pet while they have this E-Spec equipped.Mirage loses Distortion F4 for stun-breaking, reflecting evades, etc.Berserker loses defenses and 1-2 adrenaline bar for insane zerk damage output - frenzy.Holosmith loses something from the toolbelt because Photon forge is basically a new set of skills.Scourge loses shroud.

There are cases which this rule won't work for, so it's very arguable. Maybe some E-Specs don't need this kind of trade-offs but if they continue to do this, I am sure the game will be much more balanced in terms of power-creep.

Being squishier in berserk, and losing a lot of damage (traits not active) when not in berserk already is a trade off. Warrior was also a profession where Core vs SB vs Berserker didn't have a wide gap between dps, they were essentially 3 different ways of playing Warrior. You had all 3 being used for various types of content, so Berserker being the first to be changed made zero sense, and was just an excuse to appease the people who player Power Berserker complaining Condi Berserrker was meta, completely ignoring the fact core and SB are only power.

I personally don't like the new Berserker as I was fine with just playing it as a Condi DPS. I simply swapped between two warriors where one was for Power and the other for Condi Zerker, as of now, Berserker feels horrible to play, especially without someone giving alacrity. They even made it worse for WvW/PvP despite the changes being aimed at making it better there, as it's all about that GS F1 and that's it, either you instantly kill a bunch of people, or it's worthless.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

@DanAlcedo.3281 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

PvE sure.

PvP not so much.

Can't say much for sPvP, but I've baited several players in WvW and connected with Headbutt. You don't open with it, unless the other players is in a blocking animation thinking they are safe, then pop Signet of Might during the Headbutt animation.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

PvE sure.

PvP not so much.

Can't say much for sPvP, but I've baited several players in WvW and connected with Headbutt. You don't open with it, unless the other players is in a blocking animation thinking they are safe, then pop Signet of Might during the Headbutt animation.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

except core war/spellbreaker tolerate the slow building with adrenaline gaining traits and low adrenaline requirement for skills and benefit.while berserker requires 30 adrenaline from any thing adrenaline related and without adrenaline it is twice weaker then warrior/spellbreaker without adrenaline

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

PvE sure.

PvP not so much.

Can't say much for sPvP, but I've baited several players in WvW and connected with Headbutt. You don't open with it, unless the other players is in a blocking animation thinking they are safe, then pop Signet of Might during the Headbutt animation.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

except core war/spellbreaker tolerate the slow building with adrenaline gaining traits and low adrenaline requirement for skills and benefit.while berserker requires 30 adrenaline from any thing adrenaline related and without adrenaline it is twice weaker then warrior/spellbreaker without adrenaline

But when he gets the berserker he is twice as strong right? If you use a proper build adrenaline is not a problem.Dont judge the class if you are playing it wrong way.

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@KelyNeli.4516 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

PvE sure.

PvP not so much.

Can't say much for sPvP, but I've baited several players in WvW and connected with Headbutt. You don't open with it, unless the other players is in a blocking animation thinking they are safe, then pop Signet of Might during the Headbutt animation.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

except core war/spellbreaker tolerate the slow building with adrenaline gaining traits and low adrenaline requirement for skills and benefit.while berserker requires 30 adrenaline from any thing adrenaline related and without adrenaline it is twice weaker then warrior/spellbreaker without adrenaline

But when he gets the berserker he is twice as strong right? If you use a proper build adrenaline is not a problem.Dont judge the class if you are playing it wrong way.

yea, im not complaining, i like how berserker relies on signet of fury, etc, it feels different then other warriors and i almost reach plat 3 without discipline, that's also a first.but down side is, there's no other play style at the moment other then go in, gain 30 adrenaline, arc divider.like condition side of berserker, there's no condition skill strong like arc divider and still plays like classic on point warrior, but berserker has almost no sustain.and rage utility skills at the moment are pretty weak, you already sacrifice one slot for adrenaline. (don't talk about headbutt, it's too risky, if you miss it you have no adrenaline and you just die)

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@KelyNeli.4516 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

PvE sure.

