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I'm Bad

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@Boysenberry.1869 said:Does anyone else play one class so much that when they actually hop onto a different class they realize just how bad they are at the game? I mostly stick to my Necromancer but I wanted to pick up the new elite specializations for all of the other classes. Granted, my alts aren't geared well and their builds were selected by a blind monkey, but it felt like I was playing a completely different game. With my Necro it feels like I just press 1 and win. Meanwhile, my other classes get clobbered by ambient creatures.

Alright, so Ranger was also easy-mode. Mesmer wasn't too bad and Thief was surprisingly not horrible. But oh no...Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, and Engineer. I might as well have been running around with my computer monitor turned off. And Revenant was somehow even worse. I just had to AFK next to a hero point and wait for someone else to pick a fight with it.

Running through the hero points 9 times has really depressed me. I need to send my Necro back in there for some revenge. Oh hello Mr. Djinn! And hello to your friends...two Veteran Hydras, Sand Sharks, a pack of Sand Lions, that wandering patrol of Forged...remember ME! <3

Personally, I always felt less like 'how bad I must be' and more 'wow this class is very different'. I actually started off on thief, but switched to Guardian and it's been my main ever since. But Guardian and Theif are very different both in terms of solo playstyle and teamwork. Recently I thought I'd try mesmer and WOW that's a huge difference. And it was definitely a shock at first!

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When I read the title to this thread my first thought was...

In a female Asura voice: "I'm bad. I'll die, and I'll leave a bad corpse!"

I can relate though. Elementalist is my main, with a minor in Thief and Mesmer. While I have a general feel for most of the classes, I often find myself panicking to find CC skills to swap to just before a boss, or forgetting which skills are on which buttons (esp. with Engi kits, or remembering what the tool belt skills are). I like that each class feels different, at least to some extent.

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I'm not "bad", but I'm middling. I don't run meta, I don't care about other peoples' roaming builds, I just do what interests me as an exploration of the system.And I do okay! I've done my share of saving a team from a wipe, etc. So even if I'm not fantastic, I love the combat system and that's what keeps me coming. :)

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@Boysenberry.1869 said:Does anyone else play one class so much that when they actually hop onto a different class they realize just how bad they are at the game? I mostly stick to my Necromancer but I wanted to pick up the new elite specializations for all of the other classes. Granted, my alts aren't geared well and their builds were selected by a blind monkey, but it felt like I was playing a completely different game. With my Necro it feels like I just press 1 and win. Meanwhile, my other classes get clobbered by ambient creatures.

Alright, so Ranger was also easy-mode. Mesmer wasn't too bad and Thief was surprisingly not horrible. But oh no...Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, and Engineer. I might as well have been running around with my computer monitor turned off. And Revenant was somehow even worse. I just had to AFK next to a hero point and wait for someone else to pick a fight with it.

Running through the hero points 9 times has really depressed me. I need to send my Necro back in there for some revenge. Oh hello Mr. Djinn! And hello to your friends...two Veteran Hydras, Sand Sharks, a pack of Sand Lions, that wandering patrol of Forged...remember ME! <3

omg ya I tried to do rev and died a lot, I can manage to switch between thief and necro but any other class and I feel 'dirty' lol

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Haishao.6851 said:I mostly play mesmer and sometime when I switch to my ranger I try to shatter my pet.

Ive wanted to shatter my pet on more than one occasion...and I rarely play mesmer.

"Hey wait, what are you doing aggroing those guys way over there, we arent done with this fight yet....!@#$%& cats..."

Lol, just today I was yelling at my Shade that wandered off after a big fight to find a Djinn that had hit me once while traveling. I was like "I just survived this fight, stop trying to get me in another!"

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I did and still do. I started with the ranger years ago and didn't try another class until last year. When I first tried the necro I found I played it like my ranger, it's really easy to fall into playing a necro ranger. Eventually I learned how to play the necro like a necro. With the guardian I tried playing it like a ranger which of course didn't work, it took me a while to enjoy the class. I'm still struggling with the warrior, but I will stick it out. Speaking of melee, for the first 1 year with my ranger I avoided melee entirely, it wasn't until I got into HoT and found that most mordrem die faster with GS that I started to enjoy it and use it on other maps.

