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Ok so im brand new to GW2 and i bought PoF like a week ago, I'm a level 80 human thief but i have no clue how to make a good build that actually does damage and makes me not die like 8931 times in PvE, I read a bunch if discussions on the forums bought the further I read the more it looked like a foreign language to me lmao, I have no clue how to get any of the equipment stated in the discussions nor do I have the money to buy it, I dont think so at least, someone help me out here

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@"Taobella.6597" said:con or power daredevil or deadeye

They probably havent played enough to unlock those.

OP..did you use a boost? If you did, I strongly suggest going back to core and playinv through the personal story and core maps for a bit.

You can buy gear on the Trading Post. I'd suggest level 80 rare(yellow rarity) or exotics(orange rarity) if you can afford it,

If you do 3 dailys a day, you'll get 2g a day and within a few days be able to buy a full set of exotics off the TP. You could also check your bank > collections ...sell some stuff on the TP to make enough. Mystic coins are worth a good bit to sell.

Here's a theif build you can tryhttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Thief_-_Dagger/x_Deadly_Arts(there are also other builds on this site.)Chances are you're not using your skills right/dodging or you're not in level appropriate gear.

Avoid toughness in your armor, it doesn't help. vitailty can bht. Most people use bezerker gear. (power, precision, ferocity) in openworld but it can feel a bit squishy if you don't know how to dodge.

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@"Taobella.6597" said:con or power daredevil or deadeye

They probably havent played enough to unlock those.

OP..did you use a boost? If you did, I strongly suggest going back to core and playinv through the personal story and core maps for a bit.

You can buy gear on the Trading Post. I'd suggest level 80 rare(yellow rarity) or exotics(orange rarity) if you can afford it,

If you do 3 dailys a day, you'll get 2g a day and within a few days be able to buy a full set of exotics off the TP. You could also check your bank > collections ...sell some stuff on the TP to make enough. Mystic coins are worth a good bit to sell.

Here's a theif build you can try
(there are also other builds on this site.)Chances are you're not using your skills right/dodging or you're not in level appropriate gear.

Avoid toughness in your armor, it doesn't help. vitailty can bht. Most people use bezerker gear. (power, precision, ferocity) in openworld but it can feel a bit squishy if you don't know how to dodge.

yes i did boost, im currently just using the gear i got from the boost, the Valkyrie set, im gonna try the build in the link you gave me and go back to my personal story. thank you

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Normaly if you boost a char while you are new in 9/10 its fatal cause you dont know any mechanics from gw.I recommand to begin from lvl 1 or read all your skills correctly.

My deadeye thief (can) hit with Berzaker Stats 65k Crits. with 1 Bolt.No Mobs still hit my char cause they are dead before they arrive my thief.Otherwise search for a Guild or nice pepole for tipps :)

P.S. sry for my bad english :X

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@Mocha.5983 said:Ok so im brand new to GW2 and i bought PoF like a week ago, I'm a level 80 human thief but i have no clue how to make a good build that actually does damage and makes me not die like 8931 times in PvE, I read a bunch if discussions on the forums bought the further I read the more it looked like a foreign language to me lmao, I have no clue how to get any of the equipment stated in the discussions nor do I have the money to buy it, I dont think so at least, someone help me out here

just put critical strikes trait with healing on hit put ur malice signet as heal and 1111111111111 away

other 2 traits in pve i dunno Deadly arts and i dunno trickery isnt needed in pve is it? else trickery

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@Mocha.5983 said:Ok so im brand new to GW2 and i bought PoF like a week ago, I'm a level 80 human thief but i have no clue how to make a good build that actually does damage and makes me not die like 8931 times in PvE, I read a bunch if discussions on the forums bought the further I read the more it looked like a foreign language to me lmao, I have no clue how to get any of the equipment stated in the discussions nor do I have the money to buy it, I dont think so at least, someone help me out here

The best way to learn the Thief is understand how each mechanic works. I suggest to travel to Queensdale and just go around the map doing all the event that pops up.

The troll event in Queensdale will be the best scenario of a boss fight. You'll learn a lot about dodging attacks there.

