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Can't decide on a race!


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Make it a character you won't mind seeing four of. I picked a Sylvari because their funky colors and glow are fun.

Racial skill-wise, I'd say that Asura and Humans probably have the best Synergy, but racial skills are typically unimpressive as a whole.

Lore-wise, any race can be a Mesmer. Charr might be less common, as they have a low-key cultural bias against magic, but it's still all good. Humans and Asura may be more common, as they tend to be more strongly Magic-oriented.

If you want to laugh, an Asura. They have well done animations. Lots of personality.

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Asura! They are fancy and unpredictable. You'd think that someone so small couldn't be dangerous. But it's wrong.In time, everyone will bow before the mighty Asura, bwahaha! :naughty:

EDIT: Well, only quaggans could be better than asura, but they are, sadly, unplayble.Gotta live with it, i guess.

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@"Arshay Duskbrow.1306" said:More than any other profession, Mesmers are the quintessentially human profession.

As a member of the college of synergetics and creator of the infinity ball, dedicated to the understanding of time and space within the concept of the eternal alchemy and metamagical frameworks, I assert that while humans may have tradition and history associated with the mesmer arts their understanding is rudimentary, and that asura, particularly of the college of synergetics have far greater affinity with metaphysical matters of the mind that no bookah other than the alien entity the humans call "Lyssa" could hope to comprehend.

(tongue in cheek/just kidding :p)

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@Arshay Duskbrow.1306 said:More than any other profession, Mesmers are the quintessentially human profession.

Is that a lore thing or an opinion?

It really is a lore thing. Most major Mesmers are humans ie Anise, Jenah, White Mantle Baddies. I haven't heard of any major Mesmer that belongs to other races. They exist but they're not as common as humans lore wise. Lyssa also is celebrated among the human gods but they do have a god that represents each proffesion.

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@Archivist.8109 said:GUYS! I wanna make a mesmer, now that I'm more familiar with the game, but I can't decide on a race! Give me your suggestions and reasoning! <3

Just make 5 mesmers.

If you plan to pvp on it, make an asura first, to learn to play, then when you are experienced make a charr to have a challenge.

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