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@Jimmus.2083 said:I love all the trolling "git gud" crap. I'm mediocre in-game, but I have REAL WORLD skills. You know, like job experience. And as I've said, I have a hard job, I don't need my entertainment to challenge me unduly. That's for leet kidz.

I recently took over running the family business, and before that i was a chef, so i have had pretty challenging jobs. i do not wan't my entertainment to be easy. I want to be challenged, because overcoming challenges is great, it gives a sence of achievement. So no, i don't agree that challenges in games are for "leet kidz" I think they're for people who want to be pushing themselves to learn and overcome even through their entertainment. If i want to be spoon-fed entertainment with no effort i just watch tv.

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@Haishao.6851 said:I mostly play mesmer and sometime when I switch to my ranger I try to shatter my pet.

Thank you for that.

Made my evening.

To the OP: I am also a necro main and I know the class inside and out. I don't struggle so much with guardian or engineer which I also played a lot at different points but all other classes feel wonky and foreign to me, and elementalist requires all my focus if I don't have a good chrono on my side.

I played a berserker ele, and later tempest for a little while in my fractal group, and was embarassed to miss dodges as often as I did even with so much vigor up time. (Honestly even in open world, I die on my ele a lot.) Getting used to a low health threshold is harder, and the classes you listed struggling with: engi, guard, ele... all except warrior, are all low health classes that depend heavily on their mechanics and active dodging to stay alive. Makes sense to require time to get used to them.

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I've been maining Mesmer since beta, and can easily swap between Warrior, Necro, Revenant, and Thief on the fly. It takes a bit longer to adjust to Guardian, Ranger, and Ele, and those professions are hard for me to play while fatigued. I'm not sure where I stand on Engie, and mostly use him for running errands.

I consider myself skilled at this game, and knowledgeable (mentoring is my favorite aspect of MMOs), but I freeze on group content because I'm disabled. When one move can be fatal, and it doesn't have to do with my skill as a player, it leads to performance anxiety, and I refuse to be carried. I've also been booted because of this, which stings, so I've been soloing the game for a few months now. Nowadays I try to help new players and encourage them not to fall down the "git gud l2p" path.

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@VaaCrow.3076 said:I recently took over running the family business, and before that i was a chef, so i have had pretty challenging jobs. i do not wan't my entertainment to be easy. I want to be challenged, because overcoming challenges is great, it gives a sence of achievement.Personally, I find it exhausting (in the sense of "that nonsense is finally done, now I can get back to doing fun things") and get no sense of achievement out of it.

I have more than enough challenge in my line of work, games are my way to unwind.

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there are ways to play easily with most classes, but you can't just jump in without checking some gameplays and builds.

Warrior - so long as you have defense as one of three choices - you are coveredNecro - just minion master buildThief - sword/pistol and pistol/pistol + daredevil for nice mobility and you should be goodGuardian - for me at least - gs+lb (I hate scepter, although it is admittedly better) + litany of wrath + trapsRev - a bit harder, but sword/sword + hammer power build, herald/shiro or herald/dwarfranger - whatever, alhough definitely easier with condi builds, didn't have time to check soulbeast yet

I don't like the gameplay of the rest classes so I can't help there.

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@VaaCrow.3076 said:

@Jimmus.2083 said:I love all the trolling "git gud" crap. I'm mediocre in-game, but I have REAL WORLD skills. You know, like job experience. And as I've said, I have a hard job, I don't need my entertainment to challenge me unduly. That's for leet kidz.

I recently took over running the family business, and before that i was a chef, so i have had pretty challenging jobs. i do not wan't my entertainment to be easy. I want to be challenged, because overcoming challenges is great, it gives a sence of achievement. So no, i don't agree that challenges in games are for "leet kidz" I think they're for people who want to be pushing themselves to learn and overcome even through their entertainment. If i want to be spoon-fed entertainment with no effort i just watch tv.

