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What's accetable for burst


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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Can't really compare something like a thief burst to something of a necro or guard tbh. The problem comes when you combine high bursts with high mobility, evasion and or invis.

Yeah as those are the classes that should have highest burst since the classes that dont use those thing to stay alive still have got to great mobility,high hp,high armor(toughness),blocks,invulnerability skills etc that allow them to be effective in combat without needing a faster ttk ratio.a warrior, holi or soulbeast out bursting a thief is silliness. A necro who is purposefully given low mobility,slow cast times or blocks or invulnerability skills but a higher hp and a fast and easily depleted shroud as a defense it makes sense I'd be slow and hard hitting as well or I'd be a sitting duck/punching bag lol

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:I don't care about how many skills are used to set up burst. The only things I care about are:

  • If the burst is high damage, it should be telegraphed.
  • if an attack is not telegraphed or the telegraph can be completely hidden, it should do less damage.
  • If a burst requires a player to put themselves in a precarious position where they can be killed as they are bursting (large channel time, close proximity to player), the burst should do high damage if it hits.
  • If the burst can be executed from a safe distance away (1200 - 1500r) It should do less damage.
  • if the burst can be executed repeatedly in a short time span (<15 seconds) it should do less damage. If it takes time to ramp up, it should do more.

basically, high risk, high reward. low risk, low reward. I don't even care about oneshots if there is clear, highly visible information that signifies it is about to happen. That's why I was so on board with deadeye originally.

^ I would add to this:

  • If the burst is unblockable, it should have an obvious tell (red circle on the ground, clear animation, etc.) and it should have fairly long window for the opponent to react (~0.75s). The unblockable effect should not be able to be applied to attacks that don't have these properties. (eg. Unstoppable Union, Signet of Might, etc.)
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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:I don't care about how many skills are used to set up burst. The only things I care about are:

  • If the burst is high damage, it should be telegraphed.
  • if an attack is not telegraphed or the telegraph can be completely hidden, it should do less damage.
  • If a burst requires a player to put themselves in a precarious position where they can be killed as they are bursting (large channel time, close proximity to player), the burst should do high damage if it hits.
  • If the burst can be executed from a safe distance away (1200 - 1500r) It should do less damage.
  • if the burst can be executed repeatedly in a short time span (<15 seconds) it should do less damage. If it takes time to ramp up, it should do more.

basically, high risk, high reward. low risk, low reward. I don't even care about oneshots if there is clear, highly visible information that signifies it is about to happen. That's why I was so on board with deadeye originally.

F/A weaver rejects all of these. An underrated beast of a build.

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Burst should require skill to execute and allow for counterplay and/or put the bursting player into a very risky situation (i.e. current Power Mesmer) with limited possibilities for escape.

It should not be achieved by passives and single button presses (i.e. current SLB & Herald).

One way to limit burst would be to limit the access classes have to Might/Quickness. You should not get either of those boons for simple skill activations. Skills should reward boons when they hit players, so the opponent has the ability for some counterplay aside from boonstrip.

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I also think that CC and how long it takes to recover should play an important role in how much damage can be dealt. Like rampage for example is just ridiculous. The amount of CC spam in rampage (like if Holo and Warrior didn't already have enough in their regular toolkit) is just over the top + big damage. But rampage is a chapter on its own honestly.Longbow#4 into #2 with quickness on Ranger is also just stupid, especially when trying to engage or disengage. It's also always really nice when a ranger joins a teamfight and first of all kicks someone without stab off point with big damage follow up.I don't mind a 1/4s daze or anything but a 2second knockdown with a big burst follow up on the same weapon is just stupid imo.

And yea there should definitely be better/more telegraphs, especially for Rev Sword#4 and Holo#5.. I get hit so often because I think I'm already miles away so they surely can't hit me but no, they still can because I'm like 5cm within the AoE. Would also help when playing Rev/Holo myself tbh, because like for Sword#4 the distance indicator below the skill isn't quite correct.

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@coro.3176 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:I don't care about how many skills are used to set up burst. The only things I care about are:
  • If the burst is high damage, it should be telegraphed.
  • if an attack is not telegraphed or the telegraph can be completely hidden, it should do less damage.
  • If a burst requires a player to put themselves in a precarious position where they can be killed as they are bursting (large channel time, close proximity to player), the burst should do high damage if it hits.
  • If the burst can be executed from a safe distance away (1200 - 1500r) It should do less damage.
  • if the burst can be executed repeatedly in a short time span (<15 seconds) it should do less damage. If it takes time to ramp up, it should do more.

basically, high risk, high reward. low risk, low reward. I don't even care about oneshots if there is clear, highly visible information that signifies it is about to happen. That's why I was so on board with deadeye originally.

^ I would add to this:
  • If the burst is unblockable, it should have an obvious tell (red circle on the ground, clear animation, etc.) and it should have fairly long window for the opponent to react (~0.75s). The unblockable effect should not be able to be applied to attacks that don't have these properties. (eg. Unstoppable Union, Signet of Might, etc.)

Agreed. Getting nuked by prime light beam: fine. Getting nuked by something normally blockable being unblockable, with the only indication that it is unblockable being a small square under the target's hp bar: not fine.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:I'm of the opinion that no matter what, on the fastest scale of things the quickest a player should be getting rushed down by a single extremely offensive and bursty enemy is 5 seconds minimum.

Then this makes two players targeting one target less than five seconds....three players targeting one even shorter. In GW1 it took coordination to be able to burst a target like monk down. In gw2, one single player can do this with not even a fraction of the effort.

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