Once you're bored with the map, then you can go in the next map, which will be more challenging.

The first thing that you should pay attention to is what is killing you.

If it's standing in an Area of Effect, then you will learn to evade it by dodging out of it next time or learning the telegraph for a sweeping attack.If it's condition damage like poison, then you will learn to cleanse that condition using one of your utility skills (i.e. Hide in Shadows).

Later on, you will learn that you can cleanse poison while evading using Withdraw and Trickster Trait (can be found in Trickery traitline).

Once you're confident about survival, you can then take more risks in dealing more damage. The more confident you become, the more damage you can deal since you'll learn when to disengage and when to engage.

Then go back to Queensdale and try to solo the Troll (if possible). At this time, you should be using instincts instead of watching your skill bar for cooldowns.

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One thing you can do since you have started with a Valkyrie set is start replacing it piece by piece with Berserker stat pieces until you have a good balance between damage and survivability. For me, this is usually around 17000 hp in a level 80 area like a city. Think part of the problem you are running into (aside from being new) is that you are simply not hitting hard enough to take down targets fast enough to avoid their damage. Power thief needs high critical chance and critical damage to function. As a bonus, the same basic power stat equipment set can be used across most of thief's weapon sets, so you can experiment freely with different weapons after putting together a set you like. :)

Other than that, yeah, go run personal story, do the Queensdale thing there and in other maps, gradually building up to higher level areas as you get more comfortable, and have fun!

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@JonnyForgotten.4276 said:One thing you can do since you have started with a Valkyrie set is start replacing it piece by piece with Berserker stat pieces until you have a good balance between damage and survivability. For me, this is usually around 17000 hp in a level 80 area like a city. Think part of the problem you are running into (aside from being new) is that you are simply not hitting hard enough to take down targets fast enough to avoid their damage. Power thief needs high critical chance and critical damage to function. As a bonus, the same basic power stat equipment set can be used across most of thief's weapon sets, so you can experiment freely with different weapons after putting together a set you like. :)

Other than that, yeah, go run personal story, do the Queensdale thing there and in other maps, gradually building up to higher level areas as you get more comfortable, and have fun!

Berserker set is not for beginners. If you'll replace Valkerie, replace it with Marauder instead. Marauder will give you the balance of damage and survivability.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:

@JonnyForgotten.4276 said:One thing you can do since you have started with a Valkyrie set is start replacing it piece by piece with Berserker stat pieces until you have a good balance between damage and survivability. For me, this is usually around 17000 hp in a level 80 area like a city. Think part of the problem you are running into (aside from being new) is that you are simply not hitting hard enough to take down targets fast enough to avoid their damage. Power thief needs high critical chance and critical damage to function. As a bonus, the same basic power stat equipment set can be used across most of thief's weapon sets, so you can experiment freely with different weapons after putting together a set you like. :)

Other than that, yeah, go run personal story, do the Queensdale thing there and in other maps, gradually building up to higher level areas as you get more comfortable, and have fun!

Berserker set is not for beginners. If you'll replace Valkerie, replace it with Marauder instead. Marauder will give you the balance of damage and survivability.

Marauder is HoT only, not sold on Trading Post, and expensive to craft.

For that matter, I don't believe any set can more or less beginner friendly than another. The unfriendliness in this game is not the stat requirements, but simply learning the combat system and when and how to avoid enemies attacks. Even if you die over and over, try to understand why and how to do better next time. There's no gear that will let you tank forever passively.

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I would recommend you play dagger/dagger and pistol/pistol (it's good to have ranged option). "Trash" mobs can be quickly killed only by base attacks (pressing 1), but thief has an unique mechanic — stealth allows you to use special skill like backstab, and this skill deals more damage if you hit something from behind. Dagger/dagger set is cool because 5th skills grants you stealth, so you can just finish your enemy very quickly.Thief has one of the smallest health pool, so it's important to just kill a mob as quickly as possible.

But lets talk about the build. For core thief you could use Deadly Arts, because this traitline has nice power boost for daggers. Last trait has 20% bonus damage to the targets with less than 50% health.Critical Strikes is must have for every power build. You can find there a trait called "Invigorating precision", and it's super useful for survivability.The last trait line — I would use Trickery, because of quickness, increased Initiative and Lead Attacks (up to 15% dmg boost).

