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the truth about underwater content.

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I love the underwater content, and do wish there was more. Being able to fight 3D is really fun. As a scuba diver I really appreciate how much of the movements they got right, like the backwards swimming motions.
Only thing I do not like is they make you change weapons (yeah, I know it makes sense). I do not like anything that that changes my toolbar.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"Teratus.2859" said:We'll need such changes for when we deal with the Sea Dragon and the sooner they come into the game the better.

I can totally see Anet writing the story in such a way that the dragon turns out to either be peaceful OR is leaving the sea to fight (as stupid as that would be).Or maybe we use pact submarines to shoot at it, similar to Zhaitan's "battle".

That is my biggest fear when it comes to the Sea Dragon.I don't want to fight it on land, I want to fight it in the ocean both above and below the water.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Teratus.2859" said:Just helps you get around faster as I said above, demand for an underwater mount is actually pretty high despite the Skimmers existence.Source?I'm in a capped guild that kicks on 8 days innactive. The chatter is constant and represents a good cross section of the players of this game, from casual to hard core, open world pve derpin to competitive.Not one single time have I hear a person say "I love the game's underwater content and wish there was more".I would love to hear your source for measuring this "pretty high" demand.All I tend to see on the issue of underwater mounts is the same small group of gimme-gimmes on the forums, adding it to the long list of terrible ideas they think the game "needs".

In game, forums take your pick.

Just because you don't personally see it doesnt mean that a lot of players don't want it.I've had many discussions in game and out about the concept of an underwater mount and it's always been looked upon positively, likewise i've also had many random map chats with many, many people about Underwater content and again large amounts of people wishing it got more attention.The latter conversations stretch back as far as HoT so this isn't anything new.People have been disappointed with the lack of attention UW content has gotten for many years.. and that lack of attention is what contributes largely to attitudes like yours.There is a lot of potential for this content if Anet would only flesh it out and give it some TLC and that is something i've had more people than I can count agree with me on in game.

If you don't think the game will benefit from an underwater mount and more underwater content then by all means hold that opinion.But sooner or later the game is going to have to deal with a water based Elder Dragon and if that content doesn't take advantage of GW2's brilliant but neglected underwater system then that dragon is going to be a massive disappointment for me and a lot of other people who have told me the same thing.

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@Zynk.9015 said:

@FrigginPaco.4178 said:I don't know why people dislike it. Honestly, I really don't know.

Because when you're on land you hardly ever have to aim the camera up for open-world fights. That's classic MMO design. HoT was very edgy with how contorted, highly vertical maps were introduced, but it's something I applaud anet for because it was certainly a refreshing break from the tried and true formula of level design.

Yeah I totally agree and was very pleased with HoT's vertical focus. It really helped move GW2's fantast and feel apart and felt quite fantastical. Most of what ever frustrated me about UW fighting was back as a newer/less experienced player. My aggro was so very big in 3 dimensions! I have to give things a pretty wide berth, but I do like it in it's own way. We'll have to see if they do anything else with the weapons underwater, but I'm really not sure on that... Utility skills would be nice, of course. Still, I generally don't have as hard of a time, but certain classes do suffer more than others.

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That’s not even true. I enjoy the underwater content (although not on every character because of different abilities) and enjoy exploring around Orr and elsewhere, finding hidden caves and ruins! The only time I don’t like it is when I’m forced to navigate it as a helpless dolphin. I never liked the underwater fractal but the open world and dungeon underwater content is great!

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Whilst some people like underwater content it seems to me that ArenaNet have all but shelved it.

In the last two expansions and the last two LS seasons there were a handful of dynamic events that were in or around water, I'm thinking the drake in Ember Bay, the quaggan event in Lake Doric and the supplies event in Amnoon. Oh and the krait killing daily and underwater swim speed infusions from when they reworked underwater skills.

Compare that to the amount of terrestrial content added in the same time and you'll have a good idea of how ArenaNet feel about underwater content.

They stopped producing underwater weapon skins before HoT, no new underwater legendaries, removed it from sPvP, have all but removed underwater areas in WvW, and gave us a mount specifically designed to swiftly travel over the surface of the water.

Heck, they drained the lake in Lake Doric.

I don't see them adding all that much further underwater content, it's buggy, the camera is a mess and (from the fact that they've mostly dropped it) not that enjoyable for most.

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The main issue with under water content is the type of fighting envolved. The fight is more 3 dimensional. So fighting mechanics are very different. It is different to dodge a red circle then a red globe. Range also turned into a globe instead of a circle. Hitboxes are suddently a box instead of a square.This makes combat more challenging to pull it off. To a point is is no longer fun due to it giving headaches.

Underwater combat was removed from sPvP and WvW. The raid of the capricorn sPvP map was removed and the water level in the borderlands was lowered.A good example is the invasion of Orr. All paths are equal in challenge and richness. But most people prefer the south invasion simply cause it does not use underwater combat.

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