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Preparing for Chef 500 (from Reddit)

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:Hmm, I cooked a Bowl of Roasted Lotus Roots while standing next to Sage in Divinity's Reach, but nothing happend. Do VIP areas not count?

Sage is not in the VIP area. He's down the road a bit, at the main cooking station, closer to Commons Waypoint.

edit: Oh, I can see the confusion. Yeah there's two NPCs named "Sage". (The wiki only documents one, which might or might not have led the devs astray on this one.)You want the one at the crafting station accessible to everyone, not just the VIPs.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:Hmm, I cooked a Bowl of Roasted Lotus Roots while standing next to Sage in Divinity's Reach, but nothing happend. Do VIP areas not count?

is not in the VIP area.

Yes, he is, too. In both locations, the Royal Terrace and the regular cooking station.

You apparently didn't see my edit, which I made 13 minutes ago (although 2 minutes after my original post).

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Fun to explore new contend - for someone like me that returned after a long break. Most of the time atm I'm doing older stuff. (Catching up.) I like how the first few points from 400 to 425 are gained pretty fast. With the achievement and the cooks (reminds of the Belcher' Bluff - also mini map icon in home instance) this will also give some points while crafting the required stuff. Only after the first 3 racial (did only the one for humans) I noticed it getting a bit expensive ... with the heat stones required (about 33 gold one at TP). So I guess I'll level a bit normally while crafting until it get's too expensive for me.

Picking it up later when I have caught up with the tons of other content and when I actually am in the mood and need. Cooking was my first crafting profession. I also have still tons of recipes to dicscover for completion I guess. Will be a lot of work. :D (But then again when finished I guess it will be mostly buying - and crafting only for account bound stuff.)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:How do I practice my butchering technique? Do I just go and kill animals that could potentially drop red meat?

No, that doesnt work.

It can take a bunch of kills ... got the red meat after 3 kills but took like 8 to 10 moas for poultry

@Ayrilana.1396 said:So what’s the final cost to get to 425, 450, 475, and 500?

to 450 is dirt cheap for me, 9s60 for 60 bowls of mango pie fillings I was using crafting + item booster + guild buff

the racial tracks cover the other 50 which would be between 76g95s, 123g49s, 85g72s,155g49s for5 deldrimor ingots5 spiritwood plank1 elonian leather square3 heat stone

+15g for asura track

so 91g to 170g plus 9s to go from 400 to 500

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:How do I practice my butchering technique? Do I just go and kill animals that could potentially drop red meat?

No, that doesnt work.

It can take a bunch of kills ... got the red meat after 3 kills but took like 8 to 10 moas for poultry

I got several Red Meat drops so far, but none of them counted. Does it have to be special meat (as in a special drop)?

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:How do I practice my butchering technique? Do I just go and kill animals that could potentially drop red meat?

No, that doesnt work.

It can take a bunch of kills ... got the red meat after 3 kills but took like 8 to 10 moas for poultry

@Ayrilana.1396 said:So what’s the final cost to get to 425, 450, 475, and 500?

to 450 is dirt cheap for me, 9s60 for 60 bowls of mango pie fillings I was using crafting + item booster + guild buff

the racial tracks cover the other 50 which would be between 76g95s, 123g49s, 85g72s,155g49s for5 deldrimor ingots5 spiritwood plank1 elonian leather square3 heat stone

+15g for asura track

so 91g to 170g plus 9s to go from 400 to 500

Ah, thanks.

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It's like the gem store garden plots, should grow as of reset each day -- and happily if you already have a plot, you can replace something there with one of the new things so you can grow all five options at once. Or I suppose double up on a couple of them, but I'm keeping my 3 old things for now. It takes a bit to make the seed pouches, you have to salvage food for those essences that go into making the special compost.

Notes on the salvaging: You use the Portable Composter you get through doing the Sylvari track of the achieves, not a regular salvage tool. Most crafted foods can be salvaged, and what tier essence you get depends on the crafting skill that goes into it (eg if you want Fine, craft a Novice Tier food and salvage it). Exotic Essences are going to be super easy to get for a while, since the Halloween and Wintersday foods salvage into exotic and some of those are 2 c on TP right now. Oddly, the Lunar New Year foods do not salvage, maybe they just aren't craftable. You need a mix of four tiers of Essence to make the special Essence that goes into the compost. You also need varietal seeds of the type you want to plant. You get the first five as part of doing the quest line. I don't know if I will now have a chance to gather them again when foraging, and if only my Chef will be able to or if anyone of any crafting skill gathering may get them for trade.

You craft the seed pouch at a chef station, then double click it at the garden plot to put it in your hands, then interact with the spot you want to grow. After that if it continues like all the old plots, the same thing will grow daily for gathering.

edit: Another note, the extra food you have leftover after making the stuff for the racial chefs? Don't get rid of it. You can salvage it.

Second edit: Yes thanks, does seem I will need the new plants before I can discover stuff. I'm wondering on the meat if only my chef can kill stuff for the fancy cuts or if my whole account can since I've done the achieves.

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