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Single players

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Why are you making it so hard for the single player you are making the upper bad guys not to be kill by even two players A single guy like me don't stand a chanceI level up and you take away from my weapon and armor and you up grade the bad guys stuff not cool. I have been trying this since you came out with this game and itand it just gets worse and worse do you not want my partition in this game or what????????

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I think he's upset that he can't kill champion mobs by himself. I also assume he's upset at having his appearance and weapon changed during the latest living saga update, and being forced to play "the bad guy".

These aren't sentiments I can agree with, but your milage may vary.

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@Dogue Man.4786 said:Why are you making it so hard for the single player you are making the upper bad guys not to be kill by even two players A single guy like me don't stand a chanceI level up and you take away from my weapon and armor and you up grade the bad guys stuff not cool. I have been trying this since you came out with this game and itand it just gets worse and worse do you not want my partition in this game or what????????

what are you talking about specifically? Group events? Champions? Elites? PvP? instance bosses? try playing a minion necro and you are good to go

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@Dogue Man.4786 said:Why are you making it so hard for the single player you are making the upper bad guys not to be kill by even two players A single guy like me don't stand a chanceI level up and you take away from my weapon and armor and you up grade the bad guys stuff not cool. I have been trying this since you came out with this game and itand it just gets worse and worse do you not want my partition in this game or what????????

Not really sure what are you saying. Did you use google translate or something?

In any case, most open world content is easily solvable. And the stuff that is not, it is easy to find people in the open world to help.

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And honestly all the open world content is soloable too, except for things clearly labeled as group content. Roll a tanky enough character and even champs are soloable.

But GW2 is a group game. I play with my spouse all the time, basically nothing we can't do as co-op. I give credit to Anet for that. Even obviously solo stories can be co-oped.

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@Dogue Man.4786 said:Why are you making it so hard for the single player you are making the upper bad guys not to be kill by even two players A single guy like me don't stand a chanceI level up and you take away from my weapon and armor and you up grade the bad guys stuff not cool. I have been trying this since you came out with this game and itand it just gets worse and worse do you not want my partition in this game or what????????

As a married player I would say that the game has become much easier. Especially when my wife runs a minion necro build.

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