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Why is the Permastealth thief a thing?


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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

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@"Doug.4930" said:ibBKCC6.jpg

Vocal minority etc etc the usual types.

@"Virdo.1540"Any chance you or your "guildies" could make a tutorial video on perma steathing whilst marked? I'd love to see it. Hell actually if you could make a video where you can remain in stealth for 10 seconds straight while marked I'd really appreciate it.

That's about right. Scourge, Firebrand, Holo, and Mirage in that exact order.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

I'm for Truth and against Toxicity....Anet can validate it including my history in the forums throughout the years.

Also I do not make exceptions when it comes to Toxicity among the professions.The reasonings behind my stance against Thief Profession is because Guild Wars has no place for it. In Guild Wars, Mesmer, Necromancer Professions existed without being Toxic including the world of Guild Wars.

It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.

Necromancer and Mesmer Professions are no longer who they are called to be, they've become Toxic and lost their ways.

That is what Toxic does, it infects your root-your identity than it strips you off your purpose and your role until it completely destroys you.

-With the introduction of Thief Profession, is the death of Guild Wars-

-As Long Thief Profession Remains, Guild Wars Remains In The Grave-

The End

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

I'm for Truth and against Toxicity....Anet can validate it including my history in the forums throughout the years.

Also I do not make exceptions when it comes to Toxicity among the professions.The reasonings behind my stance against Thief Profession is because Guild Wars has no place for it. In Guild Wars, Mesmer, Necromancer Professions existed without being Toxic including the world of Guild Wars.

It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.

Necromancer and Mesmer Professions are no longer who they are called to be, they've become Toxic and lost their ways.

That is what Toxic does, it infects your root-your identity than it strips you off your purpose and your role until it completely destroys you.

-With the introduction of Thief Profession, is the death of Guild Wars-

As Long Thief Profession Remains, Guild Wars Remains In The Grave

The End

For the sake of your never ending "delete thief posts" Could you define toxicity?

Because forgive me, but wouldn't "toxic" classes be subjective?

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@Doug.4930 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

I'm for Truth and against Toxicity....Anet can validate it including my history in the forums throughout the years.

Also I do not make exceptions when it comes to Toxicity among the professions.The reasonings behind my stance against Thief Profession is because Guild Wars has no place for it. In Guild Wars, Mesmer, Necromancer Professions existed without being Toxic including the world of Guild Wars.

It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.

Necromancer and Mesmer Professions are no longer who they are called to be, they've become Toxic and lost their ways.

That is what Toxic does, it infects your root-your identity than it strips you off your purpose and your role until it completely destroys you.

-With the introduction of Thief Profession, is the death of Guild Wars-

As Long Thief Profession Remains, Guild Wars Remains In The Grave

The End

For the sake of your never ending "delete thief posts" Could you define toxicity?

Because forgive me, but wouldn't "toxic" classes be subjective?

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

I'm for Truth and against Toxicity....Anet can validate it including my history in the forums throughout the years.

Also I do not make exceptions when it comes to Toxicity among the professions.The reasonings behind my stance against Thief Profession is because Guild Wars has no place for it. In Guild Wars, Mesmer, Necromancer Professions existed without being Toxic including the world of Guild Wars.

It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.

Necromancer and Mesmer Professions are no longer who they are called to be, they've become Toxic and lost their ways.

That is what Toxic does, it infects your root-your identity than it strips you off your purpose and your role until it completely destroys you.

-With the introduction of Thief Profession, is the death of Guild Wars-

As Long Thief Profession Remains, Guild Wars Remains In The Grave

The End

For the sake of your never ending "delete thief posts" Could you define toxicity?

Because forgive me, but wouldn't "toxic" classes be subjective?

Hey I've seen that vid. Care to explain how that applies to only thief and not literally every single POF spec?

EDIT:ibBKCC6.jpgWith keeping this image in mind when you answer please.

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Lol mesmer is toxic cuz thief lmao seriously? Mesmer is toxic cuz it can spam clones that do deeps, they can swaps with them, have crazy mobility, burst and a variety of defensive tools including ur " toxic ports and invisiblity" lol. If they could only have 1 clone and it doesn't do deeps or two at absolute max they'd be way less toxic. Nothing to do with thief

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@Doug.4930 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

I'm for Truth and against Toxicity....Anet can validate it including my history in the forums throughout the years.

Also I do not make exceptions when it comes to Toxicity among the professions.The reasonings behind my stance against Thief Profession is because Guild Wars has no place for it. In Guild Wars, Mesmer, Necromancer Professions existed without being Toxic including the world of Guild Wars.

It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.

