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what is that deer monster in newest trailer?


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@AgentMoore.9453 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:Given it doesn't really fit the setting, a corrupted Wendigo type creature or a corrupted Spirit of the Wild have both been mooted as possibilities.

in the Guild Wars, though they're classified as a type of minotaur and are said to be corrupted humans twisted into evil spirits.
also makes mention of wendigos while telling a joke, but given that we haven't seen any in the game and that she's casually joking about it, it'd be a good guess that between GW1 and GW2, wendigos stopped showing up as frequently (or may even be considered extinct like gargoyles).

If I had to guess, I'd say the Boneskinner is some type of champion belonging to Jormag, maybe made from a Norn shaman twisted into an antlerbeast for the glory of aesthetic evil.

They were a thing yes, albeit more the use of the name. The GW2 writers have clearly taken more direct inspiration from the creature - or at least the popularised version - and renamed it to avoid confusion with the original Minotaur wendigo.

The idea of it being a corruption of someone - like a shaman who has turned to cannibalism or evil - is an intriguing twist and even more so if it is a separate entity to Jormag

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@Randulf.7614 said:Given it doesn't really fit the setting, a corrupted Wendigo type creature or a corrupted Spirit of the Wild have both been mooted as possibilities. I imagine Jormag might still have some remnants of Zhaitans magic after all

I mean it kind of does to me it also reminds me slightly of the SCP creatures (the ones that throw other peoples voices) just with more boons and magical powers lol.My first thought was a corrupted spirit of the wild (hare) but i mean thats probably unlikely after i looked up the spirit hare on the wiki.

I honestly hope its not tied to jormag at all it would make it much more interesting as a separate obstacle on the path to jormag. It has no ice on it or blue effects and i dont exactly get the plant vibe from it either. Im hoping its possibly something left over purely of Zhaitan in itself. It would be nice to get a bit more untold Zhaitan mistery considering we have not really revisited much other than some (magic) related to this dragon since the end of the core game's story.

Think about it the area has been pretty inhabitable for a long time its not to say that this couldn't bee something that managed to survive all on its own.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Given it doesn't really fit the setting, a corrupted Wendigo type creature or a corrupted Spirit of the Wild have both been mooted as possibilities.

in the Guild Wars, though they're classified as a type of minotaur and are said to be corrupted humans twisted into evil spirits.
also makes mention of wendigos while telling a joke, but given that we haven't seen any in the game and that she's casually joking about it, it'd be a good guess that between GW1 and GW2, wendigos stopped showing up as frequently (or may even be considered extinct like gargoyles).

If I had to guess, I'd say the Boneskinner is some type of champion belonging to Jormag, maybe made from a Norn shaman twisted into an antlerbeast for the glory of aesthetic evil.

They were a thing yes, albeit more the use of the name. The GW2 writers have clearly taken more direct inspiration from the creature - or at least the popularised version - and renamed it to avoid confusion with the original Minotaur wendigo.

The idea of it being a corruption of someone - like a shaman who has turned to cannibalism or evil - is an intriguing twist and even more so if it is a separate entity to Jormag

oh thanks for the info here ;)

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@"JUN YANG.4328" said:did anyone know what is that deer monster in the newest. plz tell that is not "Grenth"is it same old trick? human god vs elder dragon again? by history the dead of god never be the good guy.

If you actually kept up with the story all of the gods LEFT Tyria. They legit have no reason to absorb dragon magic because Kormir and the other gods agreed to the fact that they themselves are too dangerous.

The only one that EVER had interest in the dragons was Balthazar because he is a literal god of conquest. The same god that led the humans to go and conquer the charr lands. Of COURSE a war god would want that power ?

Grenth would have no reason on wanting to expand the underworld because he specifically dethroned and took Dhuum's place who wanted the whole world to experience death and he become chief god. And obviously we have the Dhuum raid to explain the outcome of Dhuum so....

Your assumption literally has no grounds.

so is there any chance could be Dhuum's claws?

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@JUN YANG.4328 said:

@JUN YANG.4328 said:did anyone know what is that deer monster in the newest. plz tell that is not "Grenth"is it same old trick? human god vs elder dragon again? by history the dead of god never be the good guy.

If you actually kept up with the story all of the gods LEFT Tyria. They legit have no reason to absorb dragon magic because Kormir and the other gods agreed to the fact that they themselves are too dangerous.

The only one that EVER had interest in the dragons was Balthazar because he is a literal god of conquest. The same god that led the humans to go and conquer the charr lands. Of COURSE a war god would want that power ?

Grenth would have no reason on wanting to expand the underworld because he specifically dethroned and took Dhuum's place who wanted the whole world to experience death and he become chief god. And obviously we have the Dhuum raid to explain the outcome of Dhuum so....

Your assumption literally has no grounds.

so is there any chance could be Dhuum's claws?

No just a plain No

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@"Blocki.4931" said:That's the "Boneskinner", a monster that will "haunt" us. It's been talked about on streams (and their big announcement in the theater) and we've seen concept art of it.

That's not "haunt" us, that's "hunt" us...it's hunting us and we don't even know it...well, the PC doesn't know it but the players do.

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