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anything new coming?

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Unending Ocean xpan where all weapons and utilities are finally being usable in both land and underwater... Lotsa boats, islands, wet places, underwater mount and saving the Quaggan homeland from the water dragon; which also clears a path to Cantha Living Story...

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I imagine Dragon Bash will end and Bazaar of the Four Winds will start up. So I wouldn't be surprised to see the next episode at least come sometime in August, then perhaps another after Halloween. That still puts quite a big chunk of time in between releases and depending on how many episodes they have could make this season last a year or longer like Season 4. I wouldn't expect an expansion or details of an expansion anytime before next summer at the earliest though.

We may get lucky and get some current events injected with some of the festivals though.

With the epilogue of last episode we really didn't get any hints about a future plot, and Bazaar of the four winds seems like a good opportunity to update it and maybe even involve some actual current event/story content given its connection to the Zephyrites, Glint, and Aurene.

Maybe we'll even get lucky enough to have another current event that's similar to what we had with Traeherne and Caladbog. That was a nice experience and wrapped up some loose ends after Mordy's defeat.

We also had that requiem about Rhytlock leaving Sohothin sitting around, so that could be a possible current event hook.

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9.0 wont come out for at least another year, theres still 8.2.5 as well as 8.3 to be seen in wow.

Also anet may or may not be working on an expansion and they may or may not continue to work on it for at peas another year and half while se5 is underway.

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@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Its pretty crazy they haven't announced anything by this time for what is next. There was no hang time in regards to S4 into PoF when announcing that which set up a kind of momentum. Now it feels like we're hanging a bit. At least we have festivals in between and bi-weekly events.

They have told us what's next - Living World Season 5.

Remember, the only time (afaik) they've told us "next we're doing X and after that we're doing Y" was PoF > LS4. LS3 had already ended, they announced PoF coming in just over a month and that LS4 would begin right after with no more delay than between LW episodes. I.e. they were talking about the plans for the next 4-5 months.That timeframe? That's covered by now saying a LW season is next. Them telling us now what's after LS5 is at least a year, or more likely a year and a half away. They don't really talk about release plans that far off.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Its pretty crazy they haven't announced anything by this time for what is next. There was no hang time in regards to S4 into PoF when announcing that which set up a kind of momentum. Now it feels like we're hanging a bit. At least we have festivals in between and bi-weekly events.

told us what's next - Living World Season 5.

Remember, the only time (afaik) they've told us "next we're doing X
and after that
we're doing Y" was PoF > LS4. LS3 had already ended, they announced PoF coming in just over a month and that LS4 would begin right after with no more delay than between LW episodes. I.e. they were talking about the plans for
the next 4-5 months
timeframe? That's covered by now saying a LW season is next. Them telling us
what's after LS5 is at least a year, or more likely a year and a half away. They don't really talk about release plans that far off.

I'm talking about a cut scene trailer at the end of the last LW chapter like they did for S3.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Its pretty crazy they haven't announced anything by this time for what is next. There was no hang time in regards to S4 into PoF when announcing that which set up a kind of momentum. Now it feels like we're hanging a bit. At least we have festivals in between and bi-weekly events.

told us what's next - Living World Season 5.

Remember, the only time (afaik) they've told us "next we're doing X
and after that
we're doing Y" was PoF > LS4. LS3 had already ended, they announced PoF coming in just over a month and that LS4 would begin right after with no more delay than between LW episodes. I.e. they were talking about the plans for
the next 4-5 months
timeframe? That's covered by now saying a LW season is next. Them telling us
what's after LS5 is at least a year, or more likely a year and a half away. They don't really talk about release plans that far off.

I'm talking about a cut scene trailer at the end of the last LW chapter like they did for S3.

Ah, yeah that I am kind of missing, but I feel this end was more like the end of PS after Zhaitan - a celebration (especially now following up with Dragon Bash!) and a sense of exhalation and calming down, no immediate threat on the horizon. That feeling doesn't really gel with a trailer, as that would strive to build tension toward the next conflict.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:Ah, yeah that I am kind of missing, but I feel this end was more like the end of PS after Zhaitan - a celebration (especially now following up with Dragon Bash!) and a sense of exhalation and calming down, no immediate threat on the horizon. That feeling doesn't really gel with a trailer, as that would strive to build tension toward the next conflict.

Yeah. I'm satisfied with what we got.

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