Necromancer and Mesmer Professions are no longer who they are called to be, they've become Toxic and lost their ways.

That is what Toxic does, it infects your root-your identity than it strips you off your purpose and your role until it completely destroys you.

-With the introduction of Thief Profession, is the death of Guild Wars-

As Long Thief Profession Remains, Guild Wars Remains In The Grave

The End

For the sake of your never ending "delete thief posts" Could you define toxicity?

Because forgive me, but wouldn't "toxic" classes be subjective?

Hey I've seen that vid. Care to explain how that applies to only thief and not literally every single POF spec?

With keeping this image in mind when you answer please.

because everything has to do with Thief Profession


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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:What is the point of this thread?

They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

I'm for Truth and against Toxicity....Anet can validate it including my history in the forums throughout the years.

Also I do not make exceptions when it comes to Toxicity among the professions.The reasonings behind my stance against Thief Profession is because Guild Wars has no place for it. In Guild Wars, Mesmer, Necromancer Professions existed without being Toxic including the world of Guild Wars.

It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.

Necromancer and Mesmer Professions are no longer who they are called to be, they've become Toxic and lost their ways.

That is what Toxic does, it infects your root-your identity than it strips you off your purpose and your role until it completely destroys you.

-With the introduction of Thief Profession, is the death of Guild Wars-

As Long Thief Profession Remains, Guild Wars Remains In The Grave

The End

For the sake of your never ending "delete thief posts" Could you define toxicity?

Because forgive me, but wouldn't "toxic" classes be subjective?

Hey I've seen that vid. Care to explain how that applies to only thief and not literally every single POF spec?

With keeping this image in mind when you answer please.

because everything has to do with Thief Profession

Article written by Lewis Burnell on Jan 13, 2015. Would you kindly care to explain;1) how a close to 5 year old article has any relevance to the state of the game today, especially after two expacs?2) how an article printed before the advent of HoT refutes my earlier point that GW2 lost it's eSports status in a time period when Thief was considered so bad in PvE people would literally AFK until you rerolled to another class? And how does this loss of competitive scene somehow become Thief's fault and not any of the meta classes during that period?


@Burnfall.9573 said:>It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.3) why you seem intent on making the Thief profession sound as bad as the Fire Nation? You're making Zuko out to be Ozai here.

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@"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:3) why you seem intent on making the Thief profession sound as bad as the Fire Nation? You're making Zuko out to be Ozai here.

Its usually always the same people. They do it so frequently that that they've become known for it.For instance:[Warrior main who thinks warriors are under powered, hates thief and wants it removed from the game.]Guarantee you that if you've used these forums even somewhat over the past year you know who I'm talking about. I don't even need to type the account name, you all know.

Because its the same people just spouting the same rubbish over and over. There's nothing wrong with being critical of how thief or stealth plays. I've even made suggestions on how it could be nerfed and have shown why i think some thief builds are overtuned/"tOxIc". But with a few select people on here the only acceptable change is to delete or gut the class because they're convinced its blatantly the most overpowered class in the game by a colossal margin. When in reality its a class that can be annoying to fight, but sits at around the middle of the field.

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@Doug.4930 said:

@"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:3) why you seem intent on making the Thief profession sound as bad as the Fire Nation? You're making Zuko out to be Ozai here.

Its usually always the same people. They do it so frequently that that they've become known for it.For instance:[Warrior main who thinks warriors are under powered, hates thief and wants it removed from the game.]Guarantee you that if you've used these forums even somewhat over the past year you know who I'm talking about. I don't even need to type the account name, you all know.

Because its the same people just spouting the same rubbish over and over. There's nothing wrong with being critical of how thief or stealth plays. I've even made suggestions on how it could be nerfed and have shown why i think some thief builds are overtuned/"tOxIc". But with a few select people on here the only acceptable change is to delete or gut the class because they're convinced its blatantly the most overpowered class in the game by a colossal margin. When in reality its a class that can be annoying to fight, but sits at around the middle of the field.

Aye, I've been around here for a while so I know the usual offenders and their patterns. It's just fun to annoy them I guess, hence the two serious points and the one that's just an Avatar reference.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:3) why you seem intent on making the Thief profession sound as bad as the Fire Nation? You're making Zuko out to be Ozai here.

Its usually always the same people. They do it so frequently that that they've become known for it.For instance:[Warrior main who thinks warriors are under powered, hates thief and wants it removed from the game.]Guarantee you that if you've used these forums even somewhat over the past year you know who I'm talking about. I don't even need to type the account name, you all know.

