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Theory Craft...Will Alliances Be A Feature in 3rd Expansion?


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@Dawdler.8521 said:No, they're gonna announce that after the expansion has released they will 100% focus on WvW.

Good joke.

Now seriously... why people still think Alliances will be a thing after more of 2 years? This smoke was sold for keeping players quiet. If 3rd Expansion meant that WvW is closed fully ('cos not being worth to be worked in, or 'cos admitting it needs a whole rework and having to start from zero), would be a real advance for the game mode... but this either will happen.

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They HAD to tell people about the expansion as a strategy to hold at least the pve players.. otherwise they would move on to other games maybe. The expansion always pushed their income quite a bit so what shall they do? Working on it can be started even a half year later ... this move bought them time i think O.o

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That new expansion will be at least 2 years away from now. They will finish the icebrood saga first, and the other expansions took years, too. I seriously hope that alliances come much faster. My expectations are low though ... they don't mention "world restructuring" anymore in their look-aheads.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@"Gorani.7205" said:Packing it (or additional nice to have features surrounding alliance management) into a 3rd expansion will be a (perhaps the only) reason for WvW players to buy the expansion. It makes total sense from a business POV.

where would non expac players be put? eotm?

All numbers and ideas are hypothetical:The alliance feature could roll out with Expack 3. Players without the purchase of Expac 3 would get access to join 2 alliances, players with the Expac 3 will get "3 additional alliance slots". People with Expac 3 could also gain access to new stuff that come in addition to alliances, like the return of a WvW crafting station, a new guild buff (e.g. a combined WxP & reward rank buff, a new collection of account bound things etc.

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@Gorani.7205 said:

@Gorani.7205 said:Packing it (or additional nice to have features surrounding alliance management) into a 3rd expansion will be a (perhaps the only) reason for WvW players to buy the expansion. It makes total sense from a business POV.

where would non expac players be put? eotm?

All numbers and ideas are hypothetical:The alliance feature could roll out with Expack 3. Players without the purchase of Expac 3 would get access to join 2 alliances, players with the Expac 3 will get "3 additional alliance slots". People with Expac 3 could also gain access to new stuff that come in addition to alliances, like the return of a WvW crafting station, a new guild buff (e.g. a combined WxP & reward rank buff, a new collection of account bound things etc.

reduced functionality... I suppose that could work. depends on how many ppl it will piss off tho. imo its safer to give away improvements to the base game for free cuz to do otherwise would be seen as greedy, not to mention how janky it would be for the players when the details play out.

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