Thing is though. ..why do you need a game to give you a sense of achievement?

And to suggest TV as an alternative, really shows you just don't understand how other people unwind with games.I've overcomed enough in my life. Living is challenging enough. I rather like being able to "rest my mind" and take things easy.

As an example, I love Fable. It's about one of the most easiest games to play and many people complained about this. But I found it really relaxing to not have to think much about the combat.

I wish there was a social MMO like fable or maybe Sims :D.But there isn't. When I joined GW2. It was advertised as being the most casual MMO on the market.As I hadn't played MMOs before, I didn't understand that meant no vertical progression or necessary grind.

As it stands I'm still able to enjoy GW2 by doing some of the easier tasks...map completion. Key farming. Mining. Jumping Puzzles.

I also enjoy the living story well enough..although I preferred LS1 style. The achievements on the other hand are painful and I just don't chase them anymore. Last I tried was to get the luminous armour. I gave up after trying to dodge every bloomin thing in the Foefire cleansing. I recently tried again and yep, I still hate it. I do no enjoy stressful or frustrating experiences. I also don't feel that sense of accomplishment when I finally manage to complete it. ( I spent days fighting liadri for the mini...when I finally beat it, I only felt resentment for how much time I spent on it and the pain caused to my fingers. )Stressful fights make me hate the game.

There enough challenge in life.

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I main mesmer. Feel like I could almost play this class with my eyes closed, but I like playing as different classes and do it quite frequently. I have different preferences depending on game mode, which also effect my knowledge of each class in each game mode (obviously.)

My skills regarding each class look something like this:

  • PvECan play as all classes. Best at mesmer, engineer, necromancer and ranger. Worst at thief.

  • WvWCan play as mesmer, elementalist and necromancer quite well. Others are so and so. Worst at thief and revenant.

  • PvPCan play as mesmer, guardian, ranger and necromancer. Suck at playing as thief. Others are somewhere in between.

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@VaaCrow.3076 said:

@Jimmus.2083 said:I love all the trolling "git gud" crap. I'm mediocre in-game, but I have REAL WORLD skills. You know, like job experience. And as I've said, I have a hard job, I don't need my entertainment to challenge me unduly. That's for leet kidz.

I recently took over running the family business, and before that i was a chef, so i have had pretty challenging jobs. i do not wan't my entertainment to be easy. I want to be challenged, because overcoming challenges is great, it gives a sence of achievement. So no, i don't agree that challenges in games are for "leet kidz" I think they're for people who want to be pushing themselves to learn and overcome even through their entertainment. If i want to be spoon-fed entertainment with no effort i just watch tv.

Then again, you should also have learned that people have often a high cap of a certain ability but a very low to others. I am also not good enough for many tasks, yet I am not mad at that because, as Jimmus said, I see this game as addition to a great life (leisure time activity, others play golf or go fishing for that matter) and the freedom for me to simply say: "Nah, screw it" unlike real life were you are often trapped in situations where you gotta hang on. As said before, I love to work in details. And without knowing anyone of you, but I can surely say that I could do fiddly stuff others give up about that require patience while, on the other hand, I can not lift and carry big weights. (I just realized the similarities to Asuras..). Maybe that's why I enjoy Deadeye so much, I often sit there for 1 minute to snipe down 2 or 3 targets, but man, I love that. I am very bad at button mashing action in the middle of an arena. It does not necessarily mean I need to "git gud" at that at all nor that I want to get spoon-fed.

You should see it as a circle of abilities, in each corner there is a strenght. Some people can do everything a bit or well enough, but nobody can do everything. As far as I know, there is no Mr. or Mrs. Perfect out there. But then, there are people that have a strong peak at one direction and fall off of two other things.

If the game has a challenge that hits one of weaknesses (Zergs for example are not my thing, even though with Deadeye, I can finally stay out of the crowd and get a clear mind), I simply do not want to "git gud" over that for every price. I never will beat Ghouls'n'Ghosts for the MegaDrive. It sits there on the shelf, but man, whatever.

