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New XPAC anounced - Cantha teased! - New Elite Spec?


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If we rule out those weapons that can be conjured, the list shrinks to:Mace, pistol, torch, rifle, off hand sword.

And pistol/rifle should be ruled out as they diverges from ele's theme.

Off hand sword feels somewhat duplicate with weaver.

So torch/mace is the way to go.

I would love mace as an option for heavy cc, which is not the strong suit of ele up to now. It would be even better if this spec gives group aegis/quickness/alacrity. (Both Necro and Mesmer have access to quickness while the same light armor class ele don't)

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We need a character evolution. Not new gizmos like new mounts, or boats(??) etc.Masteries are fun ... 10 minutes in open world... but are not fight/class gameplay, and mostly useless except for one or two maps.Legendary sets are just fashion (and a scam ... but... hmm okai)

New elite specs would be a nightmare for pvp/wvw to balance with old specs etc; but is a solution to this need of progress/evolution.

New weapons for classes (A spear, a scythe, ...a nunchaku? or just more choice for all classes) a bit like WoWSome skills to complete the sets (For example an elite signet for ele and necro, healing and elite preparation skills for thief, etc)A pet/mercenary/companion, like SWTOR or GW1, to train, equip with particular items, skills. (This is a disappointment I had about GW2; no double profession, no heroes ... your solo build is just so restricted)A "dragon champion transformation" where for 2 minutes you have +50% stat, quickness, you taunt all enemies in 1200 range, and you recharge it by killing mobs, gathering magic... Just an idea, I don't know.

Otherwise, new maps with my old equipment, my old build, press the same skills since 3 years already or more ... honestly I won't enjoy.

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I want to see a pure mages maybe foces main hand or NON wepon class where you can have any type of wepon in your hand that you want but you have set in stone skills base off of your traits of the elite spec. A sage class that has an aggressive build, def build, and support build but it cant do all 3 at the same time and loses all other wepon skills. The class will have "new" skills or reused skills from all other ele skills so it will kind of have 60 new skills but only able to do 20 of them at one time from only that set of 60.

Over all it will be a slow cast long cd big spells class. That is very week physically all though if you chose to go def you get strong self def and support def for your team at the cost of losing healing and dmg the same is true if you go into the other builds.

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There are a lot more interesting ideas out there, but I'd still like to see a Specialist specialization: an Elementalist that specializes in one element to the exclusion of the others. I know it seems contrary to not just the basic idea of the class, but what makes it unique, but it's part of something I see in a lot of places that just sort of bugs me. It just seems like, in a lot of games, there are either two situations: magic is just magic, and different elements just show up willy nilly across different spells, or you play an 'elementalist' and the elements are there, but you're still expected to make use of all of them. I love personalization, and I love theming things. I'd much prefer to be a Fire Mage or a Water Mage than the Avatar weaving all elements together.

The hardest part about such a specialization is the Trait Lines, since the Trait Lines literally are just the different elements, plus Arcane and the Elite Slot. Perhaps part of the specialization's gimmick could be that all Trait Lines now contribute in some way to the element you pick to specialize in (not sure exactly how you'd pick that, but it shouldn't be hard to find a solution to that).

Weapon swapping in combat would be easy to bring back for such a spec, at least, but obviously it would need just a little extra something to make it awesome and not just normal Elementalist with less choice.

Perhaps there could still be something like "sub-elements", somewhat similar to Weaver, but in a different context. Something like, if you pick Fire, you now have access to powerful Lava abilities as an F skill, which is technically adding Earth into the mix, but in a way that solidly feels like a Fire Mage still, rather than a generalist. If you pick Air, you might have access to Storm, which theoretically adds Water but is solidly themed as Air and doesn't require swapping around, or it could give lightning abilities the chance to ignite things.

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For Core and for all classes, unarmed should be its own weapon type and have their own weapon skills. To be unarmed is simply not equipping a weapon for a given weapon slot. Thus you can be half unarmed, for example Dagger/Unarmed. Or swap between say Staff and Unarmed. However unarmed can't equip sigils, so there's inherent disadvantage.

For Elementalist, since they can't swap weapons in combat, that means unarmed gives extra weapon combinations. Getting 20 new elemental skills on the weapon skill bar.

For the next elite, perhaps the mechanic is you never stay in one attunement, but instead continually, automatically change attunements after every weapon skill activation. So say after using a Fire skill, the weapon skill bar automatically changes to Water. Using a Water skill changes to Air, then to Earth, then back to Fire. You can still use F1 to F4 to restart the cycle to that attunement (which still have cooldowns).

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Why not a specialization with static weapon skills that are then modified by what weapon(s) you're wielding?Anet could then balance the power of the skills themselves, by simply modifying the strength of the skill vs. the range/AoE factor.Example: Elementalist #1 skill is a fireball (used to illustrate). With a dagger in hand it's a strong PBAoE, with a Staff it does less overall damage but becomes a 1200 range AoE that leaves behind a 3-second fire field.

Then the weapon swap mechanic could be put in play. And allows for a surprise factor. The whole Elementalist could be re-worked with this idea, shrinking the balance requirements, making the Ele easier to work with (both development and play) and allows for traits that are useful in a variety of situations since they'd apply across one attunement (i.e. Water) but two weapon sets and a variety of ranges.

An Elementalist designed in this way could also have skill effects added, such as fields, traps and wards that wouldn't need to be independently balanced each time a new Elite Spec or weapon gets released. Variety+power+ease of balance.

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