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Proper afk players need to be banned for a week


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Title says it. I am honestly sick of this shit. Game can be even. Then 1 dude just sits at home and afk. Or 1st fight lost then just afk. Literally wasted hours of game play because some prick just afk.

If more than 4 players report the same guy. That guy needs to be banned for a week to not ruin other people's play time. Time is precious for people who work and assholes who afk need to get punished.

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@TorQ.7041 said:Title says it. I am honestly sick of this kitten. Game can be even. Then 1 dude just sits at home and afk. Or 1st fight lost then just afk. Literally wasted hours of game play because some prick just afk.

If more than 4 players report the same guy. That guy needs to be banned for a week to not ruin other people's play time. Time is precious for people who work and kitten who afk need to get punished.

when a game rewards unhealthy gaming experience instead of punishing it, do you really blame afks?

Afks are the consequences of guild wars 2 being tolerant of Toxicity and as long nothing is being done to address Toxic balance and its design, Afk have all the right reasons to afk

'The hand that rocks the cradle' is to be solely blamed for this

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@TorQ.7041 said:Title says it. I am honestly sick of this kitten. Game can be even. Then 1 dude just sits at home and afk. Or 1st fight lost then just afk. Literally wasted hours of game play because some prick just afk.

This is true, but-

If more than 4 players report the same guy. That guy needs to be banned for a week to not ruin other people's play time. Time is precious for people who work and kitten who afk need to get punished.

This ain't the solution for it. If the community gets word that mass reports can force bans on people regardless of what they actually did, you can expect that to be exploited.

That report needs to be paired with some kind of data verifying that the person has a habit of afking or dcing in matches that isnt just hearsay.

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@TorQ.7041 said:Title says it. I am honestly sick of this kitten. Game can be even. Then 1 dude just sits at home and afk. Or 1st fight lost then just afk. Literally wasted hours of game play because some prick just afk.

If more than 4 players report the same guy. That guy needs to be banned for a week to not ruin other people's play time. Time is precious for people who work and kitten who afk need to get punished.

i do not think anything will ever change. i just look at matches like that has practice matches . some times i have been in teams out numbered and still win. i do wonder how losing the first few min some how means its the end of the match to them. its fun has hell making a major come back. i guess they do not have patience and just want an easy win and do not want to work for the win. the afkers are the same guys that will call you a noob or tell you to delete your game when he downs someone. i think i have tons of raging posts on her from a year or so ago. i quit the game and didn't come back tell i learned to just remember its a game

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@"lare.5129" said:it is already done. People on plat and leg rank, get increased pips count.People who afk, or who can't break ice get decreased pips count, and play with afk players in silver or gold.

Imo what's put in place as damage control is not nearly enough. Phantom solutions at worst, band-aid solutions at best.

Barely anyone playing this game, and people can give up for literally any reason. I've had people refuse to play because of certain DuoQ's on the other team, people quit because of arguments in team chat, or when they lose heavily outmatched 1v1s. It can happen at any rating(p2 in this case), and even if it were just gold and silver; the low population, and DuoQ exploits make it pretty likely to get those low-rated players in plat games. Especially in the "off hours" when there isn't as many people playing.

"Decreased" pip count. It should be 0 pip count.

Another basic thing that should go into the rating formula is general game contribution. If a person did literally nothing; it isn't fair that their team loses the same, or even more rating than the AFKer.

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@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:Another basic thing that should go into the rating formula is general game contribution. If a person did literally nothing; it isn't fair that their team loses the same, or even more rating than the AFKer.It also ALREADY DONE. You get some additional progress from each top stat in yours team. And whit common dps build you can get top dps/kill, or not get .. But by logic that suggest you my choose is take bunker support, and heal myself mush as possible to get guaranteed heal top stat. We realy want this?

"Decreased" pip count. It should be 0 pip count.so it this way it kill all non meta palyers, and decrease at 70%+ populiation of pvp players at prime time at start..because is zero (0) point participate you sure that get absolutely zero from that.After that will be grow up some inside guilds withdrawn games ..I long time play another game before gw2, and withdrawn and selled pvp games was each day constants for me.

. I've had people refuse to play because of certain DuoQ'so if afk player os realy problem for you why you don't want be that Duo??

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@TorQ.7041 said:Title says it. I am honestly sick of this kitten. Game can be even. Then 1 dude just sits at home and afk. Or 1st fight lost then just afk. Literally wasted hours of game play because some prick just afk.

If more than 4 players report the same guy. That guy needs to be banned for a week to not ruin other people's play time. Time is precious for people who work and kitten who afk need to get punished.

In all my years playing pvp I only once saw anet take action (they were banned for the rest of the season) but I am talking about people using hacks. Report tool dont work, you can afk as you like. I am suspended from opening threads on this forum cos I posted a video where a thief was dancing all the match and I lost 31 pts. And believe me, this thread wont see the morning light. (maybe it will cos you are lying without facts (video or screenshot)).