Utility skills are very important. It's good to have a stun break (because being disabled for e.g. 3 seconds = death). Roll For Initiative has useful: stun break, dodge, restore initiative, remove conditions like cripple, chill or immobilize). Haste is great (stun break + quickness). New preparation skills can be useful (e.g. Prepare Pitfall - aoe knockback and damage). For elite skills you have two nice options: Thieves Guild (they can take agro but this skill is also dps) or Dagger Storm (3,5s evade and DPS).

I have made this build in gw2skills:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaABgiprlFw6YTsLGJO6L7LVA-zRIUR0zPKc5mFQkMoSIIdA-e

Explanation: this build provides 73% crit chance + additional 7% if you attack from behind or side + 5% if you're above 90% health. You can of course swap Signet of Agility to whatever you like.

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@Dave.6819 said:6 years thief player here. I may sound very evil and rude but... just delete it. Not worth to invest in this class cuz Anet hates it :) there's nothin more cruel to invest alot into a class just to realise anet is trying to dig a grave for it for the past 2years or so. Truest and sincere opinion from a main Thief. Take care.

Actually don't listen to this post, thief is doing fine.

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@Shena Fu.5792 said:

@"JonnyForgotten.4276" said:One thing you can do since you have started with a Valkyrie set is start replacing it piece by piece with Berserker stat pieces until you have a good balance between damage and survivability. For me, this is usually around 17000 hp in a level 80 area like a city. Think part of the problem you are running into (aside from being new) is that you are simply not hitting hard enough to take down targets fast enough to avoid their damage. Power thief needs high critical chance and critical damage to function. As a bonus, the same basic power stat equipment set can be used across most of thief's weapon sets, so you can experiment freely with different weapons after putting together a set you like. :)

Other than that, yeah, go run personal story, do the Queensdale thing there and in other maps, gradually building up to higher level areas as you get more comfortable, and have fun!

Berserker set is not for beginners. If you'll replace Valkerie, replace it with Marauder instead. Marauder will give you the balance of damage and survivability.

Marauder is HoT only, not sold on Trading Post, and expensive to craft.

If you purchase PoF, you get Hot for free"In the future, if we release further Guild Wars 2 expansions, we plan to offer all of the prior expansions, the core game, and the latest expansion for one single purchase price." (source)

Is this not the case? I'm under the impression that this is the case. If not, then I stand corrected.

For that matter, I don't believe any set can more or less beginner friendly than another. The unfriendliness in this game is not the stat requirements, but simply learning the combat system and when and how to avoid enemies attacks. Even if you die over and over, try to understand why and how to do better next time. There's no gear that will let you tank forever passively.

I beg to differ. The gear allows for margin of errors. For a Necro, Berserker set won't break them like glass due to their high health pool plus Life Force. For the Thief however, low HP is not advisable. You need to have at least 15k HP if you don't want to have a really bad game experience.

You cannot just "avoid enemy attacks" since that means you're not dealing damage. Most of the time, you have to take damage to deal damage and with glass cannon gear, that would mean you'll break like glass before doing anything significant.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:

@JonnyForgotten.4276 said:One thing you can do since you have started with a Valkyrie set is start replacing it piece by piece with Berserker stat pieces until you have a good balance between damage and survivability. For me, this is usually around 17000 hp in a level 80 area like a city. Think part of the problem you are running into (aside from being new) is that you are simply not hitting hard enough to take down targets fast enough to avoid their damage. Power thief needs high critical chance and critical damage to function. As a bonus, the same basic power stat equipment set can be used across most of thief's weapon sets, so you can experiment freely with different weapons after putting together a set you like. :)

Other than that, yeah, go run personal story, do the Queensdale thing there and in other maps, gradually building up to higher level areas as you get more comfortable, and have fun!

Berserker set is not for beginners. If you'll replace Valkerie, replace it with Marauder instead. Marauder will give you the balance of damage and survivability.

