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A thought about thumbs down option


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The Thumbs Down tool can hold value as a means of providing a quick "disagree". There are instances where this would be helpful for the community as well as for the Devs/Mods. However, there are certainly instances where this tool can be abused or can feel threatening, even if it's only a matter of interpretation by the person being down-voted.

At the heart of my request for more information from @"Gaile Gray.6029" , is an understanding of their reasoning for including this tool (i.e. what benefits and potential liabilities were discussed, and how did they conclude that having it was for the best?). I think having their perspective will help the community understand what the intention was from the beginning and how they'd like it to be used. I know she and the team are working on the limited edit situation this morning/afternoon, which I'm very thankful for.

With regard to Thumbs Down versus Thumbs Up, I would suggest that there's a disparity between their effectiveness. A Thumbs Up could be a quick way to "agree" with something someone has written without the need to quote or write a quick "what they said ^" post. If the post you read sums things up well, and you cant think of anything else to add, it is nice to show support. However, if you don't agree, the downside to a quick "disagree" feedback is that the person that's down-voted doesn't get the feedback as to why. If you post to say why you disagree, that's far more valuable, at which point, you have to question the value of a "disagree" vote (other than for stats, which may help devs determine what's not popular within a subset of the player population). Subjective items, like style or fan fiction, etc. would benefit from a mixture of constructive criticism and praise. To me, that's best handled in posts, and a down-vote could be hurtful.

I'm not necessarily for or against the tool. In most cases, I like having more options and hoping that they get used constructively.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:Thumbs down to me is similar to peer pressure to conform people to specific social norm. If someone is to say something not of the majority's interest, people can easily abuse the thumb down, not because it is a verbally offensive post but because "i don't like it". It is like public way of silencing free speech.

Except...it's not...because it's not silencing anything. It's criticism of the most benign form. If someone thinks they have an 'oh so great idea' and brings it to the table...they should be eager and willing to handle any criticism it elicits.

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@The Revenant.4970 said:Except...it's not...because it's not silencing anything. It's criticism of the most benign form. If someone thinks they have an 'oh so great idea' and brings it to the table...they should be eager and willing to handle any criticism it elicits.

Did you not notice our difference in understanding of the thumbs down?

For your case, you think thumbs down is a disagree button.For my case, I believe thumbs down should be use on posts that is verbally offensive. This is purely base on logic that if I am not liking a post, is it not sufficient enough to say that I am not supporting it? It is the same thing for election, you either vote or abstain.

This difference in understanding on thumbs down lead to meaningfulness of it arbitrary.

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I read other forums with a downvote button and in each forum it causes some controversy and anxiety. People get silently downvoted after making a well thought out comment and they don't even know why. From the reactions this really bugs some people and personally I'm not seeing the value in these "drive by downvotes" as they're reflexive emotional responses rather than a reasoned written response to that person's argument.


Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.

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@Carighan.6758 said:

Interesting, because the people on reddit have very little positive to say about the official forums in turn, basically criticizing the inverse, a lack of user-based regulation and hence being nothing but an echo-chamber for overdone hype mixed with PvP and balance complaints.

This. In my experience the primary complaints about these forums on reddit have more to do with the moderation and lack of dev interaction here than anything else.

The thumbs down system here is fine as it does not affect ones standings. It's not like you lose or gain karma depending on the down/up votes.

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I agree. Though I also agree they could remove both Thumbs up and Thumbs Down and just leave the Helpful button. There is no reason to give people the power to negatively rate something that is objectively good.

I personally will up vote anything that has a down vote and isn't trolling or harassment to even things out.

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@Nick Lentz.6982 said:

@drkn.3429 said:The thumbs up and thumbs down system is a good indicator of what's happening within the community; not only what do people think about certain ideas, but also what kinds of reactions are more popular, and allow to ascertain why that might be.

I would imagine people who only downvote others' posts without any other contributions might get banned from the forums after some time.

The major difference is that downvoted posts do not disappear from the main page of a category here, whereas downvoting on Reddit casts threads into oblivion.

Had they started this before announcement of mounts, would we still get mounts? More likely. The thumbs up and down do nothing but grief. It would be better to have the +1 system so Anet sees what people like.

That's what we had before. They had it in place for exactly that reason.We could see if someone got over a certain thresholds of upvotes.Giving no thumbs would be the same as being indifferent or not agreeing.

It's weird to see them throwing things like that out.

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@The Revenant.4970 said:Not everyone's opinion is correct, good, or liked. Nothing wrong with pointing it out with an EXTREMELY benign thumbs down vote. That's simple reality. Toughen up, buckaroos.

