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How many of you have swapped to Thief for that spicy portal


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Uhm, if you read the thief forums, you'd think Anet has a special dislike of the class, that it's been nerfed until oblivion, and only in the last two rounds of balance updates its gotten a few upgrades (with downgrades, like swipe).

So, I am pretty sure thief mains don't feel at all that Anet isn't biased against them. Them and Mesmer are the two classes that keep getting the hammer because they are also the ones people complain the most about in competitive modes.

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I swapped to Elementalist, seeing that Chronomancer did not seem as viable now. I was working towards gearing my Chronomancer for support in fractals/raids, but I thought it better to invest my time/gold into Elementalist, after I tried Ele and really loved playing it. I had not played my Elementalist that I played to level 80 for about 3 years, but I am really enjoying the animations and theme of Ele more than Mesmer, at least for now.

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@Skotlex.7580 said:Uhm, if you read the thief forums, you'd think Anet has a special dislike of the class, that it's been nerfed until oblivion, and only in the last two rounds of balance updates its gotten a few upgrades (with downgrades, like swipe).

So, I am pretty sure thief mains don't feel at all that Anet isn't biased against them. Them and Mesmer are the two classes that keep getting the hammer because they are also the ones people complain the most about in competitive modes.

I do actually. And that's only from reading the patch notes. Deadeye's Mark is amazing. Swipe is anything but. Like what even is this? I thought the trade-off was supposed to make Core specs better like they did with Rev, not make the elites worse

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@"Lyndina.7984" said:I quit for good, just watching the forums once a day to see if this "balance" team does something good, in which i have big doubt. But hey! Buy our shop stuff!

I've seen the balance team do some amazing stuff. But it feels as though there are some people on it making highly questionable decisions and evaluations of certain classes.

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I wouldn't say that I outright quit the class but I have moved my legendary armor from my mes to my ele and gave my mesmer a fresh ascended Viper armor for playing mirage and I'm planning to give it a exotic diviner armor so I can still support in raids. So you could say that I quit chrono for fractals and you'll no longer see me tanking.It's not quitting but a step away from mesmer, gonna have some fun with new builds on ele in the meantime.

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I've played since beta (only mesmer) and exclusively chronomancer since Heart of Thorns came out (I haven't even unlocked mirage because I loved the spec so much). But with the last patch I've shelved the game until some things change, and forever if they don't. I'm a PvE player and the main things is the class just isn't fun to play anymore, even if its balanced. Before I was able to share boons to whom and when I wanted, and it felt good to see my allies bars fill with my support abilities. Now I need to rely on allies standing in my wells, and have little agency over the gameplay. Before I could use distort clone-free to dodge a boss, now even if I have clones up its tied to continuum split.

Everything feels moderately clunky, and my positioning and timing seems to matter less. It's just a game so it's all relative in the grand scheme of things, but I'm still really disappointed in how things have gone the past few patches.

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  • 1 month later...

Didn't know what to put here as none of the voting options match up with what I am doing. I am likely still going to play the story episodes when they come out since they are free, which typically take one afternoon anyways. However, I will never spend money on this game again, period, which has just as much meaning as quitting indefinitely, doesn't it? Recently I have just been logging in whenever I felt like it, which equivocated to only about once a month anyways for a few PvP matches and then quitting right away again. I just can't take the game seriously anymore.

I enjoyed playing gw2 much more before PoF than after. Even though PoF did not cost much, I still felt screwed over based on the events that unfolded afterwards. Now enough is enough. No more money will be spent on the gem store, future expansions, Anet products, or whatever it may be. I don't care weather or not they fix the class in the future. They lost my trust in their product to a point where it would be nearly impossible to gain back.

For those of you who would buy an expansion or gem store items after they 'fix mesmer', good luck dumping your money, because based on PoF the class will likely just end up right back in the same shit hole position it is in now. So, have fun everybody.

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@Xstein.2187 said:Didn't know what to put here as none of the voting options match up with what I am doing. I am likely still going to play the story episodes when they come out since they are free, which typically take one afternoon anyways. However, I will never spend money on this game again, period, which has just as much meaning as quitting indefinitely, doesn't it? Recently I have just been logging in whenever I felt like it, which equivocated to only about once a month anyways for a few PvP matches and then quitting right away again. I just can't take the game seriously anymore.

I enjoyed playing gw2 much more before PoF than after. Even though PoF did not cost much, I still felt screwed over based on the events that unfolded afterwards. Now enough is enough. No more money will be spent on the gem store, future expansions, Anet products, or whatever it may be. I don't care weather or not they fix the class in the future. They lost my trust in their product to a point where it would be nearly impossible to gain back.

For those of you who would buy an expansion or gem store items after they 'fix mesmer', good luck dumping your money, because based on PoF the class will likely just end up right back in the same kitten hole position it is in now. So, have fun everybody.

Same here. I'm playing, but no longer daily, and each login outside of Saturday WvW is the shortest path to daily then out. Not spending money, no interest in an expansion if it doesn't go somewhere new, as I've been treading the same ground for 12 years since GW1. I don't care about Cantha. The LS is 3 hours a drop then done.

I care about NEW places, and fixes to WvW and PvP to make me care again.

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