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@lare.5129 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:Another basic thing that should go into the rating formula is general game contribution. If a person did literally nothing; it isn't fair that their team loses the same, or even more
than the AFKer.It also ALREADY DONE. You get some additional progress from each top stat in yours team. And whit common dps build you can get top dps/kill, or not get .. But by logic that suggest you my choose is take bunker support, and heal myself mush as possible to get guaranteed heal top stat. We realy want this?

Again, rating there. Not pips. It might give you extra pips for getting additional top stats, but rating is still solely calculated by your rating compared to the other people in your game. That means someone who did nothing but sit in spawn for the entire match can lose less rating than you do just because they're closer to everyone else in the game.

Not saying anything about top stats or even % contributions going into that either. All i'm saying is it shouldn't be too hard for even an automated system to determine that someone did absolutely nothing or close to absolutely nothing for an entire match and punish them way more harshly for it. Whether that means a ban, huge rating deductions, both, etc. So long as it could be said something is actually being done about it. There is no incentive right now for someone not to afk if they feel like it.

so it this way it kill all non meta palyers, and decrease at 70%+ populiation of pvp players at prime time at start..because is zero (0) point participate you sure that get absolutely zero from that.After that will be grow up some inside guilds withdrawn games ..I long time play another game before gw2, and withdrawn and selled pvp games was each day constants for me.

I don't know what game you played before gw2 where you had to do that, because Gw2 is probably the only game that flashes some PvE-like grind; like pips are, in people's faces to keep them playing Ranked. The actual Ranked Arena is so fundamentally broken and manipulable that the only way they can convince people to be farmed in it, is to give them their own meta farm.

Every other game out there either gives out the rewards for playing the non-competitive mode, or only gives the rewards for winning to keep competitive... competitive? And that's how it should be. I think that 70% figure is totally contrived, more or less... Depends on how many actual players are still playing Ranked. The people who benefit most from the participation award pips are bots, AFKers, and pip-farmers. The first two are outright not allowed, the latter should be playing Unranked for their pips for the sake of people who actually want to compete in the competitive mode.

so if afk player os realy problem for you why you don't want be that Duo??

I don't understand this.AFKers are still the problem. Like I said, they only decided to AFK in that case because they didn't want to deal with a DuoQ on the other team.

I don't want to be that particular DuoQ because they were smurfing and if match manipulation ever actually gets punished in this game, I don't want to be banned for it.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:That means someone who did nothing but sit in spawn for the entire match can lose less rating than you do just because they're closer to everyone else in the game.in legend/plat a lot of afk ? no.

Not saying anything about top stats or even % contributions going into that either. All i'm saying is it shouldn't be too hard for even an automated system to determine that someone did absolutely nothing or close to absolutely nothing for an entire match and punish them way more harshly for it. Whether that means a ban, huge rating deductions, both, etc. So long as it could be said something is actually being done about it. There is no incentive right now for someone not to afk if they feel like it.But that you suggest is make more attractive troll bunker build and get selfheal to make top stat. It is more better ?

I don't know what game you played before gw2 where you had to do that, because Gw2 is probably the only game that flashes some PvE-like grind; like pips are, in people's faces to keep them playing Ranked. The actual Ranked Arena is so fundamentally broken and manipulable that the only way they can convince people to be farmed in it, is to give them their own meta farm.People like farm. I like farm. Most mmo players like farm. And if you see some farm - it is nice.

The actual Ranked ArenaThis is Ranked Arena, not Tournament whit great bonuses fro win. People come and get that thay want, someone farm,, someone farm, someone test build for tournament, or do dayli or ect ... And this is OK.

Every other game out there either gives out the rewards for playing the non-competitive mode, or only gives the rewards for winning to keep competitive... competitive?no, people farm honor on battleground, and lose at final, and not see any panic, or make wihtdrawns.

And that's how it should be. I think that 70% figure is totally contrived, more or less..reread. I say it drop at start. After some time, when withdrawn come more populate the numbers will be back.

The people who benefit most from the participation award pips are bots, AFKers, and pip-farmers. The first two are outright not allowed, the latter should be playing Unranked for their pips for the sake of people who actually want to compete in the competitive mode.can we mark any player who not play meta class/biuld as pips farmer and report them asap? you also pips farmer if not in duoQ.

I don't want to be that particular DuoQ because they were smurfing and if match manipulation ever actually gets punished in this game, I don't want to be banned for it.This is ok, if you dont want - this is your choose. Someone should lose in afk team. The choose is very simply.Want win and this is needed for you - take duoQ and take meta. This is absolutely legal. You will get plat/leg rank and not afk players.ok, maybe 0.00002% that get punished ? - so go play other game some time.