I tend to prefer discussion and discourse, in regard to such things, rather than a silent thumbs down (or thumbs up) from users that may never comment or weigh in through other means. No one has to like or agree with me on anything, but I would like to at least hear why a post lead them to their viewpoint, and, of course, know what their viewpoint is at all.

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@Lucian.8235 said:

@The Revenant.4970 said:Not everyone's opinion is correct, good, or liked. Nothing wrong with pointing it out with an EXTREMELY benign thumbs down vote. That's simple reality. Toughen up, buckaroos.

I tend to prefer discussion and discourse, in regard to such things, rather than a silent thumbs down (or thumbs up) from users that may never comment or weigh in through other means.

Why? It wouldn't change your opinion. Time is better spent coming up with good ideas instead.

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personally, i believe it should be removed because it gives people a way to negatively convey a none constructive "criticism".in short, it breaks the forum rule about not attacking other players opinion as well as brings nothing positive or constructive to the conversation.the thumbs up is ok, as it is a positive impact and it will convey the same amount of "information" about how popular an idea is.

if it has to stay then at least it should be changed to a like system where you cannot go lower than 0, so at the very least no matter if you get trolled/bullied by 200 people, you will simply see a 0 likes on your "post" ^^

@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@"The Revenant.4970" said:Except...it's not...because it's not silencing anything. It's criticism of the most benign form. If someone thinks they have an 'oh so great idea' and brings it to the table...they should be eager and willing to handle any criticism it elicits.

Did you not notice our difference in understanding of the thumbs down?

For your case, you think thumbs down is a disagree button.For my case, I believe thumbs down should be use on posts that is verbally offensive. This is purely base on logic that if I am not liking a post, is it not sufficient enough to say that I am not supporting it? It is the same thing for election, you either vote or abstain.

This difference in understanding on thumbs down lead to the meaningfulness of it arbitrary.

that would be against forum rules.if you dislike a post enough for you to believe it "shouldn't be there", like verbally offensive, aggressive etc. behavior, then the forum rules stated to report it and not respond to it.in that manner, it keeps the forum cleaner and you avoid the warnings which come from responding to something you see as "unacceptable behavior".

which also furthers the argument that downvoting should be removed :)

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@Erebus.7568 said:personally, i believe it should be removed because it gives people a way to negatively convey a none constructive "criticism".in short, it breaks the forum rule about not attacking other players opinion as well as brings nothing positive or constructive to the conversation.the thumbs up is ok, as it is a positive impact and it will convey the same amount of "information" about how popular an idea is.

if it has to stay then at least it should be changed to a like system where you cannot go lower than 0, so at the very least no matter if you get trolled/bullied by 200 people, you will simply see a 0 likes on your "post" ^^

It absolutely DOES bring something constructive to the conversation...

Saying I disagree with you is constructive...it shows that I don't agree with you. I don't have to explain why. The simple fact that I disagree with you has merit on it's own.

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@The Revenant.4970 said:

@Lucian.8235 said:

@The Revenant.4970 said:Not everyone's opinion is correct, good, or liked. Nothing wrong with pointing it out with an EXTREMELY benign thumbs down vote. That's simple reality. Toughen up, buckaroos.

I tend to prefer discussion and discourse, in regard to such things, rather than a silent thumbs down (or thumbs up) from users that may never comment or weigh in through other means.

Why? It wouldn't change your opinion. Time is better spent coming up with good ideas instead.

What time is best spent on is up for debate and discussion, which are also typically the sort of things that bring understanding of opinions, familiarity and potential a change in stance, or not, as the discussion and subject matter dictate.

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@The Revenant.4970 said:

@Erebus.7568 said:personally, i believe it should be removed because it gives people a way to negatively convey a none constructive "criticism".in short, it breaks the forum rule about not attacking other players opinion as well as brings nothing positive or constructive to the conversation.the thumbs up is ok, as it is a positive impact and it will convey the same amount of "information" about how popular an idea is.

if it has to stay then at least it should be changed to a like system where you cannot go lower than 0, so at the very least no matter if you get trolled/bullied by 200 people, you will simply see a 0 likes on your "post" ^^

It absolutely DOES bring something constructive to the conversation...

Saying I disagree with you is constructive...it shows that I don't agree with you. I don't have to explain why. The simple fact that I disagree with you has merit on it's own.

it really isn't constructive to simply see someone click "downvoted" to a post I make.it is about as constructive as calling me names or writing in all caps because someone believes that I will understand their thoughts, what the issue exactly is with my arguments, purely from their "downvoted" or rude language choice.

constructive criticism is you actually taking the time to read what is said and respond to it with words in a post that you make, which would then make the "thumbs down" bottom pointless to have.edit: also imho; if someone doesn't find it important enough to use the time to actually discuss constructively then they shouldn't be commenting or voting on it at all, as it is thereby not something they care enough about to use the x-minutes to construct an actual answer to. So giving them the option to basically just troll people or negatively impact them for no known reason is not good for the community overall, imo.

