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It's Time To Let Go of This Most Useless Character


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I have no problems with Braham. He is different from the rest of the group, as he is a wildcard, and he is still trying to find his place in the world and in the group as well. He struggles a lot, and is sometimes a source of conflict and sometimes comic relief for us. I have no problems with this. Since this is not lazy writing, this is exactly his character.Growing up in his mother's shadow (Eir did not even mention up until the Silverwaster quest that she has a son...), trying to prove himself, loosing her, trying to find his goal (Jormag), trying to separate from the group to forge a legacy for himself by himself, then realising that he needs the group, because they have become his family. I think this is an excellent story, just maybe a bit different from what we have seen from the other characters. This is more of a personal story, and I think it's great that we have some of these as well.But you know, everyone is welcome to feel different about this :)

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seeing all these heated, passionate and emotional comments about something as trivial as a few characters in a game just convinces me further that it was a wise decision to not bother much about story right back when i first started playing this game in 2012 (actually ever since 2005 alltho gw 1's story is on another level entirely and was captivating to a certain degree, even for me).i just do the story missions, dont really pay attention to it, grab the achievs, and go back to whatever it is that im doing in game that isnt story-related.seems like a far better option than getting so worked up over story like most people seem to be in here. seems to save me a lot of personally invested feelings/anxiety, judging from the way people are constructing their comments in here.its just a game people.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Considering we can have a whole discussion on one character and how we like/dislike his place in the story and seeing how diverse the opinions are...

I would say Braham is a pretty good character.I heard that argument used about Scarlet as well. Didn't make her a good villain.

In your opinion.

All the villains in this game have been terrible.

You know who was a good villian? just about any of the villians we had in the personal stories, because they didnt get overplayed or overused or given god like powers that make them comedic.

I do agree with Astralporing about Braham. I didnt like him in 2013, and i still dont like him, hes a terrible representation of the Norn and honestly i wish they would have kept Eir, and got rid of Braham.

I think its nonsense that a character in our party needs to be some representative of their race.

Also I cant recall any villains that were only used one or two times. Theyre that forgettable.

The only thing that makes a good character, imo, is their ability to change and evolve along the story. To learn from mistakes and be allowed to make them without everyone getting angsty about the mistakes.

The worst character in the game, is the commander, really.

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@"ScyeRynn.4218" said:It's clear that Anet is unable to let go of their obsession with Braham. The most unlikable, useless character in their story and after years of players asking to get rid of him and stop wasting time and development on him what do they do? They devote and waste even more on him.

Trying so hard to make Braham humorous and silly to make him likable so that we somehow forget just how bad of a character he is. Creating moments where our character is dumbed-down in order to have Braham appear out of nowhere to save us from falling rubble, when we'd just dodge it or would be smart enough to not even stand there in the first place.

Braham is not funny. He's not interesting. He's irritating as fudge. All his lines are cringy and trying to make him seem funny by making him drunk with slurred speech is just desperate and unneeded.

Canach is funny. Intelligent. Interesting. Helpful. Taimi, as annoying as she is with her polarized emotions and 0 to 100 way of speaking, she can be pretty humorous and is at least interesting. She is one of the most helpful and essential characters in this story.

Braham is not. He's just a heavily-forced, ruined, unnecessary, Marvel-movie stereotypical character that should have been gone LONG ago. Everything about him is inauthentic at this point. But he's kept around because Anet still believes he is "redeemable".

It's like when they used to put parsley or even inedible garnishes on your plate at restaurants. It's forced, fake, and unnecessary and just needs to be taken out. Braham would have been better off killed in the place of his mother. I'd rather have Eir here with us at this point in the story. But you killed her off early in the HoT story...

Please for the love of the Five, stop with Braham already. Enough. All you are doing is bringing down a story that just started getting back up to the level of interest it used to have.

You DO realize this ENTIRE LWS is so he can tell the commander, "See, I TOLD you Jormag was a threat."

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@"Bloodstealer.5978" said:On a side note, I wish the narrative team had put more effort into expanding Rox's character, I think there was potential for much more and this latest "SAGA" seems to have room for her to of been made a little more focal, but sadly it seems she has been sidelined once more.

Rox used to be my favorite character until they 'went in a new direction' and recast the voice. Now I can't stand her and would not be disappointed if she disappeared forever

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@"ScyeRynn.4218" said:It's clear that Anet is unable to let go of their obsession with Braham. The most unlikable, useless character in their story and after years of players asking to get rid of him and stop wasting time and development on him what do they do? They devote and waste even more on him.

Trying so hard to make Braham humorous and silly to make him likable so that we somehow forget just how bad of a character he is. Creating moments where our character is dumbed-down in order to have Braham appear out of nowhere to save us from falling rubble, when we'd just dodge it or would be smart enough to not even stand there in the first place.

Braham is not funny. He's not interesting. He's irritating as fudge. All his lines are cringy and trying to make him seem funny by making him drunk with slurred speech is just desperate and unneeded.

Canach is funny. Intelligent. Interesting. Helpful. Taimi, as annoying as she is with her polarized emotions and 0 to 100 way of speaking, she can be pretty humorous and is at least interesting. She is one of the most helpful and essential characters in this story.

