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Sorrows Furnace from High to Full


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Just a general call out. Does anyone know when Sorrow's Furnace went from a High population to being Full? That seemed like a pretty big jump and I think it just happened in the last couple of weeks. Either there has been a recalculation on the Dev side, or we had a sudden influx of WvW players. Any ideas?

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@"Malavian.4695" said:Just a general call out. Does anyone know when Sorrow's Furnace went from a High population to being Full? That seemed like a pretty big jump and I think it just happened in the last couple of weeks. Either there has been a recalculation on the Dev side, or we had a sudden influx of WvW players. Any ideas?

Yeah you guys got a couple of guilds that came, maybe around 200+ or so people transferred to sf. Some part of an "alliance". I do know doc, cl, tlr, and a few others are there now on both hod/sf

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@DemonSeed.3528 said:

@"Malavian.4695" said:Just a general call out. Does anyone know when Sorrow's Furnace went from a High population to being Full? That seemed like a pretty big jump and I think it just happened in the last couple of weeks. Either there has been a recalculation on the Dev side, or we had a sudden influx of WvW players. Any ideas?

Yeah you guys got a couple of guilds that came, maybe around 200+ or so people transferred to sf. Some part of an "alliance". I do know doc, cl, tlr, and a few others are there now on both hod/sf

I’m in TLR, and ya we have an alliance and we transferred recently to SF

But imo, I think there are an influx of new WVW players...some from PVE that fancy the Warclaw, and some from SPVP that are sick and tired of that dieting game mode

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@"Malavian.4695" said:Just a general call out. Does anyone know when Sorrow's Furnace went from a High population to being Full? That seemed like a pretty big jump and I think it just happened in the last couple of weeks. Either there has been a recalculation on the Dev side, or we had a sudden influx of WvW players. Any ideas?

Yeah you guys got a couple of guilds that came, maybe around 200+ or so people transferred to sf. Some part of an "alliance". I do know doc, cl, tlr, and a few others are there now on both hod/sf

I’m in TLR, and ya we have an alliance and we transferred recently to SF

But imo, I think there are an influx of new WVW players...some from PVE that fancy the Warclaw, and some from SPVP that are sick and tired of that dieting game mode

The dieting game is strong

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@Engal.6359 said:

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684and some from SPVP that are sick and tired of that dieting game mode

That's me lol. sPvP is toxic and full of bots and wintrading at the end of the season.

Yep, not to mention that WvW is actually a really fun game mode. There's way more build diversity, way more play quality deviation (If your a bad player, it's still possible for you to play with good players and learn to get better. And if you are a good player, you are constantly challenged by other good players to get better) and the game mode itself is just more interesting, since it's more like a war game with long term strategic play, which brings about tactical decision making... So from that you have people that choose to do certain roles or fulfill all the roles to achieve some sort of advancement for the collective good of the server...so you have scouts, camp and sentry flippers, Yak Runners, Roamers, Havoc's, small scales, zergs, Qzergs, clouds, defenders....All of these serve a different purpose to achieve a certain tactical goal which is fun to think about in the grand scale of the match. You can be anyone, do anything, and no matter what you do you are making a difference one way or another without really broadcasting to the world that you may not be a good player, or if you are new or something.

Because of those things, Toxicity is way less in WvW. Toxic people are there, but it's way way less than spvp. and It's easy to make friends too.

Do i even want to go in on spvp? all build diversity vanquished with repeated nerfs to everything that was barely viable to begin with, Buffs and negligence on builds that are obscenely overpowered, and the constant removal of amulets and sigil combinations. The toxicity is at an all time high because of skill balance, and matchmaking balance. Hot joins are dead, and duel arenas are almost dead... Tournaments are a JOKE because the same people keep winning them over and over and over again, even though it was the first positive change they've made to the game mode...a positive change that happened 5 years too late... I can go on and on about why spvp has degraded to the point where i was just depressed everytime i started playing...even the rewards which are now super good doesn't entice me enough to want to play...who wants to feel really sick for 4 hours a day? well if you play spvp that's what its like....

clears throat okay let me stop myself now before i get upset. I was from the spvp world, and had played for 4+ years. I don't regret that one bit...but i do regret not going in to wvw and checking out that scene way earlier when there was also more people. I hope they don't screw up WvW and make the same mistakes as they did to spvp. The addition of warclaw imo was a double edged sword...and anet is playing with fire with the one thing that is still sacred in this game.

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@javascript.7924 said:the strange thing is with all that increase in population SoS are still beating them. Is there a big difference in player skill?

Last matchup with FC and AR was a massive burnout for everyone. We held are own, but the competitiveness of the match was exhausting ....and most people on the server would rather stay in T2 or drop to T3 for less stress. We won’t know who’s gonna win this matchup but we will probably stay in T2 just to get more practice fighting FC and AR.

In other words this matchup is like a little vacation for us.

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@spectrito.8513 said:

@javascript.7924 said:the strange thing is with all that increase in population SoS are still beating them. Is there a big difference in player skill?

How much skill does it take to flip empty towers ?=)

Strong attention span doing mundane tasks is a sought after skill. How hard is it to pack an empty grocery bag? Quite a feat for some millenials.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684and some from SPVP that are sick and tired of that dieting game mode

That's me lol. sPvP is toxic and full of bots and wintrading at the end of the season.

I hope they don't screw up WvW and make the same mistakes as they did to spvp. The addition of warclaw imo was a double edged sword...and anet is playing with fire with the one thing that is still sacred in this game.

Many ppl would argue that they already screwed up a long time ago

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