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[SUGGESTION] An expansion to Cantha + SAGA (LIVING STORY 6)


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@lokh.2695 said:

Aren't you fed up with nostalgia?


@kharmin.7683 said:Actually, I'm fed up with repeated requests for Cantha. ANet knows. Contrary to popular belief, they do read their own forum. Yet one more Cantha thread won't suddenly change their business directive.

You do know you can scroll on by? I do on the WvW threads often.I would love a mute function too.

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@"Kylden Ar.3724" said:I'd rather stop seeing places I already saw 12 years ago.

I'm not paying anymore to see places I saw in GW1. If they wanna do nostalgia in LS/"Sagas" that's fine, I'm not paying extra for those and have the option to skip them.

But if Cantha comes out as an Xpac, that is when I am done playing and paying money. I will not pay for another half-kittened expansion that retreads ground I saw before again.

Considering the few NEW places we've visited have been depressing, and are among the most complained about for being "uncreative"...... I feel that drawing inspiration from the GW1 campaigns, whose designs stand out even among modern games, is the most worthwhile path at the moment. Cantha also wasn't a single aesthetic style merged into one, but was much like Prophecies in how it took the best aspects of similar styles, and used them to create a cohesive landscape.

Modern Medieval and Gothic Fantasy are all melting pots for this reason. As is CyberPunk, SteamPunk, and other "aesthetically notable" genres. Asian nations that are still around all have very long histories, and much of that drives a unwarranted sense of cultural superiority. European, Eastern European, Middle Eastern stretch also act like they have this, but its been very clearly muddied from countless centuries of conquest and kingdom turn over.

Modern society places too much false value on "originality for its own sake", while also simultaneously lamenting the loss of the familiar. Theres a running gag in the game industry where players ultimately demand "the same, but different"; and encapsulates the dissonance of not trusting things which are too alien (yet objectively new and fresh), while also decrying things being repetitive, despite being creatures of habit. Our memories are so selective about this, I have no doubt there are dozens of games and movies that are unlike anything you've played before, and summarily dismissed as being bad games because they don't have the things you already like in them.

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@Dami.5046 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:As someone who absolutely loved Cantha in Gw1, all I can say to those claiming to be offended by the region being brought to Gw2 is.. I don't care.

Years of perpetual offense to every innocent little non offensive thing has just drained me of my ability to give a kitten about all the irrelevant things people claim to be offended about these days.I just don't care anymore, offense is taken not given as they say.

At the end of the day, Cantha is a beautiful and rich region of a fantasy world that I absolutely love, I will champion for it's addition to Gw2 no matter how many people claim it's offensive to them (and I bet that number is a lot smaller than those who want to see the region in GW2)Artistic expression should never be oppressed by a vocal minority of people who just want to control and censor everything they don't like.That is not how our cultures evolved, that's how our worst historical enemies did.


@"rylien.3824" said:

If each time we have to restrict the content, and the history for "politically correct", we might as well stop right now and do nothing more...If doing so dramatically affects the bottom line for their investors which then sinks the game.... then, yes. Restrict the content.

Some people seem to forget (or ignore) the fact this this is, first and foremost, a business. If it makes money, then it will be done (outfits, etc). If it creates enough conflict so that it loses money, then it won't be done. Anet (and NCSoft) have already done their research on Cantha and determined it to be too detrimental.

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Stop asking to go back to Cantha when 95% of the rest of the world hasn't been explored yet.

@"Kylden Ar.3724" said:I'd rather stop seeing places I already saw 12 years ago.

I'm not paying anymore to see places I saw in GW1. If they wanna do nostalgia in LS/"Sagas" that's fine, I'm not paying extra for those and have the option to skip them.

But if Cantha comes out as an Xpac, that is when I am done playing and paying money. I will not pay for another half-kittened expansion that retreads ground I saw before again.

@lokh.2695 said:I'd rather go somewhere else.

@"Ultramex.1506" said:EH...we have already seen enough of Human Cultures from GW1 to LWS4, lets focus on the Norn/Kodan cultures and take us to Norn old homeland, we battle and retake it from Jormag with help from the Spirit of the Wild. I dearly hope we won't kill an elder dragon in living world stories again.

Aren't any of you fed up 'winning'?

Right..."winning", i could say the same about these Cantha threads, "bagging" Anet for fan service and "wine" when it isn't like Gw1 and Cantha.But since i've matured, i don't see them as "winning" but opinions and I respectfully disagree with those.

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@"Teratus.2859" said:As someone who absolutely loved Cantha in Gw1, all I can say to those claiming to be offended by the region being brought to Gw2 is.. I don't care.

Years of perpetual offense to every innocent little non offensive thing has just drained me of my ability to give a kitten about all the irrelevant things people claim to be offended about these days.I just don't care anymore, offense is taken not given as they say.

