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How do u prepare.....

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@dodgerrule.8739 said:

@dodgerrule.8739 said:Prepare by getting all masteries first. I believe it will be in quarter 3 or 4 of this year.

This year? That is not going to happen. We aren't even halfway through the Saga and the expansion is very much distant future from their announcement. It'll be mid-late next year at the earliest more likely

The length of the saga was never confirmed and if I was right it will be only 6 episodes.

I'm pretty sure it's 9 episodes(based on some things data mined by That Shaman), and I don't expect the expansion before 2022, maybe late 2021, but if they just started it sometime this year, early to mid(even late) 2022 would be more likely, unless we want something rushed out the door again. As for prepping, not a damn thing, no need to prep for something so far out.

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I try my luck with runes,sigils,materials and see if some become wanted and more expensive and then sell. For possible Tengu race i have level 80 boost and empty character slot that i now use to key farm. I think 2021 spring or summer is when expansion is ready.

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Step 1: have a spare character slot or two for unique builds.Step 2: have a main ready for most general content of either condi or power build functions and keep cc in mind.Step 3: wait til expac is closer and do other content til you're sick of that content.Step 4: also savor up gold and karma to not get stopped in progress that way for things you want.Step 5: stock up on Amnoon casino coins/do the WvW Guild Warclaw skin track for the mastery exp items.

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@Frostfang.5109 said:..... for the next expansion?I know we know nothing about its content or when it will be released yet, but I have started to prepare for what I think and hope will come, and I guess I'm not the only one.

I have started to prepare for rolling a new character - hopefully a tengu!

with upcoming legendary gear update in mind, ill craft all legendary weapon types, so my new especs will have something to equip. If i dont have a legendary weapon for a class or espec, i am not playing it.

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@Frostfang.5109 said:

@Linken.6345 said:Play as normal, my 4k gold 3 guild banks full of stuff will be enough for what ever comes.

kitten, How did u get that much gold?

By wasting real currency (cash) on imaginary ones (gems). EZ.

Well, I need my real currency for real things till the expansion drops.

You don't need real money for 4k gold, just some spending discipline and enough play hours

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I would save up gold, karma, mystic coins and crafting materials slowly - You have plenty of time. I would play through story all the way on at least one character, And I would farm as many extra hero points as you can (on classes you like to play) to to give you a head start unlocking any new elite specializations that you might want.
(Hopefully there will be new elite specs in expansion 3) There will probably be a character slot offered with expansion 4. maybe for all purchases, or maybe just with one of the deluxe options. Once again, do this slowly, as a long term goal - the expansion is not coming soon. It certainly won't be released until after Season 5 is completed, and maybe not until after Season 6.

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