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Mesmers Way Lots Underpowered


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I've played Chrono for approx 3yrs, only recently changing over to Mirage. IMHO they are both OK at the moment. Both elites have strengths & weakness. Mirage could maybe use a slight nerf. However, I've not been playing it long enough to make objective suggestion.

What exactly do you think Mesmer needs?

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@MissCee.1295 said:I've played Chrono for approx 3yrs, only recently changing over to Mirage. IMHO they are both OK at the moment. Both elites have strengths & weakness. Mirage could maybe use a slight nerf. However, I've not been playing it long enough to make objective suggestion.

What exactly do you think Mesmer needs?

I doubt you've played Chrono for 3 years if you think it is in a good place. I've played it since was introduced and it isn't competitive in PvP at all any more. I changed over to Mirage a few months ago because chrono is trash. I would have changed over much sooner but for the delusional belief that they would actually make it playable again. Damage output is so weak after numerous nerfs, you have to run squishy builds with no stab and virtually no condi cleanse just to be able to kill anything. The only viable build is a pure cheese stealth one shot combo using slow traits. That's it, and it is highly situational. The new balance patch has put an superfluous extra nail in its sPvP coffin, and has made it much less viable in WvW.

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@Vague Memory.2817 said:

@MissCee.1295 said:I've played Chrono for approx 3yrs, only recently changing over to Mirage. IMHO they are both OK at the moment. Both elites have strengths & weakness. Mirage could maybe use a slight nerf. However, I've not been playing it long enough to make objective suggestion.

What exactly do you think Mesmer needs?

I doubt you've played Chrono for 3 years if you think it is in a good place. I've played it since was introduced and it isn't competitive in PvP at all any more. I changed over to Mirage a few months ago because chrono is trash. I would have changed over much sooner but for the delusional belief that they would actually make it playable again. Damage output is so weak after numerous nerfs, you have to run squishy builds with no stab and virtually no condi cleanse just to be able to kill anything. The only viable build is a pure cheese stealth one shot combo using slow traits. That's it, and it is highly situational. The new balance patch has put an superfluous extra nail in its sPvP coffin, and has made it much less viable in WvW.

You need to expand on your builds if you truly believe this.I have 3 chrono builds that work rather well for example.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@MissCee.1295 said:I've played Chrono for approx 3yrs, only recently changing over to Mirage. IMHO they are both OK at the moment. Both elites have strengths & weakness. Mirage could maybe use a slight nerf. However, I've not been playing it long enough to make objective suggestion.

What exactly do you think Mesmer needs?

I doubt you've played Chrono for 3 years if you think it is in a good place. I've played it since was introduced and it isn't competitive in PvP at all any more. I changed over to Mirage a few months ago because chrono is trash. I would have changed over much sooner but for the delusional belief that they would actually make it playable again. Damage output is so weak after numerous nerfs, you have to run squishy builds with no stab and virtually no condi cleanse just to be able to kill anything. The only viable build is a pure cheese stealth one shot combo using slow traits. That's it, and it is highly situational. The new balance patch has put an superfluous extra nail in its sPvP coffin, and has made it much less viable in WvW.

You need to expand on your builds if you truly believe this.I have 3 chrono builds that work rather well for example.

Dude we can't have a serious conversation if you think that. The reason you changed to Mirage is because Chrono sucks. Why would you change over if you think it is so good. I've tried pretty much every variation of traits and utilities and I've mained Mes almost from the start of Gw2. You probably think the new balance changes will actually make Chrono better. Chrono in sPvP at best is not a match or team fight changer, it is heavily dependent on competent team support. Since I changed to Mirage I've totally owned all Chrono (except one cheese build player when new on Mirage), seen other Chrono getting owned and I know why. Reasons already stated above. You really don't see too many in sPvP any more for good reason. Two less now since we've both switch to Mirage.

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@Vague Memory.2817 said:

@MissCee.1295 said:I've played Chrono for approx 3yrs, only recently changing over to Mirage. IMHO they are both OK at the moment. Both elites have strengths & weakness. Mirage could maybe use a slight nerf. However, I've not been playing it long enough to make objective suggestion.

What exactly do you think Mesmer needs?

I doubt you've played Chrono for 3 years if you think it is in a good place. I've played it since was introduced and it isn't competitive in PvP at all any more. I changed over to Mirage a few months ago because chrono is trash. I would have changed over much sooner but for the delusional belief that they would actually make it playable again. Damage output is so weak after numerous nerfs, you have to run squishy builds with no stab and virtually no condi cleanse just to be able to kill anything. The only viable build is a pure cheese stealth one shot combo using slow traits. That's it, and it is highly situational. The new balance patch has put an superfluous extra nail in its sPvP coffin, and has made it much less viable in WvW.

You need to expand on your builds if you truly believe this.I have 3 chrono builds that work rather well for example.

