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Some Ideas to make Support Tempest better.


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General Notes at the bottom


  • Blinding Ashes
  • Reduced Internal Cooldown to 5 Seconds. Blinding an opponent deals damage. 500(0.8) Based on Condition damage.


  • Elemantal Shielding
  • In addition to granting Protection, this traits now grants 1 stack of stability for 2 seconds when applying an Aura.
  • Note: Auras granting Stab is like a dream come true. Because Auras can be spammed, it should be a low amount of Stab.


  • Soothing Ice

  • Removed from the Game. Replaced by Soothing Auras.

  • Soothing Auras

  • Auras grant the Soothing Mist effect for 5 seconds. (Even when not in Water Attunement)

  • Note: Having the ability to grant this effect outside of Water seems like a good idea and gives Soothing Power a reason to exist.

  • Powerful Aura

  • Removed from the Water Traitline. This Trait replaces Gathered Focus in the Tempest Traitline.

  • Note: We have 2 Support Traits as GMs now. Replace it with an Damage Focused Trait.


  • Zephyr´s Boon
  • In Addition to Fury and Swiftness, this Trait grants 2 seconds of Superspeed when an Aura ends.


  • Gale Song

  • Removed from the game.

  • Note: Maybe replace it with an Damage Focused Trait.

  • Gathered Focus

  • Removed from the game. Replaced by Powerful Aura.

  • Note: This makes Aura Sharing for Tempest baseline.

  • Tempestuous Aria

  • Target Increase Removed. Now grants 6 Stacks of Might for 5 Seconds.

  • Note: Might by to weak but Anet wants to remove all 10 Target effects from the Game.

  • Hardy Conduit

  • This Trait now grants Protection to allies. Reduced Protection duration to 2 seconds in WvW/PvP

  • Elemantal Bastion

  • Removed the Frost Aura on 75% Life. Replaced by : Aura last 33% Longer.

General Notes.

Fire is already a good Traitline for Support Tempest because of Condi Clear on Aura but needs a usefull GM trait to go along with it.Having the ability to spam Blind, especialy on a large scale in WvW, would make this Trait Line even more attractive.

We NEED a Trait that gives Tempest the option to grant Stability on Aura if Tempest ever wants to compete with Firebrand.The Earth Traitline is the Perfect Place for it because it would mean that the Player needs to choose between Condi Cleanse in Fire or Stability in Earth.

Removing Aura Share from Water and my Idea of an additional Methode to Share Soothing Mist makes both Gms left in Water a good Option. Maybe Cleasing Water would need a ICD when traited with Tempest.

Im not sure about Tempestuous Aria but removing the 10 Target Shout WILL happen in the future.
And i would love it if Invigorating Torrents would actually the Meta choice. Could be to strong with Cleasing Water.

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Blinding ashes buff is unnecessary, it's already good trait for supports in pvp modes, blind is a very strong condition and you can proc the trait basically on cooldown (which is low enough) due to fire aura.

Stability and superspeed on auras is a bit over the top as well since you can spam them (and not just to yourself, but to allies), so without at least 10 sec icd they would be a bit too broken.

I like all other suggestions and I think that both tempest (adept) and water (grandmaster) lack another damage/offensive kind of trait. Water one should be related to chill (there's adept related to vuln), for example applying chill does damage or inflicts certain condition or freezes enemy instead of chilling (with a reasonable icd).

I also feel like hardy conduit+lucid singularity (immunity to movement condies on overload) should be merged into minor trait, but instead of applying protection and making it stronger, it should just provide flat damage reduction (lets say 20%) during overload as a separate buff. That leaves GM trait open to some boon application trait through shouts or warhorn skills for example.

Another option instead of removing eye of the storm is merging it with one of the master traits related to shouts (like weaver has stone resonance proc + buffed stances in 1 trait). I think that tempest could also use a trait where it changes some (or all) overloads for example turning water into ice overload which focuses on offense instead of supporting, as well as turn lightning (current air) into wind overload to be more supportive (since both fire [burn+heat] and earth [stone+dust] have offense+support to them).

