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Are you getting tired of this GW2 video format?

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The format is; record a day's worth of footage in sPvP or WvW and take only the footage that makes you look like you're good at the game, try to make it 5-10 minutes long, then add some random music with no commentary or commentary delivered by in-game text only.It's 2019 why are people still using this format? I, as a viewer want to hear commentary, and see you make mistakes. I'm sure others can relate, we don't want to see you in your perfect picture moments only, it's about the buildup to those moments, the comebacks, or just being outplayed, live action. Making it seem like you don't make mistakes is as fake as the cover of people magazine, and no one is falling for that anymore, maybe in 2009. & If you don't have a mic in 2019 what are you doing on the internet? Maybe a bit of a rant, but the core of this post is to see just how alone I am, and perhaps the outcome of the poll can help new or current content creators understand more of what the people want.

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Who watches that anyway??? The ONLY GW2 videos by players that I watch are those that explain / show how something is done. For SWTOR and Dragon Age I have also watched videos cutting together story cutscenes and dialogue for dramatic or humorous effect. I have no interest in watching the sort of highlight videos you describe and would assume people make them primarily for their own satisfaction (nothing wrong with that, but of no interest to me).

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I'd say it depends on what the purpose of the video is.

If it's a walk-through then no, I don't want any mistakes included, I'll have seen it done wrong plenty of times already when I attempted it. I want to see a single, clean run (whether that's edited together from several attempts or genuinely one run) with absolutely no commentary beyond what's necessary to explain how you did it (if that's not self-explanatory) and no music or sound except what the game is playing.

Similarly if you want to showcase something like how an elite spec plays in WvW then I don't want to see you loading into the map, choosing a commander to join, running out to join them, getting ganked along the way, running out again, waiting for siege to destroy the wall etc. etc. I know it's realistic in that all of that happens in WvW but it's not at all relevant to the video. But if some cool combination of mechanics only actually works 1 in every 10 times then editing it so you only ever see the ones where it works would be misleading. Sure show it working, but the video needs to make it clear how (un)reliable it is.

If it's a review - aimed at people who are considering buying the game - then yes it needs to show the good, the bad and all the gritty details. Don't make WvW seem like it's 24/7 action or all epic 1 vs 1 (or 1 vs 5 or whatever) fights when that's not the case, don't edit together all the coolest cut scenes and story moment and make it look like the entire game is like that - show actual, real gameplay.

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You should be able to tell just from the view counters on the video.

I generally don't bother watching any GW2 video. Why would I watch when I am already playing? There are the occasional ones that provide some kind of useful information but the ones you describe wouldn't even get a click.

GW2 is also lacking in things with unique/interesting/non-obvious interactions. It has them but very few. So I wouldn't be expecting any video to surprise me with something either.

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Montages can be cool. It's not just for personal bragging rights, but there is definitely a crowd that enjoys people pulling off combos and what have you. However, these types of videos are never evidence of something being strong or weak, because obviously the footage is very much cherrypicked and not representative in general.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If the OP thinks they know how to make a good GW2 video, they should feel free to make one. If they have constructive feedback for anyone starting out, by all means: offer it directly to the vlogger. (Those vidsters who already have a strong following already know what they need to. And they already are adjusting using feedback or already have decided they know better.)

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