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How to fix the new player experience.

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Just to clarify. we, as players have no evidence of how things are in arenanet, not on one side of the argument or the other. All we can do is speculate based on what we see in the forums and what is actually released.We didn't get a new expansion because of a reason. That reason could very well be that past expansions didn't do well enough to justify the money and time they require. That's all we can do, speculate.

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@joneirikb.7506 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Nowadays, it's not like the Core game is without restrictions (sans the very few that might find a Serial Key for the original release). If players like what they see (or want Mounts or Gliding or Elite Specs), they will likely purchase the expansion(s) long before Orr or Zhaitan.

Also, what's wrong with Orr?

1: its ugly.2: filled with annoying, sounds3:no hearts4:im pretty sure, that it kicked my dog AND ruined my childhood

I used to hate Orr on launch (mostly because of the undead-wasteland theme), but nowadays they're my favorite core maps.

1: I can kind of agree, but I've just learned to appreciate the weird mix of colors, almost like an oil spill.2: Never noticed3: This is one of the main reasons I LOVE the maps, I mean seriously kitten hearts! I think all my favorite maps these days are anything without hearts (Tangled Depts excepted).4: Another reason why Orr maps are my favorite cor maps, are because the monsters actually try to fight back, later maps are better for this, but Orr are about the only Core maps where you can actually die to mobs if you don't pay attention.

So, people are different, and got different opinions and tastes, the sun continues to rise each morning.

imagine you buy tickets to a rock concert. the first set is great, the whole room is rocking. then they just switch to guy, reading poems.and the 3rd act is modern expressionistic dance. not much of a ROCK CONCERT , was it?even when the first set was great, that band wont sell many more ticketsthis is the same.

Actually the opposite, you go to a rock concert, and only the LAST act lives up to it. All the maps before that are poem readings and teaching you how to knit socks.

But back to the topic, different people like different things. So if you liked all the maps before Orr and hated everything from Orr and that they released later, just say so. Instead of trying to make up some numbers games about it. You don't even seem to be trying to make arguments in your last few posts, it sounds more like you're trying to argue that my favorite color isn't my favorite color because it has to be another color that I don't like.

if the core game was that bad, they would had tanked hard, like swtor did, and they didnt

Well everything up to Orr is honestly so easy you can afk auto attack through most of it, Orr was the first area that posed any difficulty. So it's exactly like that, poems and knitting until level 70-75, and then a rock concert from 70-80 in Orr as you finally have to use the combat system.

And if your main thing against Orr is that "I don't like it." at least say so clearly, instead of trying to make up numbers and such.

You could just as well turn those numbers on the head and say that the ones that stayed with the game almost to a man bought the expansion packs, so the expansion packs are why they still play, while all those that didn't buy the expansions didn't stick around and thus left the game. That wouldn't make a stellar argument for Core though.

and how many times have they nerfed orr now? 3? 4?. same with hot. you can bet , that they wouldnt waste time and resources on that, if they didnt HAVE to.and if the core was THAT bad, they wouldnt be able to sell any expansions AT ALL.who , in their right minds would buy expansions for a game THEY DIDNT LIKE IN THE FIRST PLACE???

They nerfed Core Tyria just as many times, we're not even allowed to fight champions in starter maps any longer. And entire HoT expansion is exactly because they listened to fans, because the majority of the vocal fans at the time was bored to death with kindergarden core-tyria that didn't have any challenge, nor any "end-game", so they ASKED for harder content with more traditional "end-game" stuff, thus raids and a murderous jungle. We wouldn't have gotten HoT the way it was if players didn't ask for it.

And I've met plenty of people that didn't like core tyria at all, but did end up liking the expansions etc. There is absolutely NO BLANKET STATEMENTS when it comes to player taste.

Speak for yourself, don't try to speak for others.

(And I'm still sad about all the nerfing, on all the maps.)

The reason the champions were removed from the starter maps was because of the champ farming trains in places like Queensdale. There was a lot of bad behavior on the part of a plurality of the farmers towards new players, which allegedly hurt new player retention. Eventually Arenanet stepped in and removed the reason for the trains.