Was not saying replace the entire set with Zerker stats, I was saying to mix them into the Valk set until he gets a comfortable balance between damage and hp (similar to Marauder).

That said though, yes, Marauder is a great balance and a mix of Marauder and Berserker is the standard.

For the OP, learn to use a shortbow as well. It is a very good weapon for clearing mobs and getting around the map.

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Try to get a minimum of 190% crit damage 17k health, 2.5k power and 50% crit chance before fury, the rest of your stats you can allocate as you like but this will give you all the basics to make most builds work. I like to get 70% base crit chance personally, I like to aim for max crit chance builds tho and I get good might access from deadeye so power is less of a concern. Other than that it's pretty much about learning what to dodge etc. Happy thiefing :)

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@"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:I beg to differ. The gear allows for margin of errors. For a Necro, Berserker set won't break them like glass due to their high health pool plus Life Force. For the Thief however, low HP is not advisable. You need to have at least 15k HP if you don't want to have a really bad game experience.

You cannot just "avoid enemy attacks" since that means you're not dealing damage. Most of the time, you have to take damage to deal damage and with glass cannon gear, that would mean you'll break like glass before doing anything significant.

There are many ways for thief to avoid enemy attacks. Not just dodges, but stealth, blinds, evades, shadowstep. (Also applying weakness is equivalent to gaining armor.) Rather than teach new players to try to tank with counterproductive gear, every player of every class should learn properly to take NO damage using their classes's fortes. Oftentimes, such defensive skills will also provide some damage, or other offensive advantage. This strategy is superior than merely adding more toughness and vitality, which sacrifices valuable offense.

The adage "the best defense is a good offense" is ever true in GW2. A dead enemy deals no damage. Therefore, once you kill an enemy, you stop taking damage from him. That really IS the ultimate form of defense--No damage. (not less damage, but zero, nil, zilch.)

Moreover, it's easier to start with high offensive build and relinquish some offensive power temporarily for active defense. But it's futile to try to boost a low offense into good DPS.

Defensive gear is counterproductive. The longer you prolong the fight, the more damage you are taking over time. "A really bad game experience" is when you stock up on defensive gear and still don't know why or how you died. That's because such gear gives you the false sense of security, while giving up significant offense that could have killed the enemy quicker.

The downsides with relying on defensive stats is further exacerbated when fighting against a group of enemies. The tiny extra toughness and vitality will not add significant survivability when being pounded from multiple directions. Unfortunately, with your now weakened damage, the enemies will also stick around a lot longer. Consequently, they will continue to hurt to you over and over, while you struggle to eliminate even a single enemy in the meantime.

A "glass cannon" when facing a group of mobs, could eliminate them one-by-one in a timely manner. Reducing the number of threats means fewer sources of damage against you.

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@Shena Fu.5792 said:

@"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:I beg to differ. The gear allows for margin of errors. For a Necro, Berserker set won't break them like glass due to their high health pool plus Life Force. For the Thief however, low HP is not advisable. You need to have at least 15k HP if you don't want to have a really bad game experience.

You cannot just "avoid enemy attacks" since that means you're not dealing damage. Most of the time, you have to take damage to deal damage and with glass cannon gear, that would mean you'll break like glass before doing anything significant.

There are many ways for thief to avoid enemy attacks. Not just dodges, but stealth, blinds, evades, shadowstep. (Also applying weakness is equivalent to gaining armor.) Rather than teach new players to try to tank with counterproductive gear, every player of every class should learn properly to take NO damage using their classes's fortes. Oftentimes, such defensive skills will also provide some damage, or other offensive advantage. This strategy is superior than merely adding more toughness and vitality, which sacrifices valuable offense.

The adage "the best defense is a good offense" is ever true in GW2. A dead enemy deals no damage. Therefore, once you kill an enemy, you stop taking damage from him. That really IS the ultimate form of defense--No damage. (not less damage, but zero, nil, zilch.)

Moreover, it's easier to start with high offensive build and relinquish some offensive power temporarily for active defense. But it's futile to try to boost a low offense into good DPS.

