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Can we get a nerf to block on guardian pls?


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@Avatar.3568 said:Dude you are necro, you can convert boons into conditions, when a guard is using his block skills, than stop attack instead of wasting them at the blocks

I'm playing a ranger right now try fighting 1v1 on ranger its ridiculous being able to have block up 24/7. Also i was trying to get away i had swiftness up

@GewRoo.4172 said:Clueless players with close to no experience or game knowledge shouldn't ask for nerfs btw.

I've fought this guy several times he can keep up there is no way i can beat this guy on ranger if he keeps that barrier up. I cannot stun him i cannot dmg him i cannot hurt him. Block is an ultra-strong tool and its on very very low cooldown.

@Tharan.9085 said:Playing broken class, cries about build He should be able to kill

You know what they say about assumptions right? where you make a fool of yourself?

I told you guys i play multiple classes not just necro.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:Dude you are necro, you can convert boons into conditions, when a guard is using his block skills, than stop attack instead of wasting them at the blocks

I'm playing a ranger right now try fighting 1v1 on ranger its ridiculous being able to have block up 24/7. Also i was trying to get away i had swiftness up

@GewRoo.4172 said:Clueless players with close to no experience or game knowledge shouldn't ask for nerfs btw.

I've fought this guy several times he can keep up there is no way i can beat this guy on ranger if he keeps that barrier up. I cannot stun him i cannot dmg him i cannot hurt him. Block is an ultra-strong tool and its on very very low cooldown.

@Tharan.9085 said:Playing broken class, cries about build He should be able to kill

You know what they say about assumptions right? where you make a fool of yourself?

I told you guys i play multiple classes not just necro.

Fun fact, ranger actually counters guard

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I dunno how if he can keep spamming block unless there is a way to have a unblockable attack to actually burst the guardian down, because it has like 5-8 sec cd and he can just keep spamming it. If i can't land at least 1 knock back slash stun then killing him is going to be neigh impossible. If he cannot be hurt it won't matter what attack i do because if i do sic em he will just block or just evade which is why i need to knock him back to even get it.

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As ranger, my suggestion for you, force blocks with longbow 5 and 2 and auto attack, first attack always 1 to kill the aegis, than 4 and 2 or 5 to get consistely rid of the blocks, than you Hage signet of hunt 6 sec unblock, and the "call of the wild (?)" trait at marksmanship to get unblock on you or pet (depends on core ranger or soulbeast)Press 2,5,2 on gs done

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@"Avatar.3568" said:As ranger, my suggestion for you, force blocks with longbow 5 and 2 and auto attack, first attack always 1 to kill the aegis, than 4 and 2 or 5 to get consistely rid of the blocks, than you Hage signet of hunt 6 sec unblock, and the "call of the wild (?)" trait at marksmanship to get unblock on you or pet (depends on core ranger or soulbeast)Press 2,5,2 on gs done

Core ranger bud using a build that was given to me. I had godofpvp but i changed because it was very inefficient.

How do I deal more dmg then? because I also have trouble breaking reaper shroud fast. I need to figure out to get those 10k shots on bear and others on reaper shroud to get rid of it as fast as possible

I was told use sickem for dmg but sickem gives me swiftness and regen but not seeing huge numbers unless the plan is to build might before sickem and ferocity and all those other stuff

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Thing about ranger is as a whole it's very versitile and with right build u could have a guard saying nerf ranger cuz my blocks are useless lol. U just happen to run a build not great against blocks. I play a lot of slb and sometimes guards shut me down using aegis,blocks and invuls but it's due to my trait and utility choices more than guards blocks being OP. Although guards deff have a crap ton of damage avoidance lol.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"Avatar.3568" said:As ranger, my suggestion for you, force blocks with longbow 5 and 2 and auto attack, first attack always 1 to kill the aegis, than 4 and 2 or 5 to get consistely rid of the blocks, than you Hage signet of hunt 6 sec unblock, and the "call of the wild (?)" trait at marksmanship to get unblock on you or pet (depends on core ranger or soulbeast)Press 2,5,2 on gs done

Core ranger bud using a build that was given to me. I had godofpvp but i changed because it was very inefficient.