Because its the same people just spouting the same rubbish over and over. There's nothing wrong with being critical of how thief or stealth plays. I've even made suggestions on how it could be nerfed and have shown why i think some thief builds are overtuned/"tOxIc". But with a few select people on here the only acceptable change is to delete or gut the class because they're convinced its blatantly the most overpowered class in the game by a colossal margin. When in reality its a class that can be annoying to fight, but sits at around the middle of the field.

Aye, I've been around here for a while so I know the usual offenders and their patterns. It's just fun to annoy them I guess, hence the two serious points and the one that's just an Avatar reference.

Toph would have a better idea on how to see the real problems with this game than many people on here.

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They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

I'm for Truth and against Toxicity....Anet can validate it including my history in the forums throughout the years.

Also I do not make exceptions when it comes to Toxicity among the professions.The reasonings behind my stance against Thief Profession is because Guild Wars has no place for it. In Guild Wars, Mesmer, Necromancer Professions existed without being Toxic including the world of Guild Wars.

It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.

Necromancer and Mesmer Professions are no longer who they are called to be, they've become Toxic and lost their ways.

That is what Toxic does, it infects your root-your identity than it strips you off your purpose and your role until it completely destroys you.

-With the introduction of Thief Profession, is the death of Guild Wars-

As Long Thief Profession Remains, Guild Wars Remains In The Grave

The End

For the sake of your never ending "delete thief posts" Could you define toxicity?

Because forgive me, but wouldn't "toxic" classes be subjective?

Hey I've seen that vid. Care to explain how that applies to only thief and not literally every single POF spec?

With keeping this image in mind when you answer please.

because everything has to do with Thief Profession

Article written by Lewis Burnell on Jan 13, 2015. Would you kindly care to explain;1) how a close to 5 year old article has any relevance to the state of the game today, especially after two expacs?2) how an article printed before the advent of HoT refutes my earlier point that GW2 lost it's eSports status in a time period when Thief was considered so bad in PvE people would literally AFK until you rerolled to another class? And how does this loss of competitive scene somehow become Thief's fault and not any of the meta classes during that period?


It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession
. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.3) why you seem intent on making the Thief profession sound as bad as the Fire Nation? You're making Zuko out to be Ozai here.

These questions are directed to Thief Profession designs and mechanics and how their influences and presence negatively impacts the game and the community

I have some questions for Thief Profession players, have you ever wonder how your Profession affects other players including new-potential players?

Are you self-aware that your design and mechanics are unhealthy for the well-being of the game?

Have you noticed warning signs that of players attempting in avoiding you?

Have your presence in the game benefited or improved other players experienced resulting in the growth of the game and improving healthy competition to everyone around you?

Yes, it's always other players fault? learn to 'dodge', 'ltp', 'reroll' Never been to blame...at what cost? Was it worth it really?

What are you willing to lose in helping to grow, improve and to benefit the community experiences including its environments?

What are your assurance in your self-improvement to the community and to the game?

I encourage Thief Players to take a step back to annalized how their Profession is hurting the game more than helping in healing it

-thank you-

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They kept getting killed by a stealthed thief.

no its just broken kitten if a thief keeps stealth forever in any kind of keep or so even while marked and revealed

thought they had fixed it or is it now a feature?

it's been a feature since guild wars 2 beta. For the past 8 years; the community has given Anet enough evidence of how unhealthy and toxic perma-stealth is.

During the past 8 years, Perma-stealth has resulted in guild wars 2 population drops including new-potential players from enjoying the game.

Thief Profession in itself continue to be the main Profession who is responsible for the game decline as a whole for being toxic in wvw and pvp.

Anet once again will continue to ignore this matter. Why you ask? Why not??

Perma-stealth is toxic to any healthy competition

The only solution is to go elsewhere where players experiences and their enjoyment matters

Nothing will change-8 years is enough evidence that players healthy fun competition does not matter-

(i recently wrote a post about how Guild Wars 1 continue to embrace players experiences and their enjoyments)

take a look-

Just a thought, but the HoT development cycle was the one where thief was considered so bad in sPvP that people would AFK until you rerolled, and it was also the same period in which GW2 lost eSports status. So if you want to blame something for the decline in competitive play during that period, how about picking something that was actually meta? You know, like the bunker chrono & herald meta that practically killed the weekly tournaments by itself etc.

Actually to take this further a lot of top players have stated mesmer was the specific toxic class that made esl not interested in gw2 pvp, one of burn falls actual favorite classes tho he speaks out against toxicity lol

If he's a mesmer main that makes a lot of sense actually.