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Sorry for being a dissenter, but I think the levels is a good thing. At most maybe making the elites available at level 1 if you're insistent on no levels. There's easy leveling and so on, leveling and being part of the world was part of the fun for me as a start, and I incredibly enjoy the challenge of taking a low level character into a high level zone as a personal minigame. If they removed levels, I would be very very very sad. I know various others who enjoy the same challenge, and leveling is fast enough that it isn't really an issue to get to level 80. As a new player going in (this was the first mmorpg I had really met), theThe events are a lot of fun and flavor.

This may be updated already, but the main thing as FTP newbie I remember that really made there be less chatter was that map chat was only available to P2P, so was trading post. I'm not too bugged about the trading post, but maybe map chat being available to F2P so they can ask questions properly would automatically make it more newbie friendly. The LFG tool tutorial doesn't really explain sufficiently what it can be used for, which isn't necessarily the tutorial's fault, but I think at least they should go over it a bit more than 'look this is the dungeon fractal section!" . The userbase tends to use all of the openworld/PvE section and then it's mostly empty in the sections like RP or whatever or dungeons so it can be hard for a new player to find that.

So, map chat = ftp, I think that would auto make it pretty newbie friendly. The most difficult thing is that newbies can't really ask. (If it's now FTP I think it's already newbie friendly enough.).
However, that also does come with the risk of people spamming map chat with awful stuff for lulz on free accounts, so your mileage may vary. I think the whole thing where ftp cannot whisper people out of map does probably cut down on toxic player behavior so....

I'm also with the person who talked about RPG factor being important. The draw at least for me and for many, many mmorpg players is the rpg element immersion. GW2 does a good job of appealing to a wide fanbase of players, but a huge part of the draw is immersion, and it's already something where if you don't actively immerse yourself you can drop out of the immersed in the world mindset (go for dailies every day and lazy loo) and get bored and drop the game. If they drop even more immersion/ levels / RPG factor I think it would be really really bad for the game.

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Nowadays, it's not like the Core game is without restrictions (sans the very few that might find a Serial Key for the original release). If players like what they see (or want Mounts or Gliding or Elite Specs), they will likely purchase the expansion(s) long before Orr or Zhaitan.

Also, what's wrong with Orr?

1: its ugly.2: filled with annoying, sounds3:no hearts4:im pretty sure, that it kicked my dog AND ruined my childhood

I used to hate Orr on launch (mostly because of the undead-wasteland theme), but nowadays they're my favorite core maps.

1: I can kind of agree, but I've just learned to appreciate the weird mix of colors, almost like an oil spill.2: Never noticed3: This is one of the main reasons I LOVE the maps, I mean seriously kitten hearts! I think all my favorite maps these days are anything without hearts (Tangled Depts excepted).4: Another reason why Orr maps are my favorite cor maps, are because the monsters actually try to fight back, later maps are better for this, but Orr are about the only Core maps where you can actually die to mobs if you don't pay attention.

So, people are different, and got different opinions and tastes, the sun continues to rise each morning.

imagine you buy tickets to a rock concert. the first set is great, the whole room is rocking. then they just switch to guy, reading poems.and the 3rd act is modern expressionistic dance. not much of a ROCK CONCERT , was it?even when the first set was great, that band wont sell many more ticketsthis is the same.

Actually the opposite, you go to a rock concert, and only the LAST act lives up to it. All the maps before that are poem readings and teaching you how to knit socks.

But back to the topic, different people like different things. So if you liked all the maps before Orr and hated everything from Orr and that they released later, just say so. Instead of trying to make up some numbers games about it. You don't even seem to be trying to make arguments in your last few posts, it sounds more like you're trying to argue that my favorite color isn't my favorite color because it has to be another color that I don't like.

if the core game was that bad, they would had tanked hard, like swtor did, and they didnt

Well everything up to Orr is honestly so easy you can afk auto attack through most of it, Orr was the first area that posed any difficulty. So it's exactly like that, poems and knitting until level 70-75, and then a rock concert from 70-80 in Orr as you finally have to use the combat system.

And if your main thing against Orr is that "I don't like it." at least say so clearly, instead of trying to make up numbers and such.

You could just as well turn those numbers on the head and say that the ones that stayed with the game almost to a man bought the expansion packs, so the expansion packs are why they still play, while all those that didn't buy the expansions didn't stick around and thus left the game. That wouldn't make a stellar argument for Core though.

and how many times have they nerfed orr now? 3? 4?. same with hot. you can bet , that they wouldnt waste time and resources on that, if they didnt HAVE to.and if the core was THAT bad, they wouldnt be able to sell any expansions AT ALL.who , in their right minds would buy expansions for a game THEY DIDNT LIKE IN THE FIRST PLACE???

