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(Updraft) Is This Intended?


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@lodjur.1284 said:

@"steki.1478" said:If enemies can see the aoe radius then it's intended. Revenant also has a big delay on staff 5 (which is also cc+evade) so those cant be coincidences.

There are big differences.The CD (20 vs 40s). The damage (dmg vs zero dmg). The aera/range (Hmpff i don't remember). The delay (0.5sec cast vs 1 second) I'm okai you can interrupt the #5 staff as well as dodge it; but this is revenant issue.Here the skill is clumsy, you see the end of animation before the effect occurs, it means a full second. If at least they have reworked the animation or shortened the delay so the effect* triggers during the animation ... but no. You cast your skill and you watch your foe confusingly awaiting for the cc.

Because this is the forum and I am not a very fun person I feel compelled to say this.

Rev staff 5 no longer does "any" amount of damage, extremely few if any hard CC skills do. It only does dmg in the sense that it counts as a strike, the actual dmg is very close to 0.

It's also arguably clumsier than updraft.

Unrelated to this, updraft could probably have a shorter delay like 0.25-0.5 only (I was fine with 0 delay but it apparently doesn't fit with the new design philosophy for CC skills)

Why ? You stop and load your charge and realease it, the knockback goes with the animation. Is the precast slow and boring as every skills and classes since the patch ? Yes, but nothing clumsy, nothing confusing in the skill. Have you tried both recently ?This is the forum and i'm fun sometimes.

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@Zhaid Zhem.6508 said:

@"steki.1478" said:If enemies can see the aoe radius then it's intended. Revenant also has a big delay on staff 5 (which is also cc+evade) so those cant be coincidences.

There are big differences.The CD (20 vs 40s). The damage (dmg vs zero dmg). The aera/range (Hmpff i don't remember). The delay (0.5sec cast vs 1 second) I'm okai you can interrupt the #5 staff as well as dodge it; but this is revenant issue.Here the skill is clumsy, you see the end of animation before the effect occurs, it means a full second. If at least they have reworked the animation or shortened the delay so the effect* triggers during the animation ... but no. You cast your skill and you watch your foe confusingly awaiting for the cc.

Because this is the forum and I am not a very fun person I feel compelled to say this.

Rev staff 5 no longer does "any" amount of damage, extremely few if any hard CC skills do. It only does dmg in the sense that it counts as a strike, the actual dmg is very close to 0.

It's also arguably clumsier than updraft.

Unrelated to this, updraft could probably have a shorter delay like 0.25-0.5 only (I was fine with 0 delay but it apparently doesn't fit with the new design philosophy for CC skills)

Why ? You stop and load your charge and realease it, the knockback goes with the animation. Is the precast slow and boring as every skills and classes since the patch ? Yes, but nothing clumsy, nothing confusing in the skill. Have you tried both recently ?

I've tried both.

Rev staff 5 definitively feels worse. It is clumsy because it is so slow before it starts.Updraft might however be even harder to hit and the change felt a bit unnecessary.

At least it felt strange as very few other CC skills got hit the same way.

And not every skill feels awful, overall the game feels much much better with a few key exceptions. Updraft being one of them.

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If its intended, because now we all live in a kindergarten for newbies, then I also want indicator for stealth attacks. Instant CCs are awful then instant damage is also awful. 150 range indicator that there's enemy in stealth around should do. @"cmcary.4762" appreciate.In 2 out of 10 situations this "change" is better because of burst setup, in other 8 its awful and useless, ppl can just run out of it, sidestep or whatever. You either have to immobilize someone first or put ANOTHER cc to make THIS cc hit. So stupid.

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They fixed my twist of fate bug, because i'm Lucidity. but they apparently didn't listen to your thread, how unfortunate. Anet, fix this bug before elemental Queen Lucidity shoves it down your throat C: it needs to be posted to the bug section of the forums so they'll actually read it...lord knows anet only plays GS classes.

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Cast times too.Earth #5, 2sec cast, it lost 33% of its dmg. Fire #5, same dmg ...Sure you apply bleeding too, you can use Flash, earth #3 to immobilize etc; but it was worth when you could do +10k dmg and you had stab, not 6k at the very best with no stab.And fire #2, water #2, >2sec cast times with awkward cone you can kite with side-to side movement and now mitigate dmg.
Dmg could stay the same, I get it from Anet "No OP skills (*for ele, **except fire weaver)", but we could have some QoL and more dynamic skills on daggers.

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@"primatos.5413" said:Day 5. Body 4 characters too short.

Better be ready, those...kitties from moderation will soon purge you down because of bumping post.

I still hope that its a bug (ikr its new "mechanic", but its so shit that its unbelivable, and not even put in patch notes). Why would one want to use dagg as off-hand nowadays? The only thing it has that focus dont is little bit better movement. Ty ANet for ruining another build :+1:

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They need to add in at least a means of contorting the dodge so it becomes it self a dodge roll button that you can chose which way you dodge. As well as making it into a trap that hits 5 targets the set delay is too long for it to be a normal cc skill now. I think its the same timing for a trap to set up so why not make it into a trap. They may want to rethink dagger off hand and maybe foces to have a trap effect on all of its skills that have become to long of a cast time with low to no dmg after this update.

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I used it against thiefs, revs etc, the guys who backstab you from nowhere. You still have the evade, but unless they're bored, they are not disabled anymore.In 1v1 scenario it's almost an useless cc, the delay is too long and obviously doesn't fit the animation.I mean, it should not be a turn based skill"My turn, Updraft._Oh, okai, let's wait the end of your animation, and ... now I move from the red circle"Why 1 full second delay ?

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