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how do you feel about the upcoming balance changes?

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@Skotlex.7580 said:

@"Asum.4960" said:

Negative: these balance patches mostly nerf off meta builds and buff things nobody uses

Wouldn't that be positive and exactly what balance patches are for?

The problem rather is that they often don't accomplish exactly that, with not much changing at all.

Not quite:Proper balance: meta builds receive some shaves of their performance, and unused traits / skills are improved.What the "negative" poll option means is: nerf to non-meta classes, meta classes are untouched, unused traits / skills get a pointless buff as they are still garbage after the buff.

I've seen a few comments speak that badly of the balance notes, hence the way it's phrased.

Ah I see.I read it as nerfing-off Meta builds, rather than nerfing off-meta builds.

Still, I see no issue with the second part at least.If you don't buff things nobody uses, they'll forever stay unused and sometimes a few little pushes is all a couple of completely unused things need to actually create something new that may counter/compete with something meta, at least over time. So I don't terribly mind those changes.

But in general Anet could be a little bit more daring with their changes, while being ready to adjust with hotfixes after, should something end up unexpectedly out of line.

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People on this board really want balancing, as long as their class does not get any weaker. But if another class gets boosted and theirs remain untouched, it is also by definition bad design.

I definitely grow tired of all the complaints, it is year 7 for me now. I was told the end of almost every class and the entire game for so many times, I do no longer take most of the discussions seriously tbh. After every patch, no matter how good or awful it is, we quickly figure out a way to move on. In very rare situations, the meta receives a real change. The most dramatic apocalyptic prophecies had very little impact in retrospective.

Progress requires change. Even if a change turns out to be bad, it will lead to the necessary discussions, test and reactions to lead to further patches.

The current patch-notes are imho a nice mix. It has some new and innovative approaches, some interesting improvements and some drastic nerfs. How all of this works out, we'll see once the patch is live.

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The problem is that there's a team dedicated solely to balance. That means they're not going to feel satisfied unless they change something, fun, balance, etc be damned. It was a mistake for anet to give this team that sole responsibility. They need to also be part of the design of the other aspects of the game making sure the classes function properly and have a variety of viable builds as new content is released.

The chrono nerfs pretty much make them useless outside of raiding. Dry shattering without clones is the "o crap" button to replace permanent illusions that could tank and heal (shatters can cleanse and heal). As a returning player i've had to deal with essentially 2 waves of nerfs to game modes i play more: pvp and open world. I just don't know how i'm feeling any more. Without buffs to clone survivability and generation, these chrono changes are just awful.

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:They appear to be a step in the right direction.

But it's just a step. They are doing things that have to be done before further changes, like profession mechanic tradeoffs.So far the only profession mechanic tradeoffs left to do are:

  • An F5 for core rangers to trade off.
  • Mirage shatters.

After the remaining two are done, every profession will have F1-F5 skills that are replaced by elite specializations. It will be time for further adjustments down the line.

The problem is they should have done those first. Soulbeast and Mirage are the biggest offenders.

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@HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:People on this board really want balancing, as long as their class does not get any weaker. But if another class gets boosted and theirs remain untouched, it is also by definition bad design.

I definitely grow tired of all the complaints, it is year 7 for me now. I was told the end of almost every class and the entire game for so many times, I do no longer take most of the discussions seriously tbh. After every patch, no matter how good or awful it is, we quickly figure out a way to move on. In very rare situations, the meta receives a real change. The most dramatic apocalyptic prophecies had very little impact in retrospective.

basically every videogame forum on the internet

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