I can just agree with Jimmus after all, just with a different wording. I know a few hardcore gamers that do literally nothing, one guy worked in an internet café on the reception counter and played games 8 hours a day with little breaks in between when a PC crashed and he had to care about it. Man, that guy was rad. Or the other dude that played this Guitar Hero drum thingy like he was a part of Metallica. But on the end, they were the said "1337 kidz" that claim you need 1500dps laser mice in shooters to win and an ugly gamer seat for their proness. And nah, I rather stay "not gud" and have a nice real life. One guy, Felix, former classmate, a legasthenic. He was bad at sports, German (or languages at all), mediocre at math, but man, he could talk like a spin doctor and was active in the labour union. He could never be any good at GW2 for even the "easy, spoonfeed" tasks, but he has a great real life, and I htink he would not be mad at being not so great in a video game.

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@OP You're not bad. What you're experiencing is more a testament to this game's professions depth. If you spent most of your time on your Necro, its natural that you'll be better at it, in a game like this there's a lot of little things that come into play that you even stop noticing, muscle memory is a big one if you play with keybinds (and you should) and just general class knowledge that makes reacting to enemies easier, without you having to to think about it.

Case in point, i main Deadeye, i've been wanting to play this spec since it was announced and that's all i use while questing in the world (only have Vabbi left to fully explore as far as PoF content is concerned). I'm having a great time with it despite the fact the community actually see's it as an horrible spec for this type of gameplay. Why? I learned it inside out and developed a playstyle that works for it, but that didn't happen instantly, there was a pretty steep learning curve to it and i did eat the dirt a bunch of time in the process, but now i rarely ever die (unless i really screw up). On the other hand, when i try to play my Engi, i feel like i don't know wtf i'm doing, because i only spent a tiny fraction of time on it compared to my Thief.

I personally think its a good thing that most people can't instantly pick up a new class and stroll through the content. Makes both the content and the characters feel shallow while on the contrary getting to the point where you feel like you deeply master something feels incredibly rewarding, even if it means having an harder time on your alts.

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My first toon was a guardian when I bought the game 2 years ago, and it was a breath of fresh air when I rolled a Necro last year and started playing it. My playstyle preference is take a beating and dish one out, and Necro fits this to a tee. Every second spent dodge rolling is a second I could be attacking. Every block skill I bring is a slot that could have been used for offense. Even the guardian's shouts are wimpy as hell, compared to the Necro's. Blows my mind that my Necro in cloth rags can out-tank my heavy plated guardian, and that's with zero added toughness or health.

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@Zedek.8932 said:

@VaaCrow.3076 said:

@Jimmus.2083 said:I love all the trolling "git gud" crap. I'm mediocre in-game, but I have REAL WORLD skills. You know, like job experience. And as I've said, I have a hard job, I don't need my entertainment to challenge me unduly. That's for leet kidz.

I recently took over running the family business, and before that i was a chef, so i have had pretty challenging jobs. i do not wan't my entertainment to be easy. I want to be challenged, because overcoming challenges is great, it gives a sence of achievement. So no, i don't agree that challenges in games are for "leet kidz" I think they're for people who want to be pushing themselves to learn and overcome even through their entertainment. If i want to be spoon-fed entertainment with no effort i just watch tv.

Then again, you should also have learned that people have often a high cap of a certain ability but a very low to others. I am also not good enough for many tasks, yet I am not mad at that because, as Jimmus said, I see this game as addition to a great life (leisure time activity, others play golf or go fishing for that matter) and the freedom for me to simply say: "Nah, screw it" unlike real life were you are often trapped in situations where you gotta hang on. As said before, I love to work in details. And without knowing anyone of you, but I can surely say that I could do fiddly stuff others give up about that require patience while, on the other hand, I can not lift and carry big weights. (I just realized the similarities to Asuras..). Maybe that's why I enjoy Deadeye so much, I often sit there for 1 minute to snipe down 2 or 3 targets, but man, I love that. I am very bad at button mashing action in the middle of an arena. It does not necessarily mean I need to "git gud" at that at all nor that I want to get spoon-fed.

