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New legendary amulet PVP


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Please devs, if you read this, take notes.

Next week, on March 17, manifest your power where everyone can witness it by crafting the legendary amulet Transcendence in PvP . -> This amulet is the ONLY WAY for PvP players to gain some sort of aura or effect, just like the pve collection thingies.

Please give some sort of aura to it, because PvP players have 0 use for STATS.

Make it worth playing for, make it something that can be shown in pvp matches or HoTM, just anything that shows some sort of effect.


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Yes please. Maaaany people are playing exclusively pvp and not the other game modes.Since it is a new legendary item obtainable by pvp it should also have at least some kind of visual effect in that game mode. You did it right with the ascension. But I am quite optimistic tbh, Aurora also shows off in pvp.

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I imagine they will both be Aurora copies and they will continue the trend they currently have where the effect keeps compiling onto the previous.

This also means that we will have a full set, so I'm excited to see what the new graphic will look like on a player that has all slots filled! I think people were speculating it would look like the eternal alchemy.

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