At the end of the day, Cantha is a beautiful and rich region of a fantasy world that I absolutely love, I will champion for it's addition to Gw2 no matter how many people claim it's offensive to them (and I bet that number is a lot smaller than those who want to see the region in GW2)Artistic expression should never be oppressed by a vocal minority of people who just want to control and censor everything they don't like.That is not how our cultures evolved, that's how our worst historical enemies did.

i dont care about "sensibilities" too, but the issue on asia markets seems very problematic for them handle.

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And back to the OP, I like your ideas. I hope they are considered when they put together whatever Cantha content we end up with. The rest of you need to argue elsewhere. Let's focus on what this thread was intended for. The OP put a lot of thought into it and I enjoyed reading and envisioning it. It would be really cool to see it realized.

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So you're the thread monitor? These forums exist for discourse, during which dissent is often a thing. While I agree that the OP put considerable effort into the post, not everyone wants Cantha content. Telling those to "argue elsewhere" stifles the discussion and weakens your point.

Maybe, one day, there will come a time when the sensitivities of certain geo-political areas won't be an issue; however, it has been shown both here and in other Cantha threads that this is unlikely and for Anet unprofitable. There really wasn't a reason for the OP to create a new thread that just goes down the same path as pretty much all of the other ones.

You have your opinion and that's fair. There are those who don't share in it and don't think that Cantha would be "really cool". That doesn't make that side of the discussion any less valid.

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@Ultramex.1506 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:As someone who absolutely loved Cantha in Gw1, all I can say to those claiming to be offended by the region being brought to Gw2 is.. I don't care.

Years of perpetual offense to every innocent little non offensive thing has just drained me of my ability to give a kitten about all the irrelevant things people claim to be offended about these days.I just don't care anymore, offense is taken not given as they say.

At the end of the day, Cantha is a beautiful and rich region of a fantasy world that I absolutely love, I will champion for it's addition to Gw2 no matter how many people claim it's offensive to them (and I bet that number is a lot smaller than those who want to see the region in GW2)Artistic expression should never be oppressed by a vocal minority of people who just want to control and censor everything they don't like.That is not how our cultures evolved, that's how our worst historical enemies did.


@"rylien.3824" said:

If each time we have to restrict the content, and the history for "politically correct", we might as well stop right now and do nothing more...If doing so dramatically affects the bottom line for their investors which then sinks the game.... then, yes. Restrict the content.

Some people seem to forget (or ignore) the fact this this is, first and foremost, a business. If it makes money, then it will be done (outfits, etc). If it creates enough conflict so that it loses money, then it won't be done. Anet (and NCSoft) have already done their research on Cantha and determined it to be too detrimental.

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Stop asking to go back to Cantha when 95% of the rest of the world hasn't been explored yet.

@"Kylden Ar.3724" said:I'd rather stop seeing places I already saw 12 years ago.

I'm not paying anymore to see places I saw in GW1. If they wanna do nostalgia in LS/"Sagas" that's fine, I'm not paying extra for those and have the option to skip them.

But if Cantha comes out as an Xpac, that is when I am done playing and paying money. I will not pay for another half-kittened expansion that retreads ground I saw before again.

@lokh.2695 said:I'd rather go somewhere else.

@Ultramex.1506 said:EH...we have already seen enough of Human Cultures from GW1 to LWS4, lets focus on the Norn/Kodan cultures and take us to Norn old homeland, we battle and retake it from Jormag with help from the Spirit of the Wild. I dearly hope we won't kill an elder dragon in living world stories again.

Aren't any of you fed up 'winning'?

Right..."winning", i could say the same about these Cantha threads, "bagging" Anet for fan service and "wine" when it isn't like Gw1 and Cantha.But since i've matured, i don't see them as "winning" but opinions and I respectfully disagree with those.

I want Cantha back but I don't want it to be the same Gw1 Cantha, nobody is asking for the same cut and paste Cantha.We want to experience the Cantha that has evolved and changed over the last 250 years, just like every other map in Gw2 that re-uses a Gw1 location.

It's a very rich area of the world with beautiful regions and a unique culture.To ignore such a foundation would be a great waste.. In a way it would kinda be like traveling the world but skipping all the best places you've seen in pictures and only going to the new places you've never seen before.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:Well, the saying goes: "Hope springs eternal." Good luck to your endeavors.

On the one hand we must not forget "S" which is closer to Cantha than to Tyria.To say that it would be an economic defeat would be a lie I think... we are not facing heresy, and the territory of Cantha is still quite demanded: otherwise, they would never have come out the Faction expansion.So it’s not a useless post.Worst-case scenario, I say what I want.

