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What are your top 3 classes you think are OP or are lowkey OP?

Crab Fear.1624

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@"Fueki.4753" said:Rather than classes, this should be categorized as build-types

1) conditions builds2) builds that are designed for power but actually are hybrids ("power" Mirages)3) Stealth and/or near-perma evasion (Thieves, Mirages, some Weavers)

Thieves, Mirages, and Weavers are squishies. What would you give them to stay alive in exchange for less stealth and evasion?

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I am of the opinion that condition renegade is lowkey OP but people are so hung up on its clunkiness that nobody ever gave it a fair shot.

People are looking at condi rev now that they got slapped by a mallyx jalis rev, but they dont seem to understand that the same kind of stability, condi pumping rotation that applies to jalis/mallyx can also apply through range to mallyx/KAlla.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:I am of the opinion that condition renegade is lowkey OP but people are so hung up on its clunkiness that nobody ever gave it a fair shot.

People are looking at condi rev now that they got slapped by a mallyx jalis rev, but they dont seem to understand that the same kind of stability, condi pumping rotation that applies to jalis/mallyx can also apply through range to mallyx/KAlla.

Out of the three main varieties of condi revenant (core, Herald, and renegade) ren is by far the weakest when pressured. Herald has the sustain of glint along with superior boons and the strongest condi transfer that a rev can have. Core is the strongest against power classes due to dwarf f2, retribution traitline, and weakness spam. Renegade has to give up retribution and all the weakness spam traits because it has to run Ren-Invo-Corruption. It also loses out of the Herald mallyx f2. Mallyx/Kalla is pairing two relatively vulnerable legends together which is a bad idea... herald has Glint to cover for Mallyx and core has Jalis. The only thing that Condi Ren does best is that it can stack 25 might on itself pretty easily or spec into increased condi dmg reduction.. but you don’t need that because you should have lots of resistance. It really doesn’t offer anything much compared to the other choices imo.

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  1. Messmer: More specifically mirage as it has constant pressure and takes little skill to master, It the master of spam and has every defense known to man. If you play anything that requires you to land attacks or even play the basic nature of the game this spec will 100% butcher you. (It's hard to fight a semi-compitant mirage and damn near impossible to fight a skilled one... even though its not hard to be skilled with it.) It is a good reason why this games WvW and PvP sucks, it needs to be reworked and gutted of some of its defenses if it is able to do the kind of pressure and damage it can do. Of course the little babies come in here and defend this abomination because "They nerfed one trait booo hooo" Yet some classes get their skills made UNUSABLE such as hammer rev's skill 2 CoR which now won't hit a standing still target unless you're in close range. Meanwhile Mirage has been left to dominate the roaming scene because its A-net's baby.
  2. Engineer: The whole class just counters so much and has so much to it that its ridiculous that its in the same game as some of the other classes, Even core dominates some of the other classes/specs. Its funny how Engineer works so well no matter what you decide to run and yet certain builds on other classes just suck, The class is over-tuned and its specs have only grown stronger. I dislike Engineers for a lot of reasons as I feel they make no sense in a world with magic, but for the class to be able to do what it can do is beyond hilarious. You can go mini and be invulnerable and stomp a foe, you have constant CC and maneuverability and occasionally you meet the engineer with perma stability who can't be cc'd and hits like a truck while taking no damage.
  3. Guardian: The whole class reeks of cheese, from the core all the way through its E-specs. Its just a cheesy overtuned mess and for once its the entire class; There is not a single facet of this class that won't work. In all game modes you can find all three variants of guardian and they preform marginally well when compared to one another, They have every method of staying in a fight and every method of providing good support and big D dps. It has been one of the few classes to survive up to this point and not be gutted which is why Firebrand is so potent because core offers it so much which only makes it so there is no real wrong choice.
  4. Scourge: Just spam filled cheese with a side of sand, Still dominates WvW and is still meta. It might of fallen off for pve but who cares, seriously at this point im so tired of raiding being used as an excuse for crap balance. If raiding is the targeted end-game then EVERY single spec for EVERY single class needs to be geared toward it and given the tools for it; Clearly you don't care about Anything else A-net.
  5. Soul-beast: Boon-beast is still a piece of crap to fight, and is unfun to deal with. It is the only facet of ranger that works anymore outside of bunker druid, but Soul-beast out preforms everything ranger or druid offer. It even has better support at this point~ Needs a rework.

BONUS round: Thieves, Literally cancer incarnate just like every other game with a high-dps stealth based character. Again one of those classes who has every-tool and can reset the fight as many times as it takes for the fight to go in their favor. Dare-devil is worse and stealth Dead-eye is a horrendous foe to face; They are no fun to fight and frankly no fun to play. They are next to messmer one of the few classes I hate, I hate them because they have so many tools and their playerbase complains that they suck? Yet when I see them in WvW or even PvP they dominate EVERYTHING. One thief can take five people and be unable to be spotted, Daredevil just constant pressure in CC and Dead-eye perma stealths with either big D power dps or tons of condi's. They are an issue and a nuisance and they need to be given more while having their cheese reduced. Id rather them 100% play like the assasin from guild wars 1 who was more about being a duelist than stealth, Personally stealth needs to be removed alongside Invulnerability or Every class needs to have access to it as much as those listed above. Let thieves be a boxing class designed around out boxing a character, not a cheese teleport stealth machine who will run the moment they can't one shot someone. ~ Literal trash design.

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Firebrands: For essentially having a monopoly in healing/support roles.

Holosmiths: When setup right they can be a nigh invincible bruiser due to their high access to boons, traited damage mitigation, and recovery out of the holoforge.

Mirage: The combination of main-hand axe and Infinite Horizon more specifically. The axe skills are relatively bloated in effects for their cd and when coupled with Infinite Horizion makes clearing out the clones when needed more of a gamble.

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  1. Holo - Lacks tradeoffs for all that CC, stab, mobility, invul... aaaand wasn't heat supposed to have actual downsides if not managed properly? Feel like they get away with too much here.
  2. Spellbreaker - Highest health pool + high DPS + CC + mobility + condi mitigation + decent heals, all at the same time? Offers too much.
  3. Weaver - Can be tanky as hell and hit hard then evade... but for the skill it takes to play and the overall lower number of Weavers I encounter, I'm not too upset.

Surprised so many people say FB is OP. Being the only viable class in a role does not automatically equal OP... that's on Anet for nerfing other healing/support specs in to the ground and then some. FB it is strong, but it's not like a weaker healer will do peanuts against other hard hitters in this meta. Unless it's a solo build, FB success is very dependent on the skill of the team.

Also Soulbeast & Boon Beast... Soulbeast burst animations are among the easiest tells. Sic 'Em Sniper? Glass cannon. Just keep your eyes open or listen for rapid fire and you should be fine. They don't have blocks or condi cleanse... After the unblockable nerf a few seasons back DPS Soulbeast doesn't give too many problems. Boon Beast is annoying but they don't hit too hard since they're trading for sustainability. If you're not equipped to duel... then they become very annoying.Fix glitches with pets, yes, but pets are nowhere near OP. Would be sad to see one of the few decent Ranger builds be taken away because of whiners.

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