PvP not so much.

Can't say much for sPvP, but I've baited several players in WvW and connected with Headbutt. You don't open with it, unless the other players is in a blocking animation thinking they are safe, then pop Signet of Might during the Headbutt animation.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Fun fact Headbutt gives 30 Adrenaline, so do several other skills. Several traits give more as well. GS cleave will give you several strikes per hit. I find myself waiting on the recharge more than my adrenaline.

Exactly, berserker needs to sacrifice one slot for pure purpose of gaining 30 adrenaline when entering fight, or else, it will fight as a weaker warrior for 30 hits, with slow hitting of warrior skills, it takes forever.

warrior in general is hard to gain adrenaline, and from the beginning of time have specced for adrenaline in pvp.now with berserker it stands out more, because berserker without adrenaline is a half of any other warrior without adrenaline and other warriors only take 10 adrenaline to have any trait benefit while berserker need 30 from the get go.

headbutt is not good for the play style warrior has now, it's easy to avoid headbutt, with how squishy berserker is.and people will avoid you the moment you go in,also it's a very obvious tell, because when you headbutt, people will know you are going to berserk right after so...

You missed the part where Several traits aid adrenaline gain, and that cleaving gives more adrenaline. If you are not building your warrior with gaining adrenaline in mind then you are ignoring your core mechanic, and then complaining about how your core mechanic sucks.

except core war/spellbreaker tolerate the slow building with adrenaline gaining traits and low adrenaline requirement for skills and benefit.while berserker requires 30 adrenaline from any thing adrenaline related and without adrenaline it is twice weaker then warrior/spellbreaker without adrenaline

But when he gets the berserker he is twice as strong right? If you use a proper build adrenaline is not a problem.Dont judge the class if you are playing it wrong way.

Do you even play that amazing Arms build or just theorycraft it here on forums? Do you think that people are going to give up Discipline traitline in PvE/PvP/WvW? I am afraid it will not work as great as you may think.But it is ok, I found a way to have it all with Discipline build, with 25% movement speed, with condi cleanse on weapon swap, best Decapitate spam ever, enough fury for Berserk (100.57% crit chance with fury in berserker gear) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: while also being fun to play (relatively)! Instead of using impractical builds. What if you are the one playing it wrong way?And yet, Berserk downtime is still very annoying, making berserker sometimes too situational (meaning that e.g. when getting into another encounter, my Berserk is ending or is still on CD - so basically unable to start new encounter with Berserk mode). Having to wait for Berserk CD to be able to use profession/elite spec mechanics is very unfun trade-off.

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Headbutt hits if you are good :p You can also take Berserkers Stance, Signet of Fury, Blood Reckoning, "To The Limit!", or slot any of the 7 major or minor core traits that aid in adrenaline gain.


I run Arms myself, but haven't had to slot Opportunist or Furious since I haven't needed the extra adrenaline. As I've said elsewhere all the things you love on Discipline are better acquired from elsewhere with the exception of Fast Hands. Discipline offers a nice selection of convenient traits, that various utility skills and runes do better, with the sole exception of Fast Hands. Burst recharge reduction matters less for a Berserker due to short cooldown of Primal Bursts, and that Berserk Mode would still be a 12s cool down instead of 15s.

I would say that Defense is more needed on a Berserker than Discipline.

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@cryorion.9532 said:Do you even play that amazing Arms build or just theorycraft it here on forums? Do you think that people are going to give up Discipline traitline in PvE/PvP/WvW? I am afraid it will not work as great as you may think.But it is ok, I found a way to have it all with Discipline build, with 25% movement speed, with condi cleanse on weapon swap, best Decapitate spam ever, enough fury for Berserk (100.57% crit chance with fury in berserker gear) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: while also being fun to play (relatively)! Instead of using impractical builds. What if you are the one playing it wrong way?And yet, Berserk downtime is still very annoying, making berserker sometimes too situational (meaning that e.g. when getting into another encounter, my Berserk is ending or is still on CD - so basically unable to start new encounter with Berserk mode). Having to wait for Berserk CD to be able to use profession/elite spec mechanics is very unfun trade-off.