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@Erebus.7568 said:it really isn't constructive to simply see someone click "downvoted" to a post I make.it is about as constructive as calling me names or writing in all caps because someone believes that I will understand their thoughts purely from their "downvoted" or rude language choice.constructive criticism is you actually taking the time to read what is said and respond to it with words in a post that you make, which would then make the "thumbs down" bottom pointless to have.

You don't seem to understand what 'constructive' means. It doesn't mean you get a pedestal to continually argue your points over and over. Someone disagreeing with what you brought to the table is good enough. You then know that at least one (most likely more) person doesn't agree with you and maybe you should rethink what you brought to the table. If it's something that warrants improvements, then people will state improvements, but more often than not, the idea is so bottom-of-the-barrel that there's truly no point.

Not all ideas smell like roses and have rainbows coming out of them...they shouldn't be made up as such.

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@Lucian.8235 said:

@"The Revenant.4970" said:Not everyone's opinion is correct, good, or liked. Nothing wrong with pointing it out with an EXTREMELY benign thumbs down vote. That's simple reality. Toughen up, buckaroos.

I tend to prefer discussion and discourse, in regard to such things, rather than a silent thumbs down (or thumbs up) from users that may never comment or weigh in through other means. No one has to like or agree with me on anything, but I would like to at least hear why a post lead them to their viewpoint, and, of course, know what their viewpoint is at all.

I agree, especially with regard to posting ideas for changes/additions to the game. In most cases the response is likely to be more complicated than a simple agree or disagree, even if it's just "I agree because..." or "I disagree because...".

More likely (I think) is that you'll agree or disagree with someone's overall idea but want to propose changes which could improve it or ask for clarification on something that could be a problem. And there's absolutely no way to convey that with a choice of two buttons.

But even so the thumbs up and down options can provide a concise summary. If I post what I think is a really cool idea and I come back to it to see 15 down votes and 3 up it sends a pretty clear message that my idea is not as popular as I expected. Then I can read the comments within that context to find out why and see if it could be improved or should just be scrapped.

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@Carighan.6758 said:

@symke.3105 said:Simply put ... please, remove thumbs down option.I am afraid this forumwill turn into reddit version with such an option. And reddit is nothing more but a cesspool for
  1. Who's got more friends
  2. Who's opinion is more popular at certain time and place

Interesting, because the people on reddit have very little positive to say about the official forums in turn, basically criticizing the inverse, a lack of user-based regulation and hence being nothing but an echo-chamber for overdone hype mixed with PvP and balance complaints.

What I mean to say is, I doubt the thumbs-down option is
isn't a major factor. It changes the specific problem, but not our human nature. We'll have a lopsided discussion place either way.

Reddit too ended up making "pop-up" saying do not use devote as disagree button because there are people obviously using them as disagree button. There are also subreddit that disable devote on post completely. In the end, how useful is this user-based regulation? The usefulness of it is very subjective base on the community it subject to.

@The Revenant.4970 said:

@Carighan.6758 said:Interesting, because the people on reddit have very little positive to say about the official forums in turn, basically criticizing the inverse, a lack of user-based regulation and hence being nothing but an echo-chamber for overdone hype mixed with PvP and balance complaints.

Bingo. These forums have always been a cesspool echo-chamber. Anet was a big part of that, with their literal silencing of strong-minded people with good ideas and opinions. A thumbs up/down never hurt a single sane person. However, excessive moderation and censorship has literally hurt this game overall. ANet does listen to their fans...but when they wall off the ones with actual good ideas...then they are left with the ones that cry all the time and bring little to the table.

That is false. I made a thread which (after a month) closed because people turning it into a personal suggestion thread. Seeing your post history in the old forums, I doubt you have posted enough to actually know the limits.

You ignored my post, does that means you are afraid of confrontations? If so, why start one?

@Erebus.7568 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@The Revenant.4970 said:Except...it's not...because it's not silencing anything. It's criticism of the most benign form. If someone thinks they have an 'oh so great idea' and brings it to the table...they should be eager and willing to handle any criticism it elicits.

Did you not notice our difference in understanding of the thumbs down?