Braham is not. He's just a heavily-forced, ruined, unnecessary, Marvel-movie stereotypical character that should have been gone LONG ago. Everything about him is inauthentic at this point. But he's kept around because Anet still believes he is "redeemable".

It's like when they used to put parsley or even inedible garnishes on your plate at restaurants. It's forced, fake, and unnecessary and just needs to be taken out. Braham would have been better off killed in the place of his mother. I'd rather have Eir here with us at this point in the story. But you killed her off early in the HoT story...

Please for the love of the Five, stop with Braham already. Enough. All you are doing is bringing down a story that just started getting back up to the level of interest it used to have.

Haha.Couldn't agree with you more if I tried.You said it all friend.Have One of the dragons kill him.

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I love Braham as a character personally, and he’s immature because he’s literally immature, at current day he’s 23. During HoT and the whole he lost his mother arch he was 19-20. Keep in mind this is a character whose mother abandoned him at birth, father died at 7, and his mother died less than 1 year after he finally reconnected with her.

The immature tantrum in my opinion was absolutely justified, aimed at the wrong target sure, but justified.

Braham started out as my least favorite character but has definitely grown on me and is probably my second favorite (behind Canach, who really needs more screen time if you ask me.)

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@"Durzlla.6295" said:I love Braham as a character personally, and he’s immature because he’s literally immature, at current day he’s 23. During HoT and the whole he lost his mother arch he was 19-20. Keep in mind this is a character whose mother abandoned him at birth, father died at 7, and his mother died less than 1 year after he finally reconnected with her.

The immature tantrum in my opinion was absolutely justified, aimed at the wrong target sure, but justified.

Braham started out as my least favorite character but has definitely grown on me and is probably my second favorite (behind Canach, who really needs more screen time if you ask me.)

I think the real issue people have isn't his attitude turning sour, it's that our character just let him talk to us like that, and then we left him to continue. For almost every race and background, that was a total character break for the Commander, and it was awful. We should have yelled back at him and put him in his place, or reminded him of Wolf's teachings, or offered a shoulder to cry on. SOMETHING! Instead, we just let it happen, then left with a "Rox can keep an eye on him." And we'd just seen that she CAN'T keep an eye on him, she nearly died because of his attitude and would have if we hadn't been there to help.

The general story could have continued on from that point more or less the same if we had been allowed to address the issue right then and there, as befits the Commander. A wake-up slapped Braham could still say "I feel I need to do this", and gone ahead after Jormag with Rox by his side. Crack the tooth, form a new guild to go after Jormag, and rejoin us after Jormag's beyond his reach. The character break was unneeded, added nothing to the actual plot, and left a sour taste in many players' mouths. It also left Braham in brat mode for far too long. His recovery from that feels a bit forced because the moment when it should have been addressed never happened.

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There are worse characters than Braham.

Like Kasmeer whose sole function is to be a rule breaker for narrative and lore. If something needs to happen she will magic it into existence.It's quite sad really. Her only "reedeming" trait is the fact that she's shipped Marjory and thus practically immune to criticisim lest you offend people.

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@"TexZero.7910" said:There are worse characters than Braham.

Like Kasmeer whose sole function is to be a rule breaker for narrative and lore. If something needs to happen she will magic it into existence.It's quite sad really. Her only "reedeming" trait is the fact that she's shipped Marjory and thus practically immune to criticisim lest you offend people.

I don't know, she really had a good moment during Path of Fire. When we couldn't get the answers we needed, she was the one that said "Screw it, let's kick down God's door and demand some answers." This was the person with the deep faith in The Six who, when pushed too far, decided that marching up to one of her gods and telling them that they had some explaining to do was the right idea. That, honestly, was a shining moment for ANY of the characters in this game. There's some depth there, even if we don't often get to see it.

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@Palador.2170 said:

@"TexZero.7910" said:There are worse characters than Braham.

Like Kasmeer whose sole function is to be a rule breaker for narrative and lore. If something needs to happen she will magic it into existence.It's quite sad really. Her only "reedeming" trait is the fact that she's shipped Marjory and thus practically immune to criticisim lest you offend people.

I don't know, she really had a good moment during Path of Fire. When we couldn't get the answers we needed, she was the one that said "Screw it, let's kick down God's door and demand some answers." This was the person with the deep faith in The Six who, when pushed too far, decided that marching up to one of her gods and telling them that they had some explaining to do was the right idea. That, honestly, was a shining moment for ANY of the characters in this game. There's some depth there, even if we don't often get to see it.

So when it's the female character having a single good moment it's "depth of character".When Braham has several good moments that define his character he's a "bad character".The absurd nature of she's good because she's impulsive and ran completely counter to character but the male being impulsive and in character is bad.

Kasmeer is the pinacle of bad writing and a bad character. Her sole function is literally to force the plot forward by disregarding the established norms of not only the game lore but her own character. That's not growth or depth that a real case of shoving a sqaure peg in a round hole and claiming you plugged it.

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@"TexZero.7910" said:

So when it's the female character having a single good moment it's "depth of character".When Braham has several good moments that define his character he's a "bad character".The absurd nature of she's good because she's impulsive and ran completely counter to character but the male being impulsive and in character is bad.

As I've said elsewhere, I don't think the real problem with Braham's shift in character was with Braham. It was with how the Commander was just letting it happen and not doing anything about it, leaving Braham to suffer.

With Kas, our reply was entirely within established character.

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