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I"m so sick and tired of this cast

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@coso.9173 said:I don't want for them to die or anything, but I wish we weren't the commander anymore. I just want to be someone who does their best to help those in need and kill some baddies, but not to be expected to solve everything because I'm the highest rank official like in the whole of tyria.

This I agree with. Why can’t I just be a regular traveler who happens to stumble upon a enemy or attack on a village? I really hope we get to eventually step down and be taken into a new story line. I’m tired of always being invincible and saving the world. That’s all the story has ever been about .

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It's all obnoxiously cringe stuff. I hammer the skip button whenever possible.

If I wanted a deep story or character development, I'll read a book or watch a movie or play a single player game.

I was actually pleasantly surprised the next episode will come without the bad dialogue. I can enjoy the new map for a short time without immediately being yanked from my MMO immersion by a bunch of teenage NPC REEEEEEE.

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@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:For instance, the Charr actually act like the Charr I remember . Not some weak “cute” cat.I don't know any cute cats with that much divorce drama going on. I wish they could solve this off screen. And fast. And with the communicator switched off.

For the record, I'm okay with the current cast. I could live without Caithe and Rytlock (+ Ryland), though, but no major issues with anyone from my side.

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Listen, I admit I kinda preferred the original Dragon's Watch overall, but some days I feel like I'm one of the few people who actually LIKES the current group?-Taimi is a badass and hilarious as someone growing out of her rebellious teen stage in fits and starts, plus it's pretty cool how she has a riding golem as a mobility aid and her sickness isn't just magically cured, since a lot of people just are chronically ill and it's good to recognize this and think about how they can be and usually are still contributing members of society.-Gorrik is trying his best and I'm glad he's found some nice constructive stuff to turn his mind to, even if his social skills aren't the best sometimes.-Marjory and Kas are a cute couple, Marjory is a cool goth lady, and Kas' struggle with her beliefs was, while not always super well written, pretty compelling.-Braham's angry period got kind of old, but since he and the Commander made up, he's been loyal, steadfast, brave, and funny, and I appreciate that he's my belligerent son.-Rox's journey to finding acceptance from being an outcast in her society was touching, and I hope we see her return at some point.-Canach's sarcasm can sometimes be vaguely amusing.-Rytlock's a jerk, but he's our jerk.

Honestly, Canach and Rytlock are my two least favorite of the current crew, but I dont necessarily want to see them disposed. My biggest complaint about Anet's storytelling is that they resort to killing people way too often. If we DO have to lose this group, I hope they at least get to live happily ever after off screen (as may be the case with Rox already, for example).

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