For your case, you think thumbs down is a disagree button.For my case, I believe thumbs down should be use on posts that is verbally offensive. This is purely base on logic that if I am not liking a post, is it not sufficient enough to say that I am not supporting it? It is the same thing for election, you either vote or abstain.

This difference in understanding on thumbs down lead to the meaningfulness of it arbitrary.

that would be against forum rules.if you dislike a post enough for you to believe it "shouldn't be there", like verbally offensive, aggressive etc. behavior, then the forum rules stated to report it and not respond to it.in that manner, it keeps the forum cleaner and you avoid the warnings which come from responding to something you see as "unacceptable behavior".

which also furthers the argument that downvoting should be removed :)

Yes, it would be in this forums but on reddit devote design, it is used as a user-based regulation, we have a lot of gw2 redditers. The problem is defining what it is for this forums and how can you be sure others too have the same definition. Likewise, new users who don't visit reddit at all. There is a conflicting social norm on what thumbs down is.

Many forums I have visited regularly, really populated forums, they only have like button.

Edit: I also forgot that it also create a peer pressure effects which I have posted earlier.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@The Revenant.4970 said:Except...it's not...because it's not silencing anything. It's criticism of the most benign form. If someone thinks they have an 'oh so great idea' and brings it to the table...they should be eager and willing to handle any criticism it elicits.

Did you not notice our difference in understanding of the thumbs down?

For your case, you think thumbs down is a disagree button.For my case, I believe thumbs down should be use on posts that is verbally offensive. This is purely base on logic that if I am not liking a post, is it not sufficient enough to say that I am not supporting it? It is the same thing for election, you either vote or abstain.

This difference in understanding on thumbs down lead to meaningfulness of it arbitrary.

Thumbs up and down are exactly that. Like & Dislike buttons. They're not a moderation tool like upvote and downvote.

Using thumb down is a way of saying you're not supporting something. Abstaining is not. It only means you neither agree or disagree.In an election, abstaining mean you're fine with whoever gets elected. This is why you cancel your vote to show your disagreement instead of not voting.

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@The Revenant.4970 said:

@Erebus.7568 said:personally, i believe it should be removed because it gives people a way to negatively convey a none constructive "criticism".in short, it breaks the forum rule about not attacking other players opinion as well as brings nothing positive or constructive to the conversation.the thumbs up is ok, as it is a positive impact and it will convey the same amount of "information" about how popular an idea is.

if it has to stay then at least it should be changed to a like system where you cannot go lower than 0, so at the very least no matter if you get trolled/bullied by 200 people, you will simply see a 0 likes on your "post" ^^

It absolutely DOES bring something constructive to the conversation...

Saying I disagree with you is constructive...it shows that I don't agree with you. I don't have to explain why. The simple fact that I disagree with you has merit on it's own.

Problem is a straight 'no' vote doesn't give you anywhere to go from there.

If I say to someone "We should get ice cream" and they just say "no" then that's the end of it. No way to explore the idea further.

If they say "I can't eat ice cream because I'm lactose intolerant" then I can modify the idea to find something that works - maybe I suggested ice cream because I want something sweet and we can get pastries instead. Or if they say "I don't want ice cream because I just ate" then we can shelve the idea for now and come back to it later.

If they say they're morally opposed to farming cows, consuming dairy products, artificial refrigeration and commercial products which push excess sugar on consumers then I know for future reference that suggesting ice cream is never going to be a good idea and not to bring it up again. (And maybe just to avoid discussing food in general unless I'm prepared for a debate.)

Providing context to your opinion opens up the opportunity for discussion which has the potential to lead to a suitable compromise, or at least an understanding of other people's views on the subject. Whereas simply stating your opinion as a way to shut down another person's does the opposite - it's actively preventing any discussion. Which is a bit of a dead end on an internet forum.

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@Greymarch.3291 said:Are you actually able to upvote or downvote yourself? Seems kinda weird......I don't think we should have that option.....But that's my opinion take it with a grain of salt.

Nope. The buttons appear but if you click them you just get a message saying you're not allowed to react to your own posts.

I don't know why they appear at all though. The edit button only appears on your own posts, so it seems like it should be possible to customise those buttons too.

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@The Revenant.4970 said:

@Erebus.7568 said:it really isn't constructive to simply see someone click "downvoted" to a post I make.it is about as constructive as calling me names or writing in all caps because someone believes that I will understand their thoughts purely from their "downvoted" or rude language choice.constructive criticism is you actually taking the time to read what is said and respond to it with words in a post that you make, which would then make the "thumbs down" bottom pointless to have.