He stated mesmer and necro were his fav. Nothing like scourges in wvw or mirage/crono's tanking tons of damage while constantly swapping places with their clones their spamming making it wack a mole game play lol hit the chrono once than it's a clone, find the real one again and nope as soon as it knows ur targeting it swap again etc etc which is just as toxic gameplay as thieves mobility if not more. Yet hes always spouting toxicity

I'm for Truth and against Toxicity....Anet can validate it including my history in the forums throughout the years.

Also I do not make exceptions when it comes to Toxicity among the professions.The reasonings behind my stance against Thief Profession is because Guild Wars has no place for it. In Guild Wars, Mesmer, Necromancer Professions existed without being Toxic including the world of Guild Wars.

It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.

Necromancer and Mesmer Professions are no longer who they are called to be, they've become Toxic and lost their ways.

That is what Toxic does, it infects your root-your identity than it strips you off your purpose and your role until it completely destroys you.

-With the introduction of Thief Profession, is the death of Guild Wars-

As Long Thief Profession Remains, Guild Wars Remains In The Grave

The End

For the sake of your never ending "delete thief posts" Could you define toxicity?

Because forgive me, but wouldn't "toxic" classes be subjective?

Hey I've seen that vid. Care to explain how that applies to only thief and not literally every single POF spec?

With keeping this image in mind when you answer please.

because everything has to do with Thief Profession

Article written by Lewis Burnell on Jan 13, 2015. Would you kindly care to explain;1) how a close to 5 year old article has any relevance to the state of the game today, especially after two expacs?2) how an article printed before the advent of HoT refutes my earlier point that GW2 lost it's eSports status in a time period when Thief was considered so bad in PvE people would literally AFK until you rerolled to another class? And how does this loss of competitive scene somehow become Thief's fault and not any of the meta classes during that period?


It all changed with the inclusion and the existence of Thief Profession
. Thief Profession brought in Toxicity to the world of Guild Wars and Infected all the other Professions...so much that it forced them to change their roles and destroyed their identities.3) why you seem intent on making the Thief profession sound as bad as the Fire Nation? You're making Zuko out to be Ozai here.

These questions are directed to Thief Profession designs and mechanics and how their influences and presence negatively impacts the game and the community

I have some questions for Thief Profession players, have you ever wonder how your Profession affects other players including new-potential players?

Are you self-aware that your design and mechanics are unhealthy for the well-being of the game?

Have you noticed warning signs that of players attempting in avoiding you?

Have your presence in the game benefited or improved other players experienced resulting in the growth of the game and improving healthy competition to everyone around you?

Yes, it's always other players fault? learn to 'dodge', 'ltp', 'reroll' Never been to blame...at what cost? Was it worth it really?

What are you willing to lose in helping to grow, improve and to benefit the community experiences including its environments?

What are your assurance in your self-improvement to the community and to the game?

I encourage Thief Players to take a step back to annalized how their Profession is hurting the game more than helping in healing it

-thank you-

Man ur so biased, just stop. U admit mesmer and necro are ur favs so same question for u. Are u aware of mesmers toxic mechanics and design? Why is mesmers design less toxic? It had clone spam, teleport, invisibility, invulnerability and intake cast skills with high bursts. Are u aware of scourges toxic design in wvw, dont even need to explain that one. U yap all the time about thiefs toxic design while favoring arguably even more toxic classes with what could easily be considered even more toxic designs than thieves. Why? Just cuz u dont happen to like thief I'm guessing lol

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I enjoy threads like these. It’s interesting how there are many mechanics and designs, across all professions, that are unhealthy for competitive play balance, yet some defend the pve stealth mechanics and rules inside of wvw and spvp.

Does thief need some improvements to be a better, and more valuable, team player? Yup. But if some of you think bad mechanics are good inside pvp modes, then it’s obvious that being objective isn’t a strong point for you.

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@"anduriell.6280" said:Having to discuss this is kitten.The other day i saw this in reddit which shows how broken permastalth thieve is. And keep in mind that is a condi build, still doing a kitten ton of damage.Stealth mechanic is toxic and should be reworked

Also condi thief in general should be deleted from the game.

Frankly, the guy panicked :s , it's all, he don't use his longbow cc in the DE till 22 sec, take him 12 secs to use sick'em (to force DE to use his Elite), he fall (and just then use rapid fire...in nothing), forget to use F2 to get swiftness when he was running at end and i don't know if he has smokescale or something else coz he stay in raven all the time, as a longbow Slb, u can (HAVE TO) DELETE a DE.

Deadeye do too much damage but he's super squichy....

I realized something else, the dude use "TAB" to target next opponant :/ very bad against profession with detargetting like mesmer, thiefs.... (he target the thief, then a mob scale, then a mob defender.......