Dude we can't have a serious conversation if you think that. The reason you changed to Mirage is because Chrono sucks. Why would you change over if you think it is so good. I've tried pretty much every variation of traits and utilities and I've mained Mes almost from the start of Gw2. You probably think the new balance changes will actually make Chrono better. Chrono in sPvP at best is not a match or team fight changer, it is heavily dependent on competent team support. Since I changed to Mirage I've totally owned all Chrono (except one cheese build player when new on Mirage), seen other Chrono getting owned and I know why. Reasons already stated above. You really don't see too many in sPvP any more for good reason. Two less now since we've both switch to Mirage.

Mirage has better gimmicks than chrono so its easy to think that.

Im not sure how I feel about the changes, I hope my builds aren't effected too much.

Ive only had 1 mirage beat one of my chronos and that was makelovenotwar or what ever his discord name is, dude is a decent player too.

Just my belief its in a good spot, but I also believe Tempest is in a great spot... Its just a few classes that are too strong for now.

So in a way, I agree with you I guess... it is rather trash in comparison and who could honestly blame you for bandwagoning either.

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Unnerf Portal.

Mesmers running Portal 100% of the time was their power limiter. Like Mirage definitely needed nerfs at the time but having a utility skill on your bar that is 100% rotational for yourself and your team and has 0 direct impact on your ability to 1v1 or snap down kills or save you was actually quite important. That means you're running one less stealth. Or one less condition cleanse. Or one less boonsteal. Or one less daze mantra. Or one less Illusionary Ambush port.

In many ways Portal was the power limiter. I think the Portal nerf was one of the worst changes to GW2's PvP and the game is fundamentally less interesting without it, and mesmers are far more toxic to the game without it. It's no coincidence that the player outrage over Mirage reached a fever pitch after the December balance patch when they gutted Portal and Mesmers all abandoned it in favor of running 3 direct combat utilities and doing everything they can to maximize their 1v1 potential.

You unnerf Portal, suddenly every mesmer is making a lot tougher sacrifices. Are they abandoning the daze mantra and chaotic interruption? Are they abandoning their condition cleanse? Are they abandoning their boon steal? Are they abandoning their condition cleanse? Unnerfing Portal opens up a massive chink in their armor and the efficacy of their builds and limits them based on their ability to work with their team.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:yes cuz portal was so great lol.being in two places at once, forcing someone to camp an empty node is such great game play.enabling a +1 or more while allowing that person to rotate back was way too strong and made mesmer mandatory.yes yes allowing a +1 was such a huge power limiter LOL. give me a break.

It was, the game had way more depth and was much more interesting to watch.

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@everyman.4375 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:yes cuz portal was so great lol.being in two places at once, forcing someone to camp an empty node is such great game play.enabling a +1 or more while allowing that person to rotate back was way too strong and made mesmer mandatory.yes yes allowing a +1 was such a huge power limiter LOL. give me a break.

It was, the game had way more depth and was much more interesting to watch.

its not fun to watch someone standing on an empty point, especially if you are that player. doesn't matter if there were cool plays or not. it was way too op, that's a fact. or should we let everyone have grossly op things because they are "fun to watch"?

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Here is an option for the portal, it gets back be like before , but and that is a big but it is a breakable object so people can clean it up.Mesmer is one those classes that somehow gets a really cheesy build that forces someone to not play the game, stay afk on points to wait the return of the mes, get conditions that should no go together torment, confusion so you can move or cast and get pelted to death, get stunned, dazed to death.And they are always something easy to use. I don't get the whole mesmer is hard to play, how you have so many options, so many defense cd, so many dodges and damage to boot with mirage you don't even get cced, like wtf a whole mechanic doesn't concern you.The other thing the clones, i never see them as some kind of mind game they are just fodder to shatter and clutter the screen. Add some resource management, now its just press on cd get 3 clones, shatter, repeat . I know they need them for pve to get that dps and support going but in pvp everything has gone insane and hard to keep track of.When was the last time someone was counting dodges, you can do that only on necro or guardian.

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@Brother.1504 said:Can Mesmers finally get some love in the next balance patch? Make the pink things stronger.

All they need is more nerfs. Mesmers are still ridiculously OP. I'm not sure why people think Condi mirage got balanced when it is still capable of spamming conditions and easily knocking off enemies. I've also seen Condi mirage bots doing ridiculously well.

Don't start the topic of L2P or get better. That's pointless when you're fighting similar skill players within your division and tier.

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I'm only satisfied with how Mirage works when the clones don't contribute to the fight with damage (direct and condi) anymore and are mere shatter fodder, obstacles for projectiles and utility like condi transfer to them, target breaks and so on. Anet should rather focus on making mesmer good on their own and using clones only as ammunition and such.If this won't get adressed it's just too easy for a good mirage to just sprial out of control even tho mesmer on its own might actually be underpowered.And I'm afraid you won't ever be able to play Chrono competitvely again, just like you can't play Druid, Berserker, Daredevil, Renegade or Tempest. The only class that has both elite specs as meta is Engineer. (DH and Reaper are kinda.. okay-ish I guess so not meta but not terribly bad either)

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