They nerfed Core Tyria just as many times, we're not even allowed to fight champions in starter maps any longer. And entire HoT expansion is exactly because they listened to fans, because the majority of the vocal fans at the time was bored to death with kindergarden core-tyria that didn't have any challenge, nor any "end-game", so they ASKED for harder content with more traditional "end-game" stuff, thus raids and a murderous jungle. We wouldn't have gotten HoT the way it was if players didn't ask for it.

And I've met plenty of people that didn't like core tyria at all, but did end up liking the expansions etc. There is absolutely NO BLANKET STATEMENTS when it comes to player taste.

Speak for yourself, don't try to speak for others.

(And I'm still sad about all the nerfing, on all the maps.)

The reason the champions were removed from the starter maps was because of the champ farming trains in places like Queensdale. There was a lot of bad behavior on the part of a plurality of the farmers towards new players, which allegedly hurt new player retention. Eventually Arenanet stepped in and removed the reason for the trains.

Yes I'm aware of why they did that specific change to those maps (and I agree with it, and think that one change was a good one). But that wasn't the point of my post, I was saying that every map been "nerfed", not just the HoT maps that the poster I responded to was talking about, but also every single Core map, that said poster was so fond off.

So by that logic, if people complained that HoT was too hard thus it got nerfed. Then the same argument is that people complained that Core maps where too hard (and thus horrible, bad, terribad etc), and got nerfed. Circular logic, and can not be verified in either way.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@battledrone.8315 said:and they had MANY more players back then . so, the drop is going to be much bigger too.prolly not dead, but in a much worse state, than now. mmos without expansions are in limbo.im playing champions online, and THAT game is in maintenance mode. but they stilll managed to make a new class.something is very wrong with the number of anet workers and the amount of content they put out

Too much hype and promises do bring lots of players in.I'm confused about the expansions comment though, if the expansions were so horrible why would you need an expansion for this game? Why don't you move on after all these years? Or you are simply trolling the boards

good expansions bring money and playersbad expansions not so muchlook at wow, steady numbers when they were following the formula, after MoP, steady declineand more core game is the only thing anet havent tried yetdo you really not see the pattern here?

Not really answering my question. From what you say I'd guess you didn't like S1 or S2 either, if you disliked Orr that much, Silverwastes/Dry Top would overwhelm you even more. Heart of Thorns was released in 2015, you didn't like it. Path of Fire was released in 2017, you didn't like it. This means you haven't liked what this game offers since early 2013/ late 2012. That's 8 years of not liking something yet posting on the forums.

Do notice that both expansions brought money and players. It's a few quarters after the expansions that they started to decline (which is normal, you release another expansion to move forward)

if the expansions were so successful, then why havent they made another yet? they should have the resources for it, and there is a clear demand for it too


Development is underway on a third Guild Wars 2 expansion. The team is hard at work, and it’s much too soon to talk about any details right now, including features, story, release date, or development timeline. We’ll have to stick to that until we’re ready to reveal more information to the world. When we are ready, you’ll definitely know!

So much for your great theories.

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@joneirikb.7506 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Nowadays, it's not like the Core game is without restrictions (sans the very few that might find a Serial Key for the original release). If players like what they see (or want Mounts or Gliding or Elite Specs), they will likely purchase the expansion(s) long before Orr or Zhaitan.

Also, what's wrong with Orr?

1: its ugly.2: filled with annoying, sounds3:no hearts4:im pretty sure, that it kicked my dog AND ruined my childhood

I used to hate Orr on launch (mostly because of the undead-wasteland theme), but nowadays they're my favorite core maps.

1: I can kind of agree, but I've just learned to appreciate the weird mix of colors, almost like an oil spill.2: Never noticed3: This is one of the main reasons I LOVE the maps, I mean seriously kitten hearts! I think all my favorite maps these days are anything without hearts (Tangled Depts excepted).4: Another reason why Orr maps are my favorite cor maps, are because the monsters actually try to fight back, later maps are better for this, but Orr are about the only Core maps where you can actually die to mobs if you don't pay attention.

So, people are different, and got different opinions and tastes, the sun continues to rise each morning.

Yes same i used to loath Orr then they made HoT and i now love Orr... haha, i didn't think it could get worse, boy was i wrong.

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