PS : Even we're in a "Nerf Deadeye" Thread, ppl speaks about mesmers :D .... @net !! pls do soemthing with.....................ppl :D

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@"Swagger.1459" said:I enjoy threads like these. It’s interesting how there are many mechanics and designs, across all professions, that are unhealthy for competitive play balance, yet some defend the pve stealth mechanics and rules inside of wvw and spvp.

Does thief need some improvements to be a better, and more valuable, team player? Yup. But if some of you think bad mechanics are good inside pvp modes, then it’s obvious that being objective isn’t a strong point for you.

I'm happy to accept that things about deadeye aren't healthy in competitive play. I just don't see a view that constantly says "delete teef" as in any way objective or helpful either. Want to talk about specific things that are OP? Cool. But if someone just wants the class deleted to satisfy their own ego, I'm going to make fun of them.

It's also interesting that 1) in PvP this problem doesn't exist, because the unhealthy aspects of perma stealth don't actually help you win a game, and 2) in WvW there are a myriad of counters to perma stealth thieves, such as target painters and sentry towers etc. Use them effectively and the thief will die or retreat, guaranteed.

@"Burnfall.9573" said:These questions are directed to Thief Profession designs and mechanics and how their influences and presence negatively impacts the game and the community

I have some questions for Thief Profession players, have you ever wonder how your Profession affects other players including new-potential players?You could ask the same of condition mesmer, spellbreaker, glass soulbeast, holosmith, etc,Are you self-aware that your design and mechanics are unhealthy for the well-being of the game?Define unhealthy. From the article you quoted earlier, it makes it sound like thieves are the only reason some builds can't run berserker. So again, how are thieves different here from holosmith, spellbreaker, soulbeast, DH, mesmer etc? If thief didn't exist, would you be able to run berserker against these classes suddenly? From the video you linked (which while interesting doesn't actually have a lot to do with the subject mind) it would imply that thief in some way dumbs down combat, which makes no sense; fighting a thief forces you to think and predict his next move in order to outplay him. Even if it's as simple as equip earth runes, wait for the restealth and throw a target painter on the smoke field (something I'd recommend anyone who struggles with fighting a permastealth thief to try doing), it requires more thought than simply spamming a rotation like most classes do. How is this bad?Have you noticed warning signs that of players attempting in avoiding you?No more than on any other class. Some people don't want to fight no matter what you're playing, and if they treat me badly simply because they're a thief, then that speaks to their own personality defects way more than it does mine.Have your presence in the game benefited or improved other players experienced resulting in the growth of the game and improving healthy competition to everyone around you?Generally speaking, if someone whispers me saying that my build is OP I'll teach them how to counter it because it leads to more interesting fights. Most of the problem with why people hate thief is simply ignorance of the class and it's weaknesses, when you get down to the root of it. If someone doesn't want to learn the weaknesses and just rages that I don't fall down dead immediately, again, that's on them.Yes, it's always other players fault? learn to 'dodge', 'ltp', 'reroll' Never been to blame...at what cost? Was it worth it really?It usually is the other guys fault, no matter the classes you're looking at. The grey area is bigger with thief because they're an ambush class, their main advantage comes from an unexpected attack that capitalises on weakness so some players simply don't like that, but their problem is more that they don't like rogues in general. I'm happy to concede that certain things have been too strong (like malicious backstab opening damage) but now there's stuff like mounts etc you hardly ever have problems with that now.What are you willing to lose in helping to grow, improve and to benefit the community experiences including its environments?What are YOU willing to lose? Why should thief be the only one that needs to be toned down? The entire game needs an increase on time to kill for glassy builds and a decrease in sustain for bunker builds, because at the moment everything either pops like a balloon or is an immovable object. If we want to have actual balance, you're going to lose things too.What are your assurance in your self-improvement to the community and to the game?None. Last I checked, I don't owe you anything, and you don't owe me anything either. I have no requirement to "behave better" (if that's what you're asking me to do?) because you don't like the way a class works, making the game more enjoyable is the Dev's job. I just play the game as it's presented to me with the tools I'm given, same as you do, and if we're in a competitive environment then anything goes as long as it's game legal, right?I encourage Thief Players to take a step back to annalized how their Profession is hurting the game more than helping in healing itSooooooo, I expect you'll do the same with mesmer then?-thank you-You're welcome :) Now that I've answered your questions, how about answering mine?

