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State of Reaper on PvP


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Hi everyone, on the past couple of days i was playing Reaper on PvP, im used to play Berserker and Weaver so i thought to try Reaper out, but my experience was so disappointing, i cant survive at all, i get tossed around all the time, then i tried Scourge out and my god its amazing, so my question is, what is the Reaper role on a PvP match? am i a duelist? a team fighter (cus if i am Scourge is just plain better at that), am i playing it wrong? (i used a lot of different builds, curses, blood magic, earth runes, speed runes) and what are your thoughts on Reaper on PvP?

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@InFamouz.4097 said:

@Dadnir.5038 said:Reapers are too strong for players that dies to them and too weak for players that die while playing them.

But how can you survie team fights? the dmg is high i know, but the other classes have a LOT of ways to mitigate it, if they decide to focus you what can you do?

Run away with spectral walk and speed runes

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@InFamouz.4097 said:

@Dadnir.5038 said:Reapers are too strong for players that dies to them and too weak for players that die while playing them.

But how can you survie team fights? the dmg is high i know, but the other classes have a LOT of ways to mitigate it, if they decide to focus you what can you do?

Nightfall + Reaper's Shroud + Infusing Terror actually help a lot. Also if you throw a Well of Corruption, you can manipulate the field a bit. You should also enter a team fight while activating Chilled to the Bone so you'll be able to get some stability if you manage to land a hit plus a 2 second stun on enemies. You also will need to pick out the primary targets; scourges and firebrands are top priority, the latter takes top if they're support. You will need to watch out for ranged heavy hitters like Longbow Soul Beasts and Rifle Deadeyes.

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The long version:

  • shroud: 50% damage reduction
  • spectral armor: 33% damage reduction
  • infusing terror: 20% damage reduction
  • spectral armor in shroud: 1600 LF per second
  • spectral walk in shroud: 800 LF every 2 seconds

damage reduction in shroud: 1 x 0,5 x 0,67 x 0,8 - 1 = -73,2%Add the LF gain of SA and SW and you can tank A LOT of damage.

The short version:

  • stay back at the beginning of the fight to not draw the attention and fill up LF
  • when you are about to get bursted: pop SA, SW, shroud, infusing terror
  • survive
  • (reposition with spectral recall after leaving shroud)

That's btw. the reason why SA and SW are pretty much mandatory for any serious reaper build (edit: and why paladin amulet scales so well on the spec).

When you are not in shroud: nightfall and your 3rd utility slot (wurm / suffer! for kiting, CPC for projectile block, rise! for further damage reduction etc.)!

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More than likely, you're probably dying to conditions, rather than direct damage. Direct damage you can avoid with simple kiting, positioning, and dodging.

I've ran nearly every possible combination of reaper in ranked for testing purposes. Full on Zerk reaper is great damage wise, and can instantly shift a team-fight from losing to winning...but if you are constantly CC'd by cripples and chill and immobilize, and constantly under pressure conditions like confusion and weakness...you're gonna run zerk reaper and ask yourself why it sucks so bad. Here is some insight;

You do no damage when you are dead. You also do no damage when you can't move.

You need to bring condition cleanse...a lot of it, if you want to actually survive fights. Being cleared of Soft CC's ALLOWS you to move more freely and position yourself better to avoid direct damage. How you decide to cleanse conditions is up to you, but none of them on their own are very sufficient. You need to decide for yourself according to your own playstyle, on which condi cleansing abilities to bring without sacrificing too much damage to kill a target. The Current meta build has 2 condition cleanses (Feast of Corruption and Spectral Walk), if you are new to reaper, you may want more than that. But more importantly you need to solve issues involving soft CC...that's the REAL killer...i find that bringing Relentless Pursuit over Chilling Nova gives you a chance. It's not a lot but it's SOMETHING. You can even use some -condition duration runes to reduce that number further.

Hope this info helps.

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Speed of Shadows, Sigil of Cleansing and Spectral Walk casted before entering shroud is enough cleasing to guarantee you free movement during shroud as long as you don't eat a full scourge bomb, but that's clearly a misplay then.