You should see it as a circle of abilities, in each corner there is a strenght. Some people can do everything a bit or well enough, but nobody can do everything. As far as I know, there is no Mr. or Mrs. Perfect out there. But then, there are people that have a strong peak at one direction and fall off of two other things.

If the game has a challenge that hits one of weaknesses (Zergs for example are not my thing, even though with Deadeye, I can finally stay out of the crowd and get a clear mind), I simply do not want to "git gud" over that for every price. I never will beat Ghouls'n'Ghosts for the MegaDrive. It sits there on the shelf, but man, whatever.

I can just agree with Jimmus after all, just with a different wording. I know a few hardcore gamers that do literally nothing, one guy worked in an internet café on the reception counter and played games 8 hours a day with little breaks in between when a PC crashed and he had to care about it. Man, that guy was rad. Or the other dude that played this Guitar Hero drum thingy like he was a part of Metallica. But on the end, they were the said "1337 kidz" that claim you need 1500dps laser mice in shooters to win and an ugly gamer seat for their proness. And nah, I rather stay "not gud" and have a nice real life. One guy, Felix, former classmate, a legasthenic. He was bad at sports, German (or languages at all), mediocre at math, but man, he could talk like a spin doctor and was active in the labour union. He could never be any good at GW2 for even the "easy, spoonfeed" tasks, but he has a great real life, and I htink he would not be mad at being not so great in a video game.

Best post I've read on this forum to date. I find this whole "I see this game as boot camp so that's how everyone should play" mentality to be disturbing. Thank you.

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@VaaCrow.3076 said:

@Jimmus.2083 said:I love all the trolling "git gud" crap. I'm mediocre in-game, but I have REAL WORLD skills. You know, like job experience. And as I've said, I have a hard job, I don't need my entertainment to challenge me unduly. That's for leet kidz.

I recently took over running the family business, and before that i was a chef, so i have had pretty challenging jobs. i do not wan't my entertainment to be easy. I want to be challenged, because overcoming challenges is great, it gives a sence of achievement. So no, i don't agree that challenges in games are for "leet kidz" I think they're for people who want to be pushing themselves to learn and overcome even through their entertainment. If i want to be spoon-fed entertainment with no effort i just watch tv.

I believe some one made a game that catered to you folks, speaking of which how is Wildstar doing financially these days?

I respect thats how you view gaming, I don't want to detract from that, I was that guy during Wrath of the Lich King when I took on tanking and researching things hardcore for the first time ever.

With that said this thread is just a place for people to come together that suck at the mechanics of that game, I am that guy and I accept that.

The weird thing is I am hardcore in other ways, I research everything, watch tons of YouTube videos, I actively keep track of the Forums and Reddit, I play a lot. How ever I know that while I would probably be conscientious enough to pay attention to Raid Mechanics and T4 Fractal mechanics that my reflexes and nerves would make me the weak link.

Im that guy that goes at something I see some one else succeed at and proceed to bang my head against the problem failing over and over while eventually losing my crap in a fit of belligerent rage as I'm sure any one has seen in forum posts, hell I quit two guilds because I've had people be like"I never had an issue with this why are you having problems, or Git Gud, or people joking about it which I'd take as mocking or ridicule, I had one GM tell me my frustration was supposedly putting other people on edge ( I mean I'd wouldn't go into tirades or anything but I guess a minut of venting was too much for them supposedly though personally I still think to this day it was just the GM).

That said my current guild is great, it's filled with patient people, even a few others that do the same thing and we all get each other, I even raided with them a few times kept my cool and was the last one to suggest leaving if we failed at a boss in training run (3 attempts are not enough I was weaned on banging your head against an encounter for 2 hours at least). How ever most of us were non META players that required a lot of preprep that unfortunately my wife didn't have patience for so shed harp on me to log off.

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