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:Article written by Lewis Burnell on Jan 13, 2015. Would you kindly care to explain;1) how a close to 5 year old article has any relevance to the state of the game today, especially after two expacs?2) how an article printed before the advent of HoT refutes my earlier point that GW2 lost it's eSports status in a time period when Thief was considered so bad in PvE people would literally AFK until you rerolled to another class? And how does this loss of competitive scene somehow become Thief's fault and not any of the meta classes during that period?

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@Don Vega Van Kain.9842 said:

@"anduriell.6280" said:Having to discuss this is kitten.The other day i saw this in reddit which shows how broken permastalth thieve is. And keep in mind that is a condi build, still doing a kitten ton of damage.
Stealth mechanic is toxic and should be reworked

Also condi thief in general should be deleted from the game.

Frankly, the guy panicked :s , it's all, he don't use his longbow cc in the DE till 22 sec, take him 12 secs to use sick'em (to force DE to use his Elite), he fall (and just then use rapid fire...in nothing), forget to use F2 to get swiftness when he was running at end and i don't know if he has smokescale or something else coz he stay in raven all the time, as a longbow Slb, u can (HAVE TO) DELETE a DE.

Deadeye do too much damage but he's super squichy....

I realized something else, the dude use "TAB" to target next opponant :/ very bad against profession with detargetting like mesmer, thiefs.... (he target the thief, then a mob scale, then a mob defender.......

PS : Even we're in a "Nerf Deadeye" Thread, ppl speaks about mesmers :D .... @net !! pls do something with.....................ppl :D

joke all you want, laugh all you want but at the end of the day...it's business as usual. It is Anet who is at lost; not us investing customers-players like us unfortunately . That is how it is!!

We have a choice to either put up with this or to take our investments elsewhere where our values are taken seriously

-the ending of the video; in fact the entire video is heartbreaking...healthy competitive gaming companies would also agree and would not find that funny either-

So what is left for us?

we run to them for a better day, for a better tomorrow

In the end, we're not alone,

------------We Win------------------

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

joke all you want, laugh all you want but at the end of the day...it's business as usual. It is Anet who is at lost; not us investing customers-players like us unfortunately . That is how it is!!

We have a choice to either put up with this or to take our investments elsewhere where our values are taken seriously

-the ending of the video; in fact the entire video is heartbreaking...healthy competitive gaming companies would also agree and would not find that funny either-

So what is left for us?

we run to them for a better day, for a better tomorrow

In the end, we're not alone,

------------We Win------------------

Hmmmm.... i'm not joking....really.... i play DE (strictly in WvW) and Slb (35% of my pvp's matchs) so i know a little bit what i can do or not with this two....

Otherwise, i don't understand all what u write about the futur and the better days (and i don't see the relation with deadeye) but u seems really to beleive in it so i'm with u bro :) cheers

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@"Swagger.1459" said:I enjoy threads like these. It’s interesting how there are many mechanics and designs, across all professions, that are unhealthy for competitive play balance, yet some defend the pve stealth mechanics and rules inside of wvw and spvp.

Does thief need some improvements to be a better, and more valuable, team player? Yup. But if some of you think bad mechanics are good inside pvp modes, then it’s obvious that being objective isn’t a strong point for you.

I'm happy to accept that things about deadeye aren't healthy in competitive play. I just don't see a view that constantly says "delete teef" as in any way objective or helpful either. Want to talk about specific things that are OP? Cool. But if someone just wants the class deleted to satisfy their own ego, I'm going to make fun of them.

It's also interesting that 1) in PvP this problem doesn't exist, because the unhealthy aspects of perma stealth don't actually help you win a game, and 2) in WvW there are a myriad of counters to perma stealth thieves, such as target painters and sentry towers etc. Use them effectively and the thief will die or retreat, guaranteed.

@"Burnfall.9573" said:
These questions are directed to Thief Profession designs and mechanics and how their influences and presence negatively impacts the game and the community

I have some questions for Thief Profession players, have you ever wonder how your Profession affects other players including new-potential players?You could ask the same of condition mesmer, spellbreaker, glass soulbeast, holosmith, etc,Are you self-aware that your design and mechanics are unhealthy for the well-being of the game?Define unhealthy. From the article you quoted earlier, it makes it sound like thieves are the only reason some builds can't run berserker. So again, how are thieves different here from holosmith, spellbreaker, soulbeast, DH, mesmer etc? If thief didn't exist, would you be able to run berserker against these classes suddenly? From the video you linked (which while interesting doesn't actually have a lot to do with the subject mind) it would imply that thief in some way dumbs down combat, which makes no sense; fighting a thief forces you to think and predict his next move in order to outplay him. Even if it's as simple as equip earth runes, wait for the restealth and throw a target painter on the smoke field (something I'd recommend anyone who struggles with fighting a permastealth thief to try doing), it requires more thought than simply spamming a rotation like most classes do. How is this bad?

