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Ty for killing wvw more...


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@Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:I might be wrong here, but I just roughly figured out that for 20 of these foods, which would be 20 hours, you’re looking at spending around 50-ish gold. And that’s with current trade post pricing, rather than just using your own stuff. At that pricing, it’s too expensive to use.

As a small group or individual, yes.

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@Tinnel.4369 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically.

Supporting data please?

every person that has ever played the game

That's not data. There's two claims there, only one of which I'm inclined to believe. WvW'rs still spend $.

Actually, the evidence is how little Anet has invested in WvW compared to PVE or PVP ... it's got nothing to do with WvW spending money. It's about how much compared to other people.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


I am well aware of the numbers thanks. However minor the upgrade it is still power creep, which shows once again that anet does not consider the feedback from players when making updates.

Why should they? let's be honest, most players don't have a clue about what's good for the game, for Anet or for the people that play it. I wouldn't listen to them either. They are a fickle bunch that can't be appeased. I hope Anet continues to not listen to players because frankly, players are driven by what they want and there isn't any reasonable way to please all people all the time here.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


I am well aware of the numbers thanks. However minor the upgrade it is still power creep, which shows once again that anet does not consider the feedback from players when making updates.

Why should they? let's be honest, most players don't have a clue about what's good for the game, for Anet or for the people that play it. I wouldn't listen to them either. They are a fickle bunch that can't be appeased. I hope Anet continues to not listen to players because frankly, players are driven by what they want and there isn't any reasonable way to please all people all the time here.

It's too bad Anet can no longer listen to all the players that have left. They were some of the most passionate about WvW when the rewards were nothing, you paid for upgrades, the maps were all the same, the opponents were always the same and the results were always the same.

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@Swamurabi.7890 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


I am well aware of the numbers thanks. However minor the upgrade it is still power creep, which shows once again that anet does not consider the feedback from players when making updates.

Why should they? let's be honest, most players don't have a clue about what's good for the game, for Anet or for the people that play it. I wouldn't listen to them either. They are a fickle bunch that can't be appeased. I hope Anet continues to not listen to players because frankly, players are driven by what they want and there isn't any reasonable way to please all people all the time here.

It's too bad Anet can no longer listen to all the players that have left. They were some of the most passionate about WvW when the rewards were nothing, you paid for upgrades, the maps were all the same, the opponents were always the same and the results were always the same.

Passion or not, what I said is still relevant. How passionate you are does not indication the ideas are better. I don't see the problem with people leaving that have done so because of the direction they didn't like. That only means the people that stay behind are more likely to be a more consistent in their view of the game and are easier to deliver to.

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@Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:I might be wrong here, but I just roughly figured out that for 20 of these foods, which would be 20 hours, you’re looking at spending around 50-ish gold. And that’s with current trade post pricing, rather than just using your own stuff. At that pricing, it’s too expensive to use.

Certainly too expensive for roamers. Commanders with guilds behind them will find a use tho I'm sure.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically.

Supporting data please?

every person that has ever played the game

That's not data. There's two claims there, only one of which I'm inclined to believe. WvW'rs still spend $.

Actually, the evidence is how little Anet has invested in WvW compared to PVE or PVP ... it's got nothing to do with WvW spending money. It's about how much compared to other people.

Ok so he did mean who spends money...

Any rational and logical person knows that broke WvW players are more inclined to buy gold for skins over the PvE player who already has thousands of gold.

Any rational and logical person knows that PvE gets the most focus because its a cash shop spewing out skins made by a team seperate to coding and content.

Just about everyone is aware that all players spend money on the game and WvW players frequent PvE for new stats and skins.

We're all in this together, we all enjoy the same game.

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@Infusion.7149 said:The whole ascended food concept is flawed and full of busywork. It's mostly a reason to sell the garden plot in the gem store and to drain the low end foods below level 80 via food salvage (composter).They could have also made raid DPS easier with them by having the third food bonus active in PvE only (similar to mob slaying food) but instead they decided to add a WvW bonus. WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically. There's food with life steal + power and ferocity as well as options containing outgoing healing / damage reduction so I don't understand the need to tack on more stats.

It would have been far better to have exotic to ascended trinket upgrading or non-cosmetic legendary trinket crafting with jeweler 500.

YES. Finally, someone has said it.

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@VoidNard.7206 said:

@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:get your own food then?

Useless comment. I do not want to call you stupid, but I dont think you understand powercreep. Maybe youre just a casual livign story player. If so, then its okay, dont worry this doesn't concern you.

WHat I meant is : Players that love this gamemode exploit the best of what they can to be effective in that gamemode... So If OP isn't willing to be competitive in that specific situation ... that's on him really.

It's more OP's fault than the guy using food imo ... but that's my point of view ofc not a generic truth.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


I am well aware of the numbers thanks. However minor the upgrade it is still power creep, which shows once again that anet does not consider the feedback from players when making updates.

Why should they? let's be honest, most players don't have a clue about what's good for the game, for Anet or for the people that play it. I wouldn't listen to them either. They are a fickle bunch that can't be appeased. I hope Anet continues to not listen to players because frankly, players are driven by what they want and there isn't any reasonable way to please all people all the time here.

It's too bad Anet can no longer listen to all the players that have left. They were some of the most passionate about WvW when the rewards were nothing, you paid for upgrades, the maps were all the same, the opponents were always the same and the results were always the same.

Passion or not, what I said is still relevant. How passionate you are does not indication the ideas are better. I don't see the problem with people leaving that have done so because of the direction they didn't like. That only means the people that stay behind are more likely to be a more consistent in their view of the game and are easier to deliver to.