You don't seem to understand what 'constructive' means. It doesn't mean you get a pedestal to continually argue your points over and over. Someone disagreeing with what you brought to the table is good enough. You then know that at least one (most likely more) person doesn't agree with you and maybe you should rethink what you brought to the table. If it's something that warrants improvements, then people will state improvements, but more often than not, the idea is so bottom-of-the-barrel that there's truly no point.

Not all ideas smell like roses and have rainbows coming out of them...they shouldn't be made up as such.

https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/constructive“Having or intended to have a useful or beneficial purpose.”https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/criticism“The expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.”

I don't see how you "intend" to have a "useful or beneficial" effect on someone's idea's/post by simply downvoting them?neither do a see how it can ever be seen as "constructive criticism", as a downvoted doesn't do anything else than express you disagree. there is nothing constructive in it at all.telling someone "you are wrong" or "I disagree" is not going to give them any idea of what your issue with their idea is, neither does it give them anything they can work with because of the lack of information.therefore having the ability to simply click "disagree" without any further comments is not a positive addition to the forum as it doesn't add anything positive or constructive to the conversation but rather subtract from it by negatively impacting the writer of the post, as they can see dislikes but would have no idea why that is (other than, as I mentioned before, the same as someone calling them rude names which express the exact same "I don't like you because I said so", which isn't a positive and again is against the forum rules to do).

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@Haishao.6851 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@The Revenant.4970 said:Except...it's not...because it's not silencing anything. It's criticism of the most benign form. If someone thinks they have an 'oh so great idea' and brings it to the table...they should be eager and willing to handle any criticism it elicits.

Did you not notice our difference in understanding of the thumbs down?

For your case, you think thumbs down is a disagree button.For my case, I believe thumbs down should be use on posts that is verbally offensive. This is purely base on logic that if I am not liking a post, is it not sufficient enough to say that I am not supporting it? It is the same thing for election, you either vote or abstain.

This difference in understanding on thumbs down lead to meaningfulness of it arbitrary.

Thumbs up and down are exactly that. Like & Dislike buttons. They're not a moderation tool like upvote and downvote.

Using thumb down is a way of saying you're not supporting something. Abstaining is not. It only means you neither agree or disagree.In an election, abstaining mean you're fine with whoever gets elected. This is why you cancel your vote to show your disagreement instead of not voting.

If you disapprove of something, shouldn't you speak up against it? Isn't that what a discussion forums is? To discuss?Also, on the earlier post, I also wrote about how it can become a form of peer pressure to conform people to specific ways even if their ways aren't objectively wrong.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Problem is a straight 'no' vote doesn't give you anywhere to go from there.

If I say to someone "We should get ice cream" and they just say "no" then that's the end of it. No way to explore the idea further.

If they say "I can't eat ice cream because I'm lactose intolerant" then I can modify the idea to find something that works - maybe I suggested ice cream because I want something sweet and we can get pastries instead. Or if they say "I don't want ice cream because I just ate" then we can shelve the idea for now and come back to it later.

If they say they're morally opposed to farming cows, consuming dairy products, artificial refrigeration and commercial products which push excess sugar on consumers then I know for future reference that suggesting ice cream is never going to be a good idea and not to bring it up again. (And maybe just to avoid discussing food in general unless I'm prepared for a debate.)

Providing context to your opinion opens up the opportunity for discussion which has the potential to lead to a suitable compromise, or at least an understanding of other people's views on the subject. Whereas simply stating your opinion as a way to shut down another person's does the opposite - it's actively preventing any discussion. Which is a bit of a dead end on an internet forum.

I don't want to get ice cream.

Not everything warrants a discussion. Critical thought, on your own, will come up with possible reasons as to why I don't want to go get ice cream. Self contemplation...more effective than someone arguing from behind a keyboard that won't change your opinion one bit.

Everyone acts like they are nice, rational debaters on here. I'm sure you've brought some bad ideas to the table...did you acknowledge that when someone disagreed with you? Somehow...I doubt it. I've yet to see "my bad guys...bad idea" from anyone in the 5 years these forums have existed...

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@saerni.2584 said:I've seen people who down vote, not because they dislike the poster, but rather because they don't like what the poster is posting about.

For example, "you can't edit your posts as a recruit longer than 15 minutes" gets down voted because the person doesn't like the system.

And of course people also down vote when someone just disagrees with them. Personally, if I disagree with you in a post I shouldn't have the right to vote your post down as well. I've already said my piece and that should stand for itself.

I post on a few forums with a system like this (not reddit) and disagreeing with a post is generally what the thumbs down button is for.

Though, on those sites nothing happens to your post if it accumulates a lot of dislikes. I don't know if anet had it set up that way.

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