Healthy competitive games should not force you to play the way it wants it for you to play, it should encourage you to play the way you want. Stealth with counter is not the problem but being able to Perma is: no other professions can exceptt Thief Profession and that's not be tolerable

There is a video below which demonstrates more of it

Have you noticed warning signs that of players attempting in avoiding you?No more than on any other class. Some people don't want to fight no matter what you're playing, and if they treat me badly simply because they're a thief, then that speaks to their own personality defects way more than it does mine.Have your presence in the game benefited or improved other players experienced resulting in the growth of the game and improving healthy competition to everyone around you?Generally speaking, if someone whispers me saying that my build is OP I'll teach them how to counter it because it leads to more interesting fights. Most of the problem with why people hate thief is simply ignorance of the class and it's weaknesses, when you get down to the root of it. If someone doesn't want to learn the weaknesses and just rages that I don't fall down dead immediately, again, that's on them.Yes, it's always other players fault? learn to 'dodge', 'ltp', 'reroll' Never been to blame...at what cost? Was it worth it really?It usually is the other guys fault, no matter the classes you're looking at. The grey area is bigger with thief because they're an ambush class, their main advantage comes from an unexpected attack that capitalises on weakness so some players simply don't like that, but their problem is more that they don't like rogues in general. I'm happy to concede that certain things have been too strong (like malicious backstab opening damage) but now there's stuff like mounts etc you hardly ever have problems with that now.What are you willing to lose in helping to grow, improve and to benefit the community experiences including its environments?What are YOU willing to lose? Why should thief be the only one that needs to be toned down? The entire game needs an increase on time to kill for glassy builds and a decrease in sustain for bunker builds, because at the moment everything either pops like a balloon or is an immovable object. If we want to have actual balance, you're going to lose things too.

I completely agree with you

What are your assurance in your self-improvement to the community and to the game?None. Last I checked, I don't owe you anything, and you don't owe me anything either. I have no requirement to "behave better" (if that's what you're asking me to do?) because you don't like the way a class works, making the game more enjoyable is the Dev's job. I just play the game as it's presented to me with the tools I'm given, same as you do, and if we're in a competitive environment then anything goes as long as it's game legal, right?

You and I know better than this; by Anet introducing Thief Profession to the game, it also changed all rules and play style -builds and forced the meta to play in its terms.

The Meta including the entire game are designed under Thief Profession vision and control. Without Thief Profession; Everything dies.

So be it!!

I encourage Thief Players to take a step back to annalized how their Profession is hurting the game more than helping in healing itSooooooo, I expect you'll do the same with mesmer then?


-thank you-You're welcome :) Now that I've answered your questions, how about answering mine?

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:Article written by Lewis Burnell on Jan 13, 2015. Would you kindly care to explain;1) how a close to 5 year old article has any relevance to the state of the game today, especially after two expacs?

It is still relevant because Thief Profession has not been seriously dealt with and are continually repeating the same problems as before

2) how an article printed before the advent of HoT refutes my earlier point that GW2 lost it's eSports status in a time period when Thief was considered so bad in PvE people would literally AFK until you rerolled to another class? And how does this loss of competitive scene somehow become Thief's fault and not any of the meta classes during that period?

During those times; many players were trying out other Professions because of their 'wow' factors. In result; Anet nerfed them heavily including Necromancer and Mesmer Professions.

The only one who remained without being under the whole spotlight was none other than Thief Professions,. So the community outcry against Anet Favoritism of Thief Profession begun

7 years later; Thief Profession remain the sole Profession with lesser serious punishments and consequences for being Op in the game. In addition; they remain the most excusable Professions as to when it comes to the game being unhealthy and non-competitive.

Where the spotlight on other professions continue to bring them severe punishments with heavy consequences- heavy nerfs with redesign mechanics with skills, Thief Professions continue to remain excused from them

--where once Mesmer Profession were the Masters of Stealth with Portals and Necromancer being the Masters of Conditions; it all came to past

Now Thief Professions Are Excused To Be Masters Of Them All Because They Are Thief Professions!!

They Must Have It All!

That's totally Unacceptable!!!!

--i hope i answered your questions at at the most...at least :)-

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Thief is very dependent on the user and can die fairly easily and even if one guy dies to a thief in WvW they usually bring friends and kill the thief or that thief has to run away constantly. The other thing it's there for balancing it's a hard counter to certain classes that have almost no other counter. And there are many passive traits now that stop a thief from going on a one-shot frenzy don't blame a class for a build you didn't pick for your class. Either adapt or keep dying

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@Burnfall.9573 said:Where the spotlight on other professions continue to bring them severe punishments with heavy consequences- heavy nerfs with redesign mechanics with skills, Thief Professions continue to remain excused from them

Thief has been hit with some pretty heavy nerfs. DE used to be OP as hell before it was rightly bashed with the nerf stick. At this point DE is strong, but comes around the middle tbh.

