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Crafting a second Legendary from the PoF or HoT Expansions

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I've crafted Nevermore from HoT and Binding of Ipos from PoF and am working on Eureka in PoF.

Do you have to have map completion for each expansion again if you want to craft a second Legendary from that group?

While it's far from impossible, I was really hoping to make it with the same character.

If there's another way, please let me know.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:You need second map completion, no way around it

Feeding their character slot business model then?

not like its hard to drop x79 tomes of knowledge on a throw away char, kit them out in cheapies and run hot. With a skyscale its over before you know it.

I'm not arguing it's hard, i'm just noticing that there's a hard cap of 5 from each expansion unless you buy more slots. Not that it really matters for me, because i'm not rich enough to make any leggies right now, but just noting. Also, i'm okay with them monetizing their game, a one and done purchase isn't enough to keep the lights on, i just get fed up if it's predatory.

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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:You need second map completion, no way around it

Feeding their character slot business model then?

not like its hard to drop x79 tomes of knowledge on a throw away char, kit them out in cheapies and run hot. With a skyscale its over before you know it.

I'm not arguing it's hard, i'm just noticing that there's a hard cap of 5 from each expansion unless you buy more slots. Not that it really matters for me, because i'm not rich enough to make any leggies right now, but just noting. Also, i'm okay with them monetizing their game, a one and done purchase isn't enough to keep the lights on, i just get fed up if it's predatory.What the post you quoted tried to suggest was to keep one slot open for temporary characters. Once you have map-completed (or done whatever other 1x per character thing you want to do) you delete said character and create a new one. That way you don't have to invest in new character slots for characters you will never play beyond getting the exploration/story/whatever you're after done.
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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:You need second map completion, no way around it

Feeding their character slot business model then?

not like its hard to drop x79 tomes of knowledge on a throw away char, kit them out in cheapies and run hot. With a skyscale its over before you know it.

I'm not arguing it's hard, i'm just noticing that there's a hard cap of 5 from each expansion unless you buy more slots. Not that it really matters for me, because i'm not rich enough to make any leggies right now, but just noting. Also, i'm okay with them monetizing their game, a one and done purchase isn't enough to keep the lights on, i just get fed up if it's predatory.

5 is the base line, 2 for F2P iirc. And if you're gonna use terms to enforce a point, try to use the right ones. :P Hard cap implies that you can never go past it..... and even if worked the way you implied, there never existed a way to get additional character slots that isn't part of the Gemstore and Deluxe Editions.

But moving on...... you're not required to buy character slots to get more GoEs; you simply delete a character and reuse the slot. Preferably not your first/oldest character, since that has all your Account level Birthday stuff attached to it.

Ultimately the issue here is that legendary Weapons were never designed with the intention of having more then one set per character at most. In fact, they used to be Soulbound like all the other equipment, and used Transmutation Cubes to preserve the skin. Thats you get 2 GoE's for map complete.... Main hand and Off hand. Fashion wars didn't really kick off until the Wardrobe changes made reskinning trivially easy, and only needed 1 Source item to do the unlock (as opposed to 1:1 of each item under the old system). Its unfortunate the whole thing became a mess because of the perception issue surrounding Gen1s on both sides of the "I'm a hardcore gamer" isle, since one side believes legendaries were worthless (as a status symbol) because you could outright buy them, while the other believed they were worthless because they lacked superior stats (ie only had value as a status symbol).

The Gen2s being account bound was a response to the perception of Gen1 weapons being too easy to obtain, and is what kicked off the whole Legendary Collection that was quickly lambasted by the casual side of the player base for being too much work. Its also funny how that same sector of the player base regularly complains about the prices of items needed for crafting high end items, when dirt cheap alternatives exist.

Suffice to say, Map complete is just part of that process, and always has been. But to put things into perspective, Masteries is the only significant obstacle to Gen2 production. Map complete in HOT can be done in around 15-20 hours total (and requires 1 and a half story chapters), where as Core Tyria takes around 70 hours. I don't have POF map complete numbers, because I don't think anyone bothers to speed run them.... but I imagine takes a while given navigation speed verses its size, and a few areas that can't be bypassed outside of its meta. The second bottleneck thats hard to bypass is Crystaline Ingots/Funerary Incense, acting as a soft time gate, but are easy enough to process and stock pile between projects.

honestly, out of everything involved, map complete is the most straight forward aspect of "effort cost" out of the whole process. I'd also argue its the one thing that really qualifies as "playing" the game, where nearly every other step is various levels of glorified mat farming.

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