If you still have problems with conditions put a Well of Power at your feet before entering shoud in the middle of a team fight.

i find that bringing Relentless Pursuit over Chilling Nova gives you a chanceAugury of Death + YSIM! That's a heal every 13 to 16 seconds (depending whether you hit 1 oder 5 targets)!

Just for the case that you run Consume Conditions as your main heal: you are begging for sustain issues then, no matter how the rest of your build looks like.

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Reaper is op for solo que in ranked or unranked. You don’t have a main role apart from be in every fight and never main focus. It’s hard to explain but u need to Master your kitting with good keybinds.Then once’s you have trolled for a month kitting around learning all jumps, you then need to learn your counter match ups on both sides aswell as other class metas so u know tells for baiting ability’s.

Once u have done this u then need to master your TEAM map awareness, be always watching map and how each fights that are happening on map.U will always be kitting as u will always have someone on u.Why u are kitting u are watching the fights and timeing when to go in and out and where u are needed the most. “Rez, kill, intrupt”Reaper is op in solo que if u spend time on it, but at moment it is awful vs 5 man premade “AT” as u will be taken out game as soon as u step out as u do nothing to them when focused cc so u are a easy kill to let’s say something else as if u scourge even if cc focused stunned or w/e u still do dps on feet around u so it’s more risky and there for a scourge is a timed kill but reaper is a kill on sight as if left alone a reaper can change tide of fight very quickly and it’s a evil +1. But a easy focus for a premade so stupid not to be first kill.

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@Gamble.4580 said:Reaper is op for solo que in ranked or unranked. You don’t have a main role apart from be in every fight and never main focus. It’s hard to explain but u need to Master your kitting with good keybinds.Then once’s you have trolled for a month kitting around learning all jumps, you then need to learn your counter match ups on both sides aswell as other class metas so u know tells for baiting ability’s.

Once u have done this u then need to master your TEAM map awareness, be always watching map and how each fights that are happening on map.U will always be kitting as u will always have someone on u.Why u are kitting u are watching the fights and timeing when to go in and out and where u are needed the most. “Rez, kill, intrupt”Reaper is op in solo que if u spend time on it, but at moment it is awful vs 5 man premade “AT” as u will be taken out game as soon as u step out as u do nothing to them when focused cc so u are a easy kill to let’s say something else as if u scourge even if cc focused stunned or w/e u still do dps on feet around u so it’s more risky and there for a scourge is a timed kill but reaper is a kill on sight as if left alone a reaper can change tide of fight very quickly and it’s a evil +1. But a easy focus for a premade so stupid not to be first kill.

Sorry, but I don't think reaper is op. There's clearly much stronger classes (for example rev) to play in soloq.I didn't play much PvP. But from my last games and guildies stories...

Yes reaper can dish out very good dmg. But the main dmg cones from shroud.If you somehow negate that dmg (through movement or invuln or blocks or evades) reaper gets less and less effective.There's literally only one other skill that will do very good dmg, which is axe 2.

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@Nimon.7840 said:

@Gamble.4580 said:Reaper is op for solo que in ranked or unranked. You don’t have a main role apart from be in every fight and never main focus. It’s hard to explain but u need to Master your kitting with good keybinds.Then once’s you have trolled for a month kitting around learning all jumps, you then need to learn your counter match ups on both sides aswell as other class metas so u know tells for baiting ability’s.

Once u have done this u then need to master your TEAM map awareness, be always watching map and how each fights that are happening on map.U will always be kitting as u will always have someone on u.Why u are kitting u are watching the fights and timeing when to go in and out and where u are needed the most. “Rez, kill, intrupt”Reaper is op in solo que if u spend time on it, but at moment it is awful vs 5 man premade “AT” as u will be taken out game as soon as u step out as u do nothing to them when focused cc so u are a easy kill to let’s say something else as if u scourge even if cc focused stunned or w/e u still do dps on feet around u so it’s more risky and there for a scourge is a timed kill but reaper is a kill on sight as if left alone a reaper can change tide of fight very quickly and it’s a evil +1. But a easy focus for a premade so stupid not to be first kill.

Sorry, but I don't think reaper is op. There's clearly much stronger classes (for example rev) to play in soloq.I didn't play much PvP. But from my last games and guildies stories...

