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Food Effect Time Nerf

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Not every recipe had a reduction in ingredients. Some couldn't be reduced. Is this just a "deal with it" situation? Or is there going to be some sort of future adjustment? I had just created a pile of Omnomberry Ghosts that got a 15 minute time reduction. The recipe and effects are the same. What's the time reduction logic?

This is super annoying.

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This is my first time using this forum. Having played Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 for 20 years or so, I have to say that not all changes that Anet makes are in the best interest of the players. One such change in the Food Effects was the duration time reduction. I play a ranger and I rely on the Food Effects to assist my abilities. I balance my choices of Food Effects and Utility Effects which was 1 hour duration for each. I just found out that the Food Effects duration times for the 1 hours was reduced to 30 minutes. Was this really necessary? I won't use 30 minute duration times at all, the time passes to quickly when playing WVW and PVE. I'm not the best player but I do okay but I do need the additional that these Effects give me. If anything you should have increased the Food Effects to have more 1 hour duration limits. I do understand that you have created a cooking feature which will give some 1 hour Effects, I'm not interested in cooking, I just want to play the game without the distraction of cooking. I do struggle at times playing my ranger but I enjoy the ranger, now instead of making my game more enjoyable, you have created an unhappy player.

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It is pretty bad that they decided to nerf these existing foods in order to make the new foods look better.

If they wanted to standardise durations then Fine and simpler food should have been 30 minutes duration, Masterwork 45, Exotic an hour and Ascended one and a half to two hours.

As it is halving the duration of some foods is a massive nerf to those who use them.

At least let us eat two foods in order to stack the buff to an hour.

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@"Ktamek.1697" said:This is my first time using this forum. Having played Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 for 20 years or so, I have to say that not all changes that Anet makes are in the best interest of the players. One such change in the Food Effects was the duration time reduction. I play a ranger and I rely on the Food Effects to assist my abilities. I balance my choices of Food Effects and Utility Effects which was 1 hour duration for each. I just found out that the Food Effects duration times for the 1 hours was reduced to 30 minutes. Was this really necessary? I won't use 30 minute duration times at all, the time passes to quickly when playing WVW and PVE. I'm not the best player but I do okay but I do need the additional that these Effects give me. If anything you should have increased the Food Effects to have more 1 hour duration limits. I do understand that you have created a cooking feature which will give some 1 hour Effects, I'm not interested in cooking, I just want to play the game without the distraction of cooking. I do struggle at times playing my ranger but I enjoy the ranger, now instead of making my game more enjoyable, you have created an unhappy player.

Well this is your opinion, while you don't like cooking i'm sure there should be players that enjoy cooking and for them maybe reduced food duration means more consumers and more profit, tho i believe they are a really tiny slice of the community. Other than that it is almost clear for me that this food nerf is only to "force" people on acquiring more metabolic/utility primers through BLchest, gemstore or even crafting the lesser version of them by using the garden plot deed, just anet hungry for money.

-OnTopic: I really hope they end this stupid inconsistency since themselves promised to change "ALL" foods.

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I think it is a bad design decision. If overall the duration of food was too long - it would have been okay to reduce it for balancing reasons. But that wasn't the case. Otherwise they would have done that before instead of leaving it like this for ages.

Now to encourage people to use more of the new content just increasing the duration for the new content (ascended) would have been enough. Nerfing existing stuff (when people already might have produced a lot and might not have produced that many if they knew about the changes before) is a very bad idea. I guess it is because of the primers - but not because of the old food. More because of the ascended food (if they made that one 2 hours and existing one 1 hour then less people would need primers for ascended one).

Then again they could just have left the duration. And ascended and non-ascended with same duration. Ascended is already interesting because of the more buffs it gives. And someone linked a food ingame. Seems it was a tray/feast - is this for all of them the case? (Then this would also be an advandage over normal food where you need special recipes for the trays/fests).

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Nerfing old recipes to make the new ones look better is such a shady strategy :/Wish you never introduced ascended cooking. People are talking trash about it anyway.I will never craft it either because it's a waste of gold when compared with the minimal stat bonuses.You're annoying and inconveniencing me with the 30 minutes duration tho.

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It seems clear that ANet's intent was to simplify food buffs by standardizing durations. This had the unintended consequence of nerfing a small fraction of buffs. I would have preferred that they handle it differently, but in the long run, I think the 30-minute per non-ascended system should have been in place since launch. Losing 33% or 50% of my buff is a small price to pay, even though I just recently made a ton of 60-minute and 45-minute foods specifically due to cost efficiencies.

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Eh, I always thought the food buff times were basically a joke. 30 min is garbage. 60 min would be far more reasonable. 30 min to me a very low level food where you are just learning to make better foods. 60 min foods to me would be for foods that are higher levels and require more skill. Anything at level 80 should be 1 hour IMHO. Otherwise it's just a nuisance how fast it runs out.

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Yeah I guess it's not about the money. More about the convenience. Then again: Feels easier to salvage that stuff for essences of nourishment when it seems more crappy because of the shorter duration. :D

Do we have the cost on ascended stuff yet? (I bet some people are calculating already.) Maybe - besides the time gate and gardening stuff - it won't be tooo expensive. At least the essences seem cheap. Cheap food salvaging is not that big of a deal. Only the exotics ... but nice that we could salvage the feast we got from the boss/champion rush events for lots of exo essences.

Wondering about the WvW food container/boxes and the stuff from there. (What level is that again - need to check.) Just wait a a bit. I guess there will be changes again. Nothing stays as it is released without at least some minor changes. Maybe duration will get adjustments again.

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