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Some Ideas to make Support Tempest better.

Quickness / alacrity / dmg buff (And not "on hit, icd 2sec")

Replaced by Soothing AurasAuras grant the Soothing Mist effect for 5 seconds. (Even when not in Water Attunement)

You can already give a good uptime of soothing mist as the buff lasts for 10sec even if you leave water, and repeat every 3sec. So you can loop it easily even if you don't stay in water.

Elemantal ShieldingIn addition to granting Protection, this traits now grants 1 stack of stability for 2 seconds when applying an Aura.

I would prefer it grants a magnetic aura for 2sec but stab is cool too, may be a bit too powerful. Otherwise the trait is just poor

Soothing Ice. Removed from the Game. Replaced by Soothing Auras.Removed the Frost Aura on 75% Life. Replaced by : Aura last 33% Longer.

You want to delete auras from traits to make support tempest better ... !? IMO the ideal would be to do the opposite. I want more auras, like Magnetic aura on "elemental shielding", a light aura on " Zephyr's boon" even if it's only 2sec.I'm okai, the +33% fire aura in fire lane is may be a bit too powerful for the core fire spec and should be in tempest lane, like "auras last +1sec"

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Some kind of stab, either on all auras (like 1 stack 1-2 sec) or more realistically on a specific aura like magnetic (but maybe 2 stacks for 3 sec or similar) would be nice. Maybe this trait could replace "Rock Solid".

2nd pickable trait in water could use some actual good options. The current ones are very mediocre and 2 of them are also extremely bland (1 condi clear on water/tiny 10 sec cd heal on dodge)

Other than that the spec feels in a good spot. Overall very balanced class with mostly relevant trait choices in each tier. With the 1 exception being the lack of stability.

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Support is fine. The only real weakness is lack of stunbreak and stab. Power burst and cc can make support tempest feel kind of useless. While the meta is shifting towards condi, warrior thief reaper and power rev are still pretty threatening. Once anet addresses a way to deal with cc spam I think you will find tempest in a much better spot

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Transmutation would fix a lot about tempest and core ele. Transmutation have a build in cost of eating an aura and lock to weapons as well as a cast time and short aoe ranged 240.Every element line should have an on aura applying effect as well as transmutation in one. All of these need to be moved to Master level. Air should be fury and swift on aura and 2 sec super speed on transmutation. Earth should be protection on aura and 3 stack 3 sec duration stab on transmutation. Water should be powerful aura making auras aoe and a heal on transmutation.

I would also like to see an aura / transmutation skill on all conja weapons.

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@Jski.6180 said:Transmutation would fix a lot about tempest and core ele. Transmutation have a build in cost of eating an aura and lock to weapons as well as a cast time and short aoe ranged 240.Every element line should have an on aura applying effect as well as transmutation in one. All of these need to be moved to Master level. Air should be fury and swift on aura and 2 sec super speed on transmutation. Earth should be protection on aura and 3 stack 3 sec duration stab on transmutation. Water should be powerful aura making auras aoe and a heal on transmutation.

I would also like to see an aura / transmutation skill on all conja weapons.

I like this idea best.

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@"Malcastus.6240" said:Don't like support being the focus of ele. Ele needs a vitality and damage boost.

Better to ask high hp classes get a nerf to there hp as they are using an very out dated means of balancing back from the old traits system that let you get more hp though your traits.

Ele not dmg only that was the point of the ele class mind you it was destroyed as they added in more effects for other class but atument swaps and auras (as well as transmutation) is what makes the ele a class. A build should make a class dmg. There very good reason to ask for real support for the ele class out side of healing and condi clears as this leave very little interaction for the ele class effects and just makes it a "build a class as support" effect.

You could say tempest needs more "ele" support and weaver needs more "ele" dmg. Right now tempest is more of an ele where weaver is just a dmg + line not a real ele line. Your dmg / vit boots your asking for.

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