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A Cantha thread where we discuss cool ideas without the same cut and paste arguements against the content would be nice. Let us discuss what we want to see without the "Say No to Cantha" protest that has poluted all the other threads that are not the same as this OP, though they are very similar in topic. Cantha 250 years after GW1 would be very different and amazing. The ideas we are discussing here would be an excellent direction for it. I'm confident Anet could pull it off while addressing the cultural concerns that have been raised. Addressing that issue would make the content completely different from what we saw in GW1.

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@rylien.3824 said:the territory of Cantha is still quite demanded: otherwise, they would never have come out the Faction expansion.


@"Super Hayes.6890" said:A Cantha thread where we discuss cool ideas without the same cut and paste arguements against the content would be nice. Let us discuss what we want to see without the "Say No to Cantha" protest that has poluted all the other threads that are not the same as this OP, though they are very similar in topic. Cantha 250 years after GW1 would be very different and amazing. The ideas we are discussing here would be an excellent direction for it. I'm confident Anet could pull it off while addressing the cultural concerns that have been raised. Addressing that issue would make the content completely different from what we saw in GW1.

Sure, as long as such threads don't paint the entire player-base as wanting Cantha content.

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@"Super Hayes.6890" said:A Cantha thread where we discuss cool ideas without the same cut and paste arguements against the content would be nice. Let us discuss what we want to see without the "Say No to Cantha" protest that has poluted all the other threads that are not the same as this OP, though they are very similar in topic. Cantha 250 years after GW1 would be very different and amazing. The ideas we are discussing here would be an excellent direction for it. I'm confident Anet could pull it off while addressing the cultural concerns that have been raised. Addressing that issue would make the content completely different from what we saw in GW1.

It is a shame that the Francophone forum is empty enough and abandoned, and that we have to come to the English forum to get real answers.(I saw that a Q/R of the narrative team had been made, with answers, on the French forum we had them none). :sI think it’s matter with any region, including Cantha to do, now I get the feeling that it’s a lot of "politically correct" and "financial" reporting so obviously, it’s going to play out mostly over that, but I think Cantha 250 years later, a culture that has evolved, etc. , this could bring a lot of things, after all we did well to go to Elona when many did not believe in it, so why not Cantha.

@kharmin.7683 said:

@rylien.3824 said:the territory of Cantha is still quite demanded: otherwise, they would never have come out the Faction expansion.


@"Super Hayes.6890" said:A Cantha thread where we discuss cool ideas without the same cut and paste arguements against the content would be nice. Let us discuss what we want to see without the "Say No to Cantha" protest that has poluted all the other threads that are not the same as this OP, though they are very similar in topic. Cantha 250 years after GW1 would be very different and amazing. The ideas we are discussing here would be an excellent direction for it. I'm confident Anet could pull it off while addressing the cultural concerns that have been raised. Addressing that issue would make the content completely different from what we saw in GW1.

Sure, as long as such threads don't paint the entire player-base as wanting Cantha content.

My post is mostly made to give ideas, and imagine if a Cantha extension was coming, not so much to debate whether or not it was going to come... don’t confuse everything!

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@Teratus.2859 said:It's a very rich area of the world with beautiful regions and a unique culture.To ignore such a foundation would be a great waste.. In a way it would kinda be like traveling the world but skipping all the best places you've seen in pictures and only going to the new places you've never seen before.

Oh i don't doubt that, when i get my hands on GW1 and expansions i will see what all the fusses are about, but it's getting annoying when people kept urging Anet to bring back this particular place while there are places mentioned but never been seen before. I also do not want them to squeeze Cantha into Season 5, we're currently focusing on the Norn, lets them have some spotlight!

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@Ultramex.1506 said:

@"Teratus.2859" said:It's a very rich area of the world with beautiful regions and a unique culture.To ignore such a foundation would be a great waste.. In a way it would kinda be like traveling the world but skipping all the best places you've seen in pictures and only going to the new places you've never seen before.

Oh i don't doubt that, when i get my hands on GW1 and expansions i will see what all the fusses are about, but it's getting annoying when people kept urging Anet to bring back this particular place while there are places mentioned but never been seen before. I also do not want them to squeeze Cantha into Season 5, we're currently focusing on the Norn, lets them have some spotlight!

It is not during the season 5 that their request has (moreover, it would be very harmful for the story to do it, or then in epilogue the time of an episode if ever they wanted to do it afterwards), but more for a future.I’m talking about a Cantha for the future, a story this continent has seen one day.Sorry, sorry if my sentences sometimes have problems of logical meaning of words, I do not speak English, and so with google translate, it is sometimes a catastrophe in translation... lol. (i'm french).

My sentences must be comic enough to read, given all the spelling, logic and expressive "meaning" errors in your language ?! x)Sorry for that anyway, I’d rather try it than not say anything ! :)

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