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On the subject of expac 3 and potential new elite specs.


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Hear me out, if its possible i think it would be for the best if you released the elite specs partially, at least in pve first for like a month then release them in pvp and wvw.

What does this do in theory:

Well for one it doesnt ruin the balance in all gamemodes on day 1 and gives more time to properly balance them for each mode.

How would i go about it: Release them in pve since that gamemode suffers the least from rocky balance (good balance is the content in pvp, its not the main content for pve) for some time (id say a month), gather feedback and tailor balance them for that game mode.

While thats happening have beta weekends run throughtout the month in pvp and wvw with the specs available. The specs would have a template tuning of numbers (a blank slate) and gather the feedback and itterate between each subsequent beta weekneds so by the end of the month we can reach a solid state for the specs in the competitive gamemodes.

Then release the specs in pvp and wvw with split values based on the feedback and playtest that was done.

That way you achieve a much more controlled environment to get feedback and balance the specs for all 3 gamemodes.

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You could make them only be usable in unranked for a months to get something similar to a test server. Make some special unranked reward events in addition and make it offseason (so ranked is the usual miniseason 2v2, 3v3 or i would also love a 1v1 no matter of balance issues), so ppl have enough incentives to play unranked and test out new specs (but also still would play old specs or core if this is more rewarding because the new spec is too weak because there is somehting to win).

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ANet did beta weekends in PvP before the expansions released where anyone with a preorder could play the new specs in unranked and hot join.

For both expansions at release, the new elite specs were too strong. You should understand why before making proposals like this.

The previous two iterations of elite specs were almost all mechanically poorly designed. They felt weak compared to existing specs because the mechanic change didn't play well. The response was usually to throw tons of number buffs at it, leading to it being overpowered. Dragon hunter is the most egregious example.

With more focus on tradeoffs for elite specs, I don't see that trend repeating to the same degree again.

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@Exedore.6320 said:ANet did beta weekends in PvP before the expansions released where anyone with a preorder could play the new specs in unranked and hot join.

For both expansions at release, the new elite specs were too strong. You should understand why before making proposals like this.

The previous two iterations of elite specs were almost all mechanically poorly designed. They felt weak compared to existing specs because the mechanic change didn't play well. The response was usually to throw tons of number buffs at it, leading to it being overpowered. Dragon hunter is the most egregious example.

With more focus on tradeoffs for elite specs, I don't see that trend repeating to the same degree again.

Could be, hopefully if we get new specs they are being designed with tradeoffs in mind.

The proposal is to extend the testing period for pvp and wvw compaired to the older testing period for elitespecs 1 and 2.

A number of elite specs have tradeoffs rn and some would argue they are very dominant atm regardless.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Different game modes with different rule sets so no, this won’t achieve the desired outcome you want.

I dont understand the statement, yes the diff gamemodes have diff rules hence why they split balance them.

I'll make it simple... you cannot balance pvp through pve which is what you're asking for.

Regardless, this isn't going to happen so a moot topic of discussion.

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@phokus.8934 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Different game modes with different rule sets so no, this won’t achieve the desired outcome you want.

I dont understand the statement, yes the diff gamemodes have diff rules hence why they split balance them.

I'll make it simple... you cannot balance pvp through pve which is what you're asking for.

Regardless, this isn't going to happen so a moot topic of discussion.

no i wasnt asking for this, i was asking to not release them all at once and instead release first for pve balance it there while also runnign beta weekends for pvp and wvw, collect feedback and release the pvp version with split balance tuning based on said feedback.

But someone suggested only having them available in unranked for pvp which is a g9od alternative too.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Different game modes with different rule sets so no, this won’t achieve the desired outcome you want.

I dont understand the statement, yes the diff gamemodes have diff rules hence why they split balance them.

I'll make it simple... you cannot balance pvp through pve which is what you're asking for.

Regardless, this isn't going to happen so a moot topic of discussion.

no i wasnt asking for this, i was asking to not release them all at once and instead release first for pve balance it there while also runnign beta weekends for pvp and wvw, collect feedback and release the pvp version with split balance tuning based on said feedback.

But someone suggested only having them available in unranked for pvp which is a g9od alternative too.

Or you can go and play any of the free moba out there...this is a casual MMO

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Personally, I like the idea of making them only available in unranked for a while - give people a chance to get used to them, and the balance team a chance to see how they operate, before they start showing up in ranked and in tournaments. I'd certainly rather not see a repeat of the PoF release where they suddenly showed up mid-season.

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