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@"lare.5129" said:in legend/plat a lot of afk ? no.

They do, because people in legend/plat get matched with/against people in gold pretty frequently. When I played I usually sat in P2-P3 and AFKers were still a very common sight like I say.

People like farm. I like farm. Most mmo players like farm. And if you see some farm - it is nice.

This is Ranked Arena, not Tournament whit great bonuses fro win. People come and get that thay want, someone farm,, someone farm, someone test build for tournament, or do dayli or ect ... And this is OK.

To you maybe. To me, farming is only acceptable when it doesn't affect the competitive ladder. If Ranked really is designed to just be yet another farm, then; imo, it shouldn't even be called Ranked, the general theme shouldn't be to compete, and the whole idea of rating and a leaderboard shouldn't even exist.

The only purpose a leaderboard even serves in that case is just to inflate people's egos over an arbitrary number that is meaningless in every way. It's meaningless because the people who make it to the top of the LB are just farming people who do not care at all, and are only there to reap the rewards and farm the mode themselves. It is an empire of dirt in every way.

no, people farm honor on battleground, and lose at final, and not see any panic, or make wihtdrawns.

I never played "Battleground" so I don't know actually like I said.

can we mark any player who not play meta class/biuld as pips farmer and report them asap? you also pips farmer if not in duoQ.

Playing off-meta is a matter of personal conviction. Pip-farming is too, only a problem created by the lack thereof. You can play an off-meta build and care a lot about it, you might even be really good at it!

Pip-farming on the other hand is an admission that you simply do not care. You are only there for the rewards and nothing else. Win or lose, you do not care. These are the people in my experience that most often AFK.

I still gave it my all when I SoloQ'd. You can't call every SoloQ player a pip-farmer when every game requires at least 2 SoloQ players to even play at all. Just because i'm not going out of my way to cheat the system and metagame for the absolute optimal rating gain doesn't mean i'm not there to compete still. It actually means the exact polar opposite of that, but whatever.

This is ok, if you dont want - this is your choose. Someone should lose in afk team. The choose is very simply.Want win and this is needed for you - take duoQ and take meta. This is absolutely legal. You will get plat/leg rank and not afk players.ok, maybe 0.00002% that get punished ? - so go play other game some time.

Yes. Perfectly reasonable solution, and i'm way ahead of you.

If you don't want to DuoQ and/or farm Ranked, then just don't play Ranked.

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@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:They do, because people in legend/plat get matched with/against people in gold pretty frequently. When I played I usually sat in P2-P3 and AFKers were still a very common sight like I say.anyway, someone can be afk part of game for some reason, phone call, picca, cat, .. But impossible be in plat and each game be afk.I get perfect example from me, summer season when I change class, I get fall from upper gold to middle silver ..And I press all buttons, and it not helps. So rotation works.

To you maybe. To me, farming is only acceptable when it doesn't affect the competitive ladder.It doesn't affect. It additional random for everyone. Decrease random wiht duoQ, by -1 if you want.

rating and a leaderboard shouldn't even existit should. If someone can win and be in top - it is cool.

I never played "Battleground" so I don't know actually like I said.it means what what we have now is great.

You can play an off-meta build and care a lot about it, you might even be really good at it!when I change class and take my build I get more toxic responce .. may be more than be afk or bot.

Pip-farming on the other hand is an admission that you simply do not care. You are only there for the rewards and nothing else. Win or lose, you do not care.for win you get more pips. So if you can win - it great. If result you lose 55-380, there is not big change to finish with win. You calculate in afk count there too? :)

I still gave it my all when I SoloQ'd. You can't call every SoloQ player a pip-farmerBut we can say that soloQ player is not enough motivated to win?

If you don't want to DuoQ and/or farm Ranked, then just don't play Ranked.so where problem for you ? want 100% non afk? welcome on tournaments. Choose each player, class, and build. No problem.

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  • 2 years later...

2022 still weekend if full of AFK. I meet just now 5 in 5 pvp game. Rundom run in far at start and afk in 2 minute. Report him ? lol


The afk kid noob need to be banned for a week. but who care ? no one. However, if you allow yourself to say something over the top, you are banned for three week . Great job.

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1 hour ago, Raiden.6907 said:

2022 still weekend if full of AFK. I meet just now 5 in 5 pvp game. Rundom run in far at start and afk in 2 minute. Report him ? lol


The afk kid noob need to be banned for a week. but who care ? no one. However, if you allow yourself to say something over the top, you are banned for three week . Great job.

If the AFK person is offline, it is hard to know when to dodge them.

But, if they religiously only play on one class to grief, I have a solution for you.

You will need a duo partner, and both of you will queue as their class, and they will never be on your team.

You can swap after the map select to what you want, and your team can figure out the comp after.

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