And probably having all utility slots filled with signets and flag, without easy way to gain peaks performance. Also missing sundering burst-arc divider combo, +30% free damage.

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@cryorion.9532 said:@Lan Deathrider.5910

I could argue about overall usefulness of such build, but this thread is not about that. All I say is: have fun being stuck out of Berserk mode for 15 seconds with 10 second weapon swap, without profession mechanics.

I am sure we could go into a very lengthy conversation about it lol. It really boils down to preference there though. As for being stuck out of Berserk Mode and 10s weapon swap. Things are usually dead before Berserk Mode ends. And if not Peak Performance + WWA or Volley will clean up. If I die at that point, then I would have died with Discipline traited instead of Arms anyway.

People seem to be forgetting that warriors do have big damage skills not tied to the F1 key... Indeed Axe dps is pretty much spamming auto attack with Axe 2 thrown in inbetween auto chains.

I have had fights last long enough that I used Headbutt -> Berserk Mode again, but that is usually if someone rallybots.

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@"KelyNeli.4516"Not at all. Blood Reckoning, Signet of Fury, For Great Justice, Rush/Kick/Throw Bolas (I prefer Rush for its good cc and also some mobility) and Head Butt. The only missing thing is basically vulnerability, that is true. But when you compare adaptability and practicality of these builds, that is where things differ quite a lot. I guess that is what some people call "playstyle"? Also, you can stack up to 25 vulnerability, so you are getting 25% max bonus from the trait + it is not free damage, you have to sacrifice some good utility for it.

@"Lan Deathrider.5910"You are now takling about PvP or WvW mode though. The build I mentioned is just PvE solo build.For WvW, I run different builds. But only one has Arms traitline (core rifle warrior - with Discipline and Defense).The point was, that giving up Discipline for Arms is just not that beneficial overall. You will gain some extra damage, but lose some very useful utility.But it is fine, I found my "golden build" that works very well for me. Now to hope that there will be some additional improvements, especially when out of Berserk.

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@cryorion.9532 said:@"KelyNeli.4516"Not at all. Blood Reckoning, Signet of Fury, For Great Justice, Rush/Kick/Throw Bolas (I prefer Rush for its good cc and also some mobility) and Head Butt. The only missing thing is basically vulnerability, that is true. But when you compare adaptability and practicality of these builds, that is where things differ quite a lot. I guess that is what some people call "playstyle"? Also, you can stack up to 25 vulnerability, so you are getting 25% max bonus from the trait + it is not free damage, you have to sacrifice some good utility for it.

@"Lan Deathrider.5910"You are now takling about PvP or WvW mode though. The build I mentioned is just PvE solo build.For WvW, I run different builds. But only one has Arms traitline (core rifle warrior - with Discipline and Defense).The point was, that giving up Discipline for Arms is just not that beneficial overall. You will gain some extra damage, but lose some very useful utility.But it is fine, I found my "golden build" that works very well for me. Now to hope that there will be some additional improvements, especially when out of Berserk.

Well for open world Strength + Defense is all you need to steamroll anything, third trait line can be anything and depends on which weapons you like most and whether you want to rely on a utility skill for superior condi management or lesser condi management on weapon swap.

But you are right in that when you find the "golden build" that works for you, then there is very little need to swap to what others find to be their "golden build." One can argue that the utility you get in Discipline is nor free utility either. There are several ways to manage condi, and several ways to boost damage, which way fits for you may not be what fits for others.

At this point we've highjacked @OP's thread. Berserker isn't getting F1 Bursts back. Adapt. Learn how to play Berserker in its current state. Learn how to play warrior while bursts are on cooldown (hint: its like playing core after using a T3 F1, but for a bit longer cd).

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