Defensive gear is counterproductive. The longer you prolong the fight, the more damage you are taking over time. "A really bad game experience" is when you stock up on defensive gear and still don't know why or how you died. That's because such gear gives you the false sense of security, while giving up significant offense that could have killed the enemy quicker.

The downsides with relying on defensive stats is further exacerbated when fighting against a group of enemies. The tiny extra toughness and vitality will not add significant survivability when being pounded from multiple directions. Unfortunately, with your now weakened damage, the enemies will also stick around a lot longer. Consequently, they will continue to hurt to you over and over, while you struggle to eliminate even a single enemy in the meantime.

A "glass cannon" when facing a group of mobs, could eliminate them one-by-one in a timely manner. Reducing the number of threats means fewer sources of damage against you.

This works in both ways: you can kill quickly, but you can be killed quickly. "Glass canon" isn't an answer to everything. Try do some group content solo where you can't just kill an enemy faster than it can hit you. Defensive gear is something like "I can stay alive where you died, and I can finish it".

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@Shena Fu.5792 said:

@"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:I beg to differ. The gear allows for margin of errors. For a Necro, Berserker set won't break them like glass due to their high health pool plus Life Force. For the Thief however, low HP is not advisable. You need to have at least 15k HP if you don't want to have a really bad game experience.

You cannot just "avoid enemy attacks" since that means you're not dealing damage. Most of the time, you have to take damage to deal damage and with glass cannon gear, that would mean you'll break like glass before doing anything significant.

There are many ways for thief to avoid enemy attacks. Not just dodges, but stealth, blinds, evades, shadowstep. (Also applying weakness is equivalent to gaining armor.) Rather than teach new players to try to tank with counterproductive gear, every player of every class should learn properly to take NO damage using their classes's fortes. Oftentimes, such defensive skills will also provide some damage, or other offensive advantage. This strategy is superior than merely adding more toughness and vitality, which sacrifices valuable offense.

Nobody is saying to teach new players to tank. Nobody.

With the Thief, you have to make trade offs. Yes, effective builds make a lot of sacrifices.

The adage "the best defense is a good offense" is ever true in GW2. A dead enemy deals no damage. Therefore, once you kill an enemy, you stop taking damage from him. That really IS the ultimate form of defense--No damage. (not less damage, but zero, nil, zilch.)

The adage "the best defense is a good offense" is ever true in GW2. A dead PLAYER deals no damage. Therefore, once you ARE KILLED, THE ENEMY stop taking damage from YOU. That really IS the ultimate form of defense--No damage. (not less damage, but zero, nil, zilch.)

There, fixed it for you.

Moreover, it's easier to start with high offensive build and relinquish some offensive power temporarily for active defense. But it's futile to try to boost a low offense into good DPS.

In order to learn the fight, you have to at least out last the fight. For a veteran player, you can just jump in there and wing it. For new players, that would mean their death and bad experience from a bad advice.

Defensive gear is counterproductive. The longer you prolong the fight, the more damage you are taking over time. "A really bad game experience" is when you stock up on defensive gear and still don't know why or how you died. That's because such gear gives you the false sense of security, while giving up significant offense that could have killed the enemy quicker.

So not true. My Acro/Trick/DD which I build with high evasion can kill things just as well as my other Thiefs. In fact, it's better than my Assassin Thief since it's not a squishy meaning it can stay engage longer dealing more damage.

The downsides with relying on defensive stats is further exacerbated when fighting against a group of enemies. The tiny extra toughness and vitality will not add significant survivability when being pounded from multiple directions. Unfortunately, with your now weakened damage, the enemies will also stick around a lot longer. Consequently, they will continue to hurt to you over and over, while you struggle to eliminate even a single enemy in the meantime.

That a lot of exaggeration which makes me wonder if we're playing the same game. And by no means keeping Valkerie gear means "weakened damage", that's dishonest.

A "glass cannon" when facing a group of mobs, could eliminate them one-by-one in a timely manner. Reducing the number of threats means fewer sources of damage against you.

Glass cannon builds breaks when facing a group mobs because the reality is you cannot evade them all and they will not attack you one at a time (pocket raptors, anyone?).

I've said my piece, it's up to the OP to experience it him/herself.

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