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Is pve too easy/hard? Or maybe both at the same time?


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@LucianDK.8615 said:Current Wow is pretty much the result of catering to the lowest skilled, resulting in a snoozefest of a game in most pve content. Classic takes far more effort, but suffers greatly from a lack of many modern coniviences, and a dead end content wise. But you can see the two design philosophies between the past and present.

Anet should not easyfy the game even further, look at wow for the cautionary example it has become.

Wow can be even 3x easier than it is right now and it will be still more hardcore than GW2.GW2 is already one of the most casual MMORPG's. So don't worry. It won't be easier. Difficulty peak was around w5 (with dhuum cm) and even this was very easy if u compare it to Wow.

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@Xar.6279 said:It looks like 80% of people writing here didn't understand what I actually meant :P It is probably because my english is not that good to explain some things correctly and also I guess some players just don't understand some things.


Maybe you weren't specific enough? Were you talking about high end PvE (upper tier fractals and/or raids) or open world?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Xar.6279 said:It looks like 80% of people writing here didn't understand what I actually meant :P It is probably because my english is not that good to explain some things correctly and also I guess some players just don't understand some things.


Maybe you weren't specific enough? Were you talking about high end PvE (upper tier fractals and/or raids) or open world?

Y, probably :P I was writing only about instanced group pve.

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@"Cynder.2509" said:Definitely too easy. Even raids with CMs are far too easy. Don't know why all the casuals keep complaining. Just git gud.


Or maybe group pve content is just wrongly designed? And also what is more important: maybe classes are wrongly designed for group pve content?

That's why it's too easy and "too hard" at the same time.

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The only reason why anyone would think this game is easy is if they've never been on a team of PUGs without a coherent strategy or buildcraft. It took me over 8 hours to complete my first run of Shattered Observatory Challenge Mode, because I didn't have the resources of a pre-made, seasoned guild of speedrunners. I had to go with whomever would join up, no matter how drunk they were or how meme their build was. This was also before a lot of people cleared it (also pre-nerf), so the only strategy was perseverance and luck.

For another example of this, Woodenpotatoes streamed his first clear of Mythwright Gambit on launch day. With all of his experience, star power, discord, and seasoned raiders behind him, it took him 11 hours to beat it. Continuously, not cumulatively. That's how hard it was. The Key of Ahdashim took 9 hours to beat as well, with similar circumstances.

You can make the case that the overworld is easy. Due to an aggressively affectionate cat I frequently play the game one-handed (mouse hand) with no troubles. Most enemies die in one to two hits, a few more if they're a veteran mob. The enemies do one big thing, and if you can avoid that then you're good. But group content definitely isn't easy. Anyone who says it is either lying to e-brag or just unaware how hard it is to carve that well-worn path they walk.

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@Xar.6279 said:

@Cynder.2509 said:Definitely too easy. Even raids with CMs are far too easy. Don't know why all the casuals keep complaining. Just git gud.


Or maybe group pve content is just wrongly designed? And also what is more important: maybe classes are wrongly designed for group pve content?As always, you look at things way too shallow. The problem is the
underlying systems those things are built upon
. Although you seem to be right spot on on the core point - the base game design indeed seems to be made for a purely pvp game. The way the game puts emphasis on personal skill over all else, and how even small differences of skill can cause massive gaps in effectiveness works perfectly well in competitive type of content, where you match up players against each other based on their skill. It does
work when you need to put a lot of players at different levels of skill in the same environment and match them up against the same challenges.

Basically, they made a game that ended up being impossible to balance in PvE for a wide and diverse community. And it is now way too late to do something about it, because the cause behind this problem is not superficial, but lies at the core of the whole game engine. To fix it, they'd need to rewrite the game from scratch.

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I think the main issue resides with the concept of strike missions. So far you had regular PvE (which doesn't require trinity and consensus is that it is relative easy). On the other hand you have raids which are designed to be harder and more challenging content and requires some type of trinity. Strike missions are relative new and designed to be a hybrid.Where raids have a good amount of elitism, strike missions have this to a lesser extend. I think this is actually good design. So no need to change anything.Unfortunately some people are rather spoiled. As soon as they die once in a game, they say it is too difficult. Just imagine playing tic tac toe with one of them. They would even claim it is too difficult when they loose.

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Yes it is.. This game no longer has any middle ground and goes straight into extremes.. Some content is incredibly easy and next its incredibly hard.. You never know what the hell its going to be until it does it..

Its so annoying that this game cannot just follow a standard that was determined at release..

Also a massive issue with this game is the classes and races are all over the place mechanics and difficulty wise.. Some classes make content a cake walk others make content unplayable partially because the devs cannot seem to balance anything and partially because modes like WvW and PvP are continually destroying them..

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