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Why am I having multiple games facing multiple "Gods of Pvp" at barely 1500 rating?

And usually duos at that, when my team has neither a duo nor a highly rated player?

I'm assuming these high rated players are either queuing for an ego boost or selling wins and getting placed in lower brackets? It's really annoying having a game be 500-100 or less and knowing that no matter how good your rotation was you stand absolutely no chance of winning.

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The TL;DR reasoning of it is because player population.

No matter how good a matchmaking algorithm may be, the lower the population the lower its accuracy in creating "fair" games. If you are playing at off-hours, this gets even worse.

There is a significantly higher population of players in Gold I~III than in Plat I~III, therefore the algorithm has a harder time matching for that level than it does with say ~1200 rated players who are a dime a dozen.

If you are queuing at 2:00am in the morning the matchmaker can legit run into a situation where there are only 9 players in queue that are rated above platinum. So it's going to have to basically find a random gold player for one team to have to carry. Or the opposite can happen and it will make the super fun match of "1 plat II and 4 gold players vs 2 plat I and 3 gold players" GG.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:The TL;DR reasoning of it is because player population.

No matter how good a matchmaking algorithm may be, the lower the population the lower its accuracy in creating "fair" games. If you are playing at off-hours, this gets even worse.

There is a significantly higher population of players in Gold I~III than in Plat I~III, therefore the algorithm has a harder time matching for that level than it does with say ~1200 rated players who are a dime a dozen.

If you are queuing at 2:00am in the morning the matchmaker can legit run into a situation where there are only 9 players in queue that are rated above platinum. So it's going to have to basically find a random gold player for one team to have to carry. Or the opposite can happen and it will make the super fun match of "1 plat II and 4 gold players vs 2 plat I and 3 gold players" GG.

2am 9 plat players?considering queues go in waves with people playing toolucky if you even find this in the afternoon

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lol, yesterday when I was 1350 i got match with the current top 2 and 3, luckly they were on my team and I got carried

but I feel you, having your win chance solely based on what team your in is quite annoying

you have 2 options there

dodge wars, add them to your friendlist to check what map their in to q up

or wait a few hours to play

dodge wars can not even work to be honest, cuz you just might have another plat duo dodging the higher rated duo and your chances to beat 'em with randomic goldies aren't that high

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I'm an average player that hangs in p1 and i get matches like that most of the time. You either get carried, aka you don't learn anything to improve your skill from that match, or you lose without even have a chance of a win. I've stopped caring to improve just because of that, there's really no incentive into playing lots of games and trying to improve when you get imbalanced matches like that. Ofc sometimes you get fun matches but those numbers are so little. Recently I got matched vs sindrener and his duo q buddy, I love sind he's a good player and have nothing against him. But can someone explain me what I should learn from a match like that? It's like doing a 100mt dash beetween an average guy and Usain Bolt, wat is the point?

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@NecroSummonsMors.7816 said:I'm an average player that hangs in p1 and i get matches like that most of the time. You either get carried, aka you don't learn anything to improve your skill from that match, or you lose without even have a chance of a win. I've stopped caring to improve just because of that, there's really no incentive into playing lots of games and trying to improve when you get imbalanced matches like that. Ofc sometimes you get fun matches but those numbers are so little. Recently I got matched vs sindrener and his duo q buddy, I love sind he's a good player and have nothing against him. But can someone explain me what I should learn from a match like that? It's like doing a 100mt dash beetween an average guy and Usain Bolt, wat is the point?

Agreed. It's just not much fun. Maybe if they weren't frequently duo's but they usually are. 1 you have a chance, but 2 and you're likely s.o.l.

But I've also had plenty of matches with these top 10 people where they seemingly accomplished nothing all match as if they were intentionally throwing. Last I heard there were a lot of top players that had multiple accounts and they just funneled ratings to highest bidders. Could be a baseless rumor but it wouldn't surprise me.

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