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Why all profession has been balanced and Necro is so unbalanced?


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@lare.5129 said:

@"Virdo.1540" said:Its almost dumb to play something besides necro. I hope they fix it soonbut why so small amount people play necro ? why it not 90%+?Minimum calculation should be 35%. So main question "how can we boos necro" to make it more attractive ? Someone should dominate and if it will be necro - this is be normal way

life siphonimprove and make more powerful siphon for all classes is man balance idea. Welcome.

tbh in wvw its almost 50%

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Gotta be honest this just reads to me as "what happens when you take away all necros' weaknesses and let them keep their strengths"Necro weakness is that they can't chase and they can't disengage and they don't have great tools to defend themselves against focus fire.In 2v2 there's no need to chase because the map is so small, disengaging isn't an option anyway, and there aren't enough enemies that being focus fired on is a threat.

You may as well say "mice OP in game mode without cats"

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@hotte in space.2158 said:The biggest problem with necro is, that its so hard to stomp. You get feared first and then he gets rezzed. Thats especially a problem, when necro has classes like FB/guard or ranger on his side.I had several matches now, when we had downed the necro, but we couldnt kill him and he came up again. That has to be fixed !

I Had a match where we downed a necro 4 times and the fb 2 times.So when the last time the necro got downed ofc the fb immediately started to revive him, but we finally managed to down the fb too the necro had like 98% hp when the gua got downed, me and my team8 had 5-10%hp, and the necro with his downed aa skill revived himself, i instantly jump on him with heartseeker bamm 7.8k necro activates shroud presses skill 1 me and my team8 insta die, then he presses shroud4 and basically kills us he aint bother reviving the fb.

SO yeah necro needs a lich form nerf, a downed 1 skill nerf(since like Hot tho), and dunno what changed but last time i was playing this game necro could not heal his hp pool while in shrouds however now, he heals back like 10-15k hp if he starts from full shroud.Needlesly to say i immeditately raqe quitted after the loss(was the last match not mid game) and uninstalled the game. However i do have to say the balance is nice now, maybe too many condi builds its like 30%-70% towards condi, i loved the 2vs2 maps i just dont enjoy this game anymore thats why the uninstall

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Too many people are focused in on core Necro being too strong in 2v2.

Maybe they are, but not in 5v5. They are esay to CC and focus down as an easy kill in seconds during a team fight. You just need to keep your cleanses ready for doom and don't waste your time burning your burst into thier shroud. Just wait for shroud to expire - They still squishy AF when out of shroud and super susceptible to CC.

I don't see them as anymore than a problem we had 2 seasons ago when we had unkillable scrappers.

I play reaper and actually have more issues against another reaper with chill and burst down then with a core necro.

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Necro life force is over tuned. 5v5 sure they can sit on point take a beating and die. Have them as a side noder and you have to get 3 ppl to take it down after probably a minute of kiting and going through shroud 3 times. Fear of death needs to be shaved by half and sognet of undeath should regen health not shroud

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Had a dual core necro fight. No matter how much you try to outplay them. They will simply outlast you with ease.

Overall the balance is superb compared to what we had before. I only hope that devs will react quicker and do more frequent tweaks to classes before, whatever is meta, raises too much dissapointment and unneeded toxicity against players.

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@James.1065 said:Too many people are focused in on core Necro being too strong in 2v2.

Maybe they are, but not in 5v5. They are esay to CC and focus down as an easy kill in seconds during a team fight. You just need to keep your cleanses ready for doom and don't waste your time burning your burst into thier shroud. Just wait for shroud to expire - They still squishy AF when out of shroud and super susceptible to CC.

I don't see them as anymore than a problem we had 2 seasons ago when we had unkillable scrappers.

I play reaper and actually have more issues against another reaper with chill and burst down then with a core necro.

That can work with reapers. Core necro have such a high LF regeneration that they can stay in shroud pretty much indefinitely unless they get some serious fire on them (and even then... is it even balanced if you need to have 3 people pounding you before you start feeling some pressure?)

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