Yes reaper can dish out very good dmg. But the main dmg cones from shroud.If you somehow negate that dmg (through movement or invuln or blocks or evades) reaper gets less and less effective.There's literally only one other skill that will do very good dmg, which is axe 2.

Agree. Definitely not OP. It's in an ok spot but far from OP. Tap burst run doesnt equate to OPness to me. Our tells are blatant and soul barbs flashing alerts anyone with half a walnut as to when they should disengage. Awareness or lack there of is what you look for in your opponents being a reaper, coupled with watching them blow their business leaving an opportunity to be the killer +1.

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imo reaper is in a good spot now and dont really need even more dmg or sustain, that could make it broken and unfun to play. with next season/patch revenant might be nerfed after all complains on forum and twitch, which will make reaper even better just like after nerfs to mirage

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@mijitoboy.4208 said:imo reaper is in a good spot now and dont really need even more dmg or sustain, that could make it broken and unfun to play. with next season/patch revenant might be nerfed after all complains on forum and twitch, which will make reaper even better just like after nerfs to mirage

The king has spoken. Thread over.

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@KrHome.1920 said:The long version:

  • shroud: 50% damage reduction
  • spectral armor: 33% damage reduction
  • infusing terror: 20% damage reduction
  • spectral armor in shroud: 1600 LF per second
  • spectral walk in shroud: 800 LF every 2 seconds

damage reduction in shroud: 1 x 0,5 x 0,67 x 0,8 - 1 = -73,2%Add the LF gain of SA and SW and you can tank A LOT of damage.

The short version:

  • stay back at the beginning of the fight to not draw the attention and fill up LF
  • when you are about to get bursted: pop SA, SW, shroud, infusing terror
  • survive
  • (reposition with spectral recall after leaving shroud)

That's btw. the reason why SA and SW are pretty much mandatory for any serious reaper build (edit: and why paladin amulet scales so well on the spec).

When you are not in shroud: nightfall and your 3rd utility slot (wurm / suffer! for kiting, CPC for projectile block, rise! for further damage reduction etc.)!

I sometimes wonder if the 50% damage reduction in shroud even works or it just decides to bug out and do nothing.

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@KrHome.1920 said:Augury of Death + YSIM! That's a heal every 13 to 16 seconds (depending whether you hit 1 oder 5 targets)!

Just for the case that you run Consume Conditions as your main heal: you are begging for sustain issues then, no matter how the rest of your build looks like.

I know you like YSIM(I like it too) but it’s inferior in every way to Consume Conditions...especially if you are running Onslaught.

YSIM’s cooldown benefits more when you are in shroud less often....if you are in shroud less often it means your not taking full advantage of the sustain offered by life force...so your logic on this is inherently flawed. If you use consume conditions, enter shroud and stay in shroud for 20 seconds, then you only have to wait 10 seconds for consume conditions to be off cooldown...which if used in this manner makes its effective cooldown only 10 seconds.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@KrHome.1920 said:Augury of Death + YSIM! That's a heal every 13 to 16 seconds (depending whether you hit 1 oder 5 targets)!

Just for the case that you run Consume Conditions as your main heal: you are begging for sustain issues then, no matter how the rest of your build looks like.

I know you like YSIM(I like it too) but it’s inferior in every way to Consume Conditions...especially if you are running Onslaught.

YSIM’s cooldown benefits more when you are in shroud less often....if you are in shroud less often it means your not taking full advantage of the sustain offered by life force...so your logic on this is inherently flawed. If you use consume conditions, enter shroud and stay in shroud for 20 seconds, then you only have to wait 10 seconds for consume conditions to be off cooldown...which if used in this manner makes its effective cooldown only 10 seconds.

Your logic breaks with the fact that you can't stay in shroud for 20 seconds, you get 10 at best and if you get 20 they are not focusing you and you are winning, which means you don't need the heal. Consume is good for the cleanse not for the heal, Reaper is not killed from the damage, its killed from the cc and the most annoying cc in the game are the spam conditions.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@KrHome.1920 said:Augury of Death + YSIM! That's a heal every 13 to 16 seconds (depending whether you hit 1 oder 5 targets)!

Just for the case that you run Consume Conditions as your main heal: you are begging for sustain issues then, no matter how the rest of your build looks like.

I know you like YSIM(I like it too) but it’s inferior in every way to Consume Conditions...especially if you are running Onslaught.