How do I deal more dmg then? because I also have trouble breaking reaper shroud fast. I need to figure out to get those 10k shots on bear and others on reaper shroud to get rid of it as fast as possible

I was told use sickem for dmg but sickem gives me swiftness and regen but not seeing huge numbers unless the plan is to build might before sickem and ferocity and all those other stuff

Maybe get in touch with how the class actually works. This includes reading up and figuring out which combos to use for certain things.

The godsofpvp builds is also on metabattle with a decent explanation as to how the build works: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Ranger_-_Power_Survival

I'd start there before asking for other classes to get nerfed.

EDIT:also always a good approach is to duel a friend, guild member or simply in the pvp arenas to get a feel for the build. If available, check if streamers run the build and watch a few of their fights to get a feel for which skill to use when.

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@Avatar.3568 said:@Axl.8924 can I see your build pls?

Nature magic 232Beastmastery 332Marksmanship 232


Demolisher ammy Rune of divinitySigil of battle on Gs and sigil of energyBow Sigil of battle Sigil of energy.

My idea is to try and get as much might as I possibly can combine because i need to deal a lot of dmg to burst down reaper because that shroud after the huge nerfs of dmg has huge sustain, and he can keep sustaining for a very long time and outsurvive me if I'm not careful.

Plan: If I see a reaper shoot him to run away use hunters shot hide and run get away as fast as possible maybe use strategically trolls unguent to run away shoot him, but Unless I figure out if I can out dmg his sustain, I doubt I can kill him alone. I feel like ranger has to +1 a lot of builds to get kills unless I'm missing something?

That's really the gist of it: Doing enough damage to out dmg the sustain some builds have.

Also inb4 you accuse me of not dueling, I have been dueling many people in the arena to get an idea, and I have dueled multiple reapers already multiple guardians(yes firebrand before the nerf was a lot tougher and def more op) I dueled other rangers with similar builds, thieves with P/P thieves with S/D necros core with condi condi herald, power herald i think its power? with the teleporty attack, core rev with axe(I know its core because someone told me its axe 3 or axe 4 with the black fissure thing with red outlines, and herald has that swirling effect under them, which i still don't know what that really is) Power renegade with bow with its effects that shoot the fire bow shot whatever that is ETC ETC. I have dueled a bunch of classes already, that's the point.

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Swap out NM for WS 122, NM imo is for combo'ing with WS for mediocre dps but high sustain. 2h training is a must for gs builds now cuz sustains high. If a guards in ur match run soh. Also trade off to soulbeast wasn't game breaking as a lot of qq'ers are saying. ws/bm/slb with urchin,lightning refl,QZ,soh and sotp have served me well vs guards just try and avoid melee and when u can't WS gives u great condi removal options.

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@Axl.8924 said:Was fighting one in 1v1 duel and he could keep it spammed 80-90% of the time being invuln to damage, and thats just kitten broken.

Something like double the cd pls? not asking for triple or anything but at least 40-50 sec cd.

Can you let me know about this 80% block? Seems so cool I want to play it..

The best you can do is maybe 2 aegis every 10-12 secs, in a minute span. Sure you can stack much early on.. but you wont have much in the end.

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@GewRoo.4172 said:

@phokus.8934 said:This is the problem with this player base - ask for nerfs when playing severely sub-optimal builds and not knowing the class they're playing.

Look at his post history he doesn't even know the game yet is engaging in balance discussions. How is that allowed? Nerf forum warriors reeee

i'l have you know i was pvping for quite a while in 1v1 duels on ranger so far, and i've played this game before, so inb4 you call me a total noob.

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@Axl.8924 said:Was fighting one in 1v1 duel and he could keep it spammed 80-90% of the time being invuln to damage, and thats just kitten broken.

Something like double the cd pls? not asking for triple or anything but at least 40-50 sec cd.

@Axl.8924 said:

@phokus.8934 said:This is the problem with this player base - ask for nerfs when playing severely sub-optimal builds and not knowing the class they're playing.

Look at his post history he doesn't even know the game yet is engaging in balance discussions. How is that allowed? Nerf forum warriors reeee

i'l have you know i was pvping for quite a while in 1v1 duels on ranger so far, and i've played this game before, so inb4 you call me a total noob.

Getting outplayed and being angry at the result is never a reason to call for a nerf. Carry on folks.

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