@Burnfall.9573 said:--where once Mesmer Profession were the Masters of StealthNo they weren't? Even back in the PU meta days a Mesmer could never outstealth a thief. Mesmer's were the masters of deception and condi sustain. Although these days they can sustain and burst with their condi's.

@Burnfall.9573 said:Necromancer being the Masters of Conditions; it all came to pastThey still are. I hate condi thief/DE as much as the next person, but their condition application is weak, they rely mostly on surprise and outlasting an opponent. Necro is still the reigning king of conditions by such a large margin its comical. With mesmers probably coming in 2nd

@Burnfall.9573 said:Now Thief Professions Are Excused To Be Masters Of Them All Because They Are Thief Professions!!

They Must Have It All!

That's totally Unacceptable!!!!

It would be if it were true. But it isn't so its not. Thief is the master of ambush burst damage and the master of bitchin it. Those are the two things they are king of the league in. In every other respect they are outclassed (as they should be) by other specs.

I mean do you honestly truly think thief outclasses a scourge with condi application?

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@Doug.4930 said:

@Burnfall.9573 said:Where the spotlight on other professions continue to bring them severe punishments with heavy consequences- heavy nerfs with redesign mechanics with skills, Thief Professions continue to remain excused from them

Thief has been hit with some pretty heavy nerfs. DE used to be OP as hell before it was rightly bashed with the nerf stick. At this point DE is strong, but comes around the middle tbh.

@Burnfall.9573 said:--where once Mesmer Profession were the Masters of StealthNo they weren't? Even back in the PU meta days a Mesmer could never outstealth a thief. Mesmer's were the masters of deception and condi sustain. Although these days they can sustain and burst with their condi's.

@Burnfall.9573 said:Necromancer being the Masters of Conditions; it all came to pastThey still are. I hate condi thief/DE as much as the next person, but their condition application is weak, they rely mostly on surprise and outlasting an opponent. Necro is still the reigning king of conditions by such a large margin its comical. With mesmers probably coming in 2nd

@Burnfall.9573 said:Now Thief Professions Are Excused To Be Masters Of Them All Because They Are Thief Professions!!

They Must Have It All!

That's totally Unacceptable!!!!

It would be if it were true. But it isn't so its not. Thief is the master of ambush burst damage and the master of bitchin it. Those are the two things they are king of the league in. In every other respect they are outclassed (as they should be) by other specs.

I mean do you honestly truly think thief outclasses a scourge with condi application?

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@Burnfall.9573 said:Where the spotlight on other professions continue to bring them severe punishments with heavy consequences- heavy nerfs with redesign mechanics with skills, Thief Professions continue to remain excused from them

Thief has been hit with some pretty heavy nerfs. DE used to be OP as hell before it was rightly bashed with the nerf stick. At this point DE is strong, but comes around the middle tbh.

@Burnfall.9573 said:--where once Mesmer Profession were the Masters of StealthNo they weren't? Even back in the PU meta days a Mesmer could never outstealth a thief. Mesmer's were the masters of deception and condi sustain. Although these days they can sustain and burst with their condi's.

@Burnfall.9573 said:Necromancer being the Masters of Conditions; it all came to pastThey still are. I hate condi thief/DE as much as the next person, but their condition application is weak, they rely mostly on surprise and outlasting an opponent. Necro is still the reigning king of conditions by such a large margin its comical. With mesmers probably coming in 2nd

@Burnfall.9573 said:Now Thief Professions Are Excused To Be Masters Of Them All Because They Are Thief Professions!!

They Must Have It All!

That's totally Unacceptable!!!!

It would be if it were true. But it isn't so its not. Thief is the master of ambush burst damage and the master of bitchin it. Those are the two things they are king of the league in. In every other respect they are outclassed (as they should be) by other specs.

I mean do you honestly truly think thief outclasses a scourge with condi application?

Is there a part in that video that shows thief outputting more condi's than a scourge? Cause after watching it I couldn't see it. Just saw a pvp player playing a meme build and having fun with it. But make no mistake that's a meme build, and no meta build should ever lose to it 1v1.

So like I was saying;Do you honestly truly think thief outclasses a scourge with condi application? Sort of want you to admit it so we can all roll our eyes and move on to other threads.

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