YSIM’s cooldown benefits more when you are in shroud less often....if you are in shroud less often it means your not taking full advantage of the sustain offered by life force...so your logic on this is inherently flawed. If you use consume conditions, enter shroud and stay in shroud for 20 seconds, then you only have to wait 10 seconds for consume conditions to be off cooldown...which if used in this manner makes its effective cooldown only 10 seconds.

Your logic breaks with the fact that you can't stay in shroud for 20 seconds, you get 10 at best and if you get 20 they are not focusing you and you are winning, which means you don't need the heal. Consume is good for the cleanse not for the heal, Reaper is not killed from the damage, its killed from the cc and the most annoying cc in the game are the spam conditions.

Right so I did say this already that cc is the most dangerous thing in an earlier comment so I’m not sure whether you are trying to dispute what I said or agree with it

Regardless the logic doesn’t break down. Take another example.

If you activate YSIM, then enter shroud for 20 seconds you’ve effectively kept YSIM off cooldown for about 6 - 16 seconds depending on when you use YSIM before entering shroud, which means your artificially giving YSIM an effective 20-30 second cooldown....this YSIM benefits more the less time you are in shroud which is contradictory to the sustain given by the shroud mechanic.

Irregardless of how long you stay in shroud, the logic still applies. Whether you are in shroud for 20 seconds or 2 seconds, that time you spend in shroud will effect the effective cooldown of your abilities out of shroud. The less time you spend in shroud the more you benefit from YSIM, the more time you spend in shroud, the more you benefit from Consume Conditions. Spending more time in shroud is almost always more optimal when it comes to sustain the which makes YSIM inferior to CC.all this is ignoring the fact that YSIM doesn’t cleanse conditions....which makes it even less valuable.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@KrHome.1920 said:Augury of Death + YSIM! That's a heal every 13 to 16 seconds (depending whether you hit 1 oder 5 targets)!

Just for the case that you run Consume Conditions as your main heal: you are begging for sustain issues then, no matter how the rest of your build looks like.

I know you like YSIM(I like it too) but it’s inferior in every way to Consume Conditions...especially if you are running Onslaught.

YSIM’s cooldown benefits more when you are in shroud less often....if you are in shroud less often it means your not taking full advantage of the sustain offered by life force...so your logic on this is inherently flawed. If you use consume conditions, enter shroud and stay in shroud for 20 seconds, then you only have to wait 10 seconds for consume conditions to be off cooldown...which if used in this manner makes its effective cooldown only 10 seconds.

Your logic breaks with the fact that you can't stay in shroud for 20 seconds, you get 10 at best and if you get 20 they are not focusing you and you are winning, which means you don't need the heal. Consume is good for the cleanse not for the heal, Reaper is not killed from the damage, its killed from the cc and the most annoying cc in the game are the spam conditions.

Right so I did say this already that cc is the most dangerous thing in an earlier comment so I’m not sure whether you are trying to dispute what I said or agree with it

Regardless the logic doesn’t break down. Take another example.

If you activate YSIM, then enter shroud for 20 seconds you’ve effectively kept YSIM off cooldown for about 6 - 16 seconds depending on when you use YSIM before entering shroud, which means your artificially giving YSIM an effective 20-30 second cooldown....this YSIM benefits more the less time you are in shroud which is contradictory to the sustain given by the shroud mechanic.

Irregardless of how long you stay in shroud, the logic still applies. Whether you are in shroud for 20 seconds or 2 seconds, that time you spend in shroud will effect the effective cooldown of your abilities out of shroud. The less time you spend in shroud the more you benefit from YSIM, the more time you spend in shroud, the more you benefit from Consume Conditions. Spending more time in shroud is almost always more optimal when it comes to sustain the which makes YSIM inferior to CC.all this is ignoring the fact that YSIM doesn’t cleanse conditions....which makes it even less valuable.

Soldier rune + Spiteful Renewal 2 conditions and you get life force. It is the better heal vs power builds which are most these days. And you still cling to the idea that you stay in shroud when you decide, the other people decide how much time you spend in shroud which is under 10 seconds in which case makes YSIM the better heal. That does not mean it is good heal, its garbage like every heal on necro.
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