Sorry, but the things that players complain about now are the same ones those of us that left the game complained about years ago.

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@Swamurabi.7890 said:

@bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:10% damage reduction100 power70 ferocity

I just laughed.gg anet you won, wvw is dead so you can stop beating it into the ground.

There was already food for 10% DR and 70 power. I’ve used it since it’s release.So I gain 30 power and 70 ferocity........ Wow, that just blows my mind with how much more ultra, super, powerful I will be. Now my target can just look at my food buff and fall over dead. I winz the wuvwuv!!!!1!!!111111


I am well aware of the numbers thanks. However minor the upgrade it is still power creep, which shows once again that anet does not consider the feedback from players when making updates.

Why should they? let's be honest, most players don't have a clue about what's good for the game, for Anet or for the people that play it. I wouldn't listen to them either. They are a fickle bunch that can't be appeased. I hope Anet continues to not listen to players because frankly, players are driven by what they want and there isn't any reasonable way to please all people all the time here.

It's too bad Anet can no longer listen to all the players that have left. They were some of the most passionate about WvW when the rewards were nothing, you paid for upgrades, the maps were all the same, the opponents were always the same and the results were always the same.

Passion or not, what I said is still relevant. How passionate you are does not indication the ideas are better. I don't see the problem with people leaving that have done so because of the direction they didn't like. That only means the people that stay behind are more likely to be a more consistent in their view of the game and are easier to deliver to.

Sorry, but the things that players complain about now are the same ones those of us that left the game complained about years ago.

OK .. that still doesn't change anything I said. No need to be sorry.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically.

Supporting data please?

every person that has ever played the game

That's not data. There's two claims there, only one of which I'm inclined to believe. WvW'rs still spend $.

Actually, the evidence is how little Anet has invested in WvW compared to PVE or PVP ... it's got nothing to do with WvW spending money. It's about how much compared to other people.

Ok so he did mean who spends money...

Any rational and logical person knows that broke WvW players are more inclined to buy gold for skins over the PvE player who already has thousands of gold.

Any rational and logical person knows that PvE gets the most focus because its a cash shop spewing out skins made by a team seperate to coding and content.

Just about everyone is aware that all players spend money on the game and WvW players frequent PvE for new stats and skins.

We're all in this together, we all enjoy the same game.

I'm not having this nonsensical discussion with you again ... the investments Anet makes in the game reflects where the revenue is coming from. If WvW people were where the majority of revenues were coming from, then there would be a crapton of WvW developments happening. If you want to spew rhetorical about logic and rationalization, it doesn't get any more real than that.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

Ok so he did mean who spends money...

Any rational and logical person knows that broke WvW players are more inclined to buy gold for skins over the PvE player who already has thousands of gold.

Any rational and logical person knows that PvE gets the most focus because its a cash shop spewing out skins made by a team seperate to coding and content.

Just about everyone is aware that all players spend money on the game and WvW players frequent PvE for new stats and skins.

We're all in this together, we all enjoy the same game.

Seph, it isn’t worth arguing with this one.

This poster doesn’t get it...

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

Ok so he did mean who spends money...

Any rational and logical person knows that broke WvW players are more inclined to buy gold for skins over the PvE player who already has thousands of gold.

Any rational and logical person knows that PvE gets the most focus because its a cash shop spewing out skins made by a team seperate to coding and content.

Just about everyone is aware that all players spend money on the game and WvW players frequent PvE for new stats and skins.

We're all in this together, we all enjoy the same game.

Seph, it isn’t worth arguing with this one.

This poster doesn’t get it...

All I can think of is the Motley Crue lyrics to Dont go Away Mad

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@sephiroth.4217 said:We're all in this together, we all enjoy the same game.

The problem is that no, we don't all enjoy the same game ... the WvW you enjoy isn't the same part of the game I enjoy the most ... the poster wants to know why someone thinks WvW is the least profitable part of the game. It think it's pretty obvious if you look at where the investments are being made by Anet.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

Ok so he did mean who spends money...

Any rational and logical person knows that broke WvW players are more inclined to buy gold for skins over the PvE player who already has thousands of gold.

Any rational and logical person knows that PvE gets the most focus because its a cash shop spewing out skins made by a team seperate to coding and content.

Just about everyone is aware that all players spend money on the game and WvW players frequent PvE for new stats and skins.

We're all in this together, we all enjoy the same game.

Seph, it isn’t worth arguing with this one.

This poster doesn’t get it...

All I can think of is the Motley Crue lyrics to
Dont go Away Mad

Tbh they both have points, the truth is somewhere in between. WvW players definitely spend money on gems, but the real issue is how much that is compared to PvE. They've both made their case and disagreed tho, so maybe it is best to leave it there.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Ok so he did mean who spends money...

Any rational and logical person knows that broke WvW players are more inclined to buy gold for skins over the PvE player who already has thousands of gold.

Any rational and logical person knows that PvE gets the most focus because its a cash shop spewing out skins made by a team seperate to coding and content.

Just about everyone is aware that all players spend money on the game and WvW players frequent PvE for new stats and skins.

We're all in this together, we all enjoy the same game.

Seph, it isn’t worth arguing with this one.

This poster doesn’t get it...

All I can think of is the Motley Crue lyrics to
Dont go Away Mad

Tbh they both have points, the truth is somewhere in between. WvW players definitely spend money on gems, but the real issue is how much that is compared to PvE. They've both made their case and disagreed tho, so maybe it is best to leave it there.

Agreed. Yet they won’t

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