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LIs to Divinations exchange removed

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So I guess we've lost the ability to exchange the limited number of Legendary Insights into Legendary Divinations with the latest patch? When I go to the general raid vendor, the only option I see is to exchange Divinations back into Insights. Which feels really gut-punching, because the only reason I never exchanged LIs before was because I didn't know how many I'd need for the ring and didn't want to buy more than necessary. Now I can't buy them at all.Was there ever any heads-up from ANet that this is no longer going to be possible once the legendary ring is in the game?

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I do hope this is an oversight. Not because I am personally interested in converting LI to LD (I have enough of both and would be elegible for exchanging 160+ LI into LD) but simply because past communication on this matter was always this trade would remain.

One possibility is that there seems no current way to use LD for more than Coalescence (which requires 150 LD) and if this does not change all additional LD become useless (thus making an exchange necessary).

The conversion of LD to LI creates a new problem though. With 25 possible LI per week (15 LI + 10 LD converted into LI) the time to acquire necessary LI drops significantly. Creating an even greater disparity in time to acquire legendary armor between game modes.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:I do hope this is an oversight. Not because I am personally interested in converting LI to LD (I have enough of both and would be elegible for exchanging 160+ LI into LD) but simply because past communication on this matter was always this trade would remain.

One possibility is that there seems no current way to use LD for more than Coalescence (which requires 150 LD) and if this does not change all additional LD become useless (thus making an exchange necessary).

The conversion of LD to LI creates a new problem though. With 25 possible LI per week (15 LI + 10 LD converted into LI) the time to acquire necessary LI drops significantly. Creating an even greater disparity in time to acquire legendary armor between game modes.

Doesnt it kinda balance out tho? U trade extra time on a weekly basis for more li which makes sense imo.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Here's a quick message from the developers:

When we released The Mythwright Gambit raid wing, we introduced a limited means to exchange Legendary Insights for Legendary divinations. Alongside this most recent raid release, we have reversed this exchange. You can now exchange Legendary Divinations for Legendary Insights as many times as you’d like.

We’re now at 7 raid wings and while Legendary Armor is still incredibly sought after, players may feel pressured to complete older raid content to get the required Legendary Insights. This change will allow you to make progress towards your legendary armor while participating in the most current raid content.

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Sure would have been nice to know that the limited LI -> LD exchange was going away in advance of it just being stealthed out.LD's had no purpose until this patch, so I held off on doing the exchange of LI -> LD until the specifics of crafting Coalescence were laid out.I've made my Legendary armor, and I have no intention of going through that again for more sets.

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@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:Here's a quick message from the developers:

When we released The Mythwright Gambit raid wing, we introduced a limited means to exchange Legendary Insights for Legendary divinations. Alongside this most recent raid release, we have reversed this exchange. You can now exchange Legendary Divinations for Legendary Insights as many times as you’d like.

We’re now at 7 raid wings and while Legendary Armor is still incredibly sought after, players may feel pressured to complete older raid content to get the required Legendary Insights. This change will allow you to make progress towards your legendary armor while participating in the most current raid content.

So you going back on this thread then?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/54756/a-note-about-future-raid-rewards/p1

As other have said would have been nice to know so we could have exchanged before this wing went live.


Byron Miller.4629Byron Miller.4629 ArenaNet › September 12, 2018@Linken.6345 said:Thanks for the chance to upgrade even if you havent killed all the bosses every week in wing 5.How long will you be able to upgrade it?

This is not a limited time exchange. It will exist until you decide to utilize the exchange 168 times.

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It is not fair to reverse the exchange when you said that there was no time limit ( if you do that you were just lying). You could add both options to the players and that would be great. Because many people as me have been waiting to exchange until we knew how many LD were needed for the ring. And now that we need LD, they are removed. That's the worst thing you can do. And it is not fair for the people that waited believing in the words that you told us.

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For me, absolutely unacceptable practice to reverse a feature, with no warning, that was said to be here permanently. This change honestly feels like it was meant to artificially increase the timegate for Coalescence for those who chose to wait to use the exchange because we werent sure how many Legendary Divinations were going to be needed.

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@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:Here's a quick message from the developers:

When we released The Mythwright Gambit raid wing, we introduced a limited means to exchange Legendary Insights for Legendary divinations. Alongside this most recent raid release, we have reversed this exchange. You can now exchange Legendary Divinations for Legendary Insights as many times as you’d like.

We’re now at 7 raid wings and while Legendary Armor is still incredibly sought after, players may feel pressured to complete older raid content to get the required Legendary Insights. This change will allow you to make progress towards your legendary armor while participating in the most current raid content.I understand the reasoning beyond adding the LD->LI exchange. I see no explanation for removing the LI->LD one, especially since it was promised to not be time limited, and restricted only by the amount of LIs exchanged.

Also, what about making players "feel pressured" into doing the current raids over old ones? Perhaps you could just use LI for everything, and let players choose, and do the content they like the most?

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@Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:Here's a quick message from the developers:

When we released The Mythwright Gambit raid wing, we introduced a limited means to exchange Legendary Insights for Legendary divinations. Alongside this most recent raid release, we have reversed this exchange. You can now exchange Legendary Divinations for Legendary Insights as many times as you’d like.

We’re now at 7 raid wings and while Legendary Armor is still incredibly sought after, players may feel pressured to complete older raid content to get the required Legendary Insights. This change will allow you to make progress towards your legendary armor while participating in the most current raid content.

This is a bogus response, players specifically asked if this was a limited-time thing for this very reason. They didn't want to be blind-sided. You reassured them that that would not be the case and yet you went and did it anyways. The real reason you removed them is that you want players to grind the latter wings for Coalescence (probably to pad numbers?) but once again this only punishes late comers. For some reason you have a track record of punishing those that are late to the party and I really don't understand it. You've made an awesome game, that people love to play and come back to time and time again and yet you keep repeating the same mistakes - ones that you state you will not do. Stealth changes go directly against the open line of communication you state you have.

You made this mistake recently with the Skyscale. People asked what the collection/grind would look like and you basically said we don't want to reveal that. You knew people wouldn't like it and so you remained tight-lipped. Had you explained that it was essentially the precursor to Vision and would be similar to the grind for Aurora, you would have tapered people's expectations and I don't think you would have received as much flack. You had a chance to do better this time around...but nope.

You keep doing this and it baffles me, how do you build trust with your community if you keep hiding things or going back on your word? I would urge you to undo this change immediately, or it's a slippery slope.

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Well done... Very well done. Devs said that there will no time limit and now you removed it ??? You didn't have the decency to warn us ??? I've been waiting for Coalescence to be in the game before exchange my LI to LD, like a lot of ppl